(Hahahaha) Clinton Foundation Said to Be Breached by Russian Hackers

The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation was among the organizations breached by suspected Russian hackers in a dragnet of the U.S. political apparatus ahead of the November election, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The attacks on the foundation’s network, as well as those of the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, compound concerns about her digital security even as the FBI continues to investigate her use of a personal e-mail server while she was secretary of state.

Clinton Foundation officials said the organization hadn’t been notified of the breach and declined to comment further. The compromise of the foundation’s computers was first identified by government investigators as recently as last week, the people familiar with the matter said. Agents monitor servers used by hackers to communicate with their targets, giving them a back channel view of attacks, often even before the victims detect them.


The hackers in fact sought data from at least 4,000 individuals associated with U.S. politics -- party aides, advisers, lawyers and foundations -- for about seven months through mid-May, according to another person familiar with the investigations.



Well, I posted something from Guccifer today that shows Shillary lied about the "it's what they offered" line so that info is out there.

This could be one Hell of an election.

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for the money-laundering, pay-to-play operation it is.

Come on, FBI: Indict the Abuela!

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oligarchs are the pillar stones for fascism. As an elder in my family, I reject the KGB and the Putin "horse they rode in on".

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Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking

any emails the Russians have. If Obama can use hacking of Hillary's emails as a reason to go to war with Russia, Russians may demur, even though they may fear war more if Hill's elected. It does seem to me that both Obama & Hillary are working toward some inevitability of war with Russia.


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snoopydawg's picture

Russia before Hillary's emails were known to have been hacked.
One reason for the coup in Ukraine was to blame all the bloodshed on Putin. Government propaganda at work again and it worked. Look at how many people are blaming Putin and saying that he stole Crimea, when it was the people in Crimea that voted to go back to Russia.

NATO is now alleging that because Russian hackers had copied the emails on Hillary Clinton’s home computer, this action of someone in Russia taking advantage of her having privatized her U.S. State Department communications to her unsecured home computer and of such a Russian’s then snooping into the U.S. State Department business that was stored on it, might constitute a Russian attack against the United States of America, and would, if the U.S. President declares it to be a Russian invasion of the U.S., trigger NATO’s mutual-defense clause and so require all NATO nations to join with the U.S. government in going to war against Russia, if the U.S. government so decides.

So Obama is saying that it was or has only been Russia who has hacked the US servers? The US is not guilty of hacking other country's servers?
How about spying on them, including Merkel's phone?
Email hacking is a pretty weak reason for possible nuclear annihilation.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

When I see Bloomberg and NBC pushing the 'Russia Did It' theme I get suspicious. Hillary really wants an excuse to bomb Syria & Iran but we have to hate the Russians first, right? Or I am just totally out of trust.

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Shahryar's picture

check it out, from CNN


This article is all about the Russians and nothing about what's in there, other than some anti-Trump stuff.

That's the cover. It's all about how Lamont the Russians hacked Lieberman's the DNC's website server.

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terriertribe's picture

For helping to keep us informed on the tech front. Like many important things, these are often ignored or otherwise under-reported and misinterpreted in the press at large.

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Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.

jorogo's picture

Before anybody, either here or in our government (a.k.a. NATO) flies off the hook, as they may very well wish to do, is conflating these "Russian" hackers with the Russian government itself any more evidential than conflating the 9-11 attackers with Iraq or conflating Al-Qaeda with Saddam Hussein? Eric Zuesse's article carefully refers to the hackers as "someone in Russia" and I'd like to know if there's solid evidence of that someone acting on behalf of the Russian government.

On the issue of whether someone, such as Guccifer 2.0, has in their possession the communications of the Clinton Foundation, what I want to know is if anyone has started a Go Fund Me account to encourage the prompt release of that information. Forget about the Clintons' tax returns; this is the full disclosure we really need to see. We may be about to see someone who would like nothing better than to engage militarily with Russia elevated to Commander-in-Chief, and we need to know how deep into our own government the corruption and pay-to-play has already penetrated so we can get some better idea of how far it will go....and we need to know before November!

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"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh