Dear Democrats You Are Going To Need The Whistleblowers That You Now Despise
Since Barack Obama entered the White House in 2009, his government has waged a war against whistleblowers and official leakers. On his watch, there have been eight prosecutions under the 1917 Espionage Act – more than double those under all previous presidents combined.
The reaction to Wiki-Leaks information on the Hillary Clinton campaign has bordered upon hysteria since the election.
We are now watching the assembly of Trump's Executive Administration, the opportunities for conflict of interest seem almost without limit.
Now who are you going to rely upon to find out about the truth.
The Democratic Party?
Chuck Schumer has basically admitted he wants to smooth the way for Trump by sitting around the camp-fire and singing kumbaya in the spirit of neoliberal bipartisanship. Anything to protect the oligarchy one could say.
The Main Stream Media?
Hahahahahahaha. What makes them think they are going to change, they have often been the official organs for such laudatory Imperial actions as the "Iraq War and Occupation".
In 2004, The New York Times issued a half-hearted apology for their previous coverage of the Iraq war, in which the publication helped manufacture consent for a disastrous invasion that was predicated on false information. “In some cases, information that was controversial then, and seems questionable now, was insufficiently qualified or allowed to stand unchallenged,” wrote the Times’ editors. The Washington Post and several other mainstream media outlets also served as aggressive propagandists in favor of the Iraq war
The New York Times and nearly every major news publication in the country formally endorsed Clinton during the Democratic primaries, and the general election. WikiLeaks revealed that several dozen reporters from mainstream media outlets coordinated with the Clinton campaign and attended private parties with their campaign staff. Clinton received a disproportionate amount of support from mainstream media in the primaries and general election, yet pro-Clinton journalists continue to blame Clinton’s opponents for her defeat instead of assuming responsibility for coalescing around a highly unfavorable, flawed candidate.
Manipulation of the media is definitely the fault of the Russians!
Quick punch a hippy.
Writers like Glenn Greenwald that went from hero to zero when a democrat was in power.
Chelsea Manning's living hell, pretty much ignored by all but a few.
A sitting President that has to all intents and purposes pardoned torture and war crimes by just moving on, the Democratic Party, the press and the partisans have hardly been outraged about that one.
The self styled Liberal Blogs?
Who basically surrendered to the neoliberal demands and lost a great deal of any credibility they once had in so doing. Any messenger was joyously attacked when the message didn't conform to the talking points, the truth could go hang.
The Democratic Party and their partisans fail to realize the damage they have done over the years by tacitly supporting such glorious act as The Patriot Act just because their party happened to be in power. The president even lead the charge on the TPP until and election threatened and that it threatened to be far worse than NAFTA, it's a good job Bernie ran otherwise that one would have been ignored as well.
The left that was both during the campaign and after disparaged, mocked and vilified for the campaigns own colossal failings?
Racists! Misogynists! Russians! Bernie Bros!
Who are you going to turn to now? Personally you burnt those bridges and I am not going to help in rebuilding them. You can all run to the neo-liberal teat for succour for all I care. No doubt you will put on the mantle of self righteousness once more, until the next election anyway. Will "Not as bad as" be your clarion call once more?
The Whistle-blowers?
They may be all that you have left in the fight.
Will you call them Russian spies and or traitors once again?
Will you remain silent when they are persecuted and prosecuted under laws that you applauded or ignored at best?
Will they be the target of your ire if they expose truths you don't happen to like because politiks?
Hypocrisy has a cost

Spot on.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I am noticing in formerly progressive publications like In These
Times and the Progressive Populist that no one is allowed to mention that Barack H. Obama paved the way for anything hateful Trump may do by having done it himself. Trump didn't spring full grown out of the ear of his mother last year; he has a history and he exists in the context of a neoliberal present. Because Obama was such a poor excuse for a president, it makes it easy for Trump to sink even lower.
Will Trump be at war for 8 straight years? Probably, but who can say.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
An awful lot of MIC contacts and war for oil people in his
choices, further expansion of war and dirty tricks is likely
It will be interesting to see
Whether the (for lack of a better moniker) " The deep state" will coalesce behind Trump or will they war amongst themselves. Whistleblowers don't necessarily come from altruism Snowden the exception here but more from disgruntled turf battle contestants or power struggles on policy, kinetic actions etc. I suspect much of the darkest crap will be hidden away for awhile. We will be treated to daily circuses of shit flinging, faux pas, irregular argot, political TMZ, poutrage about social program wing clipping, hobbling and dunning of all that is right and true and various and sundry stinky cheese morsels from the TRUMP players. This is sure to keep the average person quite happy and in a state of febrile excitation. Just think consumer sentiment just made an all time high. LONG LIVE THE PONZI.
My guess, they will coagulate around what makes money for them
Only the MSM could report this fake news
"Just think consumer sentiment just made an all time high"
Sometimes I wonder if it's the people or the MSM that's on opioids?
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Hard to tell who to believe, I suppose that was the objective
all along
Good point. Trump can put them in jail like Obama did.
Yah, now Trump can use Obama's unprecedented use of the Espionage Act to jail whistle blowers who simply exposed internal corruption plus the reporters who published any information about the leaks. And now also, Trump can listen into or read anything from anybody in the world. I doubt if Trump will have any self-restraint with some of his new Obama-powers.
I am looking forward to seeing how NATO and EU leaders confront him just for the entertainment. They talk about Trump like he is some little kid that needs a stern talking-to in regards to, well, a lot of stuff, especially Russia.
I talked about this at the time, someone always worse can
get hold of power, same goes for the whole founding of the "Homeland Security State" very few seemed to be at all worried at that time.
"Homeland" really, what a choice, read Vaterland.
How about Trump using a 'kill list' and indefinite detention?
Will these things still be acceptable ? Probably not until another Democrat is in the Wall Street House.
Maybe when Trump's drone attacks kill an American (that has no charges filed against him, or her) we'll hear about it being the fault of having a bad parent, not the killer, but this time I expect to hear cries about 'due process' being ignored and that using the military to take into custody (indefinitely) an American citizen in this this Country is plainly unconstitutional (when the Red team does it) !
How about Trump using a 'kill list' and indefinite detention?
Will these things still be acceptable ? Probably not until another Democrat is in the Wall Street House.
Maybe when Trump's drone attacks kill an American (that has no charges filed against him, or her) we'll hear about it being the fault of having a bad parent, not the killer, but this time I expect to hear cries about 'due process' being ignored and that using the military to take into custody (indefinitely) an American citizen in this this Country is plainly unconstitutional (when the Red team does it) !
So after Trump is the MFIC on January 20th,
then and only then, drone strikes will no longer be good, they will be bad. Whistleblowers will no longer be bad, they will be good. We're flip-flopping again, eh?
Strike that. Reverse it. (8 second clip)
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Perhaps bombing hospitals will be regarded as a war crime not
an oopsey.
The last one wasn't even an oopsie.
We did it on purpose, "because there were terrarists there."
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
An oopsey was the official verdict after an independent enquiry
by those very interested in it being declared an oopsey.
(Just to underscore your point).
Come on, get with the f'ing program. We're at war
with Eastasia, NOT Eurasia.
But then I sigh; and, with a piece of scripture,
Tell them that God bids us do good for evil:
And thus I clothe my naked villany
With old odd ends stolen out of holy writ;
I hadn't thought of this
The Dums will most certainly want to lift the whistle blower rules enacted by Obama. That's probably the only thing Drumpf won't touch.
I tremendously resent Obama for his clamp down on whistle blowers, among other things-- You go Mr. Transparency! Part of the platform you ran on.
I believe that transparency in full, not half-hearted, not using scare tactics as justification for so called matters of national security, but complete transparency revealing the actions of politicians is the only way to create and maintain a wholesome government.
As one of Reagan's speech writers said, "Trust but verify".
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Then they ran Ms Opacity herself for president.
What could go wrong, eh?
Opacity is the new Transparency
Dontcha know? Did you get the memo? Of course now that Trump, opaque is once again bad. We'll get that memo soon enough, no doubt.