Civil Rights Sellouts vs. White Idiots Councils and Why They're Exactly Where White Elites Want Them

Many others have said it here but what Karl Marx once remarked with regards to history bears repeating: History repeats twice. First as a tragedy, then as a farce. And let's just face facts: What we're seeing unfold right now is most definitely a farce in every respect. Nothing good will come of it because the important issues are being ignored. Again.

One group is being used and in denial because they've had a taste of power while the other group is damn proud to be used so long as they can crack heads of 'leftists', black people, muslims, gays or any other group that gets in the way of the entitled angry white guys and their token blonde Ann Coulter clones.

So I'll start with the first group: Civil Rights Sellouts. Make no mistake, nothing they do is in the name of civil rights, especially when you consider the fact that the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have undertaken a bipartisan effort to whittle away civil rights AND economic gains bit by bit for the very groups they claim to care about while plastering whitewashed propaganda with the faces of Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X next to things they never said.

To make things worse, the Civil Rights Sellouts do everything they can to shut out white allies, something I have no doubt MLK never would have condoned because he recognized that many poor white folks share similar struggles in spite of their skin color.

And let's not forget the very small, very vocal subset of bourgeois feminists who were all in for Clinton just because she was a woman. They deserve a mention here because Hillary Clinton was the embodiment of the very worst aspects of what feminists call patriarchy. I mean, she used the very same arguments you'd expect from places like A Voice for Men when she got a rapist acquitted of any charges. Oh, and of course, she was the Goldwater Girl campaigning against Civil Rights.

But that's just how it goes sometimes when anyone gets a taste of power and status. It corrupts. Sometimes absolutely.

Then on the other side, you have the White Idiots Councils. They're all angry about all kinds of different things that, let's be honest, most sane people don't give a fuck about (A female Doctor Who, for instance. And that's just the small stuff.). They act as though Dumpsterfire Jackass Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread and tell everyone else to shut the hell up and stop acting like special snowflakes.

But here's the irony: Trumpy Boy is the biggest snowflake to ever exist. No other president in American history ever did as much whining or sabre rattling as this jackass. And as far as I can tell, no other president has ever been so blatant with conflicts of interests.

Then there's the little boy scout marches with the tiki torches and all the bitching about so-called white genocide, "Cultural Marxism (similar to Hitler's screeds on Cultural Bolshevism)" and jews supposedly replacing them. Last I checked, mass migration due to having your country bombed to shit and plundered for corporate profit or simple changes in demographics due to little more than birth rates hardly qualify as acts of genocide. Hell, give it a couple of decades and some of these stupid kids just might have to migrate themselves thanks to rampant ecological disasters that could have been prevented.

And besides, it won't be the jews who replace your stupid asses, if that ever happens. It'll be the rich white guys whose coat tails you ride for the sake of your inflated sense of self importance. And honestly, given current trends, you'll likely be replaced by robots.

Now there are real issues that need to be addressed. For instance, how about addressing class issues with regards to Affirmative Action? Or the militarization of the police? Or plans to re-establish organized labor in the United States for the benefit of all workers?

Let's face the facts: The last thing those rich white guys who are laughing it up at the Civil Rights Sellouts and the White Idiots Councils going at it want us to do is talk, or *gasp* actually work together. Given some of the shit we'll be facing, we can't afford to be at each other's throats.

See ya around,


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