British media has lost the ability to influence public opinion
If you only looked at the British media, you'd think that Jeremy Corbyn's political career was over. Recently the American media has echoed the same sentiments.
NewYorker: Jeremy Corbyn’s Anti-Semitism Crisis
VanityFair: Jeremy Corbyn’s Anti-Semitism Scandal Is Spiraling Out of Control
It's universally understood in the British media that Jeremy Corbyn is a racist anti-semite.
Labour may as well start the search for Corbyn's replacement.
Before we bury Corbyn, maybe we should ask what the British public thinks?
The row over Jeremy Corbyn and whether or not he laid a wreath to commemmorate people connected to the Munich Olympic Massacre is a classic example of this. It has been the main political story for the last four days, yet YouGov polling today suggests it will have little impact. Only 6% of people say they are following the story closely, 20% fairly closely. Over half of the public say they aren’t following the story at all all (27%) or are completely unaware of it (26%).
...Overall, 16% of those who were aware of the story (that’s 16% of 74%, so about 12%) say it has made them think worse of Corbyn, but 68% say it has made no difference (21% because they had a good impression of Corbyn and still do, 47% because they had a negative impression of Corbyn and still do). Even that 16% is mostly made up of Conservative and Lib Dem supporters, who presumably were not Corbyn admirers to begin with.
It's like Americans with Russiagate. All of the media coverage in the world won't make it relevant to the lives of average voters.
Even Bloomberg has had to grudgingly admit the lack of impact in the polls.
Not only that, polls indicate that four million more voters could switch to Labour if the Tories continue to bungle Brexit, and if Corbyn announces his support of a new referendum.
How this plays out may be important to Americans, because the right-wing is already accusing progressives of being anti-Semitic if they don't obey the Israeli lobby.
(See here and here)
I checkout the British media daily.
They have tried hard to disparage Corbyn. It doesn't seem to be working and this essay validates that observation.
I am not anti-semitic. I am anti-Israel.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Establishment media is the propaganda arm of the Establishment.
Corbyn and the trust deficit tearing apart our societies
Next up
I'm surprised they haven't accused him of being a pedophile already.
OT: It's official
the beginning of the end of the dollar
Not the end, but
Europe is smartening up!
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
An example of Brit animus toward the Neoliberal press
Did a piece in my OT last year on the Glenfell Tower tragedy.
Check out this brilliant local guy who plastered another hapless lapdog of the corporate status quo masquerading as a journalist:
There are a few other examples in the OT of people on the ground, living in Neoliberal austerity, who completely get it. And understand how it works and who are the culprits.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Great tape, the world needs many more like him
we in amerika haven't done jack in that area, but
he is right in that we need one, most likely it
should be global as I cant think of any countries
outside of Iceland that are free.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley