Good bye Juan Guaidó

As far as I know Juan Guaidó is still considered the 'interim' President of Venezuela by Washington. Do you know who doesn't consider Juan Guaidó Venezuela's president, politician, or anything else for that matter? Venezuela's political opposition party.

Three of the four main opposition parties that make up the so-called interim government voted Thursday to replace Guaidó with a leadership by committee.

Guaidó, fighting for his political future, has warned that such a move would be unconstitutional and open the door to recognizing Maduro’s “dictatorship.”

Unconstitutional is an interesting accusation for someone who claimed to be the president of Venezuela yet never even campaigned for the job.

But the former lawmakers — who were elected to the National Assembly in 2015 but saw their terms expire five years later and now operate as a symbolic shadow to Maduro’s rubber-stamping legislature — pressed ahead, approving the measure by a vote of 72 to 23. A second vote to ratify the decision was expected to take place in the coming days

“The process that we began in January of 2019 has weakened and is no longer perceived as a real option for change,” the group of opposition leaders said in a statement Wednesday.
In an opinion survey conducted in November by one of the nation’s leading universities, 57% of Venezuelans said the interim government should be dissolved and only 6% said they would vote for Guaidó in the event of primaries to see who would run against Maduro should he decide to seek a third term, as is widely expected.

So Guaidó has almost no support among the EU, the people of Venezuela, or even the politicians of Venezuela, but there's been no announcements from Washington yet.
At stake is billions of dollars in Venezuelan assets that the U.S. seized and gave it to Juan Guaidó and his associates, while the people of Venezuela went hungry. This is despite repeated corruption scandals, bankrupt companies, shady business dealings, and failed coup attempts.

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