American Exceptionalism, the disease, taken root in solitude, loosed upon the World

Lest you think propaganda was invented by David Brock, consider what I was taught in elementary school. There, not necessarily promoted as an idea to be emulated, was the American Exceptionalism (AE). Beginning before the Revolution but encouraged by it, AE found its first political enactment of the Monroe Doctrine.

The justification of this keep out of OUR hemisphere was of course AE.

American Exceptionalism

Notice the capitalization of Exceptionalism. This is my effort to stress the idea that AE is truly capital idea. Capital in the sense that AE is not a wonderful dictum but that it is capital in the same manner as Capital Punishment.

American exceptionalism has been historically referred to as the belief that the United States differs qualitatively from other developed nations because of its national credo, historical evolution, or distinctive political and religious institutions. The difference is often expressed in American circles as some categorical superiority, to which is usually attached some alleged proof, rationalization or explanation that may vary greatly depending on the historical period and the political context. However, the term can also be used in a negative sense by critics of American policies to refer to a willful nationalistic ignorance of faults committed by the American government.

On the one hand, American intervention on the world stage has claimed a moral purpose of acting altruistically in defense of freedom and democracy. On the other hand, America has been accused of behaving as a "nation above nations" imposing its hegemony on the rest of the world, acting in its own interest, with no concern for others. The U.S. is far from unique in claiming to be special. Many nations, ancient and modern, have regarded themselves as having a special role to play, sometimes blessed by God. Pinnacle nations can be forces for good or for evil in the world. History suggests that pinnacle nations that temper power with morality, with the aim of maintaining peace, of spreading justice or of defending human rights may have a crucial role to play in securing a sustainable future for the planet and human race. Former imperial powers are among the world's strongest champions of human rights and human equality.

If my disbelief offends you, cease reading. This is how I feel. It is never suggested that any believe what I write, only that fair consideration be given to sometimes uncommon, and thus unpopular (by definition), ideas.

Swallowing the Monroe Doctrine (MD) unquestioningly, as is the wont of young people, its concept lingered latently in my brain. With this foreknowledge of Hemispheric Hegemony, pushed upon us and the rest of the world by Mr. Monroe, it was of course easy to subconsciously forgive the excesses implied by MD when those imperial thrusts poked others than ourselves. War becomes personal only when it is personal. Your life on the line. Or your sister, your father, son, daughter, etc. No skin in the game--one doesn't feel the pinch.

Statement of personal experience: I have not fought in a hot war. Yet I have made what efforts I was able to provide to those poor, spiritually broken men and women suffering a broken mind. A broken mind appears on the surface as desperation, hopelessness, anomie. Before the surface appearance, the terror and cruelty of war, of killing fellow beings against whom you hold no personal animosity simply devours the inner person, the deep part which is never meant to be bared to other humans. To some degree or other, this process afflicts anyone in battle--at least anyone who had a soul before entering into mortal combat. Soul = Empathy. It's that basic. One can not divide the concept of soul any more finely than this. No feelings for fellow humans means no soul.

Cherish the life of others impartially unless others plan or commit harm to others undeserving of such, or any, harshness.

AE at its center must be understood on a personal level. Otherwise, it cannot be understood at all. To hear is not to understand. Understanding comes not from touch, smell, sight, sound. Those senses are but messengers to the inner core of one's being. Not all are capable of hearing this message. Not all are equipped to understand the suffering or unmet needs of others. Not all are capable of understanding this simple maxim: "There but for the Grace of God go I".

AE metastasizes from "seize the day" to "seize the life and whatever makes it dear". Is there any other way from which to progress from the belief that some nations and those within it are gifted by virtue of fortunate birth, to a belief that those ideas MUST be adopted by those now the object of AE?

Human behavior is on a spectrum in regard to responding to external pressure. When of such magnitude as to threaten life itself, the easier path is to submit. Submission to preserve one's life is understandable.

But is there a point at which principles must intervene, preventing submission? History shows that many intrusions by one nation into affairs of another is often met with resistance. Resistance in the face of violence begets war. Beware of "the Resistance", the principles of which neoconservative bellicosity is evil to its core.

Why are we, or anyone, superior to any other? Because we say so.

This is the lie upon which AE, or any other excuse to expropriate life or domicile to another.

George Washington said government is force. Yes, indeed. There must be some degree of centrally directed encouragement to abide by codes of conduct--codes of conduct however that must respect the rights of any other to live in a way which does not harm any other. As the best instincts of some people are not "best" to the well-being of others not harmful to people, constraints must be, at limited times, be forceful. Consider taxation, a curse present ever since humans decided to abide in long-term gathering such as cities. As many people would be reluctant to carry any burden requiring contribution to the commonweal, persuasion (often amounting to force) must be imposed.

