The Evening Blues - 4-7-22


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Bob Brozman

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features slide guitar player Bob Brozman. Enjoy!

Bob Brozman - Highway 49 Blues

"How is it possible to expect that mankind will take advice when they will not so much as take warning."

-- Jonathan Swift

News and Opinion

Noam Chomsky's DIRE WARNING On Ukraine War

Will the U.S. Send Reaper Drones Into the Ukraine Whirlwind?

Two retired U.S. Air Force generals who were deeply involved in the early development of the U.S. drone war program have suggested introducing the notorious MQ-9 Reaper, the most powerful U.S. killer drone, into the skies over Ukraine.

Such a move would open a new, even more dangerous phase in Ukraine’s war in which Reapers, and MQ-1 Gray Eagle drones, both widely used in Afghanistan, might be put at the service of the Ukrainian military to attack Russian forces in Ukraine and, quite possibly, to conduct assassination and bombardment inside Russia.

These drone operations, which would almost certainly be reliant on U.S. military personnel, could lead to a nuclear response from Russia if they are seen to further signal a determination by the United States to fragment Russia’s central government and turn Russia into a failed state like Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan. The United States and western Europe waged wars of choice in these countries, presumably because the countries had not subordinated their national interests to the national interests of the United States and Western Europe.

On March 16, 2022, retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General David Deptula, writing in Forbes, called for the introduction of the Reaper and Gray Eagle drones into the Ukraine war for “defensive operations” against Russian tanks and other military equipment.  He argued that these American drones can greatly expand on the success that smaller Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drones have had against Russian equipment:

“Ukrainians can be trained to operate these (U.S. drone) systems in a relatively short period of time, thus avoiding valid concerns regarding U.S. personnel directly engaging Russian forces. Given U.S. use of this equipment over the past 20 years, they are rapidly available in high numbers, as is all the supporting infrastructure. The MQ-1 can be operated from a ruggedized laptop computer instead of a traditional ground control station thus simplifying basing logistics, and it takes-off and lands automatically reducing the need for highly skilled pilots.”

General Deptula’s advocacy for introducing Reaper and Grey Eagle drones into the Ukraine war might be dismissed because he is currently Dean of the Mitchell Institute of Aerospace Power Studies, which is, as noted with the Forbes column, supported by the maker of these drones, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc.  However, his Air Force experience in developing the U.S. drone war program was taken seriously enough by Defense Daily to ask the Pentagon for comment, which was not immediately received. ...

Although the general makes it seem that the use of the Reapers and Gray Eagles would be a strictly Ukrainian operation, realistically it appears that while Ukrainians might symbolically be present, or be trained in U.S. drone control centers, it is unlikely that they will actually control either type aircraft for months Training time for a U.S. Air Force drone pilot is a minimum of one year, and the U.S. Army, which operates the Grey Eagle, says that an unmanned aerial systems operator receives “more than 23 weeks” of training.

In addition, operation of both U.S. drone types requires substantial support contingents. In 2013, retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Martha McSally, who had experience with U.S. drone operations in Africa, and elsewhere, testified before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights:

“It actually takes about 200 individuals to keep one of these aircraft airborne for a 24-hour orbit. And, that 200 individuals includes the operators, the intelligence personnel, the maintenance personnel, the equipment people, the lawyers, and also as part of the process, you have literally hundreds of other personnel that are involved in the process on the military side when you’re actually conducting one of these operations.”

The Reaper drone control centers closest to Ukraine for the missions that General Deptula advocates would be at Campia Turzii Air Base in Romania and Miroslawiec Air Base in Poland. Clearly, this direct involvement in attacks against Russian forces would mean greater danger for these nations.

Matt Taibbi: Regime Change Doesn't Work, YOU MORONS

UN General Assembly suspends Russia from human rights body

Russia suspended from human rights council after UN general assembly vote

Russia has been suspended from the United Nations’ leading human rights body as its invasion of Ukraine continues to provoke revulsion and outrage around the world.

At a meeting of the UN general assembly on Thursday, 93 members voted in favour of the diplomatic rebuke while 24 were against and 58 abstained.

This met the required threshold of a two-thirds majority of the assembly members that vote yes or no, with abstentions not counting in the calculation. ...

Russia’s deputy ambassador, Gennady Kuzmin, urged members to vote against the resolution. “What we’re seeing today is an attempt by the United States to maintain its dominant position and total control,” he said. “We reject the untruthful allegations against us, based on staged events and widely circulated fakes.”

