DNC financial problems go critical
The DNC brand is damaged.
While the RNC raised a record $13.4 million in June, bringing its total 2017 fundraising to $75.3 million, the DNC actually went further into debt.
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) added $200,000 to their now $3.3 million debt in June, according to the most recent Federal Election Commission report, falling further behind Republican fundraising efforts.
The Republican National Committee (RNC) outpaced the Democrats in fundraising in June by over $8 million, raising a staggering $13.5 million compared to the DNC's $5.5 million.
This follows a May that was the DNC's worst fundraising month since the Iraq War in 2003, and April was its worst fundraising month since 2009.
The DNC has $7.5 million on hand, while the RNC has $44.7 million in cash on-hand.
However, it's not all bad news.
The Obama Foundation is receiving enormous payoffs.
According to the website, at least eight donors had given the foundation donations in excess of $1 million.
Proving that cheaters do indeed prosper, Donna Brazile is cashing in.
Former DNC Vice Chair and Interim Chair Donna Brazile plans to publish a book about her experiences at the DNC while the organization grappled with leaked emails released by Wikileaks. The book is called Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House, a title that seeks to avoid responsibility for anointing Hillary Clinton as the Democratic presidential nominee and cheating to do so. CNN severed ties with Brazile after Wikileaks released emails from Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta revealing that Brazile tipped off the Clinton campaign to questions before CNN debates. Brazile also informed Clinton’s team about a social media campaign that Bernie Sanders was engaged in during the primaries.
...Despite this statement and revelations that Brazile cheated to help Clinton, thereby violating the DNC Charter, the Democratic National Committee rewarded Brazile for her loyalty by keeping her on as the DNC Interim Chair and keeping her on payroll as late as April 2017—two months after she formally left her position. On July 8, the DNC sent out a fundraising email to supporters from Donna Brazile, signaling she is still very much involved.
Gosh, you don't suppose that keeping the corrupt Brazile in the public's face might have something to do with the fundraising problems?
Or maybe being a proven loser might have something to do with it?
Nah. Just keep punching left, Dems. It's what you do best.

I think these memes say it best
And as for Tom Perez:
Never fear! Kamala Harris will save us
Kamala was vetted by Clintonites, so now she's been approved.
Aww crap! Now you've gone and unleashed the beast (me)
Some of these are pretty cold. The truth hurts.
It's just my opinion. It can't hurt you
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Well, they still can't seem to find the right messaging...
I've GOT IT!
"Everybody Loves a Loser!"
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Let's see: Republicans control the SCOTUS, the White House,
the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate, most state houses and many state legislatures. Let's say I want to invest in getting some legislative and regulatory, um, "goodwill" for my business or my industry, where would my donation $$ go?
Unrepentant Donna Brazile would bother a donor like me, but I haven't donated anything to Democrats except for one 2016 "Democratic" (wink, wink) primary candidate from Vermont for a while anyway.
What do we know of how these people spend? They've had all kinds of problem--public relations, computer, legal, etc. Some kinds of consultants don't come cheap. And, as best I can tell, many in the political field have few qualms when it comes to expense account type expenditures.
And where's likeable George Clooney with his $350K per couple fundraisers, just when broke New Democrats need him most?
Besides dharma, what rhymes with karma?
Pharma. nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Good one. Funny you should say that, though.
I posted about Obamacare only minutes ago. I didn't mention how Obama got Congress to kill a drug reimportation bill in order to keep the deal he'd made with Big PHRMA, though. Or how Congress simply screwed us to accommodate Obama.
Sigh. So many betrayals, so little time.
what rhymes with karma?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Party with no power receives minimal bribes
Film at 11, stay tuned.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
@WoodsDweller Well...actually, the
This stupid crap narrative is complicated nowadays by the elites discovering the wonders of the Obama era, in which you can, for the small price of allowing an elitist with Black skin into the Presidency, take over anti-racist discourse and puppeteer a remarkable number of anti-racist movements, using them as your firewall against criticism which creates a sort of boomerang effect of catapulting the critic's criticism back at him in the form of a character attack. You don't even have to get creative about the character attack. You don't even have to make up a story, as they did from Kerry all the way back to Muskie. The act of criticizing Barack Obama is enough to condemn you. Now the act of criticizing Hillary is enough to condemn you. Hell, the act of not criticizing Trump loudly and constantly enough is enough to condemn you.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
They can save some
money by skipping the whole "primary" thing and just anointing Kamala Harris now. $7.5 million cash on hand isn't enough to fake a whole primary but it should cover a pretty nice coronation.
Let's just let DWS appoint whomever she wants
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
We're laughing now...
... but I imagine it's a done deal. Kamala Harris? Really? The Democrats haven't changed a damn thing and have absolutely no intention to do so.
It's gone to the Harris County landfill now, but a couple of days ago I received a "questionnaire" from the Democrats. In it, they supposedly want my opinion of what the most important issues should be for the Democrats. There was a list of suggested concerns. Number one on the list: Russian meddling in American elections
They just don't get it. 2018 is going to be a wipe-out for Democrats nationwide. Constitutional Convention, here we come! All thanks to these idiots with a "D" after their name.
Um, jobs anyone?
It's just my opinion. It can't hurt you
I'm worse
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
$$$ wanted -- not answers nor opinions
Naturally, the bottom line was asking how much jack you were sending them. Totally disgusting. In fact, so disgusting that I couldn't even bring myself to glue the SASE to a brick and send it to them. It went straight in with the banana peels...
At least they're honest
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
banana peels
We really do need to set you up with a source for surströmming......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Ohh, that smell.....
From Wikipedia:
No amount of salt is going to help the rotten Democrats.
rotten Democrats
The Dems more resemble hákarl, you say?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
The one time . . .
I tried it, I don't think the herring had enough salt.
a little bit of soap?
not going to do it this time.
I'm not on their list
but if I was I would tell them, "I only want to hear 'Russia Russia Russia' and nothing else. If you even mention Medicare for all I will go back to voting for Romney."
Exactly! n/t
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Oh, they get it. They know exactly what they are doing.
It doesn't matter if they win or lose elections. They get well taken care of personally, no matter what. Look up where people who are no longer in office went after they left government. All to prestigious, excellent paying jobs that they probably would not have gotten if they catered to voters instead of to lobbyists.
They are not idiots in any way
this has been the plan for some time, imo. Why else would the democrats let the republican candidates run unopposed or not fund the democrat running against them?
I would think that after they got wiped out in 2010 and lost control of the house, again, that they would change what they were doing.
But no. In 2014 they lost even more seats and now even though the republicans hold all 3 houses of government, the democrats are still f*cking around with finding a message to run on when they know damned well that if they actually meant it and ran on single payer they would win in a heartbeat.
This is what they did in 2006 when they ran against the Bush administration's actions. "Put us in power" they told us "and we will fix it."
So we did and we all know how that turned out.
So yeah, I think the democrats are fully on board with what is happening. In a sane world, seeing the threat of an insane party on the verge of being able to do a constitutional convent should scare the shit out of that party.
Look at what we are getting from them instead.
Too bad we can't hold them criminally accountable for the deaths that are going to follow if the GOP gets to change the constitution. Imagine what they will do and then double that..
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
DNC not getting any more "donations"?
Why should they? If they are not in power, how can they manage to repay the favor?
Politics has always been a quid pro quo game, except for the suckers at the bottom.
Never fear
The DCCC has figured out that it wants all those bankster's dollars. No need for us progressives to apply to the DCCC for any aid in running because THEIR puppet meisters want nothing to do with progressives!
It's worse than that. If liberals do manage to get
elected on their own, they have to kick in money to subsidize their blue dog colleagues.
Reminds Me of the Lord Marshall of the Necromongers:
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
They're not getting donations
They're not getting donations because donors have not yet gotten any return on all of the money they sank into hillary. You can only imagine the promises that were made. It reminds me of the article that came out on election day, reporting that during the day staffers were looking at dc real estate and discussing what their titles were going to be in the admin. By evening, it had all evaporated. I confess I thoroughly enjoyed their flipped fortune.
Hillary and Bubba will take care of them.
Everyone in the Democratic Party owes both Clintons. Their ability to make money influence peddling still exists.
@HenryAWallace I'm not so sure. Yes,
Defeat was sweeet. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
"The Triumph of Obama’s Long Game."
So I guess losing both houses of Congress, the POTUS, and most of the states was just 11th dimensional chess.
Was Obamacare imploding part of
Obama's long con, er, I mean game?
Obama calculated he would
be out of the WH before O-Care became Hillary's problem.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Perfect, Wink!
Some observations and a point that was brought up
over at WayofTheBern
1) Perkins Coie charges to the DNC for the month of June were $121,060.42. Of that amount, the DNC disbursed payments to Perkins Coie of $80,981.20. DNC's outstanding balance to Perkins Coie at the end of the month was $40,079.32. The bulk of the payments are for $40,000 each and the description is for legal services. The other odd amounts are for things like postage and travel, etc. I think the $40,000 is the monthly legal retainer fee.
2. There are three PAC's associated with the DNC
In June, Hillary Victory Fund transferred $76,000 to the DNC, and Hillary Action fund transferred three payments totaling $267,388.36 to the DNC.
Back on April 4 (See Page 8) The Democratic Hope fund transferred $350,000 to Obama for America.
And here was the question posed by another user at WoTB:
I think a lot of the big donors have stopped donating to the DNC and instead donating to PAC's
Good point!
@LoneStarMike How long till they
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Isn't the DNC simply
a PAC? That's the argument I always get from Armando. "Wink, it's just a PAC, it's Not the party." Well, maybe, but if it controls the money what's the difference (is my argument)?
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Hmm...I never thought of it that way
I tried a google search, but this was all I could come up with
What are the differences between a PAC/SuperPAC and a political party?
Nice work. The DNC
may "not be the party" (as Armando tells everyone), but what other entity more reflects the party? None. That's what. The DNC may not have birthed Hillary, but they did all they could to coronate her ass.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Conservative Republican parents birthed Hillary.
But No-Fly Hillary just didn't fly with the voters
why the hell are these tax free entitees?
Yes I know, it has been this way since long before the robber baron days, but the gall of this being out in the open is appalling!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
There is no longer
any need for them to hide their intentions. Doesn't matter who knows about it, there's not a damn thing they /we can do about it.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
If the DNC fraud lawsuit is successful, maybe we can
drown the remainder in the bathtub.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
That's their fear. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Hillary pretty much said the DNC was useless. Nice PR.
The money will come once the 2020 presidential election happens and it can once again launder money meant for states to go to the establishment candidate. And once again George Cloony can piously declare the dems must have big money to fight big money. Plus he said the was okay as the money he raised was to go to down-ticket candidates, which by everything published about the money laundering back to Hillary never happened.
Looks like donors are still around, but giving directly to PACs and candidates. At this point really no need to donate anyway as the DNC is in the hands of Obama supporters and Clintonistas.
Someone should tell GC that, in the fight against big
money, Democrats surrendered unconditionally circa 1980.
Also tell him not to be so gullible.
I wonder if this is because many millions of the "little guy"
are sick of the DNC's nonsense, or if the elites have finally decided it's not worth spending money on the Democratic Party.
If it's the elites, then they're probably just funneling their money toward the party that has a better chance at the moment. But what I'm not sure of is whether this strategy is going to continue to work for them:
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
By the way, apparently the
By the way, apparently the artist who drew that cartoon has already been attacked as an anti-Semite. Don't criticize a banker! Criticizing bankers, just like criticizing Obama or Hillary, automatically makes you a potentially murderous bigot.
Wow. Looks like a serious takedown: apparently the guy's cartoons were altered to be anti-Semitic and circulated with his name still on them. Serious hatchet job. 4chan contains, shall we say, both anti-establishment and establishment forces. This smells of political consultants and the CIA.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal Here's the altered
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver