The Democratic Party's Condemnation Notice
Every morning I peruse the headlines to see which wing of the fortress of Democracy has crumbled further. Lately one particular section, and a central section at that, has featured massive dry rot, bricks falling off the edifice, and doors dropping off their hinges. Due to eight years of deferred maintenance, the Halls of Justice are close to collapse. All of the walls are bearing walls, so the entire structure is now at risk. Police have cordoned off the area to the public until further notice.
I am pretty sure I saw an article somewhere this morning titled "What Just Happened?" that I think was asking why the polls are suddenly tightening once more, but when I went to look for it again it had disappeared. But that question is what really prompted this essay. Is it possible that the pundits don't know what is happening and why people are not flocking to Hillary when confronted with the lunacy of Trump?
IMO the collapse of the DOJ on multiple fronts is what is driving the Trump candidacy.
Front #1 - Hillary and The Emails
Hillary broke the law. People believe that. A lot of people think it is pretty cut and dried and they can cite which laws they believe she has broken, from small to large. They think the most egregious law she broke had to do with storing classified information in multiple locations and making that information accessible not just to theoretical hackers, but to dozens of people who did and do not have the proper security clearances. Then there are side issues of deletion and destruction of government property, obstructing court orders, obstructing Congress, perjury, etc. Instead of investigating and prosecuting the laws that were broken, the FBI investigation seems to have denigrated into a group of caring and empathetic FBI agents holding hands with Hillary and her staff and asking "You didn't mean to have classified stuff in all those places did you? Would immunity make you feel better? Here you go."
The credibility of Comey, Obama, the FBI, Lynch, the FBI, the DOJ and the State Department have been absolutely shredded in the last few days with numerous revelations - immunity, fake names, cover-up jokes, etc. etc. It is interesting to note that practically all of the coverage is coming from right wing and conservative sources with very light coverage from the larger and more mainstream choices. This cements the impression of the MSM having a liberal bias, something that I really had no issue with previously, because my interest had always tended to align with liberal bias. Because my interest in this particular regard is something I would have viewed previously as bi-partisan ( Justice over politics) it's been very eye-opening to me to realize that I have been living in a liberal bubble. Live and learn.
One of the greatest moments in Democracy in recent history was Nixon leaving the White House in a helicopter. It was breathtaking to realize that at that instant, we really were a country with a Rule of Law, not men, where even the President of the United States could be investigated and prosecuted for abusing his office for political gain. It was a moment when the media and the levers of the government, both House and Justice, came together and worked as they should have worked as a check to abuse of executive power. Like Rick and Ilsa who always had Paris, we'll always have Watergate.
Front#2The complete failure of the Obama Justice Department to investigate and prosecute any of the people in charge who fomented and profited from the financial meltdown
This is another case where laws were broken. Yes, they were. This was not simply an issue of bad optics or bad ethics as our President told us as he stood between the banksters and the pitchforks, these were issues of cut and dried illegalities, again both small and large, that were documented by many sources in real time. As Elizabeth Warren just pointed out - 14 criminal referrals were sent to Justice out of the House investigations into the matter. The AG, Eric Holder, in what looks like an effort to tamp down any real investigation and prosecution of the miscreants, gathered together all the State AGs to combine with the Justice Department in a (gasp!) Task Force which . . . . did nothing. To anyone. Oh, a few civil fines here and there by the SEC, which made no dent in the profits, but which could be written off as the "costs of business". And did these fines ever filter down to the homeowners? No my friends, it did not. Most went into the general funds of the states.
Real living, breathing Americans were swindled and lost their houses. I read all the Congressional testimony - no, it wasn't simply people "buying more than they could afford". It was people who were baited and switched from fixed rate mortgages they had applied for into ARMs at closing when the moving van was in the yard. It was people who had their homes taken from them for paltry amounts in what Warren called at the time "servicer induced defaults" when they could not get corrections for misapplied payments, or were charged for bogus duplicate insurance among other things. There were people who had to fight foreclosures conducted with fraudulent and re-created documents. There were people foreclosed on by the wrong entity that didn't even hold the mortgage. There were security frauds concerning the underlying mortgages in the bonds. I could go on, but why bother, you get the gist.
In contrast, when a Bush was in office during the Savings and Loan meltdown, I believe Bill Black said that over 600 bankers went to jail. The actual real people who had actually done the bad things were tried and went to jail. Imagine that. But my friends, it did happen here and it happened under the Republicans.
These millions of homeowners who were screwed came from both parties. I bet a lot of them are bitter about the justice they received from the Obama White House. That is Obama's "legacy" for them. Who thinks they are going to vote for four more years of Obama Justice as meted out by HRC? Who herself profited from the same uneven hand of Lady Justice, who wasn't blind in her case and was peeking below the blindfold to see who she was putting her thumb on the scale for.
Front #3 Black Lives Matter
I honestly don't know where to begin, but I'll start with the obvious - one would have thought that our first African American President and our first two African American Attorneys General would have been sensitive to the problem of numbers of black lives being lost because of the use of deadly force being used inappropriately on a specific demographic, which co-incidentally happens to be their own. (I apologize for using the word "inappropriate" because it is so inappropriate in itself as a descriptive for what has been going on).
Okay, I have to apologize again, this time for my first sentence, because in rereading it, I can see how it smacks of white privilege and elitism and ignorance. I plead guilty to all of that. Every time this subject comes up, I want to prostrate myself and apologize to every person of color I come across, "I'm sorry, I truly didn't know." I didn't know because I live in the white bubble where I don't have to worry about my husband or father or brother being pulled over for a traffic violation and ending up dead. I hate myself for not knowing and not being aware and tuned into what was going on. In fact, this entire essay is about No Justice and I can imagine every single POC reading it say, "Really? You're just finding this out?".
No, it really did take people of color going into the streets to open my awareness of the issue of Black Lives Matter. Who thinks it's an "issue" when completely innocent people or people guilty of only minor infractions like shop lifting or jay walking or traffic violations are gunned down by trigger-happy militarized police who are conditioned to see the majority of black men as "thugs"? But to get back to my point, as a clueless white person, I had to be educated. But our President and AGs did not. Why were they so behind the curve on this whole damn thing?
I said I had been educated. I think I have, in a positive way. But I think others are being educated in what I would say is in a very negative response - to think like Donald Trump that the reaction to people rioting over a just cause -to get the police to stop killing them - is to enact more and greater injustice to suppress them, like "stop and frisk".
Because of the failure of the Dems to recognize and make efforts to correct this situation far earlier, they are going to suffer a double whammy - loss of confidence from a number of groups asking "where have you been?" This group could include POC, liberals in general, and Law and Order conservatives.
Much to my chagrin, it has been under a Democratic President and a Democratically controlled executive branch that we have seen Justice, a Right, eroded and converted into a commodity distributed unequally to those with money or power or both. In my opinion, the people are aware of this fact and they will punish the Democrats at the polls for proving to us that Justice is not blind and knows very well who she is dealing with.

We see what is happening today,
And then you listen to Barbara Jordan's speech during Watergate.
Whose faith in the "constitution is total, it is complete" today?
And because of how partisan Congress has become, one has to wonder if she were still in Congress would she put law or party first?
Thank you for posting that.
I am happy I was there to live it. When you posted that, this was my first thought:
Time it was,
And what a time it was
It was . . .
A time of innocence
A time of confidences
Long ago . . . it must be . . .
I have a photograph
Preserve your memories
They’re all that’s left you
(lyrics from Bookends, Simon and Garfunkel)
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Thank you! Barbara Jordan, so awesome!
Wow! She even talks about RNC money being used to subvert justice. Thank you, Leu2500.
#4. the bush-Obama group hug fest
can all people and animals drink plain water with nothing added aren't we made of water and should we not be able to drink plain plain water sometimes no sugar flavor ALCOHOL JUICE etc just plain water
Well I like my sugar and flavor, but could do without
lead in my drinking water. And as far as I have heard, nothing definitive has been done about Flint's infrastructure.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Well I don't know about improvement, but
something definitive has been done: Snydley signed a bill into law that residents of Flint cannot sue the state over the water issue.
That is truly corrupt.
I'm surprised they're not rioting in Flint.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Probably A.) too poisoned and
Probably A.) too poisoned and B.) justifiably concerned about SWAT teams coming after them... immediate regime change is required in America...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Breathtaking essay, Phoebe
So many wonderful observations, I don't know where to start. Your writing lately has been inspired, even better than your usual very high standard.
Another example is the failure of the Obama administration to prosecute the war crimes of the Bush administration, particularly the waging of a war of aggression in Iraq. The Nuremburg Tribunal called this the greatest of international crimes, because it encompassed all the others. Instead of pursuing justice under the Geneva Conventions, the Obama administration gave us "Look forward, not back," and similar bullshit. All while it proceeded to commit its own war crimes, of course. And partisan Democrats excused this unpardonable inaction by citing the possibility of retribution by a future Republican administration. Okay then, how about indemnifying oneself by not committing war crimes? The possibility was never seriously entertained.
The Obama administration included an Attorney General seemingly picked because of his memo detailing a doctrine of "collateral consequences," which claimed high corporate officials could never be prosecuted because of possible negative economic consequences. He wrote this while he was Bill Clinton's Deputy AG, incidentally. The Obama administration heavily armed police departments with military equipment and novel crowd-control devices, and coordinated a violent national crackdown on citizens protesting economic injustice. The Obama administration turned a blind eye to the corruptions of the Clintons while Hillary was a part of that administration, and is now busily covering up those corruptions.
When you campaign on a Lesser of Two Evils platform, you might take a care to ensure that you actually are the lesser of two evils. Today's Democratic Party seems comfortable assuming it is entitled to be seen that way, but for too many Americans it has become difficult to tell the difference.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I just wonder when they will call out "The Good Democrats"
ack, I am in a meany mood today. Lawyers, I have developed a prejudice against them, since I understood their role during Nazi Germany.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
I think what we're doing here is exactly that-
calling out the "Good Democrats". Reminder, a lot of members here are official Bad Democrats or Former Democrats who either self-deported or were drummed out of sanctioned Democratic sites when they made critical observations of either the Party or the pre-selected candidate.
The Democratic Party today is lying in the bed they made over the last ten years when their words, actions and policies had the end result of maintaining and even augmenting war, wealth inequality and social injustice. Their "we'll do better, no this time we really mean it" is falling on a lot of deaf ears and they have no one but themselves to blame.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
One of the many reasons that Obama didn't prosecute
the war criminals from the Iraq debacle is because war is now a state of being in America, just as much as eating or sleeping. It is no longer a conscious act of a nation-state to be declared, prosecuted and then won or lost. It is now a permanent state of our existence.
And the old "rules" regarding torture, treatment of prisoners and aggression no longer apply. Gonzales, Yoo, Feith, Rummy, Cheney and Bush saw to that. As Dim told Alex deLarge in "A Clockwork Orange"..."It's the New Way, me brother". And Her Royal Heinous is onboard.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Thank you Dallasdoc
for both the compliment and your comment.
It really was all right there from the getgo, wasn't it? Hillary's term will be the fifth Clinton term since Obama is looking more and more like an official placeholder in both his people and his policies.
I'm leaning more and more to Greater Evil lying at the door of the Democrats. At least Trump hasn't violated the public trust YET, he still has that to look forward to.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Echoing what Dallasdoc said:
"So many wonderful observations, I don't know where to start. Your writing lately has been inspired, even better than your usual very high standard."
Phoebe, as for "inappropriately", even if you added "inappropriately murdering innocent black people" it still couldn't represent the horror of this time in which we are living...
Comey, DOJ, AG - all need to be fired.
AMEN, dallasdoc!
I hope you will repeat this every time the administration rejects bringing the Saudi government to justice because it might mean bringing our government to justice:
Surprised that bringing the
Surprised that bringing the Israeli government to justice wasn't a first pick - then billions of American taxpayer dollars/military supplies would also no longer be flowing to fund slow-ish genocide against the Palestinians. There's a two-fer we all could go for over Bill and Hill as paired corporate managers over the North American corporate asset.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
As Usual
Your essay is poignant...and painful to read in your unwillingness to mince words. Thank you!!
I'm not sure I will be able to watch the debate tonight because it enrages me to listen to both candidates speak and say nothing. Over the weekend I found myself in several difficult conversations over who I would vote for, and the police shootings in Tulsa, Charlotte, and otherwise. As usual, I was dismissed as foolish to cast a vote of conscience, or to leave the POTUS ballot blank. Clinton supporters anger quickly when you explain you fear her Presidency as much as Trump's absurdity. I was repeatedly told that all the bad things about Hillary are just bogus lies from the right wing persecution. When you cite current issues like the Clinton Foundation, or Hillary's comment that there will be no single payer healthcare effort on her behalf, or Haiti, or Iran, they get downright frothy
More distressing is how many in my neighborhood feel those being gunned down by police are the ones at fault for not immediately responding to police orders. I have always told my son to be respectful to the police, but there is no justifiable reason to kill someone for not immediately bending to the will of the police. They ARE NOT LEGAL EXECUTIONERS just because they have a badge. Last week I posted a link to an article citing the Massachusetts High Court Ruling that stated unequivocally that Black Men are justified to run from the police. How much worse will it get before Law Enforcement ends this practice of ethnic cleansing?
Most distressing of all was the comment recorded in the local newspaper by the football coach... stating any player not standing for the national anthem would be benched, and disciplined. So much for encouraging kids to have compassion, and think for themselves.
Sorry for such a long-winded thumbs up for your diary
This is very discouraging.
I hear it too. And often. Insipid retorts like "If you don't want to get shot, then don't break the law" just drive me up the wall. What law? Speeding? How about parading without a permit? Jesus Lord, has half of the country lost their collective minds?
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Yes, some goodly % of the populace is now fear-driven.
Constant TV and radio presentation of bad acts, bad outcomes and our gun culture thrown in have made many terrified. Helplessness is drilled in as a rational response. Othering of potential Terrorists! Who could be anyone!
Return of John Oliver, he compared and contrasted H and D. Apparently the script writers use Politico as the sole source, diminishing the H deeds. Be afraid, while laughing bitterly.
Surgeon meet Wed afternoon. Then I can discover what I must undergo. I am not particularly afraid.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I often ask those who think the shooting is justified
if what they were doing was an offense that justified the death penalty. If they continue to give me their line of "...shouldn't have broken the law..." I repeat my question. I don't back down and it frustrates them, but also makes them think. People are not thinking today - they are always reacting to the drivel being fed to them.
Excellent essay, Phoebe. You are making me think.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
They have been, truly, brainwashed
into believing craven propaganda. It pains me to use that word, because many, many otherwise sane, forward thinking people still don't get it that their admonishment to "just don't break the law" is no longer justifiable. The News lies to them over and over and over again, and makes them believe that it is justifiable. It ISN'T.
Disobedience Is a Death Sentence? Really? Can I Get an Ideology
Check, please?
The Right flaunts the government at all turns.
The Left stands up to unjust authority.
Who obeys without question?
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
What? Why, everybody does!
Especially when they're really, really white.
I mean, to hear them go on, they obey without question. You and I both know they don't, but that's the kind of shit they've been brainwashed into believing.
I Know Really, Really White People. They Break Rules All the
time. They just don't want Other people to break the rules.
Hypocrisy is not an ideology.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Well, yeah
I love throwing that out (on other forums)--either you get trolled with a bunch of Sales Bonus spam until the post is buried or otherwise unreadable, or else it's complete crickets. Unbelievable.
Scheindog, what you have just
Scheindog, what you have just described is a 'socially engineered' fascist society...
Edit: a letter didn't go through - must... press... all... of... the... keys... some harder than others.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
She stole an election, broke laws and made secret speaches
to the same Wall Street banksters who got away with colossal fraud and she wonders why no one likes her? Boy, ego can be blinding, can't it?
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
This is the thing...
That no one is talking about. She got over a million votes less than she did in 2008. The DNC was caught RED HANDED tilting the election towards Hillary. The suppressed potential voters, they didn't organize voting registration drives and they changed peoples registrations at the last minute. Now they are shocked, SHOCKED that this has lead to new voters and millennials saying 'meh'. At least with Trump, people feel like he won the nomination fair and square. God help our country.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
"Everything Not Forbidden Is Compulsory"
That's where we're headed, and at breakneck speed.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I think it comes down to Clinton's and the Democrats form
of evil being insidious and pervasive while Trump's is overt.
Hillary has already laid the groundwork and has an army of loyal minions standing ready to crawl over every inch of the government to implement her form it. She is the personification of crony capitalism if ever there was one.
No apologies for being long-winded are ever needed to me! Your comment was insightful of what is happening around us as everyone tries to gauge and evaluate the hideousness that has been foisted on us by these two parties.
(Edited for typos and to add stuff I wish I had said originally)
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
At least many of the people
At least many of the people would be solidly - and immediately - behind efforts to impeach President Trump following the first gawd-awful thing he tried to do, and he wouldn't have the political backing for a Clinton-style cover-up. Unless, of course, TPTB liked the gawd-awful thing he wanted to do...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Thanks for this Phoebe
I have no illusions/delusions about trump winning the WH. The game is rigged for clinton and I believe the only reason the polls are tightening is for the MSM to make bank on a tight race. Who actually wins with the vote? Nobody will know but "officially" it will be clinton. Just like the primary.
One good thing about corruption at this level is that it's color blind. There is no black or white. It's a band of like minded plutocrats doing what's best for them.
"Polls tightening for the MSM to make bank"
Spot on. I get at least 10 emails a day now from the DCCC "begging," "pleading," "desperate," "OMG Trump!" and on and on and on. I think they got my email from long ago when I donated to Obama, and no matter how many times I try to unsubscribe they keep on coming. If I write them a nasty response then I get some error email when my account keeps on trying to send to them so I can't even get that tiny bit of satisfaction.
I totally agree she'll "win" this thing. And you'd be spot on about their colorblind corruption too - they use race to enflame the voters but in their quiet smoke filled rooms they could really care less as long as that POC or woman is one of them.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Lol, earlier today I'd
Lol, earlier today I'd unsubscribed from an incoming 'Hillary Clinton' email again, having done so again just recently, then just did again as another labelled 'Hillary Clinton' email had come in, or rather I tried to, but there was such a list of suspect sites loading, as shown at the bottom of my computer, before the unsubscribe would load that I stopped and tried blocking.
What's really odd was that I peeked in Deleted, because several hundred 'Hillary Clinton' (actually from different Dems and having their names in as 'sender') emails had just been added to several hundred in from the most recent deletion - that and I noticed that FF had blocked a pop-up from showing in my Deleted and inbox files.
So, it seems that Hill's campaign's now trying to get around blocks and people unsubscribing by repeatedly piggy-backing on other Dem email systems by having her name and requests placed on some of their outgoing appeals on their email addresses in to get through in order to further piss off people who very clearly do not want to hear from her - and - it kinda appears - possibly unloading what??? onto their systems? Tracking? Spyware? Was the blocked pop-up in my deleted file - also appearing in my inbox - of a stern, finger-waving lecture from Her Royal Coronation? Or had I simply failed to notice this FF banner before, although it seemed quite noticeable after? (And don't recall ever seeing that in my emails before - but I'm often pretty groggy and sometimes miss a lot so this may have been there previously, I suppose, although I'd have sworn it wasn't until I changed pages to look at Deleted.) Wish I could recall some of the names flashing by while waiting for the unsubscribe option to load before I stopped the process, but there were quite a number...
Has anyone else experienced this sort of thing, or have I been targeted by some other set of phishing criminals hoping to get me to donate to them, thinking that they're Dems? Dead out of luck, either way, lol.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Yes, saw a few like that
The Name was prominent in the subject line, but the sender was not the Name.
Can't recall now who the actual sender was, but spent some time in backscreens yesteray trying to see why my email client is not blocking an increasing mess of spam mails.
In a Nation of Laws, Drumpf is a Loser. But In a Nation of Men
he's a powerhouse.
Phoebe, you just laid out a superb essay that clearly demonstrates that the United States has ceased to be a Nation of Law and has become a Nation of Men.
In a Nation of Men, you need a tough guy who bucks the system and "speaks truth to power". /blech
I know it's gross, but I think it's true.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
The great irony in all this is that it was the Democrats
who converted us into the Law of Men. That was the outcome I always expected to get from Republicans.
On reflection, Democrats are the ones who took misleading the public into war and impeachment "off the table" the second they got into power in the House in a wave election, ostensibly because it was too inconvenient ad messy for them. They failed their first test and they've basically failed every test since then.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Failing to hold both the torturers & banksters accountable
was Obama's way of saying that the USA is open for looting and the US military will be running amok in the world enabling global capital's exploitation of people and resources. I don't like saying this but I think a reasonable person, looking at the recent history of the corruption of our Constitution and the laws that have derived from it, would agree.
Wonderful essay - Thanks.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I see the real turning point
as Bush v. Gore, when 5 members of the Supreme Court essentially decided that they were going to allow themselves to vote twice for president, once in the voting booth and again on the bench.
That was the death of the rule of law in this country. After that, all these other subsequent encroachments were easy.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future
I think you are right. The 5 on the Supreme Court had a greater
alleigence(sp?) to the Republican Party then it did to the US Constitution.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The 'Media' is in a frenzy as they see it slipping away
Thank you for your clear arguments and courage in providing them. As Hillary supporters try to whip up fears that Trump represent Fascism, they have worked to dominate the MSM so that none of these issues have been a focus of serious investigative reporting. They are planning both pre and post debate spins to make up for the fact that Hillary is a lackluster candidate who has problems with the truth and with justice. It is depressing to think of a President Trump, but he is very likely to win. The DNC's absolutely corruption in stealing the primary, refusing to nominate a candidate who would have beaten Trump hands down and their putting the fix in with the media are to me the greatest threats to democracy -- although there are many. I will vote for Jill Stein. Heard her speak the other day and agree with her argument that the only time you truly throw your vote away is when you use it to support someone who has betrayed Progressives, who has already done most of the things that people fear Trump will do and who is not working on behalf of the interests of the great majority of voters. If voters fall for the fear factor and vote for Clinton, they are voting for a person who has broken the law and is a serious threat to the well-being and security of all the 99%. There is a reason to vote third party -- just begin with the clear recognition that we have to dismantle the 2 party system that has allowed Hillary Clinton to be nominated, in spite of the will of the people. The refusal by the DNC to honor our voices and our choices demonstrate its alignment with the collusion between big money and mainstream media. It's important to keep reminding people of the truth, as you have done so effectively in this timely essay.
Trump is the walking emanation of people's disgust with politics
Prompting the following questions -
Are we so f*ked up that half the nation decided on flagellation with Trump as a self-administered punishment giving us finally the government we deserve?
Or is he a cure by blowing up politics as normal? Is that why Republican voters rejected normalcy and essentially voted for anarchy because they thought it would be an improvement?
Are we destroying the village to save it?
These and other questions will be discussed by our panelists in tonight's episode of America On The Couch.
Seriously, as a country, we need therapy.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Trump intends to wreak havoc
on the government we have, to the best of his ability. No doubt the System is dysfunctional and corrupt, but Trump might try to re-structure it into something that would be just as bad, or even worse. I doubt he'd be able to burn the whole village down - it's an awfully big village - but he sure could do a lot of "creative destruction" within it. And a great many Americans seem to have developed an appetite for that sort of thing.
Phoebe, a great essay as are your many others
In your essay, the analogy between a crumbling building and by extension a crumbling society was wonderfully realized. No qualms with any of your essay's opinions.
But I do have some misgivings about:
If one concludes that today's rampant corruption, monetary inequality, judicial malfeasance, absence of principled statesmen (and women) is what is now accepted as normal, then I pray to FSM to bring meteors to every major bank and capitol building in this once more benign nation.
You are right to have misgivings AE
I was really referring to the Republican primaries where the vast majority of the candidates should have been rejected out of hand, but a handful could have at least been considered normal, run-of-the-mill Republican candidates and not the scorched earth represented by Trump.
I completely agree with you that corruption, inequality, injustice and absence of principles must NEVER be considered normal or acceptable and we have to fight the notion that they are.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Thanks Pheobe
And I would like to add to your list that we are continuing our assault on our native Americans by allowing corporate greed to roll over what land and water we have left for them with impunity. We already steal from them their lands and their resources daily with impunity, but the grievance of allowing corporations to continue the predations of America on the peoples who lived here first adds a gritty grimy layer.
And the war on drugs has added the punitive effects on a population that has always tried to self medicate when things get really hard to bear. And that war has led to the undoing of the constitution itself by allowing police to confiscate without any due process goods and property from the American people as well as perpetrate the unending incarcerations of peoples of lower class and color.
But this primary season has allowed the curtains to be ripped completely off and those of us who can see have seen that we are a people totally hoodwinked by people in leadership and in the media who do not have a single sense of preservation of self or otherwise. And the brink of extinction may be here and now.
If I may add to your comment:
If I may add to your comment: they frame it so because they want us to think that they can undo/eviscerate/tear up a country's Constitution by misinterpreting it, ignoring it, by acting in violation of it, by passing laws/agreements in contravention of it, but they can't.
The rights protected by your Constitution are forever, while public servants come and go. That's why Constitutions matter, even if they are not always respected by the lawless in government who have then broken their oaths and failed their office, for which they are then no longer qualified.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
As always Phoebe, you say it so well.
We don't have much left for the Democrats to loot and destroy. They are not my father's Democratic Party. This is not the country I grew up in. I can not, will not vote for Hillary.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The walls are closing in and the Dems are running scared.
In addition to the reasons enumerated in Phoebe's great essay, I would also add that now that we've entered the final phase of the process, the American people, Democrats included, are waking up and realizing that they really don't want Hillary Clinton as president. They're sick of the lies, the corporatism, and her entire family. For example, the Washington Times (good god, this is such a topsy turvy election year), had an article today about Hillary losing ground in Pennsylvania because Democrats are defecting to Trump.
That is basically what it boils down to. People are asking themselves, "What have the Democrats done for me lately?" and their answer is "nothing." Obama and the party leadership have been completely tone deaf to the mood of the country and have absolutely no idea how bad things are right now. They're not listening to how people feel, they're busy telling us how to feel. And they wonder why they're on the verge of losing to Trump. They insulted nearly half the Democratic electorate, including a ton of independents, when they put their thumb on the scale for Hillary, and simply expected to have those votes in November. Now that they're finally paying attention, they see that voters, millennials especially, will not vote for someone that they do not support. Surprise, surprise, you arrogant assholes.
Great comment! You hit the nail on the head.
Many of their own voters feel like the Party has been pushing the boundaries and drawing closer to the line in the sand for a long time and they finally found it.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
The people agree with you
Voting Eligible Population: 227mm (VAP less felons & non-citzens)
Registered: 142mm
Turnout: 120mm (prez) to 83mm (non-prez)
95 million are not being prevented from registering, although many millions are, they just don't believe that there is anyone for them to vote for and/or they see no difference between the Democrats and Republicans. It explains the US's unique delta between VEP and Registered.
I'd say there are 45 to 50 million people in that group that would vote for candidates to the left of the Democratic party. For candidates to the left of Sanders.
Census report would indicate this group exists in every demo you can think of, and I'd say the non-reporters are more likely your more socialist/libertarian partisans.
//Surprise, surprise, you arrogant assholes.//
My sentiments, exactly.
They are now reaping what they've sown. And it's a noxious weed.
Obama is to African Americans as Thatcher is to Women
ah no, Obama is much more charming and good looking
than Thatcher. Didn't you notice? /s
Not being a corpse does give him an unfair advantage....
Charming, good looking,
intelligent, well-spoken, and vain as a peacock.
The inaction of the DOJ is certainly a huge problem that can
make many people angry and unwilling to vote for further injustice.
