The Evening Blues - 1-23-18


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Tommy Ridgely

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features New Orleans r&b singer Tommy Ridgely. Enjoy!

Tommy Ridgley - Boogie Woogie Mama

“If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it. Peace, Montag. Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Iowa grew last year. Cram them full of noncombustible data, chock them so damned full of 'facts' they feel stuffed, but absolutely 'brilliant' with information. Then they'll feel they're thinking, they'll get a sense of motion without moving. And they'll be happy, because facts of that sort don't change.”

-- Ray Bradbury

News and Opinion

Top Republican Warns That Under New Spending Bill “the Intelligence Community Could Expend Funds as It Sees Fit”

In a dramatic moment on the Senate floor Monday afternoon, as the upper chamber rushed a spending bill through to end the government shutdown, the top Republican and Democrat on the Intelligence Committee warned that the bill contains language that would kneecap Congress’s ability to oversee secret covert actions and surveillance programs. Their effort to amend the language was rebuffed.

The intelligence community, in its latest grasp, has gone too far even for Richard Burr. The Republican chair of the Senate Intelligence committee has long been one of the Senate’s staunchest advocates for the intelligence agencies, leading the fight to reauthorize surveillance programs and fighting to bury the results of the Senate’s five-year investigation into CIA torture. But he took to the Senate floor Monday to warn that it would compromise Congress’s ability to oversee secret intelligence programs.

“This language could erode the powers of the authorizing committee,” Burr said. “Effectively, the intelligence community could expend funds as it sees fit without an authorization bill in place and with no statutory direction indicating that an authorization bill for 2018 is forthcoming.”

The provision, first reported by The Intercept, appeared in the House version of the spending bill last week and modified the 70–year-old-law that first chartered the CIA. It removed language that requiring intelligence agencies to spend money according to Congress’s instructions, and replaced it with a provision that allows the agencies to move money around freely and without Congress’s knowledge. Blackwater founder Erik Prince has recently pitched the administration on a private intelligence force that would report directly to President Donald Trump and CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

An excellent article worth a full read:

A National Defense Strategy of Sowing Global Chaos

Presenting the 2018 National Defense Strategy of the United States on Friday at the Johns Hopkins University, Secretary of Defense James Mattis painted a picture of a dangerous world in which U.S. power – and all of the supposed “good” that it does around the world – is on the decline. “Our competitive edge has eroded in every domain of warfare – air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace,” he said. “And it is continually eroding.” What he could have said instead is that the United States military is overextended in every domain, and that much of the chaos seen around the world is the direct result of past and current military adventurism. Further, he could have acknowledged, perhaps, that the erosion of U.S. influence has been the result of a series of self-inflicted blows to American credibility through foreign policy disasters such as 2003 invasion of Iraq. ...

As topics like empire, imperialism, and even war and peace, are censored and excised from political debate, U.S. officials, subservient media and the rest of the U.S. political class conjure up an illusion of peace for domestic consumption by simply not mentioning our country’s 291,000 occupation troops in 183 other countries or the 39,000 bombs and missiles dropped on our neighbors in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan since Trump took office. The 100,000 bombs and missiles dropped on these and other countries by Obama and the 70,000 dropped on them by Bush II have likewise been swept down a kind of real time “memory hole,” leaving America’s collective conscience untroubled by what the public was never told in the first place.

But in reality, it’s been a long time since U.S. leaders of either party resisted the temptation to threaten anyone anywhere, or to follow through on their threats with “fire and fury” bombing campaigns, coups and invasions. This is how empires maintain a “credible threat” to undergird their power and discourage other countries from challenging them. But far from establishing the “Pax Americana” promised by policymakers and military strategists in the 1990s, from Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Cheney to Madeleine Albright and Hillary Clinton, the results have been consistently catastrophic, producing what the new National Defense Strategy calls, “increased global disorder, characterized by decline in the long-standing, rules-based international order.”

Of course the drafters of this U.S. strategy document dare not admit that U.S. policy is almost single-handedly responsible for this global chaos, after successive U.S. administrations have worked to marginalize the institutions and rules of international law and to establish illegal U.S. threats and uses of force that international law defines as crimes of aggression as the ultimate arbiter of international affairs. Nor do they dare acknowledge that the CIA’s politicized intelligence and covert operations, which generate a steady stream of political pretexts for U.S. military intervention, are designed to create and exacerbate international crises, not to solve them.  For U.S. officials to admit such hard truths would shake the very foundations of U.S. imperialism.

Daily Beast Makes Strong Push For WWIII

CIA chief says North Korea is 'a handful of months' from endangering US

The CIA director, Mike Pompeo, has said that the Trump administration is intent on preventing North Korea from being able to fire multiple nuclear missiles at the United States, apparently sketching out a new red line for the regime in Pyongyang. Speaking in Washington, Pompeo explained for the first time what the administration meant when it warns that it would not allow the regime of Kim Jong-un to threaten the US with a nuclear weapon.

Despite personal warnings from Donald Trump on Twitter and in speeches, the US has not been able so far to prevent North Korea from testing a hydrogen bomb and conducting three test launches of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) – including one that appeared capable of reaching New York or Washington.

Pompeo suggested the threshold for US military action was set higher. “Kim Jong-un will not rest with a single successful test,” the former Republican congressman told an audience at the American Enterprise Institute. “The logical next step would be to develop an arsenal of weapons. That is not one, not a showpiece, not something to drive on a parade ground on 8 February [army day] but rather the capacity to deliver from multiple firings of these missiles simultaneously.”

“That increases the risk to America and that is the very mission set that President Trump has directed the government to figure out a way to make sure never occurs,” he added.

Erdogan's new front: Turkey takes on Syria's kurds

Kurdish forces in Syria launch powerful counterattack to set up extended battle against Turkey

Turkey is hoping for a quick victory in Afrin, but its soldiers and allied Syrian militiamen are facing counter-attacks by Kurdish forces on villages close to the border. The Kurds are reported to be readying reinforcements to join the battle from their bases in north east Syria where they have thousands of troops who until recently were fighting Isis.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan says there would be “no stepping back from Afrin” which means that the campaign, bizarrely named ‘Operation Olive Branch’, will continue. But it will take time to drive the Kurdish YPG paramilitary forces out the Afrin enclave north of Aleppo. So far the Turkish offensive has captured only a few villages close to the border in three days of fighting and there are a total of 350 villages in Afrin.

The population of the enclave is estimated to be 200,000, many of whom will be come refugees if Turkey and Arab militiamen take control.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that there had been a strong Kurdish counter-attack overnight that had recaptured two villages called Shenkal and Adamaly.

Turkey needs a swift success in Afrin because it is diplomatically isolated and there is growing international pressure to end the fighting. France has called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the fighting in Afrin and other parts of Syria. Britain said it would look for ways to prevent escalation. But Mr Erdogan said said in a speech in Ankara that Turkey had discussed the Afrin offensive “with our Russian friends, we have an agreement with them.” This probably refers to Russia agreeing to limited Turkish action as warning to the Kurds not to become the permanent proxies of the US in Syria.

Erdogan taunts U.S. over calls to leave Syria: “when will you leave Iraq?”

Turkey demanded the U.S. drop its support for Kurdish militia in Syria Monday and brushed off calls to rein in its campaign in Afrin as tensions surged between the NATO allies. Ankara launched Operation Olive Branch Saturday, a cross-border offensive targeting U.S.-backed Kurdish fighters in the enclave of Afrin in northern Syria. ...

The U.S. has acknowledged Turkey holds legitimate security concerns about the Kurdish presence across the border, but has called on Ankara to demonstrate operational restraint in Syria. However, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan dismissed Washington’s suggestion Monday, reminding an audience in Ankara of the lengthy U.S. presence in Afghanistan and Iraq.

“Then I ask the U.S.: Did you have any specific time duration in Afghanistan? When will it end? You entered Iraq before we came to power – has the time duration ended in Iraq, you are still there?” ... The verbal stoush comes amid a mounting death toll in Afrin, where the violence has forced thousands to flee the enclave.

US air wars under Trump: increasingly indiscriminate, increasingly opaque

In the first year of his presidency, Trump has gone out of his way to claim credit for the defeats inflicted on Islamic State, attributing it to his loosening of constraints on his generals. “I totally changed rules of engagement. I totally changed our military,” the president said in October.

It is difficult to separate fact from exaggeration and hubris in Trump’s claim. The preference for air power and drones against enemies far beyond the battlefields of Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq is not new. The Obama administration did seek to mitigate the cost in civilian lives from such stand-off and remote-control weapons, by maintaining political control over operations from the White House. But in the last weeks of the outgoing administration, some of those curbs were lifted. ...

Trump inherited those looser rules and claimed to relax them further, urging his generals to intensify the onslaught on Isis and al-Qaida. According to statistics compiled by the Airwars watchdog group, there were nearly 50% more coalition air strikes in Iraq and Syria in 2017 compared with the previous year. Civilian deaths rose by 215%. The coalition, almost all US planes, dropped 20,000 bombs on Raqqa. By the end of the five-month campaign, 80% of the city was declared uninhabitable by the UN, and 1,800 civilians are thought to have been killed. Airwars estimates 1,400 of those deaths were caused by coalition air and artillery bombardment.

“We had always expected the highest proportion of civilian casualties to occur in that stage in the war and that’s exactly what happened,” said Chris Woods, the head of Airwars. “Even if we had had a Clinton presidency we would doubtless have had higher civilian casualties in that last stage of the war simply because Raqqa and Mosul were under assault. What we still don’t fully understand is how many more civilians were harmed as a result of fairly significant changes that the Trump administration says it put in place.”

