Bob Graham Interviewed About 9/11 and Saudi Arabia (Videos from 2013)
EDIT: These videos are from 2013 and were reposted at the RNN today.
As both mimi and wendy davis have pointed out, the videos linked below are replays of interviews done several years ago. That fact was not clearly posted in the title of the videos nor in the information drop down box with each video. However, as the author of this essay, it should have been up to me to have discovered this information before posting this essay. I apologize if this essay has mislead anyone here. It was not my intention.
Below you will find the first two installments of the interview that Paul Jay of Reality Asserts Itself had with former Florida Governor and former U.S. Senator Bob Graham in 2013. The focus of the interview is the role of Saudi Arabia in 9/11.
Some background first. From a personal perspective, I have long been a fan of Bob Graham whom I first met when he was a state senator. I always felt Graham was a politician with a conscience. While Graham is considered a political centrist, as governor, he was responsible for the strongest environmental legislation ever implemented in Florida. Rick Scott subsequently gutted most of the provisions of that legislation.
Graham is famous for the little notebooks he always carried with him and wrote in. Basically those notebooks were a sort of tickler file for Graham in which he would jot down appointments and meetings as well as other daily items. His notebooks are now housed at Bob Graham Center for Public Service at the University of Florida. I met Graham on several occasions and never saw him without one of his notebooks. His notebook entries once even allowed him to successfully rebut a claim made by the CIA.
Well, it turns out that Bob Graham was also supposed to have been briefed on these topics, and the CIA forwarded to him the dates of the meetings he supposedly attended. But the CIA records were inaccurate, according to his own personal records. Such was the respect for Graham’s notebooks, that this line of attack was closed within 48 hours.
Perhaps, more than any other Senator, Bob Graham had the knowledge and background into the involvement of Saudi Arabia in the 9/11 attacks. Graham was also one of the strongest voices in Congress against the Iraq invasion.
He told his fellow senators that if they didn't recognize that going to war with Iraq without first taking out the actual terrorists would endanger Americans, "then, frankly, my friends — to use a blunt term — the blood's going to be on your hands."
While Graham is still prohibited from talking about some specifics regarding Saudi Arabia's involvement in 9/11, I found these first two installments of Paul Jay's interview with him worthy of posting here. Graham has been trying for years to keep this story alive.
Part 1
Part 2
I listened to the interview earlier in the day
and got confused about when the interview took place. It looked to me as if this was done in 2013 (it says on youtube it's a replay) and may be just posted on youtube on Jan 5th 2019. May be for a reason I didn't understand. I have great respect for and trust in Bob Graham and found his obsession of making notes of everything that happened every day in his political life quite amazing and smart.
Help me out here please. When took the interview place? Why was that never posted before on youtube?
I should get his book too. Thank you, gulfgal.
Yikes, my bad!
This is a little unsettling because I posted this as new news and now I do not know if I should take this essay down since it is very old news.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
oh, happens all the time to me,
I usually watch a video like this directly on the site, but also click then to see it on youtube and read the little explanations to the video they post on youtube for that specific video. And I think often there are real reasons why something old is posted on youtube years later. I thought I might have missed that reason or didn't understand it
I think it was a great interview and was just so pleased you wrote about something I read before and found worthwhile. Thank You.
New news here is some
Some old
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
here are the transcripts
from the interviews for those who don't have the time to watch. and yes, mimi, it seems they're both replays from 2013.
‘Investigating the Saudi Government’s 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disillusionment – Sen. Graham on Reality Asserts Itself pt 1’, January 6, 2019, trnn
‘Revealing the 9/11 Conspiracy Would Undo the Entire US-Saudi Alliance – Sen. Bob Graham on Reality Asserts Itself pt2’, TRNN
i haven't the time to watch or read, but given this, it might be worth reading when RL is less fraught, on edit: 'especially given the following'. thank you, gulfgal.
‘U.S. Attorney For The Southern District Of New York Agrees To Comply With Federal Law Requiring That He Submit Evidence Of Still-Unprosecuted Federal Crimes At Ground Zero On 9/11 To A Special Criminal Grand Jury’, News provided by Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry [501(c)(3) nonprofit], Nov 28, 2018
Thank you
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
i hope you have time to read the psa i'd posted earlier re: News provided by Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry [501(c)(3) nonprofit], Nov 28, 2018 above as well. i'd signed up for updates from them, but no date has been announced; here's hoping it's sooner than later; ed asner's no spring chicken. ; )
I really appreciate your posting these videos because they're relevant no matter how long the unresolved issue of Saudi support of terrorist military forces continues to connect to our current crises.
Much of the war-mongering we see day to day, moment by moment, I think reflects the desperation of the Fascist war machine. The public perception of Saudi ruthlessness and treachery in partnership with our CIA and our Think Tanks is crucial to the possibility of putting war and oppression out of business. So thank you for posting Robert Graham.
I also think if Senator Graham had been Al Gore's running mate in 2000, as was originally considered, Gore would have won Florida, and 9/11 might never have happened.
Funny, GG!!! I, too, have always been a big Bob Graham fan!
I didn't know it at the time, but--after I met and worked (in the early 90's) with someone who was a former senior member of Graham's Senate staff--my friend pointed out that I shared something in common with Graham: the fastidious, daily notation of my activities on 8-1/2" by 11" white legal pads. My friend said, "You woulda' gotten along quite well with my former boss!" (Granted, Graham used/uses much smaller notepads than I did/do. And, I don't keep as detailed notes as Graham did/does, either.) And, as I learned more about Graham, and his opposition to the Iraq war, and his steadfast focus on his 9/11 investigation results, I was pretty much hooked. (I love that "unrelenting, dogged determination side" of the guy! So, yeah, GG, I can relate to whereof you speak, BIGTIME!!! Thanks for the reminder.)
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson