April 10, 2017 Open Thread; Sibling Day (I shit you not)

April 10 is the 100th day of the year. There are 265 days left.


Today's number is 10


Today's number is 10

10 is the base of the decimal number system. Since many others such as 12 make more sense, we must assume that it is because humans have 10 manual digits.

10 years is a decade, well, 10 anything, sort of, though "decad" also means a set or group of ten
To reduce something by 10 is to decimate.
10 is the sum of the first 4 integers
That might be why bowling is also known as ten pins
10 is the sum of the first 3 primes (2,3,& 5)
A polygon with 10 sides is a decagon
A crustacean with 10 legs is a decapod
A person with 10 or more vices is decadent (needs a citation)
10 is neon
10 is also Capricorn which is also a sea goat
A specific selection of 10 track & field events is a decathalon
10 yards is a first down in US football
The end zones in US football are 10 yards deep
The Rim of the hoop in roundball is 10 feet high
The highest score possible is often 10
Bo Derek may or may not have been a perfect 10.
10 High is a barely potable, but inexpensive, whiskey
The "10-Code", good buddy, is numerical shorthand used by cops, emergency responders, truckers and CW artists
Tennis has nothing to do with the numeral 10.


10 Years after is both a book and a band


10 cents (US) is a "dime", as in
Just One Thin Dime, one Tenth of a Dollar:


At some point it appears that there were Ten Thousand Maniacs



Title 10 of the US Code is ARMED FORCES.

10 BCE
was the Year of the Consulship of Maximus and Antonius
Claudius, the future emperor, of PBS fame, was born

10 CE
was the Year of the Consulship of Dolabella and Silanus
Illyria was split into Pannonia and Dalmatia.
Ovid completed Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto
Wang Mang outlawed the private purchase and use of crossbows
Hero of Alexandria was born


On this day in:
0837 -- Halley's Comet made its closest approach to Earth
1606 -- The Virginia Company of London was established to colonize North America
1710 -- The Statute of Anne regulating copyright went into effect in Britain
1864 -- Archduke Maximilian of Habsburg was proclaimed Emperor of Mexico
1866 -- The ASPCA was founded
1872 -- The first Arbor Day was held
1904 -- Aleister Crowley transcribed the third (last) chapter of The Book of the Law of Thelema.
1912 -- The Titanic sailed
1919 -- Emiliano Zapata was ambusehed and killed.
1925 -- The Great Gatsby was published
1941 -- The Axis powers created the Independent State of Croatia with the fascist Ustase in power
1957 -- The Suez Canal reopened
1963 -- The Thresher sank
1970 -- Paul McCartney quit the Beatles
1972 -- 74 nations signed the Biological Weapons Convention, which the US implemented in 1989 but still didn't comply
1998 -- The Good Friday Agreement was reached bringing peace to Northern Ireland

Born this day in:

1389 -- Cosimo de' Medici, ruler of Florence
1583 -- Hugo Grotius, philosopher and jurist
1829 -- William Booth, founded the Starvation Army
1847 -- Joseph Pulitzer, journalist, publisher and founder of Pulitzer, Inc.
1865 -- Jack Miner, conservationist
1903 -- Clare Turlay Newberry, author & illustrator of children's books
1910 -- Paul Sweezy, founded the Monthly Review
1921 -- Sheb Wooley, singer
1930 -- Dolores Huerta, activist, co-founded the UFW
1934 -- David Halberstam, author
1936 -- Bobbie Smith, singer & spinner
1941 -- Paul Theroux, writer
1947 -- Bunny Wailer, singer, drummer, songwriter, wailer
1950 -- Eddie Hazel, guitarist
1959 -- Babyface, singer, songwriter and producer
1959 -- Brian Setzer, singer, songwriter and guitarist
1960 -- Katrina Leskanich, singer, songwriter & guitarist
1965 -- Tim Alexander, drummer and songwriter


Died this day in:

1813 -- Joseph-Louis Lagrange, mathematician and astronomer, who had his points.
1909 -- Algernon Charles Swinburne, poet
1919 -- Emiliano Zapata, general, revolutionary,
1931 -- Kahlil Gibran, poet
1938 -- King Oliver, cornet player and bandleader
1958 -- Chuck Willis, singer and songwriter
1966 -- Evelyn Waugh, writer
1981 -- Howard Thurman, author and civil rights activist
2003 -- Little Eva, singer
2007 -- Dakota Staton, singer
2012 -- Barbara Buchholz, theremin player and composer


Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such:
Day of the Builder (Azerbaijan)
Feast of the Third Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law (Thelema)
Siblings Day (International observance)

So, for music 
Paul McCartney
Sheb Wooley
Bobbie Smith
Bunny Wailer
Eddie Hazel
Brian Setzer
Katrina Leskanich
Tim Alexander
King Oliver 
Chuck Willis
Little Eva
Dakota Staton
Barbara Buchholz



Paul McCartney


Sheb Wooley


Bobbie Smith


Bunny Wailer


Eddie Hazel




Brian Setzer


Katrina Leskanich


Tim Alexander


King Oliver


Chuck Willis


Little Eva


Dakota Staton


Barbara Buchholz


OK, what's on your minds?


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Lookout's picture

or at least our common base (10) and on the 100th day.

Thanks as always for the number fun and education, el.

Hope everyone has a good day!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

earthling1's picture

Thanks so much, EL.
Today I take my last Prednisone. After 7 weeks of antibiotics, inhalers, Benzonatate caps, and cortosteriods, I'm finally feeling much better. This was one bad bug. Whole family went through it and it took them weeks also.
Can't wait to get to my garden. Saving some of these tunes to listen to while I plant.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

by 12 than by 10?

I opposed partition of Illyria, by no one listened to me.

On my mind is that being a pacifist and non-violent amid endless Middle Eastern wars is disheartening.

Thanks for these threads, though!

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@HenryAWallace we wouldn't have those cute fire truck dogs.

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.


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enhydra lutris's picture

but that is the system I grew up with. Nonetheless, 12 is much easier and less problematic with fractions:

10 divided by 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, & 12 are irrational
12 divided by 7 & 11 are irrational
No comparison.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris @enhydra lutris

I did not grow up with the metric system, but imma hafta take your word for it because I don't see it. I don't guess it matters here yet anyway, since no one took Lincoln Chafee's run seriously.

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Shahryar's picture

one of the greatest lines of poetry ever.

another Chuck Willis tune, which I'd first heard done by Buddy Holly. Here's Willis' version.

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enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --