And now a rant, nothing more, nothing less.
One of my "Friends" who basically is the kind who list all the evil things trump has done (but nothing about hills) has been yelling at me about "False equivalence" every time he and I go at it about lesser evils and point out how Hillary is the greater. Finally it hit a breaking point tonight, and I feel the need to repost this here. Not sure why I'll admit... I just do.
For some of the context you would also need to look into the fights in Watauga county NC in the last few years between them and a highly corrupt board of elections trying to keep students from voting at the app state student union. The Pamela mentioned being a local Dem official who took it with help to the courts and did win the fight, once anyway. It came out too basically that the game was rigged in email exchanges between Repub officials and the BOE to have the plan decided before the meetings. Sound familiar anyone?
Anyway, said rant.
Siince everyone else feels long winded today, here's mine, I dedicate to Joseph and Pamela, And how I seem to be hitting oh many nerves with my "false equivalence"
Did I hit a nerve?
Now maybe ask yourself why you're so angry at me instead of repeating false equivalency over and over and thinking that you're making a point yourself, when you fucking aren't.
And please do tell, how am I wrong Joey? You, Pamela, and everyone else who are still sitting here thinking the Democrat party is fighting for you are living in a dream world. You're going to hold them accountable?
Gee like we did in Nevada?
Like you did when they picked Kaine?
Like they did when Hillary admitted DWS has been in the bag for her this whole time and failed her to the top?
Like when Bernie's delegates were locked out the Rules meeting?
Like when Nina Turner of all people was publicly snubbed and told she wouldn't be allowed on stage?
Oh but it's fine, you'll keep fighting the good fight, just like we did in Watauga for voting rights.
And look how far we've come!
We managed to go from a secret meeting in a tiny room where not everyone could see and trying to strip the rights of students to vote by Repubs to a tiny ass room where the press and the delegates were locked out as the DNC rules committee snubs the left.
We managed to go from leaked emails between the Repub party and the Repus on the BOE showing collusion between the party and officials in it against the Democrats to the Democrats revealed through leaked emails that the game was rigged with the DNC and the media both working directly against Bernie from the very start, in violation of the parties own charter. Not that this ever stopped them anyway, considering Bernie had to sue them in another violation of the DNC rules to get his own voter rolls back after the datagate kerfullfe.
And we've gone from Repubs using every dirty trick in the book to try and deny people the right to vote across this country, and democrats fighting tooth and nail to stop them, to democrats not even caring when 150K people in NY are stripped from the roles, and that's just one of many examples.
So when it's HILLARY who suddenly benefits from widespread voter roll purges, polls being closed, registration switching, Bill Clinton blocking them in another violation of election laws, then, then? Oh then it's only sour grapes by the bernie bros, nothing to see here move along. Even though as Documented by Kathleen and others, Hillary's wins and deviations from the exit polls are mathematically impossible! But who cares right? So what if we loads boxes of ballots into shredder trucks in CA, we gotta stop Trump!
How far we've come....progress y'all! I'm sure the thump of multiple RICO lawsuits hitting the DNC desks right about now are just more silly conspiracy theories too, right?
And people like you people like you not only accept it, what's worse you continue to allow it! You don't care, because it isn't about integrity, it isn't about fairness, it isn't about your values, it's about winning at any damn cost no matter how evil that lesser is, cause trump is the big bad boogyman who is gonna kill us all start WWIII eat baby seals every day of the week and let the russians into the white house to pick the drapes!
What is it going to take! The question shouldn't be why am I fighting the Democrats Joey, the question should be why the hell aren't you! and why isn't everyone else! Lesser evils?
Fine, you want to talk lesser evil?
Let's ask The countless Civilians killed in Libya, Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan how they feel about "Lesser evils"
49,917 bombs or missiles dropped on Iraq and syria since 2012, you feel safer yet?
Let's ask those on the receiving end of state department approved weapons deals (after donations to the clinton foundation) how they feel about America and lesser evils.
Let's ask the families deported back to Honduras, many of which were killed including children upon their return about "Lesser evils."
Let's ask Berta Cáceres her opinion about the state departments meddling in her country about Lesser Evils, if we still could.
Let's ask the next family that goes bankrupt from skyrocketing insurance bills because her majesty won't fight for single payer about lesser evils.
Let's ask the next town whose entire water supply is poisoned by the fracking Hillary sold round the world about lesser evils
Let's ask the millions of people trapped in the for profit prison system about lesser evils.
The ones that get there alive anyway.
You think they give a damn about lesser evils?
You want to blame me for all the evil Trump will cause, well then let's turn that right back around, are you willing to take the blame for all of this in 8 years of Obama? Are you willing to shoulder the blame next time an errant bomb under president hillary kills a few more civies?
Then call yourself the hypocrites you are!
You want to talk "False equivalence?" Explain to me how Trumps scary speeches equate to that, and how you think I'm saying he's just as bad as Clinton. Sorry you don't get it.
I think Clinton is the Greater Evil! and I will fight tooth and nail to stop her, because unlike you I don't think a warmongering lying criminal who doesn't give a damn about anyone but those who line her pockets should be allowed anywhere near the white house regardless of party!
Oh but we gotta stop Trump...
You know what created Trump Joey? You know what is leading to his rise? You know who is aiding and abetting those who are the least prepared to stop him, but more to the point don't seem to mind losing to him when they could have had this election sewn up ages ago, if they had walked the walked instead of talking the talk?
That would be you. and every evil you claim to be fighting against you've helped create by constantly giving in to evil that just keeps getting even worse, to the point now where you can barley get Hillary past the goal posts even with the process being this rigged.
Good job, go team blue...
Fuck you.
Fuck your "false equivalence"
Fuck a party rotten to it's very core.
And Fuck anyone who supports it because you are on the wrong side of the battle lines.
You want to keep collaborating with evil, you want to give a stolen election a pass, you want to place your lot with a party that's sold it's soul in the name of winning? You want to keep sucking up to the corporate whores and settle for the crumbs they give, you want to sit here and take what's given to you and call it choice, you want to give in to evil instead of calling it what it is?
Fine, enjoy being the vichy left. You deserve to be called it too. And if you think Hillary is going to fight for progressive values then keep god damn dreaming, because anyone who has been paying attention can see what a joke that is.
Only one person is a traitor here Joey, and no prizes for guessing who.
I'm done dancing to this two party tune.
I'm done playing by their rules.
I'm done with lesser evil.
I'm done with rewarding Democrats for betraying me because I had nowhere else to go. Every Democrat from dogcatcher up.
And I don't give a damn how many "Friends" it costs me, because the true ones will know why I will quote my cover photo of the Joker.
I won't be bought, bullied, reason, or negotiated with.
I'm ready to see it Burn. Starting with the Democratic party.

Those who conspire to make Peaceful change impossible...
Are COMPLETELY responsible for everything that comes.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Thats pretty much how i feel
and if anyone thinks that I will change my mind come Nov. well, they would be wrong!
Sounds like NYS governance, three men in a room
I think 2 are in jail now, for their wheeling and dealing activities. So much for Democracy.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
righteous rant
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Fuck'em all!
They claim scotus, they claim tRumph, they scramble for any fear to get your vote.
No Fear here! Nice rant btw.
#never $hillery
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march