Great minds think alike- Clinton's general election issues
Wow, I wrote a yuge diary yesterday about why Clinton would lose the general election (see below)
Guess what, someone else wrote a similar article about this same topic in today's Huffington Post. Great (and many) minds think alike- Please note I am not a great mind, just trying to apply some common sense to our potential fate.
Please note my diary has many more factors and provides some additional details. Moreover, mine is not as well written, but I truly believe in my heart and soul she will not be our next president.
Finally, please think about this topic and socialize it. We need to educate everyone about this potential problem.
By the way, I know Clinton and Trump are not the nominees yet, and crazier things could happen that is why we must work hard to mitigate these risks and be prepared of the final outcomes.

Yes, but keep an open mind about the probabilities and options
The probabilities are not good for Sen. Sanders to take the nomination under "normal" circumstances, let's be realistic. (I'd say the odds are under 25%, and that's being optimistic.)
But I've said this before - many/most don't like it - for the good of the nation, Sen. Sanders should (IMHO!) consider an independent run post-convention.
Yes, yes, he promised he would not do that, but as I said, he expected a Square Deal from the DNC and the media. I don't think any of us could have predicted 10 months ago how crooked the DNC would be, and how slavishly devoted to 24/7 Drumph coverage would be the MSM.
Roughly speaking, Sec. Clinton, Sen. Sanders, and The Drumph are getting 15% of the voters (assuming Rs and Ds each have 30% of the voters). Drumph perhaps somewhat less - he's averaging around 33%, the Sec. and Sen. are averaging around 50% between them.
Additionally, as we all know and love, the good Senator is wildly energizing the base - especially the kids.
I think he has a genuine chance to make this a real 3-way race, and take it. The cross-over vote potential is - wait for it - Yuuuuge! (I know this from personal experience talking to R's while canvassing in Nevada.)
And then there is the FBI probe. With the release of today's stories, there's a creepy radio-active glow showing over the FBI-black-out curtain, and Lynch's caution to the Whitehouse about downplaying the investigation was ominous - in a good way.
But Sen. Sanders doesn't need to decide now, and needs to keep hurtling toward the convention. But I think it behooves us supporters to be open minded about keeping the Revolution vitally alive post-convention, and by that I don't mean settling for less than President Bernie Sanders.
Cheers! (And btw, I LOVE tomatoes; send-em flying!)
The spirit of party serves to enfeeble the Public Administration,
agitates with Jealousies and false alarms, and opens the door to corruption,
which finds access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
George Washington
Anything can happen
I know many things can pop up and change the narrative and tone of the race. However, I am just trying to convene that if we go down this path it will be ugly.
News? What news?
Have ya got a link? Give a girl a hand here...will ya?
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First Nations News
Here's part of recent news.....I'll look some more
I'm having problems with linking, still trying to get the hang of this place. And I feel like things aren't working while on the phone. Anyway, hope this works and I'll be back in a minute.
Concerning lynch
I had to Google this one so it might not be what szae was referring to.