Going for it

Yet another plea to ToP.


Live long and prosper...

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mouselander's picture

Personally, I really don't see that much difference between a Hillary Clinton Democrat - which encompasses virtually all of the frequent visitors to Daily Kos - and a Paul Ryan / Mitch McConnell Republican. The mainstream ideology of both parties embraces such policies as perpetual war, an insanely bloated military budget, complete subservience to the apartheid state of Israel, massive domestic spying, for profit health care, fossil fuel based energy policies, prison privatization... well, the list goes on. And on.

And on a more abstract level, mainstream Dems and Repubs both believe in the concept of meritocracy, which has been discussed at length on this site, and which was also a central theme of Tom Frank's recent book Listen Liberal. Their slavish devotion to the all-knowing, all-seeing market enables them to overlook or rationalize away all manner of injustice, unfairness, and unequal treatment. People in their brave new Ayn Randian world tend to "get what they deserve", in the words of Lawrence Summers. Even if you start out in life on third base, in Hillaryworld you still get equal credit for scoring a run.

So exactly what are you trying to accomplish by reaching out to such people? Hoping to get them to see the error of their ways? Also, anyone who spends much time on this website has to know that many of us refuse to go to the DK site for any reason, preferring not to torture our eyeballs, or to give any additional traffic to an entity that seems so openly scornful and contemptuous of our values and ideals. Knowing this (I presume), it would be nice if you would at least summarize your post instead of merely providing some bare-bones text and a link.

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inactive account

and couldn't agree more.

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skod's picture

The wrong site; didn't read. But thanks for playing.

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riverlover's picture

And it's been longer ago than that.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

They really have bleached the place of any dissent. They are all about blaming the voting public for not recognizing her greatness...Jesus Christ if the D party doesn't get a clue than I will be living in Trumpistan until I die.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

(Cat forbid!)

They really have bleached the place of any dissent. They are all about blaming the voting public for not recognizing her greatness...Jesus Christ if the D party doesn't get a clue than I will be living in Trumpistan until I die.

The state of affairs over at Daily Kos shows just how little a clue typical Dems have these days.

Harry S. Truman's dictum about elections between Democrats running like Republicans and genuine article Republicans (Americans will always elect the latter) remains as true today as when he first said it. And it will remain true forever.

Yet, when I just went over there to look at how EdMass' Diary was faring, the commenters were still pumping such rancid sewage sludge as "Always back your candidate, no matter what" into the blog. Such as this can't possibly come to terms with what the Dems would actually need to do in order to start winning elections again. To wit: the Dems would need to give the DLC, the Turd Way, the "Reagan Democrats", and all such foul ilk a swift, sharp boot in the gluteals to hurl them back into the GOP where they rightly belong. And once these are sent back into Hell, er, the GOP, the door needs to be welded shut behind them. Then, the Dems would need to place good old-fashioned New Dealers and good new-fangled Berners in complete charge.

Only in this way will the Dems ever be a workable political entity again. Fail to remove all of the Turd Way/DLC/Soros carcinoma, and the Dems will soon be joining the Whigs on the ash-heap of history.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides


Comments claim' Hillary won America' (I guess because L.A. and the Bay Area that granted the plurality speak for America), so the rest of the voters 'she lost' shouldn't really matter anyway, lost for the 'right reasons' so screw 'em...so goes the logic.

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It is, after all, not a monolith, but a collection of individuals, many of whom are greedy.

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elenacarlena's picture

tip up your supporters! Biggrin

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

For suggesting that Hillary ought to be standing up for a peaceful transfer of power instead of shriveling up and disappearing.

Unlike some here i don't like the riots. Gore was more worthy than Hillary. I expected riots from redstate. Not from our side.

Not going back. The establishment left has lost their fucking minds.

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elenacarlena's picture

I must have been flagged, but the tips hide those (thank you, tippers!).

Someone made a snide comment about c99. I think it's so funny. I love that they love to hate us.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

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I'm talking about the minds that emigrated away from there, not the mindless who stayed. I still read over there every once in a while, but those folks are not reasonable and do not display any sense that they can learn from their massive defeat. Heh, all the while assuming the mantle of "progressives".

Who thinks it's appropriate to command any community of American Democrats to shut up and stand down if they don't support the candidate selected especially for them by the establishment (republican lites)? in the middle of primary season? Well, Markos did think exactly that, he was as complicit as DWS in the selection of HRC. Wow. Command and Ban, that's the way to build the party! That crowd at TOP is still not willing to acknowledge HRC's many faults. Markos must've expected enormous rewards upon delivering the election to the Clintons.

At TOP they call themselves reality-based while petitioning to overturn electoral college results. Heh. I stopped signing those TOP petitions ages ago, but my in-box is still piled up with money grubbing demspam, so at a minimum, the silver lining is that Markos, at least, is still making money (if not headway) off the passions of the proletariat. 2010, 2014, 2016. After all that time and partisan blathering, it was the gotp and not the dems who gotv. The power of the internet indeed.

I told a work friend yesterday that I didn't vote HRC (didn't vote for Trump of course), and this friend shouted at me! blamed me for single handedly electing POTUS Trump, congress, and delivering the SCOTUS to the evildoers! The shouting lasted for a long time before I could break in to remind them that HRC took our state handily. Upon calming down, this friend lamented that the country decided to send a sexual predator to the WH, and I reminded them that the same complaint would be true had HRC won and Bill got another term. The friend bemoaned Trumpian policies and I reminded them of how POTUS Obama had not been able to deliver on many of his campaign promises, Trump probably won't be able to either. But Obama had tons of good reasons, it's not really his failure when the republicants were acting like such big meanies, right? As so many of the state houses and SOS offices fell to the gotp and they did their voter suppression thing ... at some point the democrats have to recognize that this represents the will of the majority. Why have the majority of Americans supported the cruel and evil gotp? Why has the majority consistently given the gotp so much power?

No, Obama left the Banksters to banksterize all they want (where are the charges against Wells Fargo for fraud and identity theft?). Obama left the 99 percent without justice, without hope-n-change, left many without their homes and without jobs that pay the bills. He "helped" HRC campaign as his third term (really representing the 8th term of the neoliberalism under Clinton-Bush-Obama), but where was OFA during her campaign? Where went those 6 million missing voters? Who in their right fucking mind campaigns by calling opposition supporters "deplorable"?

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I have mostly given up my will to engage, after many futile attempts.

No longer worth trying as they won't heed until the effects start to rattle their own world...if ever that day comes.

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IMO, though, the faster you move on, the better for you.


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