Dear Democrat party, let's talk lesser evilism again (rant of the night)
Editor's note: Inspired by yet another attempt to interject facts into the head of a hillbot that for some reason I still try to argue with, lord knows why.... And this article (
And I am aware some of it is a bit of a rewording from my previous essay too on the topic. Everyone has their methods of therapy, mine seems to be putting these out there and a little virtual quill to paper.
Dear Democrat (slur intended) party members.
I get it, it's easier to whine about ALEC, bitch about the money in politics on their side (but never ours, we're the good guys), list all the heinous things done by repubs, and that will be done (I'm enjoying everyone telling me this week it'll be nukes and conversion therapy everywhere!) Because we have to stop them. This time it's too important, we promise next time we'll fight, next time it won't be the same, we just have to hold what we have now so we can make sure Democrats are held accountable later.
Always a next time, never a now, certainly never a good time to build a real 3rd party, we wouldn't want to be a spoiler...
To do so would intrude on the belief that Democrats are what we have to vote for, cause we don't have another choice, when we do be Stein, Johnson or that guy down the street wearing the holy colander if it floats your boat ( if people had the balls to reach for it. Regardless, lets note things the things that shall not be named.
You want to talk to me about Russia being in cahoots with Trump and their influence on him and his politics.
But when many a middle eastern country directly lines the clinton foundations pockets, and Hillary's state department has sold more weapons to them than even during bush's terms?
You either don't care or you are silent.
You want to talk about Coal Ash in NC, and how we have to fight Pat on that and clean up this state and the corrupt practices of the NCGA?
But when the Democrats can't even mention fracking? when it again it has been Hillary Clinton selling this brand of toxic destruction across the world?
You either don't care or you are silent.
You want to talk about fighting the banks, breaking them up, and getting money out of politics, and how we need to overturn citizen's united.
When hillary's campaign directly benefited from it to the tune of 10 million from priorities USA, when major banks are some of her biggest donations, when she makes more from one still unreleased Goldman speech then I will see in years of work at my job...
Remind me again which party just refused to add a living wage tied to inflation to it's platform?
But again, you either don't care or you are silent.
Also remind me again, what is your basis of reasoning that Trump will appoint judges out to wreck everything, but Hillary and her VP pick who was backing the TPP one day before being chosen, of course will certainly appoint judges that will help us?
The blind zealotry and hypocrisy on that one alone speaks volumes.
When you spread the boogyman of Trump ushering in WWIII with the nukes off an unsourced rumor from Joe fricking Scarborough of all people, when you tell me Trump is gonna set the world ablaze.
But when it's pointed out lesser evil obama is now bombing a 4th middle east country (libya) using the flimsy one page excuse Bush had post 9/11 to start endless war without congress keeping it in check. When it was Hillary who pushed for the intervention in the first place, into a country where ISIS has now taken root thanks to the chaos and our own side in the fight committed some of the worst human rights abuses. And who is on file in leaked emails saying she's perfectly fine with seeing Syria burn and who knows which side we're on because it's going to hurt Iran and help Israel? When endless war just keeps a coming, when she helps foment unrest in the Ukraine, when she's supporting NATO ringing Russia, and starting a proxy war in Syria with them?
But Trump will usher in chaos?
Either way again, what are you? Not caring, or silent.
Somehow I don't think the families deported back to latin or south america, the ones we're bombing and maiming in the middle east, and the women plus minorities oppressed under the regimes in both we're backing, if not outright selling the bombs too would care much for your lesser evils theory, or be concerned about Trump as much as you are either.
When I'm told by you and yours Republicans are the enemy we must defeat, when team red has to be beaten at any cost, we can't trust a word they say because they're the evil ones.
Any peeps from you? Of course not, cause Repub bad, Dem good. Those are the rules of the duality. I mean I'm sure Meg Whitman and the big money on the GOP side would have certainly comes out in support of Bernie..... and it's just a coincidence that *&%#!!($ PNAC! just happens to back a fellow warhawk. (
But I'm the delusional one saying there's no difference.....
When you and others cheer the court cases in NC against voter ID, when you rail against laws pushed by the GOP disenfranchising the most important right we have. When you clamor against legal hoops, borderline poll taxes, etc.
