Europe's economy is about to be sacrificed on NATO's throne
Rainer Dulger, head of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations, gave a dire warning a few days ago.
“We are facing the biggest crisis the country has ever had. We have to be honest and say: First of all, we will lose the prosperity that we have had for years,” Dulger told the Süddeutsche Zeitung regarding the consequences of a gas shortage to everyone.
Dulger was not alone. Yasmin Fahimi, the country's top union official, was even more explicate.
"Entire industries are in danger of collapsing permanently because of the gas bottlenecks: aluminum, glass, the chemical industry," Fahimi, the head of the German Federation of Trade Unions, told Bild am Sonntag. "Such a collapse would have massive consequences for the entire economy and jobs in Germany."
The German government had a similar take. Robert Habeck, Germany’s minister for economic affairs and climate action, echoed business and labor with a scary comparison.
“Even if we don’t feel it yet, we are in the midst of a gas crisis. From now on, gas is a scarce asset,” Habeck said in a statement accompanying the ministry’s announcement.Habeck added that if supply continues to fall, and prices continue to rise, it could create ripples that would do irreparable and wide-reaching damage to the energy market, in what he likened to a “Lehman Brothers effect,” referring to when the Lehman Brothers investment bank declared bankruptcy in 2008, sending economic shock waves through the global financial system.
“The whole market is in danger of collapsing at some point,” Habeck said.
Germany is the 4th largest economy in the world, so this is a big deal.
The reason for the alarm bells is because Russia has shut down the Nord Stream 1 pipeline for maintenance and people are scared that Russia won't start it up again. Germany has already started to tap its winter July.
The western media has wasted no time to accuse Russia of doing what it did for years.
This Guardian article was written seemingly without any self-awareness or sense of irony.
‘Gas blackmail’: how Putin’s weaponised energy supplies are hurting Europe
One question is dominating the energy industry: will Vladimir Putin turn the tap back on? This week the Kremlin-controlled energy firm Gazprom shut off gas supplies through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline for maintenance until 21 July, having already cut its output to less than 40% of capacity. Now there are growing concerns that the Russian president may simply refuse to reactivate it...
Andriy Yermak, chief of staff to Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has accused Russia of conducting “gas blackmail”. By contrast, nations with closer links to Russia, including Belarus and Turkey, have seen little disruption.
It's almost as if The Guardian is counting on no one noticing that there is a "1" behind the words "Nord Stream" and not a number "2".
Let's roll back the clock to 2019 and see what the news stories looked like back then.
The annually-set NDAA is also significant for Europe’s energy scene, however, as the 2020 bill also contains provisions to impose sanctions on companies installing deep sea pipelines for Russia’s $10.5 billion Nord Stream 2 (NS2) gas pipeline linking Russia and Germany (via the Baltic Sea).
...The NS2 pipeline is particularly controversial for the U.S. which see it as a way for Russia to increase its energy dominance in Europe, a region the U.S. wants to increase its own liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports to.
...Ukraine is most unhappy with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline as it is currently the main conduit for Russian gas to central Europe and earns roughly around $3 billion a year in gas transit fees.
This isn't Russia Today. This is CNBC openly admitting it.
Then at the end of March there's this: Nord Stream 2 cost $11 billion to build. Now, the Russia-Europe gas pipeline is unused and abandoned
Then last month we see this: Germany looking at repurposing unused Nord Stream 2 pipeline for LNG use, report says
Wow! Using the pipeline for natural gas. I wonder if Russia had thought of that?
Wait a sec. Is using a natural gas pipeline to ship natural gas weaponizing energy? Or is not shipping natural gas through a natural gas pipeline weaponizing energy?
I'm confused now.
Just a couple days ago, this happened.
Russia’s shunned Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline won a legal boost in its pre-war challenge against European Union rules that subjected all new and existing pipelines involving foreign suppliers to the EU’s energy market-opening requirements, after the bloc’s top court said its appeal can be heard.While the ruling is a win for Nord Stream 2, its impact may have been overtaken by events in Ukraine, which led Germany to withdraw its backing for the project.
So the U.S. and EU were using possibly illegal methods to block Russia from using the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline after all.

I know! I know! My hand is raised! Pick me!
Good job, good analysis, excellent juxtaposition.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I've rewrote this
It's better now
A recommendation
Perhaps if the US taxpayer subsidized oil and gas remained for domestic use, prices to the
consumers would return to earth.
Also, if Germany would honor their contract with Russia on the Nord Stream 2 deal, they would not be facing a gas shortage. The political weaponization of energy is directly related to the West's
sanction ploys. Cutting Ukraine out of the transmission process is not hurting Germany.
question everything
I don’t understand why Germany and other EU countries
are cutting off their noses to spite their economy. Denying certification for NS 2 was dumb enough, but everything else they have been doing is just boneheaded suicide for their economy and they know it. They had to know what would happen if they did what they are doing. Lots of countries were starting to depend on L G from America, but then a plant in Texas blew up and might not be operational until the end of the year which means none for Europe.
American fracking companies were going bankrupt during Covid and the sanctions on Russia has given them a 2nd chance at profit. At our expense I might add. We’ve been pumping tax dollars into them. And so much for addressing climate change with Biden begging everyone to pump more oil. But still the oil from Venezuela and Iran are under sanctions. So Biden went to kiss MSB's buttocks in Saudi Arabia who sent a lowly prince to meet him at the airport and then he went himself to greet other leaders. BAM! Huge slap in the face for Biden. Or should I say Blinken?
But still just don’t understand why Europe is doing what it is.
But my bet is that Russia will turn the pipeline back on if they get the parts back from Canada because they have signed agreements with their customers. It’s why they hadn’t cut Europe off after the start of the sanctions. If they abandoned their agreements they wouldn’t be any better than America that walks away from theirs at the drop of a hat. My bet.
QMS is right. Biden’s been tapping the strategic reserve to lower prices here at home, but has been selling it to China. But then goes begging to human rights abusers the Saudis. Go figure.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Norway was supposed to partly offset Russia
Norway was the second biggest supplier of natural gas to Germany.
And Norway promised to ramp up production this summer.
But then Norway's energy workers went on strike, before the government stepped in and ended it.
And then a bigger problem happened.
Combined with that Texas LNG plant fire, and virtually all of the West's Plan B has failed.
My prediction is that if things keep going the way they are either NATO or the EU unity collapse this fall/winter.
The European leaders can't help themselves from playing
Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun.
Who knows?
Maybe there won't be a winter this coming season. If it happens, you can blame capitalism for that.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Thanks gjohnsit,
Rewrite has improved it, but your points were pretty clear earlier..
As I think Snoop mentioned above, not approving or licensing NS 2 seems like committing economic suicide. Which suggests, someone made it very clear that *approving it* would have been somehow much worse. Between NATO and Blinken etc I'd guess the "clear" wording might have even been a pretty concise threat to individuals. It makes little sense, and some of the NATO alliance are carrying a much heavier burden from the UK/Rusian war than other members.
Another late-night cynical take on the situation: The leaders here in the US don't really care if the EU tanks and thousands die from the heat/cold/lack of food/housing that will come. Not a bit. Some probably even think of it as an opportunity. All countries will soon be fighting some level of demographic "war" trying to attract young workers. I think our Foreign Policy etc. experts might see the coming EU situation as a way to attract young, *white* immigrants. "We'll take the ones that survive, thanks." For the racist fucks in power, this checks off a lot of boxes in a single go...
Edited: fixed the worst typos, sorry for the ones I missed...
It makes no sense
Remember that one of the reasons why NATO was created was to keep Russia out of Europe, keep Germany down and America on top. Also we only signed an armistice with Germany and not a peace agreement. Germany is still occupied by us. Hudson writes that one reason for NATO was to keep European countries in US orbit and no deals with Russia. Either people were bought off or threatened to go along with the plan to try to destroy Russia. If Russia does turn the gas back on July 22 they might turn it off after the contract ends. But by then Germany might have already been destroyed itself.
Russia says that they are going to reset NATO to what it was in 1997. Maybe they will help Germany get free of US troops?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Talking about national suicide, this is it in spades!
EU keeping sanctions if Ukraine peace signed on Russia terms: Scholz Al Mayadeen
Germany’s Scholz Says EU Can No Longer Afford National Vetoes Radio Free Europe
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
A couple additional articles
UK plans to cut pipelines to EU if Russia gas crisis intensifies
Europe’s plans to replace Russian gas are deemed ‘wildly optimistic’ — and could hammer its economy
Ukraine is the most important country in the world.
I was watching clips of a demonstration by Ukrainian supporters the day of the Russian invasion. One woman with a heavy accent yelled out "Ukranian is now the most important country in the world". Well, okay.
Turns out for the West, the claim has been prophetic. Strange that. The collective West is willing to do what amounts to economic suicide in a bid to support Ukraine at all costs. Not only economically but militarily as one pundit noted that the West is unilaterally disarming themselves shoving military equipment to the Ukraine which either the Russians promptly destroy or goes down a black hole. The good news from the second point is that maybe somebody in NATO will realize going into a direct conventional war is impossible as they would run out of munitions in about a month.
My speculation is that other than rabid hysterical Russia Phobia the one reason to commit economic suicide is force countries off a reliance on fossil fuels. I remember years ago a band of people on DK advocated for sky high gas prices to force the US off fossil fuels regardless of the cost to people in terms of jobs and potential famine due to impossibility of moving food from farm to table. But the crowd did not care. Their urgency allowed them to sacrifice people.
BTW just saw this.
'Very Worrying': Swedish Police Ring Alarm Bell Over Gangs Armed With Anti-Tank Weapons
They are still advocating for high gas prices
One person there who always attacks people personally before getting to his point is pissed that Carlson is saying that Ukraine is none of our business and that we the people are paying the price for Biden’s misadventure with higher gas prices. How dare he put American people’s economic survival over Ukrainian lives? Of course we need to pay higher prices if it allows one Ukrainian to live!
And here’s an interesting perspective on Russia taking their time doing their military operation.
Did the West Fall into a Russian Trap?
Biden is spending billions to keep Ukraine’s government afloat whilst more Americans are shoved into deeper poverty, millions are living on the streets and our infrastructure is failing into deeper disrepair. The $54 billion in weapons could have ended homelessness here twice over. Biden is even paying for Ukrainian's health care while reneging on lowering the age for Medicare here.
Also though the longer this operation is stretched out the more Ukrainians will die, but so will the thousands of foreign mercenaries. Russia says that they wiped out 250 mercenaries yesterday.
Awesome if true!
Sergie Lavrov is also calling out America’s hypocrisy on human rights abuses.
Next up is Colin Powell's lie about the vial of anthrax that he accused Saddam of having. Anyone think that if anthrax was actually in that vial he would have held it in his bare hand or taken it in front of some of the most important people in the world?
Russia has given the military a new task and that is to wipe out the HIMLARS and other military equipment supplied by America. They are certain that there are American military helping Ukraine to operate them.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
On the Minsk agreement
From the above article.
I highly recommend reading this article. Lots of highlights pointing out America’s hypocrisy on the international rules based order which just means we make the rules and can break any we want.
Heh I read that after I said what I did about America’s rules based order. Great minds…
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Russian trap article very good insights
The Trap could be accidently or Russian military planners are working at the highest of levels. You know playing chess rather than Tic Tac Toe. I watched this youtuber called HistoryLegends where he asked the question "Could a European Union Army Defeat Russia?" He does a numbers comparison. At end of video he goes into how much of such an Army at this moment can go into battle. Pathetic. The guy I think is pro-Ukrainian but also a realist. He does not really answer the question but his numbers on military readiness do answer the question. To me the answer is no. Which is good news as I thought any direct incursion by NATO would trigger a massive war maybe going nuclear.
I thought so too
People keep saying that Ukraine prevented Russia from taking Kiev, but they never planned on doing it, but just faked everyone out and it kept Ukraine from sending backup to Mariupol. And they are taking their time so not to have civilian deaths. Collateral damage is our motto and they don’t want to be like us which Lavrov points out in the 2nd article I posted. But one thing all countries are doing is depleting their stock of old military equipment and will replenish it with brand new stuff. Good luck with that because for one thing our defense companies are making crappy equipment anymore because they invest their money in stock buybacks and have retired or fired lots of knowledgeable people because they got paid too much and lots of the parts come from foreign countries because we’ve outsourced so many things.
As for who would win the war between NATO and Russia more people think that Russia would win it because NATO would have a hard time getting equipment and troops into place nor would Russia allow them to take their time doing it. Plus most armies haven’t fought real battles since WW2 and Russia is rotating their troops to get experience. We’ve fought against people who didn’t have an Air Force like ours. Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan would call in air strikes if they were losing the ground battles. Most Afghanistans had older equipment and still after 20 years we turned tail and ran. AQ and ISIS kicked our buttocks in Iraq and Syria. And I think every war game against Russia was a loss for NATO. I think I posted something on it awhile back.
I think Biden should call Putin and tell him that he will quit sacrificing Ukrainians and meet his demands on NATO and call the whole thing off. Why waste so many lives and money when the outcome is going to be Russia fulfilling their goals? My $.05 adjusted for inflation.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Most important country in the world --
life itself, you know.
more important thanQuick solution: wind the proxy war down, do something about climate change. A general strike might make it happen.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
The frog cries out "oh shit the water is boiling"
Once again
The political leadership within the American hegemony are either drooling morons OR there is a unified strategy of some kind being followed toward some other end than survival of the current civilization.
Like its end.
It is not like the current civilization was going to proceed much longer without some kind of structural change. Maybe some folks with more money and power than ethics want to change it to something they desire.
I find it impossible to believe that the entire political and business leadership of the USA and its allies is just too stoopid to see what is coming.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.