Dirty Tricks
This will be my last mention of DK. Call it my reason for boycotting/striking and refusing to click on it in the future. I did want to document for history the type of flaming and bullshit that led to this decision. From here on in, back to the issues. The main issue I have is that the official Democratic Party has gone full fascist.
After thinking about this for a couple days, watching thread after thread of bullshit at the DNC official site (KOS), and watching the videos again, it seems clear to me that the Democratic Party has devolved into a sort of pure fascism. First they exclude a large number of delegates by scheduling the convention on graduation day at 2 NV universities. Then they start changing the rules in unethical and unfair manners that have been described elsewhere at length. The official podium purposely provoke a loud, angry response. Then they bring in armed "troops". The troops were the most shocking thing...
I want to make one point very clear. At least, if not more of the Bernie delegates were women, including in the front lines. Not "Bernie Bros", not Misogynistic" not "drunken, sexist frat boys" not "snarling white males". (See below for copied comments from the DNC).
Not much later the entire corporate press is going after the Nevada delegates as violent, barbaric, crooked, bullies, misogynists clueless lefties, stalkers and what have you. As someone who has lived under "democratic" dictatorships for a goodly portion of my life, I can see no difference between fascism and the official Democratic Party.
Thus, the H. Clinton campaign has their "Willie Horton" moment, right out of the Nixon playbook, QUOTE: “Listen to the answer to those questions. It is the voice of the great majority of Americans, the forgotten Americans—the nonshouters; the nondemonstrators. They are not racist or sick; they are not guilty of the crime that plagues the land. For five years hardly a day has gone by when we haven’t read or heard a report of the American flag being spit on; an embassy being stoned; a library being burned; or an ambassador being insulted some place in the world." And so on.
And its the same old tricks the official Democrats played out at the 1968 convention which led to "Hubert Humphrey wins the Democratic nomination. But is he leading a party, or a civil war?". Quotes from Perlstein, Rick (2008) Nixonland - The rise of a President and the fracturing of America. Scribner.
The DNC KOS site has gone over to censorship. My posts are consistently flagged and hidden. On the other hand here is what I collected from the top of one thread of many such items:
These people at the DNC and their KOS lapdogs are the ones inciting a complete breakdown of the Democratic Party with their whole fascist, dog whistling, shit slinging, Nixonesque strategy.
Bernie is a narcissist, and so this is all about Bernie. The finger wagging scold who cannot admit mistake or defeat. So Fuck him, and his sycophants. I have to agree.
we are seeing the misogamy coming out in full force now. Because ya know- wimmen need to know their place.
Remove your cranium from your rectum and try again.
the bullying and attitude of Trump, and YES, Bernie “Bros”.. just totally turns me off.
Sanders for encouraging this kind of hatred and divisiveness.
You would think anyone would condemn death threats and misogynistic shout-downs, but apparently not.
berniebros. you know, snarling white males who have no filters when it comes to whatever they dislike, disdain or despise.
repeated incidents of Sanders supporters behaving very badly en masse,
mass bullying and intimidation by Sanders supporters
Sanders’ supporters have repeatedly generated negative headlines for his campaign through their deplorable behavior.
BernieBros from this weekend acting like drunken, sexist fratboys?
personally think Sanders is a pandering crooked piece of garbage
he only people denying the existence of Berniebros are the bros themselves.
Seeing the bullying behavior of far too many Bernie Supporters excused away is an old game recast in a political framework
“Bernie Bullies” works just fine with me.
If it screams like a bully, and attacks like a bully, and doxxes like a bully, and threatens violence against 75-year-old women like a bully, it’s a fucking bully. Suck it up.
the racism that has spewed from the right for the past eight years would be instantly replaced with misogyny.
bad politics of a typical clueless lefty variety.
because he dogwhistles the white male privilege thing and we don’t see that as very progressive.
That sad mistake, I’m afraid, is yours. Y’all bought into a lot of hot air.
Bernie is absolutely dead to her. The stalking and harassing of women online is a major flashpoint with her, because there is literally no recourse.
In my opinion, many if not most Bernie bullies are ratfuckers.
Tea Party-esque mob tactics that the Sanders delegates then engaged in.
I strongly suggest you grow up.
your voices were heard calling a progressive candidate a misogynistic pejorative
Someone who has been fighting for progressive causes for years is Barbara Boxer, who Sanders supporters booed and called a bitch on Saturday.

Have you had a chance to read
The Faux Fracas in Nevada: How a Reporter Manufactured a Riot?
I remember Jon Ralston on MSNBC when they had Ed,
Keith, Rachel, etc. He seemed to be a straight up guy out of Nevada City. Do I misremember, or has he changed?
Where is there good reporting? McClatchey? Others?
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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He has changed. Another media pundit bought, probably.
I mean no, there are no shills.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
The very next line in the linked article is
"While as late as 2012 Ralston could be counted on as someone with a known Liberal establishment bias who would nevertheless stand firm where it came to truth and journalistic integrity, his ethics began to slip in the years since."
Hillaroid go-to, tone policing and poutrage
over faked injustices. They think they'll win against Trump with that.
Bemoaning that you're the victim will work in some situations.
But running for POTUS isn't one. I can't believe that America will elect a president who cries that s/he is the victim. Even if it is only a part of the sales pitch.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Clintons Will Always Play The Victim Card
That's who they are; it's what they do best.
