Bruce Dixon, Black Agenda Report, lays it all out for us.

A list of each and every former CIA operative now running for Congress as a Democrat.

A table which lists each progressive candidate who survived his or her primary and where he or she stands on foreign policy. As Dixon points out, TWO FREAKING THIRDS have no position on foreign policy. None.

Do, please, read the article. The audio doesn't have the charts.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

With the FBI or CIA should EVER be elected to the presidency.

He was so right.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@Amanda Matthews

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Unabashed Liberal's picture

this is his excellent news aggregation (EB). But, glad to see it in a stand-alone essay, too. Need to get the word out!

I've been searching, and finally found my BAR login user name/password. Hope to catch up with them, and give them a few links about the various military organnizations/PACs that are also sponsoring right-wing candidates. Some of the candidates (in this piece) are being sponsored by them.

Remember, it was just this week that Bezos donated $10 million dollars to one of those PACs (With Honor), which was founded by the likes of Erskine Bowles, David Gergen, and Tom Daschle.

Not exactly garden variety 'liberals!' Mosking

Blue Onyx

"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Wink's picture

Nobody gives a fuck about Foreign Affairs.
That's why we don't see "progressive" candidates running on Foreign Affairs. Bernie didn't run on Foreign affairs in 2016 and did just fine. (other than getting body slammed by the DNC).
So... so we won't hear much about Foreign Affairs becuz the world ends at the ocean shores. Beyond those shores nobody cares.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Not Henry Kissinger's picture


Be nice to hear a clear, anti-war message like that from a lot more 'Progressive' Dems in 2018 - and that especially includes from Bernie himself.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Centaurea's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger Jimmy Dore did an excellent, in-depth interview of Tulsi Gabbard this week. So far, 4 parts of the interview have been uploaded to YouTube.

I found the segment on foreign policy especially interesting. Among other things, they discussed regime change, Syria, the decline of the American empire, and the use of the US military as mercenaries paid for by the Saudi government.

It's 25 minutes long, but well worth watching.


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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

snoopydawg's picture


Imagine if the MSM would show this interview. Tulsi talks about how we are doing wars for oil so I wish she had told people to quit sighing up to go do that. People are dying for the Saudis

We don''t know what action we are engaged in right now, but they are significant. If the Saudis are paying for us to overthrow Assad then why did the military budget need to go up so much? Israel has gotten us to overthrow leaders for them and they too don't have to send their people into the bloodbaths.

It's illegal to support terrorist by giving them weapons, but Tulsi says that we meed a bill in congress that says that. Um, isn't that already a rule or law. Supporting enemies is considered treason from my understanding. But then what do I really know how things in government work?

BTW. A story came out today about how the fire fighter from Utah died. The huge 747 plane that dumps retardant was flying too low and the stuff landed directly the area and a tree came down on him and the others in his group. They were only 100 feet above the trees which is a bad thing to do.

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

@snoopydawg hi, I read in a report the pilot plane did not see or notify the jet about a hill on the ridge and that's where they got hit so hard. Every 747 has a lead plane to guide them where to dump, they don't just fly around and guess where to drop it. It was an accident, a mistake. Bad comms.

CalFire just bought a fleet of used C-130s, even though they can't train and staff enough pilots to operate them. I'm not looking forward to a bunch of chicken shit bomb dropping baby killers fresh out of the air force to dump retardant everywhere during future firestorms, but hey... that's the system. Revolving door includes military as always, handouts galore. fuck the poor

Okay, back on topic. PEACE

Tulsi Gabbard is a D party tool, trying to get out the "progressive" vote for the BIG UniParty. She is full of bologna like every other pol, CIA plant or not. good luck

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snoopydawg's picture


This looks like it takes much skill and big brass ones to scoop up the water.

IIRC Tulsi is ex military right? Her and especially Duckworth who both legs in Iraq know damn well that there is no reason to send people to fight in other countries. Duckworth paid a huge price for joining up and I can't believe that she is okay with sending people to risk what happened to her. Some rambling thoughts ...

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Unabashed Liberal's picture


know whether Gabbard's former CIA, etc., but, according to Wikipedia, she's still serving in the Hawaii Army National Guard, having been promoted to Major in October 2015. (Entry may not be updated/accurate--who knows?)

A couple weeks ago, while posting to my dormant Flickr account, saw that she's in the so-called 'No Labels' class photo that I'd screenshotted several years ago. (I studiously avoid going into the account, because of the not-so-recent 'Ymail' breach.)

Anyhoo, instead of logging back in there, I did a quick search, and came up with this blurb, touting her as a Problem Solver, and a former female combat veteran.

11 Things You Didn’t Know About the Problem Solvers
By No Labels

April 24, 2013 | Blog

1. Rep. Patrick Murphy is the youngest member of the 113th Congress. . .


11. Rep Tulsi Gabbard is one of the first two female combat veterans in Congress, having served in Operation Iraqi Freedom. She was also the youngest person ever elected to the Hawai’i State Legislature at just 21 years old.


Also, here's NL's National Strategic Agenda, below. Doubt I need to point out that 'secure' SS & Medicare means 'slash entitlements.' Wink

No Labels - Strategic Nat'nl Agenda.JPG

Is she still involved? I have no idea. Unknw

Just food for thought . . .

Blue Onyx

"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche

“At the end of the day, people won't remem what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”
~~Maya Angelou

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

@Unabashed Liberal hi there, I just went over to opensecrets for a quick dip who bribes lobbies her with money, but then kept going and read the wiki about aerosol effects.

Aerosols interact with the Earth's energy budget in two ways, directly and indirectly.

E.g., a direct effect is that aerosols scatter and absorb incoming solar radiation. This will mainly lead to a cooling of the surface (solar radiation is scattered back to space) but may also contribute to a warming of the surface (caused by the absorption of incoming solar energy). This will be an additional element to the greenhouse effect and therefore contributing to the global climate change.

The indirect effects refer to the aerosols interfering with formations that interact directly with radiation. For example, they are able to modify the size of the cloud particles in the lower atmosphere, thereby changing the way clouds reflect and absorb light and therefore modifying the Earth's energy budget

Nothing says Hawaii like New Jersey? What is a contract filler? Sounds like great wages and bennies, ha ha just kidding. But her top contributor at the moment is...

205 Meister Avenue
Branchburg, NJ 08876
(908) 725-6060

Edit: above, changed industry donor to contributor.
I keep doing this blah blah blah, because I need the duopoly to fuck off and die, the sooner the better. While I like Tulsi's words and her calm demeanor, "doing what is possible within the system" is going nowhere for me, fast. Small dollar donors are not going to win control of anything significant either, I think she is lying on purpose to D-GOTV and keep her seat. The longer she is in congress, the bigger the payoff when she revolves on to private industry, or political consulting. That's the system. prop or not


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Anja Geitz's picture


is your comment a reflection of:

1. Your belief that we need to be told this?
2. Your opinion that we don't need to be told this?
3. Your decision to speak on behalf of millions of citizens who don't care?
4. Some bad cheese you ate earlier in the day?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Wink's picture

2/3rd's of progressive
@Anja Geitz
candidates have no position on foreign policy.
Most Americans couldn't find Libya on a map.
Or Syria, or...
Which is why we don't much give a flying fuck about our "Global War on Terra."
As long as somebody else's kids are fighting it... who cares??

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

snoopydawg's picture


Others have said it better and more than once.

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

gulfgal98's picture

we quit making war on the rest of the world. War and all the attendant imperialism impoverishes us at home. We the people are paying for the "right" of corporations to rape and pillage the rest of the world.

Talking about addressing the needs of the people here at home is just empty talk because there will be no money to do that unless we quit making war on everyone else in the world.

