Evening Blues Preview 3-2-15
This evening's music features North Mississippi hill country bluesman Mississippi Fred McDowell.
Here are some stories from tonight's post:
Clapper Calls for Arming Ukrainian Forces: Who Would That Actually Empower?
It’s easy to forget that just two years ago, President Obama was determined to bomb Syria and remove the Assad regime, and U.S. establishment institutions were working to lay the groundwork for that campaign. NPR began dutifully publishing reports from anonymous U.S. officials that Syria had stockpiled large amounts of chemical weapons; the NYT was reporting that Obama was “increasing aid to the rebels and redoubling efforts to rally a coalition of like-minded countries to forcibly bring down” Assad; Secretary of State John Kerry pronounced that forced removal of Assad was “a matter of national security” and “a matter of the credibility of the United States of America.” ...
But that argument in D.C. was quickly converted from taboo into conventional wisdom the moment it was needed to justify U.S. involvement in Syria. The U.S. is now bombing Syria, of course, but rather than fighting against Assad, the Syrian dictator is (once again) America’s ally and partner. The rationale for the U.S. bombing campaign is the same one Assad long invoked: that those fighting against him are worse than he is because they are aligned with Al Qeada and ISIS (even though the U.S. funded and armed those factions for years and their closest allies in the region continue to do so).
A similar dynamic is at play in Russia and Ukraine. Yesterday, Obama’s top national security official, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, told a Senate Committee “that he supports arming Ukrainian forces against Russian-backed separatists,” as the Washington Post put it. The U.S. has already provided “non-lethal” aid to Ukrainian forces, and Obama has said he is now considering arming them. Who, exactly, would that empower?
Russian President Vladimir Putin has long said that the Ukrainian coup of last year, and the subsequent regime in Kiev, is driven by ultra-nationalists, fascists, and even neo-Nazi factions. The Russian TV outlet RT also frequently refers to “the active role far-right groups have played on the pro-government side in Ukraine since the violent coup of the last year.”
For that reason, anyone pointing out that arming the regime in Kiev would strengthen fascists and neo-Nazis is instantly accused of being a Putin propagandist: exactly like those arguing that the best anti-Assad fighters were al-Qaeda-affiliated were accused of being Assad propagandists (until that became the official position of the US Government). ... But just as was true in Syria: while some involved in the Ukrainian coup were ordinary Ukrainians fighting against a corrupt and oppressive regime, these claims about the fascist thugs leading the fight for the Kiev government are actually true.
Netanyahu a ‘danger’ to Israel, say 200 security veterans
In an unprecedented move, 200 veterans of the Israeli security services accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday of being a “danger” to Israel.
The new group, called Commanders for Israel’s Security, warned that Netanyahu was doing irreparable harm to the country’s relationship with Washington, just two days before he is due to address the US Congress. ...
With an Israeli election less than three weeks away, Netanyahu has already faced attacks from centrist political rivals and parts of the Israeli media over his clashes with the White House on Iran.
But it is the first time he has faced a large-scale backlash from members of Israel’s security establishment – and the statement of the 200 is likely to be more damaging to Netanyahu’s popular image as a strong leader on security matters.
The group comprises retired officers and those serving in the reserves, all of whom held a rank equivalent to general. Many are household names.
Yaron Ezrahi, a politics professor at Hebrew University and expert on Israeli-US relations, said there was no precedent for what he termed a “rebellion” by so many former senior officials.
“This is a very powerful and distinguished group of former commanders, who are extremely worried about where Netanyahu is taking Israel right now,” he said.
“It is clear they are speaking not only for themselves but also on behalf of many active commanders who are not allowed to speak their mind but share this group’s views.”
From the department of chutzpah:
Tamir Rice 'directly and proximately' responsible for own police shooting death, says city
Boy, 12, was shot dead by officers while holding a toy gun
The death of Tamir Rice was “directly and proximately” caused by the 12-year-old’s own actions, the city of Cleveland has argued in a defense document following a civil claim from the boy’s family. Rice was shot dead by a police officer last November.
When he was shot, Rice was holding a toy gun which police mistook for a real firearm. The incident sparked widespread criticism that officer Timothy Loehmann, who killed Rice, employed a drastic overuse of force.
The city of Cleveland’s defense, filed with the US district court on Friday, argues that both Rice and members of his family are to blame for any damages, injuries and losses arising from the incident. The argument lists 20 lines of defence, including that Rice did not “exercise due care to avoid injury” and that members of his family, including his mother and teenage sister, who have lodged the claim, sustained damages “caused by their own acts”.
Of interest:
Hat tip Azazello - a really good read:
The Reckless Lies of War Mongers
Chris Hedges - Tariq Ali: The Time Is Right for a Palace Revolution

Good article from Pilger.
Can't believe what they're saying about Tamir Rice. No wait, I guess I can.
That argument won't pass the giggle test in front of a jury
Yeah, it probably will
If you read sites like sf gate, ny times, la times,or others, most people think that blacks deserve to get shot. After Tamir was shot, people blamed his mom for letting him play in the park by himself.
And people said that the homeless guy shouldn't have grabbed the cop's gun. The guy was smothered by cops so how was able to get his hands on a gun?
Then there's the reliable saying" just do what the cops tell you to do and you won't get shot"
Look at how many grand juries recently have not indicted the cops. Especially the ones who killed Eric Garner
It will pass the giggle test because people are stupid and believe the cops
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Just scheduled a dairy
I didnt see the tag field, is that right?
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
we were getting ajax errors when filling out the tag field so tags have been disabled until we can work out the bug.
Ah... OK... thanks
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.