Election Fraud Lies: MI to NY to PA Ballot Scam & Shuffle

The full headline I'm responding to was "Breaking: A Printer in Michigan Printed Tens of Thousands of Excess Pennsylvania Ballots Which Were Shipped to New York and Fraudulently Filled Out Before Being Delivered to Pennsylvania", but I shortened the lie for better flow.

The Lie

READ AND RETWEET AS THOUGH THE LIFE OF YOUR NATION DEPENDS ON IT. WHICH IT DOES. Citizens, I am going to add to the picture with more information. I am not going to let this pass while keeping information to myself. I am going to walk you through 2 narratives.

A printing shop in Michigan prints ballots for Delaware County, Pennsylvania and as Lancashire County, Pennsylvania (this is normal). But along with the ballots it prints on contract and delivers to those counties, it prints some ballots that get diverted to Bethpage, New York.

There, a boiler room of folks fill in "Biden" (often without even voting downballot). The ballots (which are forensically legitimate, given that they come from the same print shop as the good ballots, ) then get trucked into Pennsylvania and mailed. Hundreds of thousands.

We have all of that documented. Texts, statements, affidavits, everything. We also know that this same ballot printing company (and other firms in the same family) also print for Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia.

Source: Patrick Byrne on Twitter

The Rebuttal

The registered voter breakdown in Lancaster County Pennsylvania is 61% Republican to 39% Democratic. This is a semi-rural Republican county with Republican election officials. It is Amish country and quite conservative. I know this personally because I've been there many times.

Trump received 60% of the vote (about 160K), which is right in line with Republican registrations. Biden got 41% (about 116K), also in line with party registrations.

But here's the interesting and amusing part: The Republican Congressional candidate got 167K votes, or 7K MORE than Trump. In other words, 7,000 or so Lancaster Republicans didn't even like Trump enough to bother voting for him. Ouch!!

The Democratic Congressional candidate received 110K votes. About 6K less than Biden. So 6,000 people voted for Joe Biden for President but didn't bother voting for their Representative. That's normal; not everyone knows or cares who their Representative is. Some people vote party line and check every candidate of their party. Some don't.

Now, do you remember the 7,000 that didn't vote for Trump? [This is my educated guess.] I believe a large portion of them split their ticket. They voted for Biden for president and then voted for Republicans for other offices like the House of Representatives and state and local.

You may be wondering the same thing I was — where are the "hundreds of thousands" of ballots Patrick Byrne claimed were injected into Pennsylvania? They don't exist. The MI to NY to PA ballot scam and shuffle never happened.

Biden's numbers would be WAY above 116K if a hundred thousand illegal ballots were shoved into Lancaster County. And this Republican County's Republican election officials would have gone berserk if Biden received 216K votes in a county with only 115K Democrats.

Delaware County

I restricted the bulk of my analysis to Lancaster County because it was one of the two accused of fraud and its a Republican county.

Delaware is a Democratic county with 208K registered Democrats and 161K Republicans. Biden received 206K votes while Trump got 119K. Again in line with registrations, although Republican turnout was light. Most likely because many are moderate Republicans who don't support Trump.

Once again, no extra "hundreds of thousands" of votes for Joe Biden. Geez, Election Truthers. You really need to step up your game.

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6 users have voted.


Why is it evil to spread FUD when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about?

Because some damned fool somewhere is going to read your ignorant FUD and do something stupid, expensive, dangerous, and harmful to others:


5 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

Pricknick's picture

Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.
I live in a nation that is FUDed up and I understand why.

2 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

aware that there has been a concerted effort by nefarious actors to create an environment where every public statement is potentially Bunk, and everyone doubts every official pronouncement -- other words, a state of ubiquitous FUD; well, even such people tend to believe every damned pronouncement, official or otherwise, that confirms their particular biases.

This guy was a goddamned health professional, who, fearing that mRNA vaccines could corrupt the genomes of patients, took it upon himself, without doing the simple due diligence of learning how they work, to protect his fellow citizens. Again, he's a goddamned health professional. He's had more education in biology and medicine than damned near anybody in the country who isn't a PhD-level researcher, an MD, or a vet -- but his brain is so clouded by FUD that he was completely unable to bring to bear his extensive training.

Don't be this guy.
Don't enable/activate guys like this.
Don't post/relay stuff you don't understand.
Please. Just don't

4 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

edg's picture


I fear what the crazy Proud Boys will do when their hero isn't handed the election by Congress and/or Mike Pence. They may go on a rampage, with Trump there to spur them on.

2 users have voted.
mimi's picture

bet goes to JtC. Whadda bet!

2 users have voted.

then there are no independents or Libertarians or Greens or anything else in those counties? With high polarization that is possible, but nationwide it is extremely unlikely. And nationwide the non duopoly vote broke 2 - 1 Biden. If anything this is evidence of a Republican conspiracy!

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On to Biden since 1973

edg's picture


I left out the 56,000 independent and Green, etc. registrations in Delaware County and the 58,000 in Lancaster to avoid number fatigue. I'm sure they played a role, but I don't have a reliable source for how many voted for Biden and how many for Trump.

1 user has voted.

It's likely the "other" vote matched the R/D split in registrations. This is pretty much normal. When push comes to shove "independents" are almost as partisan as Democrats and Republicans, they just prefer to pretend they aren't.

2 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973