Clinton Campaign Doubles Down on Auto Industry Lie.

Mother Jones

Mook was similarly defiant regarding Clinton's auto bailout attack on Sanders. In last Sunday's debate, Clinton accused Sanders of not supporting the auto industry rescue,

The reality is

In the fall of 2008, Sanders voted in favor of a bailout for the auto industry that ultimately did not pass. Subsequently, President George W. Bush tapped Wall Street bailout funds to aid car companies. Sanders voted against releasing more of this money in January 2009, a small portion of which was earmarked for Detroit.

And then he goes full-on projection:

Mook continued: "Her point all along was that you can't just be with the auto industry when it's convenient

I'll end with an homage to Thumb ...

Vote Clinton: because throwing the kitchen sink once isn't enough.

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NWIA's picture

The thing is that the game of spokespeople is coming to an end. In my circle of friends, exactly one couple still has cable. Without access to networks and cable news, no one will have to have their brains fried and time wasted but mooks like this Mook. 2016 is shaping up to be the most incredible election year of my lifetime.

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I think you define an aspect of why bernie is doing so well with young people v old people as the older are much more reliant upon the MSM(fear of technology).

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polkageist's picture

In about 1978 or '79, I killed my TV and haven't looked back. I do have a TV in a closet which I use to watch a DVD about every 3 months or so. I read a lot and use the net for news and entertainment and now to converse with kindred souls such as I find here. By the way, this reply can apply to the comment below because I'm 80 and, while I'm not anywhere near competent with computers, I can use them for what I want. I hope you're right about the demise of cable (with which I have no experience). From what I have heard, TV of all kinds has simply gotten worse since 1978 and it was awful then.

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-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

stevej's picture

Team Clinton remain defiant and continue lying about other issues that affect us here in the rustbelt. I suspect (hope?) that Michigan was just beginning of their nightmare.

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

MichiganGirl's picture

was always tone-deaf coming from a Clinton Michigan.

Biggest reason is because there aren't that many auto manufacturing jobs left, and the few there are start around $12ish an hour.... Not sure if you missed the international news last year, but Wal-Mart starts people off at $10 now. Our state minimum wage is $8.50. Like the auto industry isn't what it was, and every single Michigander knows that.

They also know why... NAFTA.

They know which President signed it, and which first lady lobbied Congress to vote for it.

Michigan was never going to be a walk for her, sure as hell not 20+ points. She only won Michigan in 2008 by 6 points, and she was the only person on the ballot!!!

She couldn't pull a 20 point victory to NO ONE. How they thought she'd do it with an actual candidate campaigning in the state is beyond me?

I told everyone Michigan was winnable, because of the trade deals during the Clinton administration, that even Dems, and a fuckton of Indies that would be voting in our open primary hated the Clintons still to this very day with the fires of a thousand suns over them.

I have attended Democratic Party meetings, and events all over Michigan for years, and you literally cannot go to one without at LEAST one person bitching about the Clintons fucking Michigan. And that includes the teeny, tiny meetings that only 5 people showed up for. These are dues paying members of the Democratic Party that are active, hold party leadership positions, and show up to do the work every single election I'm talking about here, and they quite literally hate the Clintons because of the trade agreements, and welfare reform.

Everyone on dkos told me I was wrong, ponies, unicorns, yadda, yadda.... Well guess who's laughing now?

And by the way, the Sanders paid campaign staff is shit. Completely incompetent.

He is winning because of the volunteers unassociated with the official campaign going out on their own, taking it upon themselves. Hate to say it, but it's true. If it was left up to the official campaign, he'd have lost.

That makes what's happening that much more incredible in my opinion though. People scoff at the revolution, but it really IS, because this isn't the campaign.

It's seriously just random people. Which is fucking mind blowing.

Funny aside... There were groups of Canadians that came to Michigan all on their own, printed lit off the internet, and just started knocking doors for Bernie here in Michigan. Trump scares the shit out of them, and they just got their own inspiring, liberal leader that cares about people. They said they want the same for us. Way cool, right? Smile

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"It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion." Oscar Wilde, 1891"

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Jazzenterprises's picture

She chucked the toilet.

-Some rich guy, who happens to look like Trump, tossing a toilet. The universe is speaking.

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Progressive to the bone.