Combating the Fear in Living

We live in troubling times.

This is not a quote from some book written in medieval times but actually it is a thought from almost every age of humankind.

Instead of another round of thoughts and prayers after the recent West Texas shooting spree, how about a reflection up the grip fear has on us.

A post on Facebook has stated: “Monsters are real, and they look like everyday people. They look like us.”

“We have this need for some larger-than-life creature.” It may seem a bit ironic that one of the leading authors of a book on a giant, human-like mythological creature that may be real is actually an expert on much smaller animals. Robert Michael Pyle studies moths and butterflies and writes about them but in 1995 he also penned a book about the supposed primate known, among other names, as Yeti, Bigfoot, or Sasquatch.


Maybe you believe in the yeti or Sasquatch and maybe you believe in the disproof of them. We create giants in our own minds every day – those problems that seem insurmountable or the dreams that seem impossible. The only Bigfoot that matters is that one foot that takes a big step towards progress, towards peace, a step taken with hope. The dawn of a new day requires us to take a step forward. If we believe in ourselves, that step will have purpose and accomplishment. The longest journey really does begin with a single step.


Read the complete essay at The Episcopal Cafe

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QMS's picture

The monsters among us are scary.
Make trouble. Fear not.
More of us then them.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Pluto's Republic's picture

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are stupider.

It is the realization of that, and the realization that evil emerges from ignorance, that keeps me up at night.

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Wally's picture

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