Yet force should be kept to a minimum. This applies particularly to the concept of AE. AE is on its face pure expression of privileges arrogated to the US by Mr. Monroe and his cronies. There is no moral, intellectual, cultural rationale justifying AE. Its only justification is BECAUSE I SAY SO.

Even before the US officially became a country, putatively republican, the genocide of Amerinds had proceeded with steady efficiency. This is our country, you savages (which indeed many were, with as much venality as their ultimate obliterators). The noble savage is a myth. But that is a story more suitable to essay on the nature of Homo unsapiens.

No savagery, whether internally nor externally directed can be excused. Our brains have not evolved anywhere near as fast as human manipulation of the environment, limited as it still is. Humans unfortunately do not behave as MLK hopefully spoke about the arc of justice growing to replace the extant cruelty then present. Cruelty ever growing.

The cure: demise of Empire. Rejoice not for that day, should it ever come in our lifetimes, because, as surely as the sun rises in the east, new empires, perhaps even crueler than our own, shall arise. As long as armies can travel beyond their tribe's borders, the infliction of "we know what's good for you. Convert or die" will continue. Must continue. This, in any manifestation, not yet reified, is the unfortunate trait of man: new empires arise from the debris of older, exhausted ones.

Yes, AE may be combatted but I fear it is too firmly rooted in our subconscious to be displaced.

What to do?

Step 1: realization

Step 2: spread the message

Step 3: the wisdom for further steps along the desired path is not in my possession. But bravery is essential to overthrow the present order.

The ship of state, regardless of the pilot, inevitably goes down at sea or beaches helplessly. A steady hand at the helm can avert disaster. But only for a while.

When I was stone blue, rock and roll really got me through.


Wind tearin' through the backstreet, I hear the rhythm of my heartbeat
Rain blowin' to my face, I'm tired of bein' in the wrong place
Blues knockin' on my back door, I can't jump from the second floor
Turn up the radio higher and higher, rock 'n' roll music set my ears on fire

When I was stone blue, rock 'n' roll sure helped me through
When I was stone blue, rock 'n' roll sure helped me through

Laid off work and I can't be free, I need some rock 'n' roll therapy
Put on a 45 and let the needle ride, jukebox jumps and I'll be satisfied

When I was stone blue, rock 'n' roll sure helped me through
When I was stone blue, rock 'n' roll sure helped me through

Oh, let me ride on your mystery train
Ride through the night in the pourin' rain
Rock 'n' roll in my soul, got me losin' control, lemme roll

Stone blue, rock 'n' roll sure helped me through
When I was stone blue, rock 'n' roll sure helped me through

Rock 'n' roll in my soul, got me losin' control
Let it roll, let it roll, let it roll, let it roll

(Stone blue) rock 'n' roll sure helped me through
(Stone blue) rock 'n' roll sure helped me through
(Stone blue) walkin' on a backstreet
(Stone blue) I hear the rhythm of my heartbeat
(Stone blue) pick up the beat 'n start to run
(Stone blue) I'll be home before the mornin' sun
(Stone blue) rain blowin' to my face
(Stone blue) I'm tired of bein' in the wrong place

When I was blue, stone blue, rock 'n' roll helped me through
When I was blue, stone blue, rock 'n' roll helped me through
Turn up a radio, turn it up, yeah, higher and higher
Turn it up, turn it up, woo, yeah, higher and higher

You gotta help me through, you gotta help me through
You gotta help me through, you gotta help me through
You gotta help me through, you gotta help me through
You gotta help me through, you gotta help me through
When I was stone blue, when I was stone blue
Gotta help me through, help me through

15 users have voted.


Situational Lefty's picture

probably started when America stopped being exceptional.

It was a good idea right after we helped defeat Hitler and Nazi Germany but probably disintegrated some time after we dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki or when we invaded South Vietnam. It seems to me somewhere in that decade and a half the United States lost its right to pretend to be some paragon of moral leadership for the rest of the world.

11 users have voted.

"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian

@Situational Lefty weapons manufacturers were given elevated status in the eyes of the government due to the pivotal role a better weapon or improved manufacturing processes could make in winning the war. By the end of the war manufacturers had developed a taste for the astronomical war profits and they used their military and political connections developed during the war to milk the taxpayers and foist weapons on them that were no longer really necessary. Without any bonafide wars some would need to be invented.

@Situational Lefty

10 users have voted.
Situational Lefty's picture

@entrepreneur I suspect the war machine has been behind every big foreign policy decisions made by this country since our inception.

War fuels the economy.

Capitalism is really just a big bummer.

4 users have voted.

"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian

travelerxxx's picture

This is a German military belt buckle.

They thought they were exceptional, too.