Kim Iversen: US Admits To Using PROPAGANDA To PSYCH Putin Out

Biden loves Russian oil

Ketanji Brown Jackson makes history as first Black woman confirmed to US supreme court

Ketanji Brown Jackson, a liberal appeals court judge, was confirmed to the supreme court on Thursday, overcoming a rancorous Senate approval process and earning bipartisan approval to become the first Black woman to serve as a justice on the high court in its more than 200-year history.

After weeks of private meetings and days of public testimony, marked by intense sparring over judicial philosophy and personal reflections on race in America, Jackson earned narrow – but notable – bipartisan support to become the 116th justice of the supreme court. The vote was 53 to 47, with all Democrats in favor. They were joined by three moderate Republicans, senators Mitt Romney of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine, who defied deep opposition within their party to support Joe Biden’s nominee. Their support was a welcome result for the White House, which had been intent on securing a bipartisan confirmation.

Jackson, who currently serves on the US court of appeals for the DC circuit, will replace Stephen Breyer, 83, the most senior member of the court’s liberal bloc. Breyer, for whom Jackson clerked early in her legal career, said he intends to retire from the court this summer.

At 51, Jackson is young enough to serve on the court for decades. Her ascension, however, will do little to tilt the ideological balance of the high court, dominated by a 6-3 conservative majority.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott plans to bus migrants to Washington, D.C.

Responding to the recent announcement that the Biden administration will lift a pandemic-era immigration policy that allows authorities to turn away migrants, Gov. Greg Abbott promised drastic, "unprecedented" action to curb what is expected to be a significant influx of migrants coming to Texas.

At a press conference on Wednesday, Abbott unveiled a stunning plan that sent a shockwave through the immigration rights community: Texas would place state troopers in riot gear to meet migrants at the border and bus them straight to the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., where he said the Biden administration "will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border." ...

The governor's office clarified that the program is completely voluntary for migrants and would happen only after they had been processed and released by the Department of Homeland Security. And in addition to buses, Abbott also ordered the state to charter flights to transport migrants to the nation's capital. The migrants would have to show documentation that they had already been processed by DHS. Many immigration advocates have noted that providing transportation services for asylum-seekers to reach their final destination is something the state should invest in.


Making a Killing: Big Oil Reaps Record Profits Using Ukraine War as Pretext to Hike Gas Prices

the evening greens

Bill McKibben: Latest IPCC Climate Report Underscores “Fossil Fuel Is at the Root of Our Problems”

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Dems Who Campaigned On LOYALTY To Biden Now Undermining His Major Foreign Policy Fight: Ryan Grim

Pelosi TESTS POSITIVE For Covid, Virus Spreads Through ELITE DC Circles

How BLM FLEECED Donors, Sold Out To Corporations

In Jab at Manchin, Sanders Demands 'Strategic Pause' in Corporate Welfare

Key Voting Bloc Has Swung 15 Points to GOP Since Manchin Killed Child Tax Credit

A Little Night Music

Bob Brozman - Death Come Creepin

Bob Brozman - Down the Road

Bob Brozman - Love In Vain

Bob Brozman - Devil's Slide

Bob Brozman - I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate

Bob Brozman - Minnie the Moocher

Bob Brozman - Dinah

Bob Brozman & Martin Simpson - A Southern Groove

Bob Brozman - Rattlesnake Blues

14 users have voted.



16 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


well stated. thanks!

6 users have voted.

13 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


i guess it's too much truth to be absorbed all at once by a bunch of reptilian politicians.

9 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

Here's the money paragraph, for it didn't have to be this way

This, finally, is the wider context in which the Russo-Ukrainian war and its attendant economic convulsions need to be understood. The great question of early twenty-first century geopolitics was whether Russia, with its immense fossil fuel, mineral, and agricultural resources, would align with Europe or with rising Asia. It would have been quite easy for Europe and the United States to have brought Russia into a pan-European structure of alliances and economic relationships. All that would have been required is a reasonable attention to Russian concerns about national security and a willingness to put long-term goals over short-term profiteering. European and American leaders turned out to be too inept to manage those simple steps, and as a result, the question has been settled: Russia is turning east, throwing its resource base and its political support to China, India, and Iran. That didn’t have to happen, but it’s too late to change it now.

16 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

joe shikspack's picture


that's an excellent article with lots of good food for thought, thanks for posting it!

here's a little more that i found interesting:

And the United States? We did what peripheral powers often do in ages of decline, when the imperial center begins to fold. We grabbed the reins of empire in 1945, when Britain was too weak to hold them any longer, and tried to make the same gimmick work for us. It didn’t work very well, all things considered. Now we’ve backed ourselves into the same trap that caught Britain in 1914: lethally overcommitted to an unaffordable global empire, hopelessly dependent on a global economy that’s cracking at the seams, and unable to realize that the world has changed. The next few decades will be a rough road for us.

That said, it’s the European age that’s ending, not the American age. The American age hasn’t begun yet. The United States these days is a Third World country catapulted by a chapter of historical accidents into a temporary position as global hegemon. Its Europeanized elites, in the usual Third World fashion, are a small minority maintaining a tenuous temporary mastery over restless masses that don’t share its ideals and its interests, and are beginning to sense their potential power. America is still young, and pregnant with the future; centuries from now, long after the European veneer has been thrown off, she will give birth to something else wholly new, and it will inevitably be even more unacceptable—and indeed wholly incomprehensible—to the conventional wisdom of Europe-as-it-is.

10 users have voted.

About those Reaper drones. So mostly it looks like those drones have been used in Afghanistan against the Taliban et al which have no air defences. I read a report of a now banned Twitter account that followed Russia military which claimed that an S400 anti-aircraft missile fired from Belarus traveled 150 miles and shot down a Ukrainian jet fighter. I am no military hardware guy for sure, but the Russians will not be able to shoot down a big drone going no faster than 300 mph?

What this shows is not about details of weapons, but the total arrogance of the US military in its ability to defeat anybody anywhere.

BTW, from my sources, the dreaded Javelin anti-tank missile has not performed well at all. The Ukrainians much prefer the UK version. Sorta ironic but wasn't it the company making the Javelin that complained that Trump temporarily halted shipment of the weapon which was the impetus for his impeachment?

13 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


yeah, i found the claim that russia wasn't able to take down drones to be questionable, too. i suspect that russia was not expecting them to be deployed and had not prepared for them to be on the battlefield. i would guess that russian air defense systems are quite capable of dealing with large american drones.

10 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


The military has been paying attention to how they work and they are not impressed. They are not going to use them much longer and will build something else and so they are dumping them on Ukraine. Two birds-one stone. Donate them to Ukraine, get the tax write off and the defense company got paid and will get paid again for the new ones. And don’t forget the cut congress gets by flooding countries with weapons. As Assange said, it’s just one of the many ways to launder money. Meanwhile here in our 3rd world country we’re destroying homeless people’s stuff just to be cruel.

13 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

Lookout's picture


May be they won't let her in due to her COVID?

and that's not to mention the new missile deal

Looks like TPTB are trying for Ukraine 2.0 in Taiwan. Poking the dragon is even more foolish than poking the bear.

Another bit of speculation which I find interesting is the failed helicopter rescue attempts in Mariupol. Bet there's someone embarrassing for the West there.

Note: A NATO/Internet wide National Security Letter has been issued blocking all reporting of the alleged capture of an American general in Mariupol.

Our sources on the ground report that the last two helicopters trying to evacuate foreign VIPs from Mariupol were shot down this morning. They were sent on a suicide mission to collect Lt.General Coultier, who was, we are told, hiding in a huge industrial complex with some Special Forces staffers and about 30 Ukrainian Army, not Azov, soldiers. This hours old story from Tass is below.

I've also heard it may be a high ranking French officer....possibly held hostage by Azov.

Did you hear about the Azov that spoke with Zelensky at the Greek parliament?

So Nulan, the wicked witch of the west, has been preceding Zelensky in his tour of the EU governments ...setting the stage and trying to procure more arms to prolong this as much as possible. I wonder if we'll ever see (much less admit) we're the bad guys... promoting war and supporting Nazis?

Well on a positive note, we had a beautiful day and I got several chores accomplished. Still personalizing the new (to me) computer. Thanks for the news and blues!

14 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

joe shikspack's picture


heh, yep hawks in the u.s. are excited as can be about the prospect of taiwan playing the role of a sacrificial ukraine. i'm sure that there are hawks in and out of government that are willing to fight for taiwan to the last taiwanese and sanction the hell out of china.

i've been hearing a bunch of speculation about what (or more accurately who) is in mariupol at the azovstal works and under what conditions they are there (hiding, held hostage by azov, etc.) - zelensky certainly is wasting a lot of helicopters there, so far with no success. i think the clip from the duran upstairs has some speculations about it, as well as the unwelcome appearance of a nazi at the greek parliament.

I wonder if we'll ever see (much less admit) we're the bad guys... promoting war and supporting Nazis?

pfffttt, not unless the u.s. is forced to at gunpoint.

glad to hear that you had good weather. we've been having a soaking rain for the last couple of days which should be great for the garden.

9 users have voted.

Boris Badenov

How is it going so far?

BTW there was also this:

11 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


if i was boris or natasha, i'd be hiding with my assets in moosylvania.

5 users have voted.

12 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


glad to hear that twitter was unable to run its usual authoritarian bullshit against a powerful voice calling out twitter's preferred false narrative.

8 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

Starrting to warm up out here, forecast said 80 something but backyard thermometer says 105 at 6:00. Supposed to stay wafm a few more days and then cool off, but ... . Really, really, really have to get into the garden, but those temps and a likely week's absence later in the month bodes ill for any success there. Ah well

be well and have a good one

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

ouch, triple digits already? that's pretty awful. i guess the ground will be warm enough for whatever you want to plant. Smile

have a great evening!

5 users have voted.

@joe shikspack

3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

The message an indoctrinated NBC viewer will get when watching this segment is, "Isn't this awesome? Our president is pulling off all these cool 3D chess moves to beat Putin, and we're kind of a part of it!"

It's been obvious for a long time that the US empire has been working to shore up narrative control to strengthen its hegemonic domination of the planet via internet censorship, propaganda, Silicon Valley algorithm manipulation, and the normalization of the persecution of journalists. We may now simply be at the stage of imperial narrative control where they can begin openly manufacturing the consent of the public to be lied to for their own good.


Well will you look at that. Obama has a sad about disinformation.

Barack Obama Said He Underestimated Threat Of Disinformation While In Office

The former president said he had seen firsthand the "degree to which information, disinformation, misinformation was being weaponized.”

Obama made the comments during a conference on disinformation Wednesday, speaking about his experience dealing with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin’s iron grip on information on the country amid its invasion of Ukraine. But he added the threat of misinformation had come to roost at home, saying the nation had a “demand for crazy on the internet that we have to grapple with.”

“If you asked me what I’m most concerned about when I think back toward the end of my presidency, it probably has more to do with the topic here today,” he said at the event, presented by The Atlantic and the University of Chicago Institute of Politics. “It’s something I grappled with a lot during my presidency. I saw it sort of unfold, and that is the degree to which information, disinformation, misinformation was being weaponized.”

“I think I underestimated the degree to which democracies were as vulnerable to it as they were, including ours,” Obama continued.

I’m my. Too bad that it was Obama himself who has made it legal for the government to do it to us. Stuff it Barry!

9 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

joe shikspack's picture


caitlin's article is quite good, i'll probably post it or a link tomorrow when i catch up with what i missed last night while i was off having fun. Smile

heh, barry shows his sagacity by stating problems that he has "seen" while president and omitting to tell of the actions he took to exacerbate them during his exercise of power.

have a great evening!

9 users have voted.

Sadly it is not having a substantial impact.

10 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


yeah, but everybody has a well-informed opinion about the slap heard round the world.

5 users have voted.
dystopian's picture

Hi all, Hey Joe, Hope it's all good!

Man what a player Bob Brozman was ... some crazy slide playin'. Wild sheet mon. Pretty tragic at the end... but what a world class original. All those weird rhythms of picking and strumming too... amazing. And with a friggin' Mateus bottleneck! I played a 1930's National Resonator once... what a sound, couldn't believe that was me. I was way better than I thought. Wink It was that damn Silvertone. Honest it was.

Thanks for the GREAT soundscape Joe!

be well all!

6 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

joe shikspack's picture


brozman was just a monster player. i really wish i had gotten a chance to see him live.

i've played a bunch of dobros but never an old national steel, which have an amazing tone. if it helps any, a good instrument can make you sound better, but they are not like player pianos, you must have something going if your playing sounded good. Smile

have a great evening!

5 users have voted.

10 users have voted.