Greenland Ice Sheet Shatters Records with Early Melt

Well, we need Bernie Sanders now more than ever.

Greenland's ice sheet melt is off to an early and dramatic start as reported by Climate Central.

"Scientists at the [Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)] were at first incredulous due to the early date," reported Polar Portal.

Indeed, the melt season's early onset is so unusual that scientists at first thought a technical malfunction was to blame. "We had to check that our models were still working properly," said Peter Langen, a climate scientist at DMI, to Polar Portal.

The measurements were accurate, however, and the record-breaking early melt season in Greenland will have adverse effects around the world.

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ericinsantarosa's picture

So glad I saw this coming.And decided nut to have kids long ago.

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"If you're on fire, and running down the street, people will get out of your way." Davey- Cordovan Athabascan Native

ericinsantarosa's picture

So glad I saw this coming.And decided nut to have kids long ago.

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"If you're on fire, and running down the street, people will get out of your way." Davey- Cordovan Athabascan Native