In God We Trust - All Others Pay Cash....
How corporate America invented ‘Christian America’ to fight the New Deal
The 2016 annual meeting for the Organization of American Historians (OAH) will feature a session focusing upon the provocative book One Nation Under God by Princeton history professor Keven M. Kruse. In One Nation Under God, Kruse argues that the idea of the United States as a Christian nation does not find its origins with the founding of the United States or the writing of the Constitution. Rather, the notion of America as specifically consecrated by God to be a beacon for liberty was the work of corporate and religious figures opposed to New Deal statism and interference with free enterprise. The political conflict found in this concept of Christian libertarianism was modified by President Dwight Eisenhower who advocated a more civic religion of “one nation under God” to which both liberals and conservatives might subscribe.
Kruse concludes that with the polarization of America in the 1960s over such issues such as school prayer and the war in Vietnam, politicians such as Richard Nixon abandoned the more inclusive civic religion of the Eisenhower era. Kruse writes that by the 1970s “the rhetoric of ‘one nation under God’ no longer brought Americans together; it only reminded them how divided they had become” (274). Arguing that public religion is a modern invention that has little to do with America’s origins, Kruse maintains that contemporary political discourse needs to better recognize the political ideology being perpetuated by the advocates of America as a Christian nation. Needless to say, Kruse’s arguments will antagonize many on the Christian right, as well as many on the left who have employed Christianity as the means through which to implement principles of equality and opportunity as extolled by Jesus of Nazareth, the working-class carpenter.
Knowing where the Theocratic movement came from won't help to stop it...but it may give us an understanding of how to fight it... it makes it even MORE imperative to get big money OUT of our politics.

thanks for the post
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
It was an excellent book
and well worth the read. A bit of an eye-opener in some ways - I didn't realize the impetus behind it all or how Eisenhower inadvertently opened the door to what we see today. His was probably a benign faithfulness combined with a naive belief that religion couldn't be bastardized just like everything else.
I wouldn't agree, though, with the idea that America as a "Christian nation" was new in the 1930s. Certainly many of our founders specifically rejected the idea, but it was a common theme for many of the colonists and other early immigrants. Jefferson was roundly condemned in some editorials as a heathen and a heretic. Him and James Madison are my heroes for their work codifying the concept in the Virginia constitution, which served as a blueprint for the US Constitution.
A great companion book to Kruse's is The Godless Constitution by Isaac Kramnick and R. Laurence Moore, about 200 pages and a really handy reference. One of the most interesting bits was on the Baptists - how and why they were adamant defenders of the church/state separation. That changed, of course, when Falwell's Moral Majority decided to jump into the political game, proving once again what an unholy alliance church and state will always be.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
It also played into the hands
It also played into the hands of the Cold War era Birchers who used the idea that claiming religion thinking they could trip up Russian spies thinking that they would not dare claim obeisance to "God" never realizing just how well trained such spies were to blend in and not get caught. The "under God" clause for the Pledge of Allegiance is only there since 1954, and was show horned in, again as part of the anti=-New Deal anti-communist forcing of some brand of Christianity upon all at the time, and it has been going on till now.
I for one do not wish to see a Theocracy take over this Nation, a Christianized version of Iran here would be not cool.
Money out of politics is also needed as we see the rot the corruption it brings. "End Citizens United" so that we can see the government start to shift over to what it should be, Public Service,,,,,,what we have now is careers made thru long seats of self serving pro-corporate types (both parties are guilty of this). There are a few rare exceptions (Sanders/Warren) to name a few.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Listened to a really song NPR segment about this
Sometime last summer maybe? Thought it was a really interesting argument. Rich landowners also paid pastors to start up race based slavery in North America, too. History repeats itself, the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. That's still a tragedy.
Clearly the colonists didn't want a government church...
While the colonists landing were communities centered around their church having escaped from religious persecution they resisted the idea of a government sponsored religion knowing that was what gave them freedom of religion or freedom from religion...
Here is an interesting bit of history from "The Constitution State" (Connecticut) about Thomas Hooker's founding of Hartford:
There you have it! Long before Thomas Jefferson and his letters with the Danbury Baptists also from nearby Danbury, Connecticut...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Bernie Sanders is TRULY a New Deal Man, whether Independent Socialist or Democratic Party member.
That, lovey, is why Oligarchs.. or as I calls 'em OILY Grinches, like the Clintons, fear him and will cheat and lie to get rid of him.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%