My second sig line says it all.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Big Al's picture

@gulfgal98 Mass murder, genocide, homicidal maniacs. All while pretending to be the benevolent ones, the indispensable nation, the one nation that can morally tell every other nation what to do and not to do.

This shows the so called progressive insurgency for what it is, another dead end tool of the democratic war party.

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Wink's picture

we get from Repubs.
And, sadly, most Dims.
Who still think we're on the gold standard, apparently,
that our currency is actually "backed" by something we can touch, has value.
Something like gold.
"So, how are you Libtards going to PAY for it??
We obviously can't afford it. So, how are you Librul fucks going to PAY for it?!"

The same way 'we' pay for everything.
Most recently that $700 Billion in -ahem- "Defense Spending." (if one can imagine).
Where do you think that $700 Billion came from?? Taxes??
That's about $2,700 per working person. For a couple, $5,400.
Just for that one item. Just for "Defense Spending" for one year!
You think most people got that kind of money lying around to pay Uncle Sam for our War on Terra??
Me neither. Becuz if that's what Uncle Sam billed us - as our fair share - that 'War on Terra' would be over yesterday. Yesterday.
30% of American workers make less than $12 /hr. Thirty friggin' percent! They ain't paying it.
So, now, instead of $2,700 each, it's more like $3,800. Each. $7,600 per couple. Now that War on Terra is getting serious. As in seriously expensive. But fear not.
One, our Federal Taxes Do Not Fund Federal Spending.
Any Federal Spending.
Including that $700 Billion in -ahem- "Defense Spending." Our War on Terra money.
Becuz gawd forbid that dries up! Imagine no war! No War = No Arms Sales.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Anja Geitz's picture


From the bubblegum wrapper of our resident "expert".

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Wink's picture

to be. But I know
@Anja Geitz
more than most. Have met the author of an MMT book, then had her on our "web radio" show once a week for nearly a year. So, as they say, I know a little.
The two big takeaways...
Our Federal Taxes don't pay for jack - Do Not fund federal spending. At all.
And, Two, the "Debt" and "Deficit" are non factors, amount to diddly squat in the grand scheme.
The only reason 'we' continue to use such terms is some RW fuck in Reagan's admin insisted those terms remain "in the language" - and it got signed into law. Otherwise bogus, Irrelevant, wouldn't even be a thing.
So, combined, what do wingers have to scare us with?
Nada. That's what.
If "The Gov't" can create as much money as it wants (out of thin air), For whatever it wants, Whenever it wants - and it absolutely can - the only real restrictions being inflation and "productive capacity" (or the real honest to goodness resources needed to make happen whatever Congress wants to make happen - goods and labor mostly) - then what is stopping Libruls from having everything on their wish list? Why don't we yet have Med4All ?? And the answer is, most Librul politicians believe we're still on the gold standard, and spending is limited by Taxes and revenue.
Which of course is horse$h!t. The other answer is political will and who controls Congress' purse strings. That's it.
But there's some winger out there moaning and groaning, "we need to cut spending to pay for the $Trillion we just gave the Rich, so... the 99% are going to have to bend over." Again.
And Nancy and Chucky will just go along to get along and the Repubs will get their cuts into Medicare, Social Security. Becuz these dumb fuck Dims don't know that the rising deficit this winger is talking about, faux "worried" about, is irrelevant. Meaningless. And, of course, brought about by that $Trillion Tax Cut for the Rich to "stimulate the Economy™." if one can imagine.
But if Chucky and Nancy and the other Libtards on Capitol Hill knew their MMT - fat chance - they could tell that winger asshat to pound salt. Alas... So we're fucked again. Becuz Congress critters don't know their economics. {sigh}

these futhermuckers are why we can't have nice things.

