Ha- Talking Points Memo Just Had An Epiphany
The coronation process hits another road block
WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump's best ally in winning over skeptical Republicans is turning out to be Hillary Clinton.
Having overcome a multimillion-dollar "Never Trump" campaign aimed at blocking him from the Republican nomination, he's now benefiting from a wave of GOP donors, party leaders, voters and conservative groups that are uniting under a new banner: "Never Hillary."
"Nothing unites Republicans better than a Clinton," says Scott Reed, a political strategist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce who has advised previous GOP campaigns. While Reed says there remain "many unknowns" about Trump, he adds that "the knowns about Hillary are very powerful motivators to Republicans."
Thanks to Republicans' deep disdain for the likely Democratic nominee, Trump is piling up those kinds of lukewarm GOP endorsements.
Told you so in 08 and then most of the Democratic leaning blogs knew that to be the case, they also wrote about why she was so disliked.
They put the blinkers on from day one this time around and virtually unanimously declared her inevitable. The Democtatic Party stood aside presuming a coronation. My Senator from the tiny State of Vermont stood up and said, hey not so fast, most hailed his campaign as an instant loser, then the blogs started to insult their readership.
Funny that the result is still not definitive considering the MSM and the "leftish" blogs constantly trying to undermine my Senator. I for one won't forget this, I have known him for years and he is an honest man, the same cannot in anyway be applied to his opponent.
It is not just the right that distrusts Hillary for various conspiracy laden reasons but independents and the left for reality based reasons know her to be untrustworthy often coupled with a pile of arrogance. This was her time, suck it up liberals and the DNC played a totally partisan part, never did they treat the candidates evenly from the very start. How dare anyone oppose the rightful nominee.
Bernie has lead a remarkable campaign [yes it made some errors] for such a long shot, it shows just how pissed off left leaning independents and the left really are with the Democratic Party. Bernie appealed to our hearts and minds and demonstrated the reality of a money flawed two party system. There is no going back now the tide has turned.
If not in 2016 then 2018, 2020,2022,2024 and beyond either the DP comes with us or it is left behind.
Go Bernie!
Baking cookies clip
I especially like how she turns her Southern drawl on and off. Phony...
Professional jealousy. Eom
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
neither are parties but are ideologies.
neocons are democratic refugees, from the termoil of the 60s, origionaly they hated both right wing and left wing despots, neocons helped to push out Pinochet, they are 100% true belivers in American exceptionalism, they couldn't care less about the debt or social services, but do belive in spreading the free market through bombs ie US corps should be the only people benefiting from resource extraction no matter where said resources are located. Neoliberal is a reference to the resurgence of clasical liberal economics thought ie lazy fair, Ron Paul is the most extreem neoliberal.
Solidarity forever
A number of things - I was working at the Pentagon when they
rolled into town.
1. They looked at it like Carter Redux (Hillbillies from Arkansas). Remember George Will's This is our town bullshit?
2. They came across as young, smug, and confident.
3. The fact that Sec. Clinton was a successful, professional woman (as opposed to the stereotypical, stay at home mom that the Republicans believe is the only place for a woman.). She completely invalidates their worldview. This is also why they went nuts when she told the press that she wasn't in Washington to bake cookies. Remember for a lot of years, she was the primary breadwinner in the family, since Arkansas doesn't pay their state employees shit.
4. The Clenis appropriated all of their policies - from my perspective, this is what drove them around the bend.
5. Then Sec. Clinton shit the bed on healthcare reform. She handled this very, very poorly. She was too arrogant to get the legislative stakeholders on board, and was much too secretive about what she was putting together.
6. The Clenis was young, handsome, and charismatic - something that could not be said of republicans. He was also a horndog - which could be said of republicans, the difference was they KNEW it, but went crazy trying to prove it. They eventually got him, but that was because of his stupid arrogance.
I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it."
John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873)
I think you mean whore dog!
And what a sexist. He used how many women for sex and threw them under the bus?
Hound dog?
It's what I have called him for all those years.
Sing it, Elvis!
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
My theory:
The Clintons stole the Republicans' donors by enacting the Republicans' programs. I remember them griping that Bill C was succeeding with THEIR ideas. I believe it made them crazy when he got money that was meant for them. Think about it. In what pre-Clinton universe did people like Goldman Sachs shower money on Democrats? Can you imagine Wall Street paying FDR millions for speeches? Can you imagine him TAKING it? How about Truman?
Twain Disciple
That's it! In order to maintain an oligarchy you must have the donors. Those who have the most corporate/bankster backing have the most power.
It's just a fight for the donors because the policies are not that much different.
The Rs hate the Clintons because
they are "poor white trash" who don't know their place. It's that simple - class based bigotry.
On to Biden since 1973
Divide and conquer
along with political by partisan complicity. It's a unbelievable kabuki show that makes it easier for both sides to implement their agenda which boils down to do you want a vagina probe from religious lunatics with your austerity and endless war? It's a circus show, a wreslin' match. They stir the culture war pot and catapult the fear and hate. It allows both sides to proceed with the destruction of democracy globally, our representational republic, and get on with setting the world on fire for power, money and dominion. It's a farce, a distraction and it needs to be stopped. The good news is lot's of people are no longer falling for it.
Well it seems republicans don't like the GOP much either
This might also explain the
This might also explain the odd, counter-intuitive argument made by Hillary supporters:
That she has been "vetted" so much in her career, the GOP has nothing left, and that Sanders i a weaker opponent of Trump because he's not as hated as Hillary.
Of course, the argument is nonsense.
She's been vetted so much...
...that any additional vetting during the primary is extremely damaging to her chances in the general election.
Which is it - have the constant attacks from the right made you well-prepared for a hard political fight, or are you hyper-vulnerable to the slightest hint of criticism?
Yes, they've been through her old scandals
but she just keeps creating new ones. She can't help herself.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future
Just saw Douglas Adams' appearance on Maher
and he was spot on. It's all about messaging. "Crooked Hillary" is a big winner - because it's true. She doesn't have a chance, never had a chance; all Trump has to do is heap on the contempt - because she is contemptible. Bernie could fight back, because no playground insult would stick. What could Trump try? Crazy Bernie? Commie Bernie? It doesn't work.
On to Biden since 1973
Vetting is for horses
who humans use to bet on to win money. Are Hillary's teeth good? Can she run fast and be a competitor in a race that goes nowhere except around a given track. WTF? Vetting is a symptom of the sickness our electoral system has become. Will she go around in circles? If she wins we humans lose. It is a race that has become devoid of meaning other then winning. Vetting a candidate to run a race that ends nowhere is an exercise in humankind's self destruction. This race to the top is a suckers bet. Who cares unless you buy into the fixed race to nowhere other then around the same old rigged track.
Same Ol'
I've been around long enough to be completely sick and tired of hearing "Suck it up liberals; maybe next time" from the democratic party. It's always the same damn thing. It's just this time all the total hate being spewed from the Clinton supporters with no real arguments to back it up. It's "She's going to win anyway, give up", not "Her position on this policy is this and that is why I support her". The Bernie supporters, in general, give actual reasons for that support. Sure there's some polling data about how he would do better against Drumpf, but mostly it's about policy. But let's face it: if he were to win an awful lot of people currently in power would be out on their ears as well as corporations no longer getting a free (more like paid for at our expense) ride. Anyway, I am so disgusted by the whole thing I'm seriously considering not voting. I would never vote for Drumpf, I'm not that stupid, but the actions of the democrats have done all they can to drive people like me away.
TPM Must have started reading