Economic Discrimination - There's No Escape From it
Preface: I'm sure I'm speaking to the choir here at C99.
Think for a moment, when our “founding father's” wrote the first constitution, only white property owners could participate (vote / run for office) in the “political” process. Chattel slavery and indentured servitude, were normal and legal in the colonies. (most anyway)
So, in a nutshell, you had to have money, to buy property, in order to participate, in the “political process”. So, the very foundation of American politics, IS, based economics. You must have money to participate.
We can even go back further, and clearly one can see the “economic” opportunity of a country with few indigenous inhabitants, and abundant resources to “plunder”, ie that is to say acquire with little or no cost. At that time in history, one of the most “valuable” resources a one could own, was land, and then slaves to work that land, for little cost.
While our founding fathers have been exalted through out history as wise, noble, intelligent (and a heck of a lot more adjectives), yet for all their positive attributes, they failed badly to live up to the integrity of their ideas, and at the root of their integrity's fail, was the “economic consequences”, of the “purity” of their ideas, most especially the idea, that all men are created equal.
Think for a moment, if all men were created equal, then that would imply it would be wrong to buy and sell other people, and wrong to plunder (theft) another people's land without just compensation. For all our founding father's brilliance, they couldn't deal with the economics of their “idea”, that all men were created equal.
If our founding father's eliminated the slave trade and indentured servitude, and compensated the indigenous people fairly for the plunder of their land, the slaves for their enslavement, the economic foundation of the colonies would have collapsed and America might not have never existed.
Now, fast forward to today, and think about the SC debate. Only people that could “afford” a $1,750.00 or more “ticket” could attend the event. The general public, well fuck you.
Think about Healthcare, if you can't pay, you die. That's the Mafia's business model, is it not, pay or die?
While we have laws now against several forms of discrimination, racial, sexual, gender, etc, but economic discrimination is perfectly legal. Economic discrimination is what is used to make laws against homelessness. Economic discrimination is at the heart of a criminal justice system, ie cash bail, cost of an attorney or expert witnesses etc...
Economic discrimination is what our “elected” representatives utilize when deciding how to regulate business and corporations, based on the negative “economic” impact to the volume of economic activity from business / corporations, generated by the implementation of safety regulations, however the negative impact on human lives barely ever registers as a “concern” by our elected representatives.
Economic discrimination is what is utilized to run oil and gas pipelines across / through indigenous people's land in violation of their “sovereign rights”. Economic discrimination is what allows a president to bail out criminal bankers that trashed our economy.
Higher Education is a form of economic discrimination. Student debt, which can not be discharged in any bankruptcy, is economic discrimination. Charging money for an education is economic discrimination.
Think for a moment, during the early years of our country, salve owners would kill slaves that showed signs of intelligence. Raising the price of “education” to a level most “poor” people can not afford, and you accomplish a similar result. Keep the population ignorant.
For many, even the simple act of voting is economic discrimination, since voting is usually performed during the work week, interrupting, and even negatively impacting, our “economic” abilities. Not all of us get compensated for time off to vote. Many have to try and vote during their lunch hour, at a “economic” cost to the individual. What happens if the voting booth location has moved, and one has to wait several hours, but is under threat of losing one's job if one takes too long to cast their vote?
Do you “economically qualify?”
If one doesn't earn enough money, one can not “qualify” to live in an apartment. Want to keep the riff raft out, just raise your rental rates. Our “target market” is the more affluent.
Gee, the more affluent, who get away with killing 4 people while driving drunk, and afflicted with Affluenza , ie your parents are so rich, they never taught you right from wrong, so the judge lets you off with probation, for manslaughter.
Why do the rich always tell us, work gives a person “dignity”, yet they do everything in their power to generate enough wealth so their children will never have to work? The result of which, produces off spring like this Affulenza kid, or any one of Trump's off spring, heck, Chelsea Clinton or Hunter Biden. Their only moral compass comes loaded with dollar signs.
Gee, no one is talking about what is going to happen to our credit scores, which, is an "economic" indicator of the ruling class's definition of "credit worthiness". Gee, who decided that it's ok, for a hospital to charge a patient 47K dollars, for a problem that was no fault of their own, and force them to pay it off in 30 days, OR, they will ruin your credit and send you into financial purgatory for the next 7 years. Who decided that it's ok to ruin someone's credit for 7 years? Why 7 years?
Gee, just try and talk to your creditors, they don't give a shit. It was the "government" who gave the shelter in place / stay at home / close all non-essential businesses. But that won't be a "valid reason" your late on your payments and most creditors will still ding your credit score, to move you down the economic ladder, so everyone else knows they can economically discriminate against you.
Gee, while everyone is freaking out about the "social scores" China uses to discriminate against their population, credit scores in the US, are the same fucking thing.
The boom bust cycle of American capitalism cleans out the poor and allows the rich to pick assets up cheap. The 2008 financial crisis was no different. The current crisis is no different. The "majority" of Americans still haven't figured this out.
Just remember this, America was founded by white supremacist thieves and murderers, so it should be no surprise to anyone, that the normal activity of the ruling class is to steal and murder people. That, IS, the America way...
And now since our "people's champion" has moved to the dark side, I really don't see any hope there will be any escape from the continuing economic discrimination at the heart and soul of this country.
Until the 1% feel the heat of death or poverty, nothing will change. America will continue to economically discriminate and destroy the lives of millions of our fellow citizens.

I still have not received
my stimulus check yet.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Got mine Tuesday
Didn't need it but I got it. My sister and my daughter, who need it desperately are still waiting.
Frankly, I'm shocked that Trump didn't prioritize AL over IL.
Yes, we all filed on line via TurboTax and got direct refunds to our banks.
Hey! Maybe it's the bank involved! They are with Woodforest Bank and I am with Citibank.
New York banks get priority for deposits? Easy enough to prioritize by routing number.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Just curious
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Sometimes it’s for non-obvious reasons
I bank with Chase (despite my .sig quote) simply because the branch near my house has my safety deposit box. They are hard to find around here. Otherwise I’d probably switch to a credit union.
A while back I looked into which oil companies were least evil and eventually decided they were all equally evil, so I just bought gas wherever. Then I got an EV and I can now buy electricity from a public utility that gets its power from a dam built by dispossessing native peoples. It’s hard to live purely sometimes.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
30 years ago they were the only ones who would give me
a mortgage
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
You may be missing the point of the 'affluenza' story
I wish I could find a good thing to cite about this (I think I saw something on Reddit), but from what I understand, the "affluenza" story is another case of mass media picking up a story and completely inverting its true meaning.
As I understand it, the judge who let that verdict happen wasn't enabling bad behavior; he was actually being wickedly intelligent with a justice system he knew how to utilize properly. The defendant was a minor at the time, and if he'd had the book thrown at him as such, he'd have not only gotten a light sentence, but subsequent immunity thanks to double-jeopardy (while it may be a seriously onerous restriction on Justice at times, we'd be even worse off without it). By accepting the defense however, and putting him on long-term probation, the judge had set a nasty trap: This guy would enter legal adulthood with an albatross around his neck, and next time he did something rotten (which surely he would)...well, you could say the judge cursed him with the legal equivalent of AIDS. It wouldn't hurt then, but down the road - WHAM.
The Founding Fathers were aware of their sins; what they did was create a legacy, which was absolutely ingenious for its time, with which future generations could be a sustainable improvement on them. They were intelligent and noble, and I'll thank you not to allow the true nature of their gift to the world to go to waste when we need it most.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Just so you're ware
expert witness" that testified in court to his "affluenza" defense.
The defense hired an "snip
As a point of order, the Judge in this case was a female, and a republican. Typically the law and order types.
He was 16 at the time and it was certainly within the Judge's purview to sentence him as an adult, under Texas law.
Now, think for a moment, if black kid with rich parents did this, do you really think a Texas judge would offer the same type of sentence? (well if they were the football team's star quarterback, receiver, or running back, then yes they would!)
Regarding our founding fathers... When one's actions betrays their words, their character is of ill repute, full stop.

C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I once represented a man in prison
He was sentenced to life in prison at age 15. Despite wearing a mass of cuffs and shackles, he managed to get his damn hand on my upper, inner thigh.
When I left the visitation room, I told the judge to replace me with a male attorney.
There were over 40 men charged with that murder, and the visitation and court proceedings took place in some large community center, rather than the courthouse. Normal safety precautions were not observed.
Oh...he was a Mexican national.
The prison unit to which he had been assigned since age 15 is the Texas unit for the worst of the most violent offenders.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I didn't know the case was in Texas
I get the sense that the frequency with which others make me feel like a hapless Ratatoskr far exceeds the frequency with which anybody ought to expect.
A black kid with rich parents? To say the least, I'd be surprised if they didn't. When one of the Trump boys quipped that the only color their father saw was "green", I'm willing to believe that is (at least mostly) true. Welcome to America; racism's for poor people (and isn't that kind of the point of your essay?).
The action that defined their lives (i.e. it's what we remember them for while other wealthy slaveholders of the period are forgotten) was the creation of a vision that was designed to be better than them, and to become progressively better through the ages. You should know that American history didn't start with them; they inherited an evil society. You would rather they were consistent within it??? Where would we be then today (quite literally, in most of our cases)?
For heaven's sake, your own signature is a Thomas Paine quote; is it possible we're miscommunicating?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
@The Liberal Moonbat Thomas Paine was an
Of course they inherited an "evil society", and chose not to change it much, and keep in place an "Aristocracy" of rich white people that, like our so called politicians today, and they simply kick the slavery problem down the road, rather than doing the RIGHT thing and reforming the system. They CHOSE not to change the evil society, just like they are doing today by advocating we sacrifice our parents, grand parents, and ourselves, well because, ya know profits are more important than people!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Any person that can, at will,
Their legacy of brilliant ideas about government and society was meant only for the rich landowners to confirm to each other how fucking pure they were.
It was not ever supposed to apply to the poor, non-whites, or women.
It was the ultra-rich talking amongst themselves, assuring themselves of perpetual power.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
One of the weirdnesses of American history
(besides how few people know much about it) is the bizarre disconnect from Plymouth Rock (which was NOT the first successful English colony, so there!) to the Civil War. It's as if New England got things started (which they didn't) - and then for all intents and purposes ceased to exist(which they didn't).
What you are describing is the Southern plantation mentality, which is only one of multiple influences on the fledgling Colonies.
Samuel Adams (of Massachusetts) warned the other delegates to the Continental Congress, in 1776, that if they compromised on the issue of slavery, there would be trouble a hundred years later. He was correct, but slightly overestimated how long.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.