The -ahem- "national debt" - that $22 Trillion that 'we' all "owe" is really simply the collective Wealth - not debt - collective wealth of the country. Since July 4, 1776. Or essentially what the country is worth, less tangible assets still in the ground. The country cannot operate in "the black" - can only operate (function) in "the red." So... Repubs (and Dims) look at all that red as a sea of debt. It ain't. How could it be? 'We' create our own currency. What debt? Instead, It's our collective wealth. It's what we've spent on goods and services, our houses and cars, groceries - everything - since 1776. The reason it speeds along Much quicker than it did 25, 30 years ago is becuz - duh - we've added another 100 million people since then. And they buy things. But the Repubs KNOW they can scare the living $h!t out of us simply by mentioning "the debt," "the deicit," so they pull that rabbit out of their hat often. OMG, we must cap the debt ceiling!! The sky will fall!! And Dims fall for it every time - something some winger in Reagan's admin put in some law just for this reason. "Even though they don't exist we will Continue to use the terms Debt and Deficit so that Libtards don't catch on that they don't exist." Or something like that. And it works every time.
But think about it... if 'we' - Congress - can create (out of thin air) as much money as it wants, for whatever it wants, whenever it wants (with above restrictions - inflation and productive capacity aka "real resources") - and it absolutely can and does - then Why would 'we,' Congress, ever be in debt?? Exactly.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Wink's picture

on Social Security disability now - more than any time in history.
And some of those people can't work at all... And if we gave them some training, let them keep making a portion of the Social Security disability, but put them back to work, it would be a net win for the individual.

Harwood: But also Social Security and Medicare, right?

Stivers: The only way we're going to be able to fix Social Security and Medicare is for the two parties to come together — the way that Ronald Reagan did with Tip O'Neill — and figure out how to fix them together. I hope we can do that, I believe it's the right thing to do.

Harwood: Retirement age?

Stivers: We need to come together. I think we need to say, "You give a little, we give a little," and figure out how to sustain Medicare and Social Security into the future. The other thing on Medicare is we have to bend the cost curve on health care."

And these futhermuckers say this horse$h!t with a straight face.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

lotlizard's picture

to propose that the U.S. Treasury create money directly (as JFK did with United States notes) — instead of the present system of having banks create money under the Federal Reserve system, whereby the U.S. notionally incurs debt and owes interest on it?

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Wink's picture

Treasury pays interest
on Bonds is it's written into law somewhere that "we must make up the deficit by selling bonds, and pay interest on those bonds. In actuality there's no reason to do either, except it helps make the Rich even richer. Which is likely the point. But there's no economics need.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

David Leonhardt, it's Dems who're the deficit hawks. An excerpt,

Deficit hawks.

Republicans like to describe themselves as fiscal conservatives.

But Democrats have been the real fiscal conservatives over the past 40 years — and I think they haven’t gotten enough credit, because journalists and other experts are afraid to say that one party has a better record than the other party on a major policy issue.

That’s the subject of my column this morning.

It contains a chart that makes a stark point:

Over the last four decades, every Republican president has overseen an increase in the deficit, and every Democratic president has overseen a decline. The column has more details, on both the deficit itself and the culture of both-sidesism.

That's the reason for the Pelosi/Obama Admin "Pay-Go" Rule--which 'Ms Nancy' has already declared that she's bringing back, if she's Speaker (after midterms). And, she has just the opening she wants to look to strike a Grand Bargain with McConnell--DT Admin tax cuts!

Of course, with so many Repubs (especially), and more than a few Dems departing, we might even be in for a 'Lame Duck' surprise 'GB.' Or, at least a mini-GB.

If not, look out! Fully expect the next couple of years to include major entitlement cuts, IF the Congress is split, so that Dems and Repubs can once again, "Hold hands, and jump together."

To my knowledge, (since Social Security & Medicare were implemented) there's never been a major 'entitlement' reform pushed through when 'one Party' held complete power.

Don't forget, 'O' spent his first 2 years on the ACA--then, after Dems lost the House [after first midterm], concentrated the next 6 years on trying to strike a GB with Boehner.

Look to history, to forecast the future, as they say.


Blue Onyx

"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche

“At the end of the day, people won't remem what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”
~~Maya Angelou

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.