The Blood Would Be On His Hands
I really do hope Trump backs off like Presidents before him from relocating the US Embassy to Jerusalem. We have done some blindingly awful things in the Middle-East over the decades, notably refusing to settle the Israel/Palestine conflict. Our support has been strictly unilateral i.e. Israel and is the root cause of mistrust throughout the region of the US as a independent arbitrator. Moving the Embassy would be seen as the cherry on the cake of our war crimes in the region. Want to make recruitment by extremist groups throughout the region easier? Go ahead.
Analysis by IDF/The Israeli Army
The assesment is that any American move – whether declarative or practical – will echo on four different circles.
The first circle is Israel’s Arabs
The second circle is the Palestinian Authority,
The third circle is the street in the region’s Sunni countries
The fourth circle has to do with the incitement of Islamic communities around the world, which could have implications on international Israeli assets and interests.
Not a single move has been made yet, but the ground is already sizzling, at least on the declaration and incitement level. So before any practical American move is made, the four circles of unrest have to be dealt with in order to soften the blow. Without preliminary American diplomatic and political activity, the implications may fall primarily on the IDF’s shoulders.
Dealt with? Hmm, how to deal with a diplomatic catastrophe in the making after creating it all by yourself in the first place?
Jordan would be one of the first in line, do we send troops to support yet another monarchy?
This would be mindbogglingly stupid, but then again our whole policy in the region has been asinine and extremely bloody for many decades. Perhaps it was the intention all along, a war without end.
I am certain many Israelis oppose the move
because it will lead to exponentially increased tensions in the region and a far greater risk of greater terrorist attacks and conflict in both Jerusalem, but in the Palestinian territories, and anywhere American have military bases or business interests there.
It would also be seen as a PR disaster by our putative allies in Gulf, the Saudis and the Emirates, as well as Jordan, that would likely cause repercussions for their regimes if they did not take what their more radical backers, much less the average citizen, consider appropriate action to rebuke the infidel Americans for such an affront to Islam. I'm sure our own intelligence agencies and military are appalled that moving the embassy to Jerusalem is even on the table, considering the danger it poses to Americans in the region, especially all our troops stationed in the Middle East.
I suppose Benjamin Netanyahu would be happy (temporarily) since it could conceivably bolster his support among the most radical, extremist religious elements that form his his coalition government. But even he might be saying one thing publicly while privately urging Trump not to take such a stupid and dangerous step.
Then again, when has Trump listened to anyone but his own inner circle, of late?
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
It's worrying pretty much for everyone in the short
It would be the most honest message the US has sent
…in half a century, If the US had only been this honest and direct more often, the American people would be in a far better position today.
Naturally, it's the right thing to do — for all the wrong reasons. I don't know why the inherent "good" in this sort of thing is so difficult to apprehend… well I suppose I do. It's about the retail morality we are immersed in; showing the world what we want them to believe about us. "Let's pretend that we are not actively destroying the Middle East to make way for "Greater Israel" and go through the motions of "holding out" diplomatically for a two-state solution."
But if you run the scenario where the US actually tells the truth to the world, by demonstrating it diplomatically, it's easy to see how much better off the world would be for it.
The US would stand alone in the world. It's embassy would stand alone in Jerusalem.
Just as the US stands alone among nations at the UN in allowing for Israel's genocide against the Palestinian people.
All people of all nations would see at once what the US actually is. And they can show their disgust and turn their backs by demanding that their own governments eschew further US influence or investment. Things American would be loathed. Chain reactions would ensue. Course corrections would become possible.
The American people would gain tremendous power, not because they finally seize it, but because they could clearly see their government. For once. And they would see themselves in the world, which is a perspective they have not had for going on a century. A global dialogue would begin about the kind of people Americans have become.
In this is buried a truth: No political change or cleansing justice can come to the US from INSIDE the US. It is already blocked. Such topics are forbidden and taboo. There has been no political mechanism for such a thing for at least 75 years. Meaningful moral change and real reform can only be inspired from the actions of the outside world. It seems to me, this would present such an opportunity.
It may not be the Deep State's intent, but this gesture would be their day of reckoning. And that would be a good thing, indeed.