But when that same fraud is perpetuated by your side across this country. When 100,000+ people are dropped from the NY rolls. When Bill Clinton's security blocks polling places and voters in MA. When the IA caucus is rigged from the start, to the point where even prominent Hillary supporters like James and Erin Bilbray call them on it. With Roberta Lange flat out refusing to even hear votes from the floor from Bernie supporters and ignoring overwhelming voice votes against her, then has the nerve with the help of the real sycophants in the corporate media to push the lies about violence and threats. When from state after stat we hear tales of registrations switched without consent, mysterious roll drops always seeming to benefit only one side, Hillary always doing best in any area with the least vote monitoring including where machines flunk hacking tests (let's note not a peep from the DNC about changing that either) Mathematically impossible exit poll results (but only on the dem side of course) that would have called for recounts from international monitors were it any other country. and my personal favorite, a god damn shredder truck parked outside a ballot location in CA caught on camera with boxes loaded into it.
But where are champions of virtue now?
Where did those saying they're fighting for us get off too?
Where are those like you telling me we're going to hold power accountable?
Where are those telling us how we have to fight for everyone to have the right to vote in a free and fair election?
For that one alone if none of the others you deserve a giant fuck you and the donkey you rode in on. Because that combined with the DNC leaks that show just how rigged this was with the party and the media against Bernie shows me again one simple truth.
You lack the morals to care about any of this from war on down, because of your fear, because we have to stop Trump, he's "Worse"
You lack the courage to actually fight for the things you claim to care about, when you settle for the very people who talk a good game but in the decades we've seen pass have become just as beholden to the money.
And you lack the integrity to hold true to that belief in the face of lesser evilism (which you can scream forever as well) Because you never take the time to ask the single big question behind it all. Even though again DNCleaks gave us a good chunk of the answer.
When the Democrats could have sewn this up months ago.
When they could have had a tidal wave of liberal force behind them.
When they could have sealed the deal with young voters for the next generation if not two.
When they had the momentum, the energy, and those ready to believe the system could be changed along with the will do actually get out there and do it. Like when Bernie had record donations coming in that showed as gods honest truth you could run a nationwide campaign without the PAC's and the corporation donations.
When they had someone who unlike Hillary blows Trump away in every poll out there, and at one point was even beating him in GA?
When they could have had someone who polled 100% in trust and honesty, and had the single highest favorbility rating of any candidate out there. While hillary this week was backwalking yet another lie about the FBI and her "damn emails"
When they in short had the dream candidate any party with half a brain would have killed for, who united every demographic under the sun from age, to race, to religion, and pulled in a majority of the independent vote every chance he got (the other holy grail of electoral victory)
Why. Didn't. They. Choose. Him?
Stop and think about that one for a minute... As you celebrate your victory. As you tell others this is what they have to vote for. As you settle once again. As you say we can't do better and it's too risky to try this time, because Trump is worse.
Lesser evils.....
And if you think again Im going to cave like Bernie did and reward this level of corruption with my vote, well I think we know how that goes now don't we? I think I'll listen to old Bernie, ( and say my vote has not been earned. You can't have it, it's not for sale, and you aren't somehow entitled to it in the name of any god damn party.
Deal with it.
My gameplan? You think my plan involves winning? It doesn't. Full Joker Democrats, this isn't about winning anymore, it's about sending a message. (Hint: #Demexit) If Trump happens, look in the mirror to see the person to blame, look to your party driving those who could have helped it away, look at the corruption you enabled destroying the very causes you claim to champion.
Pity that message will be one still falling on deaf ears. And I'm fairly certain one you'll never understand till it's too late for a party that deserves to die anyway. So support your bought and sold corpse of a party if you want, let the movement you claim to give a damn about die inside it, continue to be your own worst enemy to actual progressive change if you feel like it, and WHEN Hillary turns on you if she wins, by all means keep bleating out four legs good two legs better like a good little member of the corporate controlled herd.
Not I, no more.
If nothing else I'm grateful to Old Bernie for exposing the lies and corruption before he surrendered to his new role of head sheepdog...ahem...head reformer from within. Pity you lack the conviction and principles to listen to that Bernie as you display the hypocrisy of loving Stop Trump Bernie. Now that his words fit your pretty little narrative.
And all the while you refuse to stand up against that corruption regardless of what the consequences might be.
You stay silent...
" He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Well said
Demexitpalooza. Let it roll.
Excellent rant!
Right on . . .
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Hell Yeah
Breakfast Essay of Champions
It's not really about sending a message, either.
Remember that Clinton supporters don't get messages.
It's about realignment.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
I ask Hilbots all the time
What DO you see in her? NEVER a coherent answer. ALWAYS that she is a fighter, and that they just like her. What about her policies I ask? To which I get a deer-in-the-headlights stare. Or, she helps "the children". WHAT FREAKIN' CHILDREN???
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
It must be the ones she threw under the bus
with her campaigning for the Welfare Bill.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
... or the ones she sentenced to die by bombing
when she pushed for "humanitarian intervention" (heh) in Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and elsewhere --
They likely were going to die of starvation anyway (due to sanctions, etc.). Much better to end their misery in a "humanitarian" fashion --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Yup... one of the few areas Obama and I agree
We both think that we must hold those in power accountable.
The difference, of course, is that Obama thinks we should elect neolibs them hold them accountable by some unexplained post-election process. I think I should just not vote for the wrong candidate to start with.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Nice rant. Vote Jill.
The greater good, not the lesser evil.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Interesting thought
They espouse voting for the lesser of two evils. So why did they vote the greater of two evils during the primary? You'd think that if they wanted to go with the lesser of two evil argument, they'd be consistent on that. What that tells me is that they're not actually interested in the lesser evil argument as anything more than a bullying tactic.
And none of the D/Rs will step forward for ranked-choice voting.
They can take that binary mindset and shove it. Any time someone brings up "throwing your vote away", "lesser evil" logic (as a reason to vote R or D), I bring up RCV. Throwing beached starfish back into the sea, I know.
Btw, if someone here wants to argue about it, don't try to conflate it with jungle primaries and only-3-choices methodologies.
Since I can't vote for least-evil (although even cynical me has a hard time describing Jill Stein that way), next least evil, etc., I will apply my singular vote to ... Jill Stein.
You are correct, the aim is that everytime it will
be between the devil and the deep blue sea
Nice shot, DragonKat! -Or should i say, nice burst pattern?
-Been livid pissed about this, myself! So much to be pissed about! -But I seem to be focusing down to just a few points lately. I NEVER plan to forgive or forget concerning the election fraud, or to shut up about it. I plan to keep calling for a DO-OVER from now until the General, and I'm calling the General FRAUDULENT IN ADVANCE. It will NOT represent the will of the people. It's kabuki between two members of the oligarchy with close personal history. This entire election cycle has been about stopping any real change, and setting up a new Satan that can be defeated by simply withholding media attention until he gets bored, and quits. I think he's only withholding his recent tax records to conceal a large donation from some spore pod of the Clinton Foundation.
I've been harangued and insulted in public by asshole Dems blaming Gore's loss on "people like me". I actually tried to be mature back then, and let it go, and ignored them. But twice makes it an abusive pattern. If I have to listen to even ONE comment about "voting for Trump" by not voting for Her Royal Clinton, somebody is going to find out just what a pair of mutant lungs I have, what painful shouting feels like on the receiving end, and just how varied and imaginative my ability to insult has become.
-And it's sad, because I don't think our votes are truly counting for much anymore, but at this point, I want to broadcast how I'm going to vote just to give these invertebrate Dems a swift kick to the slime glands. I can't help it. All of we "BernieBros" are morons, sexists, and racists, right? That's why I'm voting for the Other Woman, and the Black Guy.
Gotta go. Time to prepare for work. Strenuous manual labor at age 60, because I'm privileged, donchya' know?
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
As long as the electoral college exists
our votes haven't and won't count for much until we get rid of it, which I've been saying we need to do for years.
This shit is bananas.
So has Big Al.
The Electoral College is comprised of Super-SuperDelegates (duopoly "luminaries" all), their entire function being to ensure that, should the proles get uppity with their votes, the presidency remains in the hands of the wealthy.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
... "Her Royal Clinton" --
kind of a mellifluous turn-of-phrase for "Her Heinous"?
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
I'll take that as a compliment!
It also has the advantage of soundng kind of dirty in a vague way.
Elizabeth the 2nd of England had a full title about a paragraph long, with all her many titles strung together. Perhaps we should start doing that with Hillary the First of Confederate America 2.0
I'm falling out, so can't remember it all, but it was pretty Majestic, all right.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
its a charade folks......................
these democrat against republican issues are all a ruse to make it appear we have a choice. there is only one party and none of us are in it.
what wall st wants,wall st will get. the TPP will soon pass and get ready for social security to be privatized. once you realize your screwed, its a whole lot easier.....................