HRC is going to be POTUS. She will not be denied. She owes too much to too many. Lying, cheating, stealing, whatever it takes. She' got her own propaganda machine now. She can manufacture consent, and we damn well better like it.
In her dreams
IF HRC gets the nomination, and IF she isn't indicted, she will lose to Trump. This is not something I want, but I don't want Her either.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Thom Hartmann Gave In
Hartmann said (paraphrasing) that he didn't want to get involved in the fracas, but it just wasn't going away. So, he did about 20 minutes of actual interview time with a Bernie delegate who was in attendance. Her last name was Bilbray as I recall, and Ms. Bilbray flayed the Nevada Democratic Party cabal over their heavy-handed approach to crowning Hillary, especially the changed rules.
In addition, Ms. Bilbray said that her father -a Hillary delegate to this shindig- got so disgusted with the process that he tore up his ballot and left.
Despite the media blitz clearly intended to push Bernie out of the race prior to the convention, the word IS getting out there. But the damage isn't going to be corrected in time, and the ghosts of Chicago 1968 will appear.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Chicago of 1968...
will soon be remembered as the "Good ol' days" I'm stunned by what is happening now. I hope the rest of America is paying attention. There is a lot at stake in this election.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Does some great articles. I tweeted the one you posted to support their work.
If she can't cheat, she can't win. Stealing this race one state at a time. #PUMA. #BernieOrBust
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
While Cockburn was still alive I was a subscriber and admired what he was doing. I was bummed when The Nation cut Alex from two pages to one page so I stopped subscribing to that magazine.
I need to get with the new online Counterpunch - thanks.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Damn. I Didn't Know That Cockburn Had Passed
That's a real Counterpunch. First jbou this morning, and now Cockburn. And he died four years ago! So much for real life interfering with my reading. Today really sucks.
Bernie or Bust!
This corrupt party has to be completely dismantled. It's actually more corrupt than the Republicans - their Establishment openly hates Trump, but they didn't pull this despicable garbage.
I think you are correct.
Unions have supplied the free staffing for Democratic campaigns for decades and have been dumped on. The neoliberals who have captured the party would rather pay staffers with WS money than work with the unions. Starting with Carter, the Dems have been OK with the war on organized labor. It's past time to go elsewhere.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Good for you for the pushback over there! But can certainly
see why you have better things to do.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Speaking of bought pundits - kind of tangent off topic
I haven't watched local news in years. I found the slogans trite when I was a teen and over the years it got worse.
On Your Side
Working For You
...and a load of other slogans trying to engender trust in these BS local talking heads.
Saw a commercial (accidental as I DVR everything I can on broadcast), but the talking head was talking about police programs and how he went through their training on 'when to use violence'. I don't know the content of the report, but no matter his conclusion, why in the hell should I trust his opinion on what the police should or should not be doing?
He's supposed to report the news. He is not supposed to be the object of it or be inserting his opinion for me. Just one more item that tells me local news programs (the same everywhere for the post part) are just a cesspool of manufactured manipulative content and infotainment (have been for a long time).
It shouldn't take three to seven minutes to figure out what the weather is right now, or might be tomorrow. I definitely give a rats ass about the sports 'news' or the local sports teams, and the rest is usually more manipulative fluff and pretense.
I couldn't believe it when I saw one part of a commercial where they advertised the hours of the day they 'report locally'. It was nearly 25 percent of the broadcast day for these small time local reporters spewing garbage - and it's sickening to think people watch this stuff and consume it daily.
Now I know I have some fave shows that are also a waste of time, but please, come on 5 hours a day of local news coverage? just geesh and …wow.
I gave up on TV and TV cable
I gave up on TV and TV cable five decades ago. Lately, I can get whatever I might want from Russia free TV Internet channel... which amounts to nothing except silenced CNN on election nights. I go with NYT and Guardian live returns and either Phil Ochs or TYT for sound. I was kicked off twitter for being a "bot" during one election night. Never have been able to get a successful code. Downloading movies for personal use is legal here on the island so I keep up with good movies.
Whenever I have the misfortune of being stuck in a place with CNN I get angry at the pure hogwash they are peddling. No clue about the real world at all. News management by corprorate/state is right up the Goebbels guidelines. Its sad so few don't know they are supportive of war crimes and the criminals who carry them out.
From the Light House.
(No subject)
From the Light House.
I gave up on TV and TV cable five decades ago. Lately, I can get whatever I might want from Russia free TV Internet channel... which amounts to nothing except silenced CNN on election nights. I go with NYT and Guardian live returns and either Phil Ochs or TYT for sound. I was kicked off twitter for being a "bot" during one election night. Never have been able to get a successful code. Downloading movies for personal use is legal here on the island so I keep up with good movies.
Whenever I have the misfortune of being stuck in a place with CNN I get angry at the pure hogwash they are peddling. No clue about the real world at all. News management by corprorate/state is right up the Goebbels guidelines. Its sad so few don't know they are supportive of war crimes and the criminals who carry them out.
From the Light House.
Not that it's more than an interesting story
but Thom Hartmann went through the police academy in Atlanta. (I think in the 1980s) He was told (by an instructor? I don't remember) that "a third of these people are only here because they just want to beat people up".
On to Biden since 1973