Clinton Cowardice: Breaks With Obama, Accepts Trump Framing of Orlando as "Radical Islamism"

To be fair, the former Secretary of State had a pretty nice speech in Cleveland, though I take issue with some of it. More on that in a bit.

But I am thoroughly disappointed, though at this point no longer surprised, that the presumptive Democratic nominee showed her lack of political courage once again on the Monday morning talk shows. In two different appearances she broke with President Obama and joined Donald Trump in being willing to frame the horrible attacks in Orlando, San Bernadino and other places as acts of "radical Islamism."

First, let's talk about why these words matter and why President Obama and even the CIA refuse to frame these attacks in this way:

Obama has refrained from using the term preferred by many Republicans, and explained earlier this year that the term "radical Islamism" inappropriately smears the religion of more than a billion people.

"[F]or us to be successful in fighting this scourge, it's very important for us to align ourselves with the 99.9 percent of Muslims who are looking for the same thing we're looking for — order, peace, prosperity — and so I don't quibble with labels. I think we all recognize that this is a particular problem that has roots in Muslim communities," Obama said in an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria in February. "But I think we do ourselves a disservice in this fight if we are not taking into account the fact that the overwhelming majority of Muslims reject this ideology."

Even as far back as 2010, CIA Director John Brennan put it even more eloquently:

"Nor do we describe our enemy as 'jihadists' or 'Islamists' because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one's community, and there is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women, and children," Brennan said.

I couldn't have put it better myself as a person who spent years studying world religions and the psychology of religion and politics. There is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women and children.

Even as recently as last December, Secretary Clinton seemed to get it. She refused to refer to what happened in San Bernadino as "radical Islamism" and explained her reasons why:

“The problem is, that sounds like we are declaring war against a religion. That to me is number one, wrong,” Clinton told ABC "This Week" host George Stephanopoulos. “It doesn’t do justice to the vast numbers of Muslims in our own country and around the world who are peaceful people.”

So just six short months ago, using the term "radical Islamism" sounded like we were declaring war on a religion. It was "number one, wrong" in Clinton's own words. But she changed her tune quite a bit today. After a new terrorist attack and a round of attacks from Donald Trump, who criticized Clinton and Obama for refusing to use the phrase, Clinton inexcusably and inexplicably took the bait and decided the Donald was right:

In an interview with NBC's "Today" on Monday morning, Clinton said words matter less than actions, but that she didn't have a problem using the term.

Both terms "mean the same thing," Clinton continued, adding, "And to me, radical jihadism, radical Islamism, I think they mean the same thing. I'm happy to say either, but that's not the point."

"I have clearly said many, many times we face terrorist enemies who use Islam to justify slaughtering innocent people. We have to stop them and we will. We have to defeat radical jihadist terrorism or radical Islamism, whatever you call it," Clinton said later on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," reiterating, "it's the same."

Six months ago, before the Democratic primaries, she stood shoulder to shoulder with President Obama and told us that using those words was "number one, wrong" and seemed like we were declaring war on a religion. Today, under attack by Donald Trump and the Republicans, it's all "whatever you call it" and "they mean the same thing". Yep, it's all the same.

I know many Democrats are trying to rally around a terribly flawed candidate because the alternative seems so much worse. But on a day like today, it's hard to see Hillary Clinton as anything other than a politician who has lacked the courage to lead ever since her defeat on healthcare in the early 90s. In fact, I think this is just the latest instance of her number one flaw--she lacks courage.

And she seems more afraid of right wing attacks than she is of losing the left or being true to principles. She has experience and intelligence in abundance but voted to authorize the Iraq War in 2002 with several other cowardly Democratic Senators. Like nearly every other Democrat with potential presidential ambitions, she was afraid a "no" vote would make her look weak on defense or soft on terror. So to hell with judgment and intelligence and planning. Hillary Clinton could not afford to be called soft on defense so she voted for the worst foreign policy disaster in recent American history. Some of you may think the fact that other ambitious Democrats did, too, somehow excuses her. Far from it. It merely implicates all of us Democrats who have been far too willing to accept it.

