Assange is right to be paranoid
Submitted by gjohnsit on Wed, 08/10/2016 - 1:00pm
Hillary Clinton strategist Bob Beckel called for WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange to be assassinated. #DNCLeak
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 10, 2016
Normally I try to stay away from CT, but then people in the Clinton campaign say sh*t like this.
So you can understand why Assange might get paranoid when stuff like this happens.
Seth Conrad Rich’s unsolved murder on a Washington D.C. street has sparked a flurry of conspiracy theories because he was a staffer and self-described data analyst for the Democratic National Committee...
Rich, 27, who worked for the DNC on voting issues, was shot and killed in Washington D.C., and his murder remains mysterious. “Police have found little information to explain his death,” said The New York Daily News.
Conspiracy theories are raging about Rich’s death because of his DNC employment and also the lack of an obvious motive, eyewitnesses, or suspect in the case. Rich, 27, was shot on July 10, 2016 at 4:15 in the morning near a Washington D.C. neighborhood where he lived, said CBS News. Some are also raising questions about the August death of Shawn Lucas, who served the DNC with a lawsuit alleging fraud in the presidential race.
Rich’s mother told NBC Channel 4 in Washington D.C. that her son’s “hands were bruised, his knees are bruised, his face is bruised, and yet he had two shots to his back, and yet they never took anything.”

Oh its the call for assassination season, nice campaigns
we've got
You know the rule
(It's Only Bad When Trump Does It)
You know what the hilarious thing is
Neither of them see just how downright horrible they are, I think this is the most polluted silly season that I have ever seen.
Congress has single-digit approval ratings
and held a special joint session to give a foreign leader something like 39 standing ovations?
Does anything in Washington D.C. surprise anymore? It's always silly season there. It's a "Lesser-Evil" Empire that is a mortal threat to humanity and needs to go the way of the USSR.
The frustrating thing about Congress is that
supposedly, the same people that rate Congress so low rate their own respective representatives very highly. (I emphasized "supposedly" because I heard this on TV, which automatically makes it unreliable in my mind.)
No, that's been true for a long time.
Fatass tough guy wanting to make soldiers Murderers...
Any soldier worth his rank would happily tell that asshole to go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut.
Of course, the orders don't COME from these assholes. They come down from the chain of command, and our modern military is told that following orders is paramount, even if you disagree with them. (You're told to register a complaint, but still follow the order. Which is HORSESHIT, and anybody with any honor does not follow illegal orders.)
Which assassination IS.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Obama made "targeted killing" with drones the norm.
That enthroned Tuesday presidential assassination lists as national policy.
A foul and debased policy.
That only comes from a fascist place where somehow the toppling of one's marked enemies is seen as a sign of power.
Sorry, just... ugh. As Poor Bloody Infantry, (Artillery, but the MOS morphed in theater) I feel that ignoring traditional rules of warfare degrade everyone involved. War is awful enough without assholes destroying the agreements that exist to protect YOUR OWN SIDE... dammit.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Just Conduct in War
I've never been in the armed forces. I honor your service.
Is it me, or have the people yelling most loudly for destroying the laws of just conduct in war seen the same amount of combat I have?
then again DMW
there is the deep state spook's who are have no chain of command and do their dirty work under the protection of national security. Assignations are not relegated to the military. The official assassinations might be but shit like this is a matter of power and money. Crime families are not likely to go through official channels to eliminate their political opposition. Allende?
What is a CT when the whole system is rotten to the core and full of thugs with guns and money. Lawyers guns and money are not normal channels. Actually there are no normal channels or legitimate chains of commands in any aspec of this horrific global take over. I refuse to disregard any dirty deed as CT as these people are so arrogant that they get away with murder daily.
Ugh, sorry, but I have always believed...
that the purpose of an Army is to protect people FROM those kind of slimeballs.
Yes, I admit, I'm an idealist, but at the same time, it's why I push so hard for reform. We all CAN be better than we are, and I wish that they'd take the foul brakes of lies and deceit off..
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
That's not the position we took at Nuremberg.
Gee, I wonder why we changed it?
'Twas the Dulles brothers and
the National Security Act of 1947, basically the civilian asshat mafiosa that commandeered the US gov't post-WWII.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
The sociopaths seem to be rising to the top
in both parties.
IMHO - that's nothing new, it's just now nobody seems to
care if they show it so away they go
Exactly. Hillary's predecessors were merely smoother at hiding
their bad qualities.
Let's call them what they really are. Psychopaths.
You beat me to it
when I read sociopath's I thought no their psycho killers. Qu'est ce que c'est? When they have a kill list on Tuesdays and and spooks at their disposal along with a defunct judicial system and no checks on power what's going to stop them. Kill, kill kill say the criminal pols to the cheers of USA, USA, USA. This country needs to be stopped. I just hope the rest of the world stops the lot of them. Economically would be preferable to taking on their armed and dangerous military enforcers.
You missed a point there dickhead
Assange isn't an American citizen so he can't have committed treason on the United States.
But you know what is treason, Mr. DickHead? Giving away our national sovereignty over to the corporations and this president and every member of congress that votes for the TPP is committing treason.
Do you have anything to say about that? No?
I didn't think so.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Slightly off-topic: a different take on "Hillary supporters"
Look at the crew literally propping her up and holding on for dear life (hers) in this photo. Gives more weight to the rumors about her health:
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I think she is standing on a soap box.
Without being able to see her feet, it is hard to say. And don't forget, she is 68 years old. Balance starts to go as one ages. If I were on a box, I'd want a supporting hand too.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That could be it. Fits in with this photo
Caveat: consider the source (Drudge Report; also all over Republican media). I'm nearly Hillary's age and have no balance issues, but of course health isn't a OSFA proposition.
Hillary has been hidden from unscripted encounters for some time and, to me, looks unfit and unwell. Which wouldn't interfere with her backers catapulting her into office by any means. And if so, wouldn't be the first time a president's serious ailments were masked by a network of complicit insiders and media.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I think we've seen a lot of pictures and video that legitimizes
a request for her medical records. Without them, we have a lot of speculation. I have balance issues because of my ankles. Couple of really bad sprains when I was younger are catching up with me in my old age. :d
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Probably more of a platform than a soap box. Three people
are grabbing her with both arms.
Well hell
she may have fallen on her head and have a 'medical' problem but her sickness goes much deeper the that. She's always been a sick human. Goldwater drop the bomb? How psycho is that. When a society gets as sick as this one is who cares about her freaking medical records the woman is bat shit mad. She has always been mentally impaired. So is Trump hey even if she drops dead mid office or during the campaign (snort) who will replace her? heh. Nobody saner believe me.
Ah, yes, the classically unstable Bob Beckel.
Fun fact: This is actually the second time that he's called for Assange to be assassinated. The first was back in 2010.
This is the same guy that's made racist comments about Jews, Asians, and Muslims, and derogatory sexist remarks toward nudists and victims of rape.
I used to think that he was the "stupid" liberal that Fox News included in their shows to provide "balance" and make the left look bad, but now I think he's really more representative of the neoliberal Democratic establishment than I previously thought.
Right up there with
Herr Drumpf! Her heinous knows how to pick 'em!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Death for revealing the truth about a vital election?
Lesser evil, my ass.
There is a long tradition of accusing the Clintons of murder.
And I always thought of it as hysterical CT. But when that many people are murdered or die at a young age for no obvious reason, and in less than a month, I have to wonder if I need to start getting my news from the same sources as the Men In Black.
This is well into "enemy action" (Goldfinger) territory. As the saying goes, "Yes, I'm paranoid, but am I paranoid enough?"