Cola War Deficits
These "blue no matter who" Dems are sadly disappointing, consistently touting President Obama's reduction of the trade deficit.
The deficit was dropped on an eight year old girl beating herself in the face and screaming. She was helpless, standing on a pile of rumble that was her home, having lost her mind because there's no where to escape the jets and cruise missiles destroying everything she has ever known and loved in her short, tragic life.
The things that say "Made in America" beyond our borders are weapons. Single purpose items sold to to likes of Saudi Arabia and Israel. They were sold, distributed and used by President Obama and former Secretary Clinton. It's clear that moral deficits aren't a concern for the establishment nor either party that maintains it.
Yet, I should be so terrified of a Hitler that I might rush to the protecting arms of sociopathic, femme Napoleon. Who will then place the crown of empire upon her own head and call it the will of the people.
Empire is destroying us economically, ecologically and ethically. We can no longer afford it.
Read Hillary Clinton's aipac speech
& then tell me that trump us more likely to get us involved in a war.
Bernie's aipac remarks are much saner.
Common dreams & slate already have criticisms up of Hillary's speech.
Trump has always been way less likely
In fact, there's lots of things about Trump that are substantially better than Hillary. The one sticking point is an ugly one though. His presidency will definitely fan the flames of racism and bigotry in truly scary ways.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard