Friday Night Photos Antique Edition
Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.
I finally got out with the camera this week. Yesterday I went to the Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum in Vista, Ca. To call it a museum is generous. Most of the vehicles and industrial engines are sitting in fields outside unprotected from the elements. The few buildings that are there looked as antique as the equipment that they housed. There was a lot of farm and construction equipment from the 20's thru the 50's and industrial engines from the late 1800's to the mid 1900's. It was fun wandering around looking at all the old equipment. The only negative was a lack of information about the vehicles and engines. Other than that, it was worth the price of admission(free) to get a glimpse of our past.

Thanks for hosting SP
Not much truly antique around these parts, but a couple of shots from the last few months.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Hi, BR
With all the daily aches and pains, I'm starting to feel like an antique more and more every day.
Love the B&W of the subway (metro?) station. Good to see Fred make an appearance. Something sure has his attention.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Kennington Station on the Northern Line in London, late evening, about a month ago.
I think Fred was disturbed by a large vehicle going by. He doesn't like loud sounds.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Hi Bollox
Good to see you and Fred.
Fred always has such a charismatic presence. He’s looking quite distinguished here. I think he could have been a Hollywood Star. Give him a bow or a curtsey from me, I’m not sure if he's the hugging type.
I guess I’m a fan ; )
In my next life
I want to come back as an old tractor.
Love those old things.
Here are 2 old marine engines made by Palmer. (Cos Cob, CT)
A ZR 1 is big.The YT 1 in the foreground has a flywheel diameter if 11 inches. The YT 1 was one of Palmers smallest singles the ZR1 was one of the largest.(Marine 4 stroke single cylinder engines)
Thanks for the picture party!
question everything
This is even older
A Herreshoff steam engine #10
"crank up the old iron genny"
question everything
Hi, QMS.
Not sure what I want to come back as in my next life.
Are those engines used for propulsion or to power other equipment on the boat?
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
the big heavy flywheels were to carry the crank over to the next fire
not as necessary with the steam machines
question everything
Just yesterday
I heard a quote by Henry Ford ...
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
Maybe you're already
"an old tractor" ; ).
Around here we have the annual Steam and Gas Show
where everybody who has one - and a surprising number of local people do - trots out their steam tractors, vintage gas tractors, and other turn of the 20th century contraptions to show off how well they have been maintained and restored.The event takes up a whole weekend and all the available space at the Clarke County Fairgrounds (Berryville, VA), and you never know exactly what will show up (although some things, like the on-site steam tractor powered sawmill, are standard).
You can find a variety of sample images by Web searching "steam show berryville va".
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Your vintage tractor show sounds like a fun way to spend a weekend and getting a chance to see all the old vehicles still running. I was surprised to see them used for tractor pull contests. I wonder if they had tractor pull contests 100 years ago when those tractors were new?
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Hi pixelators
Hi all, Hey SP! Hope it's all good out there!
GREAT stuff SP! Great photos, that kinda thing is way harder to shoot well than it might seem for something static. Nice to not have crowds around it. Seems like a cool place, but yeah, ya gotta have placards.
Hey BR neat pics! Love yer B & W work. Glad to hear about Fred, thought he saw a plump Robin or somesuch.
QMS, cool stuff. Did they ever use hit and miss engines on boats?
I gotta fly, a severe thundercell is 30 miles away moving straight at us at 30 mph so have to unplug everything real quickly here. They say hail, 70 mph winds, should be a blast!
Nothing old handy but myself... a couple birds coming into birdbath this week...
A first-spring male American Redstart at our birdbath this week.

A female Lazuli Bunting came in as well, this in the adjacent brush-pile (for cover).

Have good ones all, I'm counting on you! If it's real good, have one for me!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Hi, dystopian
Both those birds can be found in San Diego county though I've yet to see either one so thanks for letting us see them.
Stay safe from the storm.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Hi dystopian
Where's the red in the redstart, or the blue for that matter in the lazuli ; )
Be safe through the blast.
@janis b Hi Janis, good
Sorry had to go last night... we got a couple inches of precip, tons of lightning, some close strikes, raining again now and supposed to for a couple days more.
In the old days the scientists were male and misogynist as can be in general. This is reflected in very well in bird names. They are named after adult males. Where is the Red wing on a female Red-winged Blackbird? How about the long tail on a female Long-tailed Duck. Which used to be called Oldsquaw, which is what I know it as, but so was a rare example of a bird being named after the female, and which was allowed apparently because it was derogatory. Now it is Long-tailed Duck. Which I would never describe the female as.
The male Lazuli Bunting is the most beautiful Azure, Cerulean, or ahem, Lazuli. There is the slightest trace of blue edging on the wing and tail flight feathers of the female. Males take two years to get full color in many songbirds, for American Redstarts those yellow areas will be replaced by flaming orange fire, and the rest jet black, what an awesome bird. They flash their wings and tail as they forage about (the start), believed to startle and flush insects, which they then snag with a sally.
In S.D. Co., like all coastal socal, Am. Redstart is mostly a scarce but regular fall vagrant. A few occur in spring, but it is much rarer then. A few winter annually in socal, mostly along the coast. But it is considered an 'eastern warbler', and is a vagrant. Might be one nesting record in the state in far far NE corner of state.
The Lazuli Bunting I think breeds there in S.D. Co. so should be findable. is a fairly common spring and less so in fall migrant. Mostly in foothill type habitats with scattered brush and fields. Often just outside, upland of, riparian zones where Blue Grosbeaks are. A male in the sun is stunning, there is no bird with that color of blue in America. Worth seeing, would recommend, five stars.
edit - buffed and polished wee bits
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Hi dystopian
Was the precip snow or rain? How usual or unusual is lightning in your parts?
Maybe some names like ‘oldsquaw’ should be censored, is a question I asked myself. If its origins are derogatory and from solely the perspective of white males, then I think, yes. Next I thought about how different and more simply descriptive the name would sound when spoken by native american indians originally, and that left a very different impression. I find it a good example to reflect on when considering the act of censorship.
Is there a significant female bird watcher and recorder from the past?
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and observations. They are aways informative and inspiring.
Hi Social
American Antique, I enjoyed the photo with the big green wheels. What is the purpose of the bus-like tractor with ‘flat’ tires? Is it for grading roads, or what?
Loved the music, and thanks for posting your photo explorations and hosting.
A random shot…
Have a good weekend all.
Hi, Janis
The bus-like tractor with the flat tires is a 1940's era Tucker Sno-Cat. They're built for use in heavy snow conditions. They're still made today, although they do look more modern these days.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Thanks for the clarification Social
Of course, it makes sense, especially with the chains. It's been a long time since I lived in the snow.
Checking in. I really like your photos
of the "old" technology, Sp. And that photo of Sam with the pinkish orange reflecting off his ear is really cool, BR.
Man, our weather has been the usual weird here. Every part of FL except us in a small area in the east central part of the state has gotten rain, floods, hail, tornadoes, you name it. Us? Just sprinkles. At least, the wildfires are few and far between. I sure hope Nature is NOT saving us a big wet surprise like a cat 6 hurricane to make up for it. 
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Good morning, orlbucfan
It was a fun morning walking around and seeing all the old technology. Some of it even still runs.
Good to hear mother nature has spared your area. I think spring has finally arrived here. We've gone a whole week without rain and nothing but sun and warm temps in the 7 day forecast.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.