The same story is apparent in her "evolution" on LGBT rights. Back in the 1990s when the Clintons were under attack for not exactly living up to "family values", she and her husband voiced support for the Defense of Marriage Act. You know, the act that defended marriage from gay people. In the early 2000s while running for Senate she was still more afraid of right wing attacks than she was proud to stand up for progressive principles and declared that marriage was between a man and a woman. She didn't change her tune until 2013. Then she had the gall to celebrate the Supreme Court marriage ruling like she was the one who had helped spearhead the fight to get there.

And today in Cleveland she told the LGBT community they had many allies and she was proud to be one of them.

Yep. Ally since 2013.

Sure, that's better than nothing, I guess. It's better than continuing to fight to keep people safe from the transgendered in public bathrooms while murderers with assault weapons slaughter whole buildings full of people. But when you wait until corporations are lining up to sponsor Pride celebrations so their corporate logos can be seen you don't have a whole lot of credibility on the issue. Would she have made this same speech in 2008 or 2012 or whatever other year the support for gay marriage still hovered just under fifty percent?

So now Hillary is afraid of being called weak on defense and soft on terror. Well I'm calling her weak on principle. I'm calling her soft on solidarity. Because the second it looks like something might become an issue to the political self-preservation of Hillary Clinton, progressive principles get tossed under the bus.

Today I look back fondly on my vote for Obama in 2008. I've had many disagreements with him, particularly on economic policies involving Wall Street and trade. But he's run a scandal free White House for 8 years even under ferocious Republican attacks. He refused lobbyist donations to the DNC. He wouldn't given in and use terms that demonize an entire religion even when they were out there claiming that he was a Muslim himself (as if that would be something to be ashamed of).

And I look back fondly on my vote for Bernie Sanders in this year's primary. He stood up against the Iraq War even when it wasn't popular. He takes on Wall Street even if that means he doesn't get their money. And he was standing up for LGBT rights when that was a very unpopular thing to do.

As for Hillary? If I vote for her in November it will not be proudly. It will be with regret and a sense of shame that the only reason I'm voting for her at all is that one of the two great parties in this nation, the party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt, has put forward as it's nominee a xenophobic, bigoted, misogynistic moron while our vaunted "free press" aided and abetted it the entire way. I feel absolutely sickened that we live in a country where it has come to this. The only country in the world where mass slaughter by automatic weapon happens regularly and where we lack the political will to do anything about it. The only country in the world where the two least popular candidates in American history could somehow secure their respective parties' nominations for the presidency.

So go ahead and battle "radical Islamism" and drop some more drones from the sky in a neverending war. Go ahead and battle the Republicans by becoming more like them every day. I'm not afraid of Muslims. I'm not afraid of gay people. I'm not even afraid of people who would attack me for not being afraid of them. I just wish the Democratic Party had a nominee with at least as much courage.

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If Hillary gets the Democratic nomination, this is going to be an ugly campaign. She is already running to the right of Trump on a bunch of critical issues. But the overriding message will be: "Vote for me or OMG Trump!"

No way I'm voting for Hillary. Not even if it looks like she can win in Utah (which some polls indicate).

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

greywolfe359's picture

That's a scary thought. And sadly, on a number of issues it's true.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

and has been doing it all along. Whether this represents any kind of "principle" on his part (doubtful), or he's just taking advantage of the huge hole she left open, is probably a moot point.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Damnit Janet's picture

Hillary is worse than Cheney. I've protested her corrupt, evil nastiness long before this. I'll continue to do so.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

snoopydawg's picture

Even if no one votes, there will be a winner. I wonder if there has ever been a fair election? The Bush stolen elections were close enough to steal, this election was blatantly stolen right in front of us and Hillary's supporters don't care and call Bernie's sore losers.
Just take what happened to you, Janet that you can't vote and imagine it happening to possibly millions of voters.
Has any candidate gotten the commitment of delegates before the election like Hillary did?

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture

Is that the most of the people in the US considered themselves Christians, yet they have no problem with our country destroying Muslim countries, or our use of drones that have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.
Remember helmets that had "Kill a Gook for God" written on them during the Vietnam war?
And how many of our soldiers are Christians, yet some of them murdered unarmed civilians from the Vietnam war to what's happening in the Middle East today.
On Hillary's Iraq vote, she doesn't get a pass on it. The people who wrote PNAC went to Clinton and wanted him to remove Saddam, and does anyone believe that Hillary wasn't aware of that?
And remember her saying that Iraq is open for business. So is Honduras where she and Bill have been involved in since 2001.
As is Libya which we know about from the emails that Bluementhal sent her. As is Haiti where anyone who wanted in on the reconstruction had to go through the Clinton foundation and Hillary's state department.
As is Ukraine. The current president used to live in Virginia and he told Hillary years ago that if he was president then he would open up the country to foreign businesses that the previous president refused to consider.
I saw her speech yesterday at LOF in a diary written by that George person and everyone was applauding what she said. She hit the right notes they wrote and all I could see was her speech about the foreign policy part of it. I don't know if they missed or they just don't care.
There are so many of them that think that destroying Libya was the right thing to do. Because Gaddafi was murdering his people. I wrote in my comment that babies were thrown out of incubators and Saddam had WMDs too. I said that they were believing the government's propaganda.
Yep, got slammed.
What was wrong when a republican president does it is acceptable when it's done by a democratic one.

Thanks for writing about this. I have been livid because Hillary is using the tragedy to promote her foreign policy and people are accepting it.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Anja Geitz's picture

I think it's more about what a politician thinks they can get away with by pandering to the Republicans disgusted with Trump in hopes of peeling away votes. It's only "news" in the context of this horrible shooting. We've known for sometime this woman lacks an inner core where integrity lives.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Dingodude's picture

The comments section, as usual, was filled with the standard vile and toxic crap that the Hillbots have been spouting literally since Day 1.

This was a beautiful piece of writing, greywolfe.

Power to truth, even if they don't want to hear it.

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greywolfe359's picture

Isn't being disagreed with, even vehemently. It's that the environment over there has become so toxic and the hide raters and flaggers so emboldened that it seems like 80% of the people who are left are rabidly pro Hillary. One person in that comment thread even blasted a person who said he was VOTING FOR HILLARY because Trump was awful by saying "If you don't like our candidate vote for Trump." I assume that was a bit sarcastic but the attitude seems genuine that if you aren't super enthusiastically behind Hillary "fuck off and vote for Trump." Now that's unity.

And sadly, over here the vast majority are Bernie supporters. Not sadly because we're Bernie supporters or because I don't like people who are. But sadly because the splintering of our communities that began with right wing radio and Fox News after the death of the fariness doctrine continues. We retreat into ever smaller echo chambers and people refuse to have dialog with voices that strongly yet respectfully oppose them. I mean hell, DKos was already a site where conservative voices weren't welcome but now true progressives aren't either.

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How did she get from saying

last December, Secretary Clinton seemed to get it. She refused to refer to what happened in San Bernadino as "radical Islamism"

to saying

"We have to defeat radical jihadist terrorism or radical Islamism, whatever you call it"


With San Bernardino, she still had fingers and toes left over when counting the casualties. With Pulses, needing to tabulate digits five-plus times to count them means that it is no longer merely a sad event, but a possibility that she herself might be affected at come point.

Only now does fear enter the calculation. It Is Coming For HER!!!!!

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

greywolfe359's picture

Oh no! A shooting that the right could use against ME!?

I am pretty sure that was her very first thought. Quick, throw Obama under the bus now that the primaries are over.

There is no rationale for changing her mind on this that makes sense. And no debates for quite some time for some moderator to push her on it.

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