Barnie Revolving Door Frank

Just a quick note to note that Barnie Revolving Door Frank is an ass, and the Sanders camp seems ready to confront him for what he is.

I rarely feel personal feelings towards politicians, but Frank is one of those guys I really can't stand to either look upon or listen to. I really don't like him, at all.

Well, my first "diary", if you can call it that, and where I show my tech prowess by providing a link on an ancient chrome book : )

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Sure, Dodd-Frank provided a mechanism to break up the TBTF banks -- but it was a mechanism designed never to work!

Yet Barnie Frank likes to suggest our Wall Street problem has been solved. Not hardly. Another recession is coming soon, and we can only cross our fingers and hope another financial sector meltdown doesn't destroy the American middle class.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

I'm certain that Revolving Door Frank doesn't actually think our Wall Street problems have been solved. But I get what you mean: He talks as though that's what he thinks, and gets paid big bucks to talk as though he thinks our Wall Street problems have been solved.

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and the complete totem for the sell out of our nation's economy.

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Personifies everything that is wrong with the D party. Bernie should feel honored that Barney hates him.

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