Democracy Now Interview with Bernie Delegate and HRC Supporter
I didn't watch any of the speeches yesterday, but watched many interviews. I was especially impressed by the Sanders delegate in this interview. (The HRC person will make you feel nauseous however.) He clearly states that he will never vote for HRC. I saw few folks in the interviews I watched who were rolling over into unity.
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IMO, like I said in another essay, Bernie is playing a John the Baptist role and really always has been. If you are not familiar with the bible story. John is Jesus' cousin who goes around holding rallies before Jesus becomes publicly known. At the point where Jesus starts doing his thing, John says to his followers, "He must increase and I must decrease." Of course we don't want this to be a full parody because John gets beheaded by the establishment in the end. Well . . . that may be what has symbolically happened.
I hope we see a Jill Stein / Nina Turner ticket. Two brilliant women to lead us forward. They would respond appropriately to the climate crisis and all of the other important issues.

Good interview
I caught it yesterday. What struck me was the deafness of the Clintonite. They just don't get it, and will be shocked at their lack of support because all they have is T-RUMP.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
She's from Emily's List
So, of course, is not going to hear anything negative about Her.
He ran for Congress in 2012, but failed to make the ballot.
The Hillary Zombies Really Don't Understand
They are so out of touch with reality. They blab on like Hillary is this progressive for the people, candidate when literally every matrix tells you the opposite.
Reich and Hedges now on Democracy NOW
turn in.
Wow, Jess really is out of
Wow, Jess really is out of touch with her "Unity statement" and not acknowledging the rift at all.
Norman has his finger on the real pulse, and makes the points clear, and Jess is so blind. The DNC is heading to it's grave.
Jill and Nina would be the choice I could sleep well at night after voting for.
So long, and thanks for all the fish