The bait and switch playbook
If you're the "Conservative" base, the Republicans will promise to prevent or halt social progress of one kind or another. (The crazier ones will promise to turn back social progress) They'll blame problems with the economy on reckless liberal policies. They'll say that getting government out of the way of business will allow the jobs to come pouring in.
They need everyone to forget, or not understand, that we've had exclusively conservative policy for the last 40 years or so, and that's how we came to be where we are.
If you're the "Liberal" base, Democrats will promise to promote social progress, and work against the Republicans' efforts to turn back the clock. They may also pay lip service to progressive policies.
They need everyone to forget, or not understand, that we've had exclusively conservative policy for the last 40 years or so, and that's how we came to be where we are, and that those 40 years of conservative policies wouldn't have been possible without the cooperation of Democrats.
Of course the switch is the Reagan revolution, the sale of the Government to the mighty Capital, the Government acting on behalf of Capital and against the people. The payoff is all of us being played for chumps.
We all need some new options.
I'm having fun
watching the neocon worms trying to insinuate themselves into the Trump administration. People like Bolton, Rogers, and others have the chutzpah to advance the notion that they could somehow be considered for office (media access helps) in the new administration, ignoring the fact that they opposed Trump at every juncture, and represent exactly what he campaigned against.
I'm hoping for a realignment, wherein the old right/left lines collapse and we find genuine lines upon which to separate. Class would be the best, but so far it looks like race/gender/whatever will describe it, if that's the case, expect .01% rule for the foreseeable future.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
it's all a big sale
With trump, we essentially get what we'd have had if Romney had been elected... Everything's for sale. It's the logical progression from the cheney regime to this.
Exactly. The Big Deal
with the 2012 Obama win wasn't that Obama won. It was that it staved off this - 2016 - and gave us four years to come up with another stop. Alas, it was "her turn." [rolls eyes]
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Decades of Failed Conservative Policies!
Man how I'd love to hear a Democrat say that.
We've totally suffered decades of failed conservative policies. There has not been a non-identity based liberal, fully public policy introduced from Democrats in decades.
Anybody got one they can name?
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu