This F$#king Election Ends Tomorrow, But Our F#$king Nightmare is About to Begin
The worst election in my lifetime, arguably the worst, most corrupt election in US history will end tomorrow, Tuesday, November 8th, and one of the two most despised candidates in our history will be installed as President. But our fucking national nightmare will continue because the status quo, our Billionaire Class, the Powers That Be have rigged this election to make it a sham, an exercise in deceit that has brought us the mere facade of a democracy that will change nothing for most Americans.
So what do we do? Give up? Give in? Crawl into a hole and die? Distract ourselves until the Plutocrats have extracted every last dime you own along with your soul? No. We need to resist these facile, lying corrupt politicians, and oppose them at every turn, as the good people opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline, the Water Protectors, are doing. Just as people all across the globe are protesting the actions of their leaders, leaders in name only because they long ago lost the consent of the governed.
So tomorrow this fucking election ends, and someone, likely Hillary Clinton, will be selected as our next President to continue to carry out the Money Power's agenda. Well, what are you going to do about it? Because if you don't stand up to that agenda and resist it, our nation and the world are truly lost.
For more of my thoughts on what we need to do after this fucking election ends, please watch my video at Steven D Talks:

If Hillary is elected she should give Trump a medal
for services rendered
There will be pain
The beatings will continue. But I don't even think they care if moral improves.
The situation drives home the necessity of a community like C99 for me.
We know it will be bad for the foreseeable future. What we can and must do is support each other, connect like minded folk and be the best progressives we can be.
I recently added a sig line for posts here. It's from this essay:
Umair is way more a pessimist than I am. But, he is always thought provoking.
I want a Pony!
Her first hundred days
TPP passes, look for others in the pipeline
the "Grand Bargain" is passed
We establish a "no fly zone" over Syria
Iran is put on nuke alert
she puts another Scalia onto the SC
Keystone is named Kochline and OKed
the "foundation" is opened to all donations.
But she is impeached and Kaine pardons her.
Man are we screwed.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I might even put up with all of that if we can get her out
before she starts a war with Russia or some other country that has the capability of actually reaching the US.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
And all this from the most qualified ever
my ASS.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Political nightmares ahead are truly life-threatening...
Today's investment tip: bet the ranch on catfood futures (I hope everyone reading this sentence will make a point of reading Nasser's piece in its entirety; it is very powerful--see link immediately below)...
The Coming Plague of Poverty Among the Elderly: Clinton's Plan For Gutting Social Security
by Alan Nasser
November 4, 2016
The truth about tomorrow...
Forget Fear and Loathing. The US Election Inspires Projectile Vomiting
Barbara Ehrenreich
The Guardian
Sunday, November 06, 2016
Our very real, soon-to-be Soylent Green reality.
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Hey bobswern, ain't this some sh+t ? CBS had the following...
... on twitter .
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I've been told Erskine Bowles is actively working with...
...many folks that are virtual shoo-ins for senior Clinton advisory and cabinet posts. And, Nasser's article (linked and excerpted in my first comment in this thread) pretty much confirms this, too. So, referring to the media message to which you link in your comment, I'd have to agree that "sh+t" is the most appropriate word to describe the virtual commercial to which you link in your comment. Pure, unadulterated campaign bullshit media, in fact.
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Agree, and what's strange to me it was tweeted by CBS...
... Maybe all here are not surprised.
We don't watch TV news so was surprised to see network tweeting what looks like a campaign vid.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
It won't be her fault.
These are the things SHE wants to do. The cuts in Social Security and Medicare will be caused by Republican intransigence. Republican intransigence will be enabled by Democrats, mostly Bernie Bros, not turning out strongly enough down ticket to deliver a Democratic majority in at least one chamber of congress.
And worse than all that will be listening to how much she feels our pain and the encouragement for us to do better in the next election.
I have read the SS article.
Since I am now 72 years old, I probably wouldn't be affected too much. BUT . . . if I were not living with family, I'd be out on the street. SS is already not enough.
So they raise the retirement age? What about people who are "downsized" at age 50-something and can't get a new job because they're too old? Beg on the street corners until they age into SS coverage?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I know some folks on SS
Who are looking at their grown children not far from SS, and who say that they would do anything to protect their children and grandchildren. I worry that SS could be the flash point for political violence in the U.S..
Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose -- Kris Kristofferson
When you ain't got nothing you got nothing to lose -- Bob Dylan
The establishment was always afraid of music not under its control. Rightly so.
It probably will be, because, however weird this sounds
to most Americans, Social Security is a sacred contract.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
most people don't realize obama already put it on the table
trying for his 'grand bargain' bs
Yep, he offered it up to John Boehner
He also killed the Public Option early on in secret negotiations without letting anyone know about it. The White House also blocked re-importation of drugs from Canada even though he ran on that. And how about sequester coming out of the White House so he could shield Republicans from being responsible for it? People were actually paying attention to what was going on. Hence the wholesale decimation of the Blue Dog wing in the mid terms.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Maybe SS will be thing that
Maybe SS will be thing that finally allows ordinary Americans on the right and left to come together against the oligarchical powers that be.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
it is your fault says the >1%
I really dislike the people saying that those who clollect SS are at fault because they should save for retirement.
How the heck do Americans save enough for retirement on our country's crappy wages? Indeed the same crappy wages cuts the amount that you can receive from SS. I saved, but with the sky rocketing cost of living, every year I fall further behind.
With cuts in SS I will soon be one of those with nothing left to lose. I will chose to go out fighting and I will not be alone.
Don't you know?
There is no inflation in this wonderful Obama economy. We are at full employment too. However, in the last two years, pawnbrokers have come to our suburb for the first time and I have to avoid panhandlers when I go shopping. I'm starting to go to richer suburbs for groceries because of it. Two of my grandsons are unemployed, one of whom is hiding from debt collectors because of $110K in student debt and the third is working part-time at Wal-Mart dreaming of working full-time at Wal-Mart. But I should be happy because the Godlike Obama got him Medicaid.
Regarding SS, creditors have started balking at counting my SS income. They know it won't last.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
So much for holding her feet to the fire.
It didn't work with Obama, so why do people think it will work any better with Hillary?
I kept telling people on DK that she was going after SS and backed it up with the article from counterpunch
"How the Monica Lewinsky scandal saved SS and was accused of spreading right wing talking points.
Jesus, remember when people there were upset with Obama's Cat Food commission? If one democrat president was tinkering with SS, why wouldn't another one? Especially when Hillary has such a close relationship with the banks? What the hell did they think she was telling them?
And every damned wilileaks email backed us up.
I can't wait for the first diary about a petition to congress over there telling congress not to vote on gutting SS.
We tried to warn them!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Clinton will govern as a war and austerity president.
Clinton will start major wars, and then insist on austerity as we have no choice for the sake of the war effort. Seniors, tighten those belts with cuts to social security--people using food stamps, eat less.
What food stamps?
You can bet your bottom dollar that foods stamps, already criminally low, will be one of the first victums of austerity.
Got to save trillions for the DOD and MIC to lose.
More Mad Max meets
the Walking Dead, but yeah. I'm due for another serving of Soylent Green. The Blue tasted a little "off."
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
The revolution begins tomorrow
Our country will reach rock bottom. We will have either a complete takeover by the Oligarchs or chaotic backlash against the establishment. If H gets in then the GOP will be completely united as never before to make sure that Hill and Bill's adventure is a complete nightmare.
In any event we have a complete government crash. Our government as designed by the Founders is far too week to survive this. The critics will be finally proven right.
Out of this chaos something will evolve. It has to embody the preconceptions of who we are as a country, even if we never had really lived up to that. But we really want to include the concept of social justice, even if it is called something else.
Be prepared to protest, online and on the street. But let's have a clear idea of the basic goals of a revolution.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Our government as conceived by the Founders depended
on most in Congress being people with civic interest who could check the wolves, hence the checks and balances. Instead we have a Congress in which NO ONE represents the people including Bernie Sanders who is now on the Hillary team, going to colleges and urging students to vote for her like a Judas Goat.
I think I'm not going to bother going to vote later today. The damn voting machines are rigged anyhow.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
It seems a pretty hopeless situation. The only thing I can
think to do is promote independent media and hopefully the corruption will be exposed enough that enough people will get fed up and a real political revolution will take place. I keep reminding myself that Syriza, the radical left wing party now in power in Greece, was only formed a dozen years ago in 2004 and was polling at about 4% as recently as 5 years ago. So change for the better can take place quickly. It's just so frustrating though that things have to get really, really, really bad before enough progressive forces coalesce to make the needed changes.
Killary for sure will be the next president because as Assange says the establishment wouldn't let Trump win, just like said establishment wouldn't let Bernie win. Going forward I will only vote for non-incumbents and non neoliberalcon Corporate Party candidates where I can and also support citizen initiatives that promote progressive change. Let's hope that the third parties will garner the 5% tomorrow that will get them federal funding the next cycle and Killary doesn't get us all killed in the meantime.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
"The only thing
I can think to do is promote independent media... " Even more than that we need to expand it. The revolution may not be televised but we do need to broadcast it.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
"elect her, then push"
I think that's the gist of what Bernie Sanders, a former candidate, said.
So as soon as she wins, which she probably will, we start in. We don't wait for her to appoint banksters. We let her know that if she does appoint them (which she probably will) she'll be getting the criticism she deserves.
And we figure out, starting now, our strategy for 2020.
I had to chuckle. It worked so WELL with Obama.
The Transparent President of Hopey-Changey World.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Yup. Push her into doing what's right. How quaint.
Killary will do whatever her corporate masters want her to do. Fool me once (Obama), shame on you. Fool me twice? Not gonna happen.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020, it won't work, of course
anything we say won't have any effect on Hillary.
My thought on "pushing" from the get-go is to influence people starting while it's still 2016, showing that Hillary lied about endorsing the platform (weak as it is) and that the Dems need to replace her in 2020.
We can't wait until 2019 to get involved in the next election.
And if we go 3rd party (I will!) then we've made it clear from the beginning that we tried and that we reject the lying new President.
2018 even. We need
a C99 map or list of where we all live. No need to be specific beyond congressional district. The map or list will give us info to form geographic groups for those that wish to participate "locally (within 250 miles)" in peaceful demonstrations, etc., with other C99ers.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Yes, start now. Clinton out with USA Today op ed
trying to rally the troops New Deal sounding plans....
Hillary Clinton 1:11 p.m. EST November 7, 2016
Heh. FWIW I found this during a Twitter search.
Whoa, lookee here, Clinton's a Populist? Infrastructure and jobs. I'll drink to that. She wrote that. But what will she do? What will Congress allow? We could get behind that if it's not a ruse like much of what we have seen from her camp.
Some of it is useless distraction ie the constitutional amendment.
Well hell, Hill, why do I have my doubt about your sincerity on these?
Yep, for sure, we should start in on them but we HAVE to try something different than all we used trying to influence Obama.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Editorial is her public position, public persona.
Her private position was clearly articulated by Wikileaks.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
They didn't go back to their desks
The people who killed JFK didn't go back to their desks on the Monday he was killed.
They have been in control of the political process since then. What we are seeing is the result.
The Unspeakable
On another website's article about the murder of JFK someone stated that we should no longer concern ourselves about JFK.
It was all in the past, the culprits mostly dead. Many of the culprits may be dead, but their legacy lives on and on.
You folks seem to think that Hillary will win. I'm not so sure.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I think at this point, Trump might win with honest paper ballots
cast and counted the old-fashioned way.
But in many places in the country, we no longer have an honest, paper ballot-based process.
wingnuts hate Trump as much as we hate Hills
a rightwinger in the college football chat group I'm in reports that on a 30 mile drive through redneck land he saw a total of 4 Trump signs. That's very similar to what it's like here in liberal Portland, where if you look hard enough you might find 4 Hillary signs. Both Hills and Trump signs are rare throughout the whole country. Enthusiasm is low on both sides...for the candidates. All that will bring out voters is fear of "the other"....or a chance to vote for Jill Stein or that other guy, the Republican dude, Johnson.
It's election morning now.
And most voters have never heard of Jill Stein or the Green Party. Maybe 10% are aware of Gary Johnson, but television NEVER mentions Stein.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Thanks for this powerful video
Im gonna take big deep breaths of pure clean air, keep working outside putting berry plants in the ground ahead of the first hard frost, marvel at the amazing blue of the lake, think about Thanksgiving (I hate turkey. Cant we have tamales instead?), and then look close to home. I dumped the Democratic party, the more corrupt party turns out. Who knew? I will slowly look around at my Trumpian neighbors and find our common ground. As the sign down the street says: "Everybody sucks. We're screwed 2016"
Get to know your neighbors.
Get to know your allies from online, in person.
Find ways, build ways, for us to retreat and re-energize and heal ourselves, as opposed to dragging ourselves along like the Terminator even when we only have one arm and a head, like we usually do.
Create temporary autonomous zones. Create semi-permanent autonomous zones.
Work on resilience/independence at every level.
Come together. Come together to work, come together to play, come together to cry, come together to pray.
Come together to eat.
If this sounds all too sweet or woo-woo, lacking political muscle or ignoring all the Important Issues of the Day, look at how well we've been doing without these tactics (we've been getting killed).
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
This is a great point CStS. Solidarity groups locally/nationally
I don't have time to expand on this now because I'm just about out the door. It's a topic that interests me greatly.
I think this is in essence is what should and probably will happen. When people are truly faced with dire circumstances (i.e. the realization that the mask of democracy has been ripped off to reveal a naked and brutal grab of power by the oligarchs to install their paid puppet) some of the artificial walls separating the 99% will come down.
After Occupy we formed a local group here and the amount of people who responded was incredible. Five years later the amount of people, activists veteran, nascent and blossoming, who can look toward each other with bonds of solidarity forged by trust, intimacy and sharing is a very encouraging development for me and I believe for all involved.
I agree, we should be looking to do something regularly with the folks at c99. The amount of wonderful, warm, compassionate, righteous and radical folks here gives me a lot of faith. In person meeting solidifies the bonds we already have in a more tangible way.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Exactly. We suggested one
in Valdosta, GA. It was chosen becuz, for the most part, it's a 31/2 hr. drive (or less) from many points from Tampa, Atlanta, Savannah, Columbu, Titusville, Pensacola, Augusta... most of northern FL, GA.
Rockingham, NC, Chambersburg, PA and Stockbridge, MA serve as similar cities to cover virtually the entire east coast except southern FL.
yeah, I've been "prepping" for awhile. We knew how this was going to end.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
What you're describing is called "cohousing" by some if you add some space treated as commons, share tools, combine skills.
Am I the only lefty in the country who thinks Trump will win?
I've been in touch with a few official Republican sites regarding news/rumors of Hillary cheating at various locations. We don't have the manpower to watch these poll. I hope that the Republicans do.
Anyway, they told me that if they can get 30% of the NYC vote, they'll take NY. I live in PA and I tell you, he might take this state, too. Florida is too close to call, in my not so humble opinion. Hillary never had a chance in Texas. Even if she has a lock on CA [which I doubt], it won't be enough.
I'm betting a wooden nickel on The Donald. And his VP, who leaves cloven footprints behind him.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I don't know that he WILL win
but I think he CAN win.
I'll throw this out here, posted a couple of hours ago by Emma at TYT Politics
I posted a longish rant about this yesterday.
I managed (by being a bit generous to Trump) to come up with 270 Clinton 268 Trump. I was looking at PA as a possible flip (though a bit of a long shot IMO) beyond that which would put Trump over the top. Emma is saying in the video above that Michigan is a possible flip to Trump. Either one is big enough to give Trump a state to burn like Nevada or Colorado.
There is also the elector in Washington that says he will absolutely not vote for Clinton. In the above (unlikely) scenario it would be 269/268 and wouldn't that be fun?
Sure, Clinton and the DNC will be cheating. Republicans will be cheating too. They may not like Trump, but they're fine with Pence and he'll be doing the real Presidentin'.
So maybe. Probably not. But maybe.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I wonder under what kind of drugs she is
her eyes have consistantly dilated pupils. That doesn't mean she sees more ...
You're not the only Lefty
Allan Lichtman, the historian who has a system that always gets it right, is a lefty, too. And he just switched his prediction to Trump.
I was always struck by the determination of his supporters. They seem much less political than the Tea Party, but they blew right through Trump's 16 competitors, pushing him to the top. In the end, he collected just about the same number of primary votes as Hillary did, despite all his competition. Trump's supporters don't talk about his policies; they are supporting him because he is an Outsider. More so, everyday.
I find it significant that Americans all suddenly decided to conceal who they were voting for. No bumper stickers, no lawn signs, no telling. And it is pretty unprecedented that a faction of the Republican Party, the Neocons, would abandon the GOP and cling to Hillary as their Feminist-in-Chief.
The Left here were once absolutely convinced that Hillary could not beat Trump in the general election. Did they really believe that? Or was that attitude all about Bernie?
I sense a lot of blowback because of the utterly insane smear campaign against against Trump. I suppose his election could backfire on the Democrats. Nate is certainly hedging.
It all depends.
Are we talking about an actual election where the votes are counted accurately? In that case, of course, Hillary can't beat Trump.
However, I agree with Assange that Trump will not be allowed to win.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
We're talking about an election with hundreds
…of foreign observers standing with US observers, to watch for irregularities and verify the outcome.
Never before in the US has a future election fallen under such suspicion. This has made everyone vigilant.
Most important, exit polling will be intense. This is the mechanism used throughout the world to determine whether or not an election is credible. The exit polls better match the counts, because the scrutiny is overwhelming and trigger-happy.
(This is probably the last US election with exit polls. I'm certain they will be outlawed, going forward.)
All that being said, this is a very corrupt democracy. And if they can find a way to cheat the vote, they will cheat the vote. And like you, I realize that Assange is right. The Neoliberal/Cons have become bold and outrageous. They know they have nothing to fear from the American People. The militarized Storm Troopers are now in place in every burg in the the nation.
Some have not given up...
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
may the despots fear the observers
may the observers be empowered and sincere
I'm actually a little worried for my fellow citizens on the right; it's a greater than 0% chance that if they respond to cheating with force of arms, bad things will happen not only to them but to those like them who didn't take up arms. It's also a greater than 0% chance of false flags.
It'd difficult NOT to be a conspiracy theorist at a time of so much outrageous corruption!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
"Hundreds of observers"
Can't see Microsoft's proprietary voting software.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
That's the entire point of exit polls.
If exit polls show a strategic mismatch with the live vote count, the UN and other important international guardians of democracies cannot certify the declared winner and the election must be held again. Austria had to hold it's presidential election twice last year. The Crimea vote for reunification with Russia has been been recertified more than half a dozen times in the years since their referendum vote. Each time, Crimeans polled over 90 percent confirming their desire to be reunited with their Russian homeland.
Don't worry. They got this.
A poll is not a secret ballot
How many people are willing to admit publicly that they vote for Trump? As far as Crimea goes, how many people remember the Soviet days? Not saying "Russia" when Russia is in control could be a one way trip to the gulag. There's a reason for secret ballots, so that voters are not subject to fear or pressure.
The hanging chads were an aberration. There was no reason to not require machine printed human readable ballots that can be recounted. No more "was the X outside the box?". You select your choices on the touch screen (most people seem to prefer this, I prefer not to touch a screen that 400 unknown people have been sticking their fingers on) and at the end the machine prints a ballot. The voter checks it and requests a redo if the ballot is wrong. The authenticated ballot is sent through a reader like is used now for the "connect the line" ballot style. Since the ballots are machine printed and uniform, the scanner should have no trouble reading it. Then the ballots are preserved in the old way for possible human recount.
That's a secure voting system.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
This electicion
is just insane. Voted today took my hand filled out paper ballot to the library as Oregon has mail in balloting but also provides drop off places. I do not trust the official polling places where you can drop off your ballot so we used our library branch which is an official ballot drop off. As much as I piss and moan about corruption I'm lucky (relatively) as I live in a state which while thoroughly Democratic and breathtaking corrupt seems to respect the electoral voting process. Even still we here in Oregon have been inundated with fear and loathing via every establishment mainstream media outlet on and off line.
Friends and neighbors and family are telling me that unless I vote for Hillary by Tuesday we will wake up to a Mad Max scenario on Wednesday . Yikes! Yeah right. No RW Trump thugs at the library when I dropped my ballot off. We need some global observers to do what? Tell us that all is well and we should not surcome to the insane fear that this is not a real election? Well hell it's not. Observe the polls all you want world but the voting process is not the problem. The problem occured long before the farce of an election. It's Chinatown writ globally and all our vote does is ratify the agenda of the psycho's who 'rule the world'.
What will make me really depressed
is if the stock prices for fossil fuel, MIC, pharmaceutical, medical insurance, financial and media corporations start climbing rapidly the day after the election.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Stocks went up a lot today
What does that tell you?
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Right after the Comey head fake gave her a bounce.
Wall Street banks are drooling!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
No need to wait for Wednesday
Stock market rose on the news that Comey came up null again.
Gee, who wants HRC?
Yeah "fossil fuel, MIC, pharmaceutical, medical insurance, financial and media corporations"
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
We Learned a Lot From the Election
At least I did. I assumed a great deal about the voices on the Left. With regard to many, I was wrong. I let my hope cloud my judgement. I still believe in the message, just not so many messengers.
I agree with you that the aftermath will be a nightmare. I'm just not sure how quickly or when we will realize.
sucks to have no alternative but the choices you're given
i probably nullified my absentee ballot today. being forced to choose between candidates when you prefer to vote "none of the above" is no choice. in CA i was given the choice of two Democratic candidates for U.S. Senate. i didn't want either of them. the choices for U.S. district representative wasn't any better, a Democrat and a Republican. i didn't want either of them. the problem with leaving them blank is that it opens the opportunity for someone else to mark your ballot once it gets to the voter registrar's office. i don't trust leaving them blank so i just crossed out the names of the candidates and wrote "no vote".
there reeeeally needs to be an option to check a box for "none of the above" so you don't have to leave your ballot blank for some underhanded person counting votes to fill in instead of you.
Quite a few countries have a people's check on elections:
It's called a NOTA vote. It generally refers to "None of the above candidates" and can be interpreted as a "no confidence." vote.
In fact, the fall of the Soviet Union came about because of NOTA votes.
The US doesn't have Federal Election Laws, per se. They forgot to put them in the constitution. So, it's up to each state to add a NOTA provision. I believe Utah did this.
Shared Link
I cross-posted this to WotB.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me