10 users have voted.
mimi's picture

I just wanted to say that sometimes it feels like you were writing for me personally. I guess I am capitally honestly speaking not able to understand all sentences of this essay. Please don't be offended, as I want to ask you to explain further some of the sentences in here.

Three words used in here, that I have difficulties to translate within the context you seem to have put them in:
1. capital
2. pinnacle
3. Amerinds

1. capital

Notice the capitalization of Exceptionalism. This is my effort to stress the idea that AE is truly capital idea. Capital in the sense that AE is not a wonderful dictum but that it is capital in the same manner as Capital Punishment.

that is a tough one for me.
... the capitalization of Exceptionalism ... does that mean that the 'Exceptionalism' is used to make more capital in the sense of more wealth in the form of money or assets?

... How is it the same as in 'Capital Punishmnet'? What is the meaning of 'Capital' in the expression 'Capital Punishment'? Is there an issue of wealth in form of money or assets in the meaning of 'Capital Punishment'? From what I can google about Capital Punishment, it means "the legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime", That would mean that the word 'Capital' in Capital Punishment is different and not related to wealth in form of money or assets, or not?

2. pinnacle

Pinnacle nations can be forces for good or for evil in the world. History suggests that pinnacle nations that temper power with morality, with the aim of maintaining peace, of spreading justice or of defending human rights may have a crucial role to play in securing a sustainable future for the planet and human race.

... I think I understand what you mean, but the word pinnacle I would like to get a literal translation and meaning for, in this context. For the word pinnacle I get the following from the google wizard:

Google Wizard
The most successful point; the culmination.
"he had reached the pinnacle of his career"
Similar: highest level, peak, height, high point/spot, summit, top, climax, crowning point,
peak of perfection, apex, vertex, zenith, apogee, ascendancy, upper limit, acme meridian

now I think I do understand the meaning, but wanted to know if 'summit' - as in a G8 summit, for example or some other summits - means literally 'a meeting of nations at their 'climax' - omygawd - ? /snarky googlish wizardry.

3. Amerinds:

Even before the US officially became a country, putatively republican, the genocide of Amerinds had proceeded with steady efficiency. This is our country, you savages (which indeed many were, with as much venality as their ultimate obliterators). The noble savage is a myth. But that is a story more suitable to essay on the nature of Homo unsapiens.

... I do understand the word, but was wondering why you have used this word-creation as replacement for Native Americans. What was the reason or motivation for the replacement?

Well, here are- at least for me - the best paragraph/sentences of your essay, and I refer mostly to the text, I have put in bold italics:

... War becomes personal only when it is personal. Your life on the line. Or your sister, your father, son, daughter, etc. No skin in the game--one doesn't feel the pinch.
Statement of personal experience: I have not fought in a hot war. Yet I have made what efforts I was able to provide to those poor, spiritually broken men and women suffering a broken mind. A broken mind appears on the surface as desperation, hopelessness, anomie. Before the surface appearance, the terror and cruelty of war , of killing fellow beings against whom you hold no personal animosity simply devours the inner person, the deep part which is never meant to be bared to other humans. To some degree or other, this process afflicts anyone in battle--at least anyone who had a soul before entering into mortal combat. Soul = Empathy. It's that basic. One can not divide the concept of soul any more finely than this. No feelings for fellow humans means no soul.
AE at its center must be understood on a personal level. Otherwise, it cannot be understood at all. To hear is not to understand. Understanding comes not from touch, smell, sight, sound. Those senses are but messengers to the inner core of one's being. Not all are capable of hearing this message. Not all are equipped to understand the suffering or unmet needs of others. Not all are capable of understanding this simple maxim: "There but for the Grace of God go I".

This is excellent and there 'for the Grace of God I die'. As if it could be any other way. And not without an 'honest to God fight against his grace' I will finally go. Ha!
Blum 3

Thanks for all you do to make us understand our own confusions. Great work. Nothing more to say than that, Doc.

6 users have voted.
mimi's picture

@mimi @Alligator Ed @janis b @ all of you
for those who understand German, I wanted to post this movie, which was broadcasted on German TV on the 27th Dec. 2019. It's a historical Emigration Epos (Emigration from German to the US), a story about departure, hope and homesickness. The title is "Der Club der singenden Metzger", which literally translated means 'the club of the singing butchers'.

Der Club der singenden Metzger
Bildquelle: ARD Degeto/SWR/Moovie//Constantin Film
It is based on the book written by Louise Erdrich: " „The Master Butchers Singing Club“ (2003)"
I found this movie very well made and a lot of the script's texts reminded me, that basically nothing much has changed about the emotional conflicts emigrees/immigrants/refugees have in our more recent times. It may not look the same, but the emotions are.

Sorry that I