Fiddling with delegate numbers at

If Bernie got 72% except in NJ & DC where he gets 47%, it would be 2029 delegates for Hillary, 2022 for Bernie.

The same scenario but Bernie gets 73% in California, he beats Hillary 2027 to 2024.

If Bernie got 73% he could lose NJ and DC by 12% each and just beat Hillary 2026 to 2025.

Knowing this, you surely understand why this is going to the convention. And surely you know why my Westchester for Bernie (NY) teams have been in NJ canvassing for the last 5 weeks, along with volunteers from south west Connecticut. Next weekend we do it again.

Our Latino outreach teams did voter reg in Spanish speaking communities until the deadline on May 17th, and have been knocking on doors since.

If you can spend the weekend of June 4th & 5th in NJ knocking on doors, free housing can be arranged.
If you live in CT, MA, NH, email me
If you live in eastern PA....... email me
If you live in Orange, Ulster or Rockland Counties, in NY, email me.

Binghamton for Bernie is sended down a minivan with 6 canvassers for NJ.

Get your asses into NJ, otherwise get on the Bernie dialers and call California.......

email me

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BSanders2016's picture

Kudos for the link and info.
It seems a lot of people think Bernie has no chance but as you showed, the math is still there!
We're in this thing until July 27th no matter what!

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