I think also the lack of commitment to less income inequality is a big issue. Clinton is not out there every day talking about higher wages, expanded Social Security, job training for those who don't want to do a whole college degree, the public option, etc. And she comes across elitist. I feel like her support for pocketbook issues is lukewarm at best. She doesn't have nearly the passion for those as she does for "Fear Trump!"
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And then again, there's the NYT
today with yet another headline about how more people are climbing out of poverty since they're getting those big wage increases. I did see a few early comments on that article, which I only skimmed as I know it's a complete and utter LIE, that rebutted that sentiment that the "recovery" is here, but I seriously imagine that most of them buy into that. So really now, there is no big issue with income inequality, is there? Not today, not in NYT/MSM lala land....
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I read the NYT piece
It was kind of an anecdotal puff piece and more about people pulling themselves out of poverty individually, not because of any specific government action or program. It had a sort of "You too can earn a new bicycle by selling Grit!" feel to it. (If you get that reference, you just dated yourself)
The trap for the Dems in this is overly congratulating themselves for fairly small movement in the grand scheme of things, 1.2%. If they start announcing that Happy Days Are Here Again when they're not for most people, they are just going to cement an image of being out-of-touch elites. Also, some people will start wondering, "Where's mine? How come I don't see this increased income?"
But hooray, it great to see some upward movement for anyone anywhere, particularly those at the bottom of the ladder.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Agree with you both. I'm happy for any little improvement,
but small improvements don't solve my problems. And these are issues that people know first hand, they don't have to look them up. So when I, my family and friends struggle, any celebration of small improvements makes politicians and their tame media look out of touch and I won't vote for them.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Great title.
In what may have been one of the most unusual election themes was Hillary's attack on Bernie that he representative un-safe ideas such as single payer, and she was the defender of The Establishment--we ain't Denmark. She is going to be Obama version 3.0. That may work with loyal party members doing okay, but how many millions of people hurt or destroyed by the banksters have come to see the democrats as useless or enabling the banksters.
It would be interesting to survey people hurt by the banksters and count how many support Hillary or Trump.
And how many younger African Americans will begin to see the democrats in the same way as people hurt by the banksters? The birth of BLM was in Ferguson which was politically controlled at city and state level by democrats. The police departments of cities protecting killer cops have democratic party mayors. (The same when OWS was crushed.)
If Hillary is elected, the eviction notice will not happen until 2018 when a post-Trump gop will crush the democrats in the midterms. Not because the gop is the better party but because the democratic party will be dislike to so many Americans.
Great essay Phoebe
'The Law is King' said Thomas Paine. Your right the foundation of our government has been destroyed. There is no rule of law, no checks or balances on power, no separation of powers. I thought back when Bush 2 was selected that it was a Republican right wing coup. I was wrong it was a by-partisan coup. I would say rather then it being too messy for the Democrat's to restore the rule of law that they we're complicit in the destruction.
I should have known or admitted this complicity when Gore refused to even let the Black Caucus have the floor after the debacle in Florida and the Supreme's selected Bush. After 16 years of rule by the oligarch's and their puppet pols who find democracy, equality, laws and justice an impediment to their agenda it's obvious to most of us that the USA, USA, USA is not a representative democracy or a nation of laws not men.
The odious Patriot Act was the final blow to the rule of law. Assange said of the Obama administration that they reinterpreted old law to make new laws. They also took away the universal laws that humans have developed over centuries that protect people from the unchecked abuse of power.
where's my habeas corpus?
where's our posse comitatus?
Good old Thomas Paine
The Rule of Law is the underpinning of any just and civil society and an essential ingredient for peace in the streets; we toss it at our own peril.
I had a stray thought the other day that Hillary was an echo of Louis the XIV's declaration , "l'etat c'est moi". She really took that phrase to heart in her practices, didn't she?
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Basically, amongst the world,
Basically, amongst the world, other nations fear our military power, but still also laugh at our childish shenanigans politically and corporately speaking. The Corporate States of Oligarchia is a world wide laughing stock, albeit a well armed laughing stock.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Outstanding work, Phoebe!
I've been following your diaries (essays? stories? posts?) since we were gullible Kossacks hanging out at the GOS. As Dallasdoc and others have already said, your work this week has eclipsed even the best of the best of the best that you've produced that last few years. Truly off the charts excellence. I'm nearly speechless.
Your words cut deep. It's hard to watch as those we once trusted drag us further into their cesspool. When I think about all the lost opportunities over the last 8 years, I just don't know how we'll ever recover. Mustn't lose hope. Definitely easier said than done.
Please keep these great essays coming! Truth to Power!!
HCKAD your comment means a great deal to me, thank you so much
I'm always pleasantly surprised when anyone takes the time to read anything that I've written and if it connects enough to prompt a comment, then I feel doubly rewarded. Some of the best writing around here is contained in the comments that posters make in response to someone else's essay, so there's a really good symbiosis going on.
Escaping and swimming away from Daily Alcatraz really liberated my writing and that might account for any improvement you detect. It's much nicer to write what you think without looking over your shoulder for the Democratic dogma docents.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Phoebe, probably a lot of us
Phoebe, probably a lot of us don't usually mention in comments how valued your work is because it's so consistently valuable, but I do know that you're one of the people here (and I must admit that there are a number of others) whose name on an essay or comment brings an instant spark of interest because I know that there'll invariably be something interesting and well-written there. So you're a lot more appreciated than you might have guessed.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I'd like to add
that I've followed you from before and during your move to find better options for your own health, and trust that the brilliance and grit of this and your other recent posts speak to the success of that change of homestead.
It's an honor to be here, able to read your analysis. and the writing of so many others who I have followed for years. With it I get the feeling I can read all the lines on our current eye chart down to the finest small print, despite the terrifying nature of the message.
Outstanding essay, Phoebe!
As usual, you cut through the garbage and get right to the heart of things. So much has happened in such a short time that every day, we wonder when the next shoe is going to drop. It not only took a Democrat to finally destroy any semblance of a democratic government, but also that Democrat was a Constitutional lawyer to boot.
Everything in government is now for sale.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
You know, at TOP maybe a dozen essayists I'd say were required
reading for me, probably less. When I first started seeing your stuff, maybe a few years ago, I thought, man, she has the cogency, the breadth and depth and command of the issues that would warrant a spot as a top writer on any journalistic website or traditional new outlet. We're pretty lucky to have you here Phoebe.
Thanks for contributing yet another stellar, focused and right on target piece at just the right time, before this hideous and surreal embarrassment of a debate about to take politics in the U.S. to a new low.
As more and more people awaken to the cold hard fact that there is no reliable Justice to be had in the two-tiered justice system of complete immunity for political and financial elites and cops, we're going to get more and more folks likely to march and shut shit down with us. These two candidates, who embody all that has gone wrong and most venal, will be the linchpin.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
A very worthwhile rant
And I love your 'crumbling infrastructure' simile, it is so very apt.
But on one matter I would make a humble suggestion. You wrote:
"But to get back to my point, as a clueless white person, I had to be educated. But our President and AGs did not. Why were they so behind the curve on this whole damn thing?"
Black is only skin deep; and all persons in a very large, very complex society like ours ought to be considered "ignorant pending education". Because for the vast majority of us, "the world" is nothing more than our own parochial experience of it. Even Michelle Alexander, who now knows more than most and understands very well the structural biases of our justice system -- even she confesses in the preface to The New Jim Crow that as a young lawyer she was never inclined to take seriously all the (mostly black) activists' accusations of systemic racial bias. Now she knows better; but she had to work to reach that position of understanding. I see no evidence that our President or AGs have engaged in such labor.
I understand what you are saying, you are 100% correct
in your statement that our view of the world is reflective of our own experience in the world, and I love how you label it "parochial".
Maybe I was incorrect in assuming PO and AGs Holder and Lynch had personal knowlege and familiarity with systemic racism, but it is an easy assumption to make since as far as I am aware, class or education or wealth does not protect or insulate anyone from racial bias and discrimination, even those POC who are members of the meritocracy or even oligarchy.
Remember Harvard professor Henry "Skip" Gates being arrested for being in his own home? I've also read accounts of African Americans who drive expensive cars saying they get stopped for being suspected of car theft, or if they live in gated communities, they get stopped by patrol cars for walking in their own neighborhoods. One of the most affecting diaries I ever read at TOP was one written by a black man discussing how every single black male at some point in his early life gets "the talk" which is about what to do and how to act when at some point they are invariably stopped by a member of the constabulary.
Just the other day I had the TV on and it was covering a Trump rally (do they ever not cover a Trump rally?) and Don King the boxing promoter was on hand as a Trump emissary to the POC demographic, which we all know Trump is doing craptastically with for obvious reasons - advocating "stop and frisk" being a major example. Don King launched into what I thought was a bizarre commentary. I thought it was strange and disjointed and I thought, "What is he saying? This is weird." And then finally I got it. He was saying that no matter what you do or how much money you have, a black person will never, ever, escape the modifying adjective that details their race. These were his words:
The larger point may be that even if PO and Holder and Lynch had somehow personally escaped some of the more negative experiences of living as a POC in America - it was their job to know. They collectively are responsible for enforcing civil rights, and voting rights and any issues involving systemic discrimination, it's actually in their job descriptions - the President as Chief Executive of the United States and Holder and Lynch as AGs heading DOJ under his direction.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "