Hillary's "helping downballot Dems" was a big scam. Shocker!

Bernie's Press Release: https://berniesanders.com/press-release/politico-exposes-clinton-campaig...

Remember all the Hillpeople always ripping Bernie for not helping the downballot Dems and bragging on Hillary's wonderful generosity and selflessness in helping the party faithful? SHOCKER -- like everything else Clinton, all bullshit and mirrors.

Press release, so putting here in entirety. Bolding mine:

Politico Exposes Clinton Campaign ‘Money-Laundering’ Scheme
MAY 2, 2016

BURLINGTON, Vt. – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, on Monday criticized a Hillary Clinton campaign fundraising scheme that state party leaders told Politico has been used as a self-serving “money-laundering” conduit.

Despite Clinton’s pledges to rebuild state parties, Politico found that less than 1 percent of the $61 million raised by the Victory Fund has stayed in the state parties’ coffers.

“Secretary Clinton is looting funds meant for the state parties to skirt fundraising limits on her presidential campaign,” Weaver said. “We think the Clinton campaign should let the state parties keep their fair share of the cash.”

Sanders’ and Clinton’s primary campaigns both raised about $26 million in April, but Politico documented how the Hillary Victory Fund, a supposedly joint fundraising committee, has been exploited to inflate her presidential primary campaign.

“Secretary Clinton has exploited the rules in ways that let her high-dollar donors like Alice Walton of Wal-Mart fame and the actor George Clooney and his super-rich Hollywood friends skirt legal limits on campaign contributions,” Weaver added. “If Secretary Clinton can’t raise the funds needed to run in a competitive primary without resorting to laundering, how will she compete against Donald Trump in a general election?”

The Sanders campaign first raised questions about the arrangement in an April 18 letter from Brad Deutsch, the attorney for Sanders’ campaign, to U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chair of the DNC.

“Hillary Clinton says that campaign finance reform is one of the most important issues facing our country but her campaign’s use of the Victory Fund to essentially launder money proves otherwise,” Weaver said. “You cannot exploit a broken campaign finance system one day and vow to get big money out of politics the next.”

Sanders last month raised money for three progressive Democratic candidates for the House of Representatives. Unlike the Hillary Victory Fund, every dollar went directly to helping the candidates. The senator has also raised significant sums for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Third verse, same as the first for Hillary.

Win this thing, Bernie.

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I just start laughing my head off

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With Hillary pulling out all the sleazy financing stops and Donald going self-financing and small donations.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

so Hellery's dirty lil sekret will stay a sekret.

And Clooney went on all the political sunday am talk shows, proclaiming his grotesque $350K/plate fund raiser was all about helping down ticket Dems, not so much Hellery. As Hellery knows, repeat a lie often enough and people start believing it.

Obvious question now is: What did the Coen Brothers know and when did they know it?

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

I hope they're not behind Hillary!

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

b/c Clooney is in so many Coen films.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

I was hoping you were!

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mjsmeme's picture

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PriceRip's picture

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Especially the way the NYT has been behaving lately. Krugman, ugh.

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Ravensword's picture

Home of the alt-right, where people gleefully throw around the word "cuckservative" around.

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Nothing personal, but I don't believe the news media is liberal for a single moment.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

trusts big media--
24% trust newspapers
21% trust television news

No numbers for radio.

These are 2015 numbers.


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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

PriceRip's picture

          Just trying to keep the record straight. As a scientist I know only the relative positions are meaningful under the BEST Of CIRCUMSTANCES. Just saying: At TOP the author of the article would have been labeled with RWNJ propaganda and this chart would suggest otherwise. So, whether the chart is full of shit or not it is not my chart.
          Nothing personal, but as far as I am concerned the MSM can go [Redacted]!

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Ajaradom's picture

"The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses." Malcom X

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mjsmeme's picture

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mjsmeme's picture

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riverlover's picture

Will the recent polling indicating Trump beating Hillary Clinton II be ignored, like that MN voters' poll, indicating little interest in those 2 candidates? But even the Clinton Shoo-in is in danger, with all that advance work. Unless they don't care if a majority of voters sit it out.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

I have fairly high confidence that Trump will defeat Hillary should they meet in the general. Hillary only gets worse, the longer she goes in an election.

Edit: Ugh, I always screw up when replying to the bottom comment!

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Bisbonian's picture

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Ravensword's picture

Hillary's use of the Citizens United and McCutcheon ruling to circumvent campaign finance rules against fellow Democrats, that is.

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MsGrin's picture

They are joined at the hip!

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Bobswern did one on TOP and was accused or trying to elect Trump.
Same old bs there.

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TOP Clintonites remind me of nothing so much as late-Bush era dead-enders, holding valiantly to their beliefs in the face of overwhelming countervailing evidence. The hostility and illogical thinking seem to only increase as Hillary's "mathematical certainty" of nomination increase. This phenomenon is an extreme version of confirmation bias, which is fundamentally a psychological defense mechanism.

The more they bluster and censor their little bubble, the more insecure and doubting they reveal themselves to be.

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Please help support caucus99percent!

PhilJD's picture

and pivoting to a GE footing by now, if stopping Trump and electing Clinton were truly their overarching priority.

It isn't though.

It's helpful really the way the Clintonistas have laid their cards on the table. They'll persist in trashing Bernie and his supporters until the bitter end because crushing incipient progressive insurrection for good and always is what matters most to them, far more than the tangential goal of electing Hillary Clinton. No doubt they'd like to elect her as well, but the more honest Clintonistas understand that the real threat to their ideology and their class comes from Bernie Sanders, far more than from Donald Trump.

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Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!

lotlizard's picture


Some Hillary surrogates are even talking about retribution for Bernie supporters. I saw the following blog by a supporter:

After yesterday the word—and the obvious thing—is to stand down. Mind you: The day will come when it will be time to gleefully and comprehensively trash people to be named later for Guevarista fantasies about what their policies are likely to do. The day will come when it will be time to gleefully and comprehensively trash people to be named later for advocating Cominternscale lying to voters about what our policies are like to do. And it will be important to do so then because overpromising leads to bad policy decisions, and overpromising is bad long-run politics as well. But that day is not now. That day will be mid-November.

Those who “fantasized” about Bernie’s “overpromising”, his “lying to voters”, are going to get trashed come November. As one who argued that Bernie was not “overpromising” I suppose I might be among the “named” in November. Great, I look forward to that!

It does give one pause, however. Are Hillary’s supporters fantasizing about bringing back the good old McCarthy era? When an accusation that one is too socialist—too close to revolutionaries like Che, or Castro, let alone a Lenin—could end one’s career?

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progdog's picture

That would be hillarious, he's untouchable in Oregon.

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prog - weirdo | dog - woof