Dem VP Pick Tim Kaine in my neck of the woods on Friday!
Good morning fellow C99ers! I received this email this morning:
My thoughts on this were: "Ugh, how horrible this man is coming!" "Is SHE coming too???" "I am UNSUBSCRIBING now that I know they are definitely with HER!!!" (Kent County Dems) I do live in a super conservative area, so really no surprise I guess. Just disappointed.
Now, I'm onto how I can "ditch" the kids for a few hours and go down and protest this. By protest, I mean with a sign. I'm certain there are rules for protesting outside of a political office that I should know about before I go down (if I go down). Anyone ever done this before???
Any ideas for signs would be appreciated from you awesome and smart C99ers! I really want to highlight his union-busting and TPP favor. I will do a two-sided sign probably with more crap he's for, which is against US.
Anyone close to Grand Rapids, MI, that would be able to join me? If so, let's connect!
(This is my first essay, apologies in advance for the quickness.)