Woods said the US military had not fully explained how it altered the rules of engagement. But what certainly changed was the command tone. The defence secretary, James Mattis, and other officials started calling the campaign against Isis a “war of annihilation” and that is how it was conducted, even in densely packed cities, where the average munition used was a huge 500lb bomb.

Egypt’s race for president kicks off with arrest of top challenger

Egypt’s presidential campaign has kicked into full gear, and naturally the top opposition candidate was just arrested.

A retired top general named Sami Anan, seen as the last remaining real threat to Egyptian President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi, was dragged out of his car in the street by armed men at about 11:00 a.m. Tuesday morning, Mahmoud Refaat, a spokesman for Anan’s campaign, told VICE News. Anan’s arrest comes just days after he announced plans to challenge el-Sisi for the presidency in a vote scheduled for March. ... The cops didn’t just throw Anan in jail. They went after for dozens of his campaign staff, too, and even members of their families, Refaat said. ...

Throwing people in jail is a big part of what el-Sisi, himself an army general, has been up to ever since he seized power in a military coup in 2013. Immediately after taking charge, el-Sisi suspended the constitution and tossed the country’s first-ever democratically-elected president, Mohammed Morsi, into jail.

Since then, Egyptian authorities have arrested or charged probably at least 60,000 people, according to Human Rights Watch, and “forcibly disappeared hundreds for months at a time, handed down preliminary death sentences to hundreds more, tried thousands of civilians in military courts, and created at least 19 new prisons or jails to hold this influx.”

Spain warns fugitive Catalan leader not to try to sneak back into the country

Spain is ramping up its surveillance of Carles Puigdemont to ensure the fugitive former Catalan leader can’t sneak back into the country to take up his old job. “We are going to make sure that he can’t even enter in the trunk of a car,” Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoid told Spanish broadcaster Antena 3 on Tuesday.

He said the government’s security specialists were working to counter any methods that Puigdemont, who’s been living in exile since October and faces an arrest warrant if he returns, might use to attempt to re-enter the country – including traveling by boat or helicopter. “We are very worried, because we don’t know what a person with this behavior might do,” Zoido said.

Disaster Capitalism in Action as Puerto Rico Governor Announces Plan to Privatize Power Utility

Critics on Monday called Puerto Rican Governor Ricardo Rossello's plan to privatize the island's electricity authority a development that exemplifies the prevalence of "disaster capitalism"—the liberalization and corporatization of economies following destructive events like last September's Hurricane Maria, which devastated the island.

Wenonah Hauter of Food & Water Watch called the decision "catastrophic" and indicative of the same pattern of the Trump administration prioritizing wealthy companies that aim to take over public services.

"The decision to privatize Puerto Rico's state-owned power company follows the same dangerous path mapped out in the Trump administration's draft infrastructure plan," said Hauter. "Whether it's water or energy, privatization helps Wall Street at the expense of the wellbeing and health of communities, particularly low-income families and people of color."

Naomi Klein, who has written extensively about the phenomenon of disaster capitalism, said on Twitter that the decision is troubling but unsurprising. ...

Four months after the hurricane, about 30 percent of the island is still without power. In addition to gross mismanagement by the Trump administration, PREPA has also been blamed for the slow recovery. In November, the agency's director was forced to resign due to failures that included a short-lived rebuilding contract that was given to a tiny Montana-based energy company with connections to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

Utility workers also accused the government of hoarding supplies needed for the recovery, and union officials have argued that PREPA has intentionally sabotaged efforts to repair the electric grid in order to pave the way to privatization.

Month After Getting $3.5 Billion Tax Break From Trump, Bank of America Hikes Fees on Poorest Customers

Consumer advocates and banking customers are expressing outrage after an announcement by the Bank of America that it would begin charging fees to account-holders who maintain low balances.

The decision, announced Monday, comes a month after the Republican tax law gave the bank an expected $3.5 million tax break, and less than a week after it posted $2.4 billion profits in the last quarter of 2017.

Critics argued that such news should garner at least as much attention as the bank's announcement last month that it would use some of the financial windfall to give its 145,000 employees a one-time bonus of $1,000 each—a relatively small portion of its tax savings.

RIP Hugh Masekela

South Africans have paid tribute to Hugh Masekela, the legendary jazz musician and activist, who died on Tuesday aged 78.

The South African president, Jacob Zuma, said the nation would mourn a man who “kept the torch of freedom alive”. The arts and culture minister, Nathi Mthethwa, described Masekela as “one of the great architects of Afro-Jazz”. “A baobab tree has fallen,” Mthethwa wrote on Twitter.

A statement from the trumpeter’s family said Masekela “passed peacefully” in Johannesburg, where he lived and worked for much of his life, on Tuesday morning. ... Masekela had been suffering from prostate cancer for almost a decade.

the horse race

Sessions Is Interviewed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

Attorney General Jeff Sessions was questioned for several hours last week as part of the special counsel investigation, a Justice Department spokeswoman said on Tuesday, and the former F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, was interviewed by the office last year, according to two people briefed on the matter.

The meeting with Mr. Sessions marked the first time that investigators for the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, are known to have interviewed a member of President Trump’s cabinet. ...

Mr. Sessions, an early supporter of Mr. Trump’s presidential run, had been among a small group of senior campaign and administration officials whom Mr. Mueller had been expected to interview.

Mr. Mueller’s interest in Mr. Sessions shows how the president’s own actions helped prompt a broader inquiry. What began as a Justice Department counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s election interference is now also an examination of whether Mr. Trump tried to obstruct the inquiry, and the nation’s top law enforcement officer is a witness in the case.

For Mr. Mueller, Mr. Sessions is a key witness to two of the major issues he is investigating: the campaign’s possible ties to the Russians and whether the president tried to obstruct the Russia investigation.

the evening greens

House Science Committee Wants to Investigate a Government Scientist for Doing Science

Republicans on the House Science Committee are accusing Linda Birnbaum, director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, of lobbying. In letters sent to the Inspector General and acting secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Reps. Lamar Smith and Andy Biggs wrote that they were “conducting oversight” of Birnbaum’s activity in response to a editorial she wrote in a scientific journal.

Birnbaum’s editorial, which the journal PLOS Biology published in December, addressed the gaps in the regulation of toxic chemicals. Though there are more than 85,000 chemicals approved for use in commerce, she noted in the piece, “U.S. policy has not accounted for evidence that chemicals in widespread use can cause cancer and other chronic diseases, damage reproductive systems, and harm developing brains at low levels of exposure once believed to be harmless.”

Birnbaum called for more research on the risks posed by chemicals and, in the sentence that the representatives appear to consider lobbying, noted that “closing the gap between evidence and policy will require that engaged citizens — both scientists and non-scientists — work to ensure that our government officials pass health-protective policies based on the best available scientific evidence.”

A toxicologist who has headed NIEHS and the National Toxicology Program since 2009, Birnbaum received no funding for writing the editorial, as she notes in the piece, nor does she recommend any specific policy, piece of legislation, or action in it beyond being engaged citizens. Nevertheless, Biggs and Smith, who have both received money from Koch Industries, Exxon Mobil, and other companies that have a financial interest in limiting research on the environmental effects of chemicals, noted that their “committee suspects this activity may be a violation of the anti-lobbying act.” The two Republican members of Congress also called on the DHHS Inspector General to analyze their concerns so that he might “launch a full-scale review of the situation.”

The Union of Concerned Scientists’s Andrew Rosenberg dismissed the representatives’ letters as “codswallop.”

DuPont vs. the World: Chemical Giant Covered Up Health Risks of Teflon Contamination Across Globe

Trump just screwed renewables. He may have also started a trade war.

Donald Trump announced import tariffs on solar panels Monday, part of his nationalist "America First" agenda and another blow to environmentalism from an administration bent on resuscitating fossil fuel production. The president said all solar panels made outside the U.S. will have a 30 percent duty, which decreases by 5 percent every year for four years.

The move will likely hinder a thriving renewable energy sector that heavily relies on parts manufactured abroad. Although some U.S. manufacturers will directly benefit from Trump handicapping international competition, the Solar Energy Industries Association said the tariffs would raise prices and result in 23,000 job losses this year across the industry. ...

The tax on solar panels were smaller than many in the the U.S. solar industry expected, a sentiment echoed in the boardroom of China’s biggest panel maker, JinkoSolar. ...

U.S. officials said Monday more taxes were likely, with imports of steel and aluminum possibly subject to similar duties in the coming months. The White House could also impose more stringent tariffs on Chinese goods pending the results of a probe into Chinese theft of U.S. intellectual property.

A Warning from the Center of the World: Pacific Nation Kiribati Is Disappearing as Sea Level Rises

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Leading Marxist Scholar David Harvey on Trump, Wall Street, and Debt Peonage

Candidates Who Signed Up to Battle Donald Trump Must Get Past the Democratic Party First

The last slave ship to America may have been found in an Alabama swamp

A Little Night Music

Tommy Ridgley - Ding Dong School

Tommy Ridgley - Wish I Had Never

Tommy Ridgley - Lavinia

Tommy Ridgley - Just A Memory

Tommy Ridgley - Ooh Lawdy My Baby

Tommy Ridgley - Jam up twist

Tommy Ridgley - In the Same Old Way

Tommy Ridgley - Did You Tell Him

Tommy Ridgley - Looped

Tommy Ridgley - The Girl From Kooka Monga

Tommy Ridgley - I Want Some Money Baby

Tommy Ridgley - Monkey Man

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divineorder's picture

I am still hacking some but better, hopefully will end when we get away to Costa Rica from all the seasonal allegy triggers. Here in the TX Hill Country it is 64 and sunshine, blue skies, and hi ho Silver ! Beautiful day. This morning though it was 28, supposed to be lower tonight. Got to remember to drip our water.

Sent my 7d and two lenses to Canon to get them worked over. Expensive, but have not been happy about the clarity lately. Hopefully will get them back before we leave for CR.

Had a haha over Erdogan and his comment asking about when US out of Iraq.

Hey, glad to see that at least there was some local push back of the Pence visit.

RE: your excerpts on the intelligence amendment and defense posture. Woe is me. What a country! What can I f*cking do next about this? That's the quality question I keep asking.....


FWIW, a reminder that tonight is Sander's social media national town hall on Medicare for All.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Big Al's picture

@divineorder and the call for a ten year massive military buildup to confront the new top two "enemies", I'm more convinced than ever that U.S. imperialism and the accompanying militarism are going to have to be stopped for the Serfs to have any brand new shiny things. Combine that with what the republicans got during this latest budget negotiation (i.e., further destruction of the ACA) and this corrupt two party political system and a Medicare for all/nationalized health care system is just a dream without two major changes to U.S. society.

I don't know what Sanders really thinks he's doing because without ending imperialism and changing this political system it simply won't happen.

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divineorder's picture

@Big Al @Big Al at their beck and call.

Keep asking 'how do we stop them? Elections? Slow process.

Some have started working on divestment from Wall Street's War Profiteers. I like that.

But, yah, 'Global Revolution' has a nice sound to it. What are the next steps? Guess we just have to keep asking that question and look for answers....

Maybe this?

As for Sanders, heh, looks like he just keeps 'on on' like the energizer bunny, focusing on what he sees as a way forward. Or maybe he's constructing the next veal pen! We will see.

For now I am glad Sanders, Democratic Socialists, National Nurses United and others are working to educate and involve others in support of MFA. Not sure when or if it will become a reality...

Keep on, keepin' on BigAl. Appreciate you brother.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Big Al's picture

@divineorder Maybe some day I can get down there and meet you guys.


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thanatokephaloides's picture


As for Sanders, heh, looks like he just keeps 'on on' like the energizer bunny, focusing on what he sees as a way forward. Or maybe he's constructing the next veal pen! We will see.

For now I am glad Sanders, Democratic Socialists, National Nurses United and others are working to educate and involve others in support of MFA. Not sure when or if it will become a reality...

Agreed. And we just need to snatch any little nuggets of what we're after from wherever we can snatch 'em. And then throw the chaff away.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

joe shikspack's picture

@Big Al

i completely agree. i've written about sanders, guns and butter economies and the hopelessness of sanders' semi-socialist economic redistribution unless the mic is reined in - nothing has changed since. sanders still doesn't realistically discuss the options with the american people.

i'm sure that he'd make a much better president than trump or hillary, but i doubt his ability to be a successful president given the gap between reality and his rhetoric.

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Big Al's picture

@joe shikspack It's just a fact and it's borne out in the current rhetoric from the republican party and this administration regarding defense spending (they need huge increases) and social programs (they want huge decreases). Combine that with the budget deficit and the national debt they can hold over our heads and there's just no chance in major changes without addressing the whole ball of wax.

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divineorder's picture

@joe shikspack Educate people.

It’s a cinch he is not going to fall on the sword of taking on the MIC. But at least he is doing what he can to educate about single payer. Not a bad way to spend one’s time imo.

Both you and Sanders are doing more than me. I’m escaping to Costa Rica for our annual stay soon, getting my teeth cleaned and fixed as needed at a greatly reduced cost.

0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

joe shikspack's picture


glad to hear that your bronchitis is subsiding and you're feeling better. it was pretty warm here today, too. it got up into the 50's after a kind of gloomy, foggy, rainy morning which gave way to a sunny, pleasant afternoon.

re: what to do about the intelligence amendment and defense posture, i don't know. i'm pretty sure that this is one of those stories that the vast majority of the american people are going to know diddly about thanks to the mainstream media's lack of coverage. i'm just trying to spread it around so that people hear about it.

i'm thinking that having an informed public is a major part of the battle.

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First, even the EU imposed tariffs on Chinese solar panels for their unfair trade practices. Trump has a good rationale--the Chinese are not playing fair.

In September, the US International Trade Commission ruled that US solar panel manufacturers had been seriously injured by foreign competition. The ITC later recommended President Trump impose up to 35% tariffs on imported solar panels.

Here is the assertion by SEIA:

By the way, the head of SEIA has a company funded by energy utilities which are in the process of gouging people with home solar installations.

All I see are assertions based on what Goldman Sachs are claiming. A 30% tariff will increase prices by 2X? Why not just pass the cost of the tariff through? Tariffs don't increase transportation costs, etc.

And as the Forbes article states--the Chinese use lots of dirty energy to produce the panels and then you have energy needed to ship them to the US. Think you are helping the planet? In ten years maybe.

Also, in terms of cost again. I have not tried this but looks like many solar panel installation companies install panels with no upfront costs, but get their fees/profits off energy you generate and tax breaks.

I am not ready to accept that the tariffs will somehow lay low the market. It seems to me energy companies are more likely to do that.

ST. GEORGE, Utah (AP) — State utility regulators are poised to consider raising rates for people who have rooftop solar panels and sell their extra electricity back to the power company, a proposal that solar-panel companies say could deal a blow to their burgeoning industry.

Rocky Mountain Power announced last November that it wanted to start charging rooftop solar customers for installation and nearly triple their monthly customer charges and peak-time usage, the Spectrum reported (

Rocky Mountain Power officials argue that the typical rooftop solar customer is not paying their fair share for their service because they are not being charged equitably, while still being paid the full retail price for the solar power they produce. A study by the researchers noted that in some cases, the power company would pay three times more for extra energy from rooftop solar customers than from large-scale facilities.

Shaun Alldredge, co-owner of St. George-based Legend Solar, predicts that if the proposed higher rates take effect, it could deal a heavy blow to the industry. He cited a similar move in Nevada that crushed their rooftop solar industry.

An analysis by Utah Clean Energy, a Salt Lake City-area think-tank, found that rooftop solar customers save the company's $1.3 million annually without the need for new generation facilities and through lower transmission costs. They also do not think the power company should ignore the "green" aspect of the solar industry.

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joe shikspack's picture


i think that in the short term, the u.s. solar industry may take a hit, particularly since so many state governments are in the hands of republicans that are openly hostile to solar (or paid by utility companies to be hostile).

in the long run, it seems that renewables are making huge gains in competitiveness with fossil energy and public demand for renewables is strong, so it seems unlikely that trump's actions will do much damage. if the tariffs spur u.s. manufacturing, that might be a good thing, long term.

on the other hand, depending on how long it takes to ramp up production and smack down the fossil fuel money addled climate lunatics, how much of the profit pie china or the u.s. gets from solar manufacturing may be of little consequence.

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@joe shikspack Chomsky and others have rightly claimed that the government created various industries like high tech and pharma. It was tax-funded research that drove the innovations which were given to private companies, but very critically for high tech, the government in turn purchased those technologies.

We could do the same for solar in requiring all government spending on solar be only with American produced solar panels. In fact, the Chinese are doing this big time. They have become their biggest market as they build huge solar panel farms that can be seen from outer space.

But as you say. Greed and oil lobby money prevents this expansion of solar. The the Chinese may be using unfair trade practices, we are our worst enemy.

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OLinda's picture

Thank you for the news and blues, joe.

A New York Magazine reporter flew to Rio and talked to Glenn Greenwald:

Glenn Greenwald’s war on the Russia investigation.

I've only read half so far, but I think it's interesting.

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divineorder's picture

In recent years TOP commenters loved to slam Greenwald and any mention of him because of his criticism of The Empty Suit. From this piece it seems he welcomes that, loves to argue for argument's sake.

I support his take on Russiagate and his general opinion of tbtb and endless war.

Found it funny and interesting that Glenn does interviews with shirt and tie but often is wearing shorts and flipflops at the same time out of the camera's view.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

snoopydawg's picture


This pretty much sums it up doesn't it?

This is a year in which even the most anti-Establishment liberals have found themselves rooting for Mueller, a Republican who ran George W. Bush’s war-on-terror FBI. “It is not an insubstantial portion of Democratic online loyalists who believe that if you deviate from Democratic Party orthodoxy on the Trump-Russia question, you are a paid Kremlin agent,”


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


“I used to be really good friends with Rachel Maddow,” he says. “And I’ve seen her devolution from this really interesting, really smart, independent thinker into this utterly scripted, intellectually dishonest, partisan hack.”

Couldn't have said it better than myself. Boy has she fallen from her Air America days.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

joe shikspack's picture


thanks for the link, i didn't see that today. great article!

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Azazello's picture

I think Mattis' speech was the big story today. What stood out for me is that they seem to be backing off of the bogus "War on Terror" rationalization, cf. BBC. They seem to be coming awfully close, without using the e-word of course, to actually admitting that the US is fighting to preserve empire. What's next, will they admit that the US is fighting to control the resources of other, weaker, countries ?

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

joe shikspack's picture


yep, i wonder when we'll see articles like the beeb's that start using words like "reserve currency" and "imperialism."

i haven't read a transcript of mattis' speech, but from the couple of stories that i've read about it, it does seem like a slight advance in truthfulness. my goodness, how bad must things be if they have to flirt with releasing some truth particles? Smile

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Amanda Matthews's picture

That Erdogan is such a scamp. He know this country is run by a bunch of opportunistic psychopaths trying to prevent the western 1% from losing their ‘entitlement’ to the assets of planet Earth. Regardless of who us sitting on them or wherever they may be licated.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Amanda Matthews's picture

That Erdogan is such a scamp.

He knows this country is run by a bunch of opportunistic psychopaths trying to prevent the western 1% from losing their ‘entitlement’ to the assets of planet Earth. Regardless of who is sitting on them or wherever they may be located. The US has dicked with si many nations fir so long that most of the countries we share this planet with are fed up. They’re not going to roll over everytime we want something anymore.

And in our gutlessness, we betrayed the Kurds again.

There is nothing sadder than a dying empire.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

joe shikspack's picture

@Amanda Matthews

i keep wondering when the next coup attempt will be in turkey. surely the powers that be can find a more reliable, less mouthy sycophant.

sadly, betraying the kurds is just what all other nations do. it has never been the right time in the modern era for the great powers to allow the kurds to have something other than squalid, second-class refugee digs in other nations.

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divineorder's picture

Even though I was an admirer of Hugh Masekala and though we have been to South Africa many times, I somehow missed that until you posted that Hugh Masekela was from SA.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

mimi's picture

I missed so much in the last 45 years. Now I can catch up at least a little through the EB. Thanks so

At a lighter and a bit cheesy note (I actually don't like much to use children on camera for teasing your "oh cute" feelings) but I found a couple here "to the point". No need to despair...


I don't know if us Germans get it, that's what they thought before he got elected:

Sorry, but today Germans don't even answer that question just a "tz, tz" and some twisted smile.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


STANDARD WARNING: This is at or beyond my actual knowledge of German!

"überhaupt nichts!"
("Absolutely nothing!")

Würde zu Katze wir Amerikaner hatten so eine Wahl!
(Would to Cat we Americans had that choice!)


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

mimi's picture

... that's the only language I really don't understand...

Sigh. Good Morning.

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joe shikspack's picture


thanks for the amusing videos. Smile

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mimi's picture

@joe shikspack
piece of Germans' reactions to a potential Trump presidency last year, but sometimes I just believe that most folks in America don't imagine how "rude and direct, but honestly felt" those reactions are.

Then I have to add that I got into a little dispute with my sister who thinks that "Germans are somewhat protected" from making such mistakes to vote for someone like Trump due to our past experiences in wwII and the Nazi times.

I disagreed. I think we never understand when an empire is collapsing and what exactly triggers it, while it is happening. That our fathers or grandfathers might have "learned" something out of their experiences during their own adult life-time is irrelevant. The next generations show the same strange incapability to understand their current political developments and is as helpless to know what to do about it.

I am at a loss. And yeah, I wonder, if I should have posted that video. It's may be "too much" for consumption in a US based blog.

Since I am back here in Germany for longer periods of months I sense that people want to talk with me about Trump (they think I know more than they... oh well, wishful thinking). I do realize though that the criticism of those Americans. who accuse the US Democrats (ie Obama and Clinton), is also not at all understood in Germany. They attacked me immediately as a "right-winger" when I tried to explain that the US Democrats bear too some of the blame for what the US does in foreign countries.

So, what doesn't work here in Germany is a critical opinion towards the US Democrats from the left, It's similar to the fact that Germans are very reluctant to be critical vis a vis Israel.

All in all I see lots of documentaries here that I wouldn't have seen in the US. That still amazes me. And makes a mess of my mind. Smile

Thanks for accepting the videos as "amusing". Well, I try to laugh it off, but in the back of my mind I think they are pretty sad.

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We've lost one of the best writers of the last hundred years. She wrote fantasy and science fiction with a strong humanist content, ranging from the complex and nuanced Earthsea stories (which presaged other books with wizard colleges), to the anarchist fiction of The Dispossessed. She wrote of a world where the humanoid people could assume male or female physical attributes when the mating time of "kemmer" came on, and tried to imagine the political and social consequences of that biology, in The Left Hand Of Darkness. As in the best sf, her imagination shed light on our condition.
She was the daughter of Alfred and Theodora Kroeber, who were associated with the Indian Ishi, who wandered out of the wilds into suburban California. Ishi was the last survivor of a tribe which had hidden from American "civilization". Her mother wrote his story: "Ishi In Two Worlds".
I heard the sad news today that she died at the age of 88. I had always wanted to meet her. She was a light to me.
quotes and pics here:

fixed a typo.

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joe shikspack's picture

@pindar's revenge

sad news. i have never gotten around to reading more than a couple of things that she wrote, but what i have read was incredibly good work.

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@joe shikspack I haven't read all her work, there's a lot out there, but it's all worth reading, even the earliest stuff where she was working on her craft. She had a long and productive life, a great soul.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

deterred again from making it by here at a decent hour--whew! Been working phones, trying to see which course to take regarding 'the B.' It's so late, I won't bother to go into the situation this evening, except to say that he's going to have to be seen by at least two specialists (which was the case a week or so, ago, if I recall). He says to thank you for the scritches! Wink

When I can get here earlier, I'll post a link to a story or Tweet about one of the Dem pols' newest capers. Talk about a piece of work! A number of Dem Senators, who voted to destroy the Multi-Employer Pension Plans in 2014, are leading a pseudo-effort to 'fix' these (mostly) union pension funds. Don't get me wrong--would love to see the toxic legislation repealed. But, they know darn well they can't get the votes. It's strictly a matter of Kabuki electoral politics. I checked the roll call vote, and will include a link to it. I'm tempted to Tweet them with the info. So sick of lying lawmakers!

Sorry to end on such a sour and negative note. Think I'll go back to the ol' calendar soon, so I don't sound like such a Debbie Downer.

Oh, looking for a video or transcript of the MFA Townhall from earlier today. Missed it too! Sure to have comments, when I find it/them.

Hey, Everyone have a nice evening!


[Edited: Added three sentences reference townhall.]


"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu

"Purity test"??
I've come to flag that phrase, like many others, as a tool of neoliberalism in order to shut down intelligent conversation. When someone disagrees with you, their issues are not lesser than yours. The lines that they draw are not inferior to yours. They are not being "pure" when they honor those lines. Rather, they are acting with principle.

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

joe shikspack's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

i hope that everything works out well with the b's specialist visits and i hope you wouldn't mind giving him yet another scritch or two for me.

i'm not at all surprised that the dems are now looking to shore up some support from their union base with false promises. after all, false promises have always worked in the past (they only have to get through the elections and then they can stop pretending to care about union workers again) and i've been hearing a bit of grumbling from some union constituencies about dems lately.

have a great evening!

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divineorder's picture

@joe shikspack

HR 676 versus S 1804 Hand Out
National Improved Medicare for All:
Keeping the Promise of Equal Care for Everyone
There is widespread support for National Improved Medicare for All (NIMA) to solve the current healthcare crisis. Two bills exist in Congress – HR 676, first introduced in 2003, and S 1804, first introduced in 2017. The House bill, HR 676, is considered the gold standard of single-payer health. To meet the goals of a high-quality healthcare system, the Senate bill, S 1804, needs improvement.

Our goals for NIMA:

Everyone living in the United States and its territories must be covered with equitable access and no financial barriers to care and comprehensive benefits. There must be effective cost controls in the system.

HR 676 versus S 1804

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

divineorder's picture

@Unabashed Liberal conscious decision not to have children back in the day. I know how painful it can be to deal with their death and illness.

Thought you might be interested in this from a Giovanna-Lepore comment on post on Sanders Town Hall in Common Dreams.

It has some interesting hot links and can be found at

the meantime here is some necessary homework to do before participating:

Health Over Profit – 9 Jan 182

Weaknesses of S1804, The Senate Medicare for All Act

By Lee Stanfield. S-1804 is not a true “universal single-payer system” even after its prolonged 4-year rollout. For the first 4 years it will essentially be a “public option”…
Health Over Profit – 3 Feb 171

Tools for Education

National Improved Medicare for All (NIMA) would create a national health insurance that covers every person living in the United States with comprehensive benefits from birth to death. It’s t…
Let’s all participate to make sure Bernie’s bill, S 1804 becomes the House Bill HR 676!!

More info.:
Here are links to the information that we discussed tonight:

The Sanders Medicare for All Town Hall can be watched Tuesday, Jan. 23 at 7:00 pm.

Here is Sanders’ Facebook Event Page:

Here is the page for the Twitter Storm that will also start at 7:00 pm:

Afterwards, we are going to host a Facebook Live discussion on the Health Over Profit for Everyone page. Here is the event page for that:

And here is the HR 676 vs S 1804 Handout: (I also attached it to this email to make it easier to print)

Please participate as you are able during and after the Sanders Town Hall to spread the word about National Improved Medicare for All (NIMA) and to push Sanders to improve his bill.

2 Replies5 Likes

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Unabashed Liberal's picture


all the info and links. I like to read everything I can about the various MFA proposals.

(I may sound a bit negative, sometimes, but I haven't given up on the idea! Wink )

Great idea to get your dental work done 'south of the border.' Hope you Guys shoot us a few photos from time to time. (Also, hope your bronchitis has finally cleared up.)

You and JB have a nice and safe trip!



“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
--Gilda Radner, Actress & Comedienne

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

SnappleBC's picture

I really appreciate you taking the time to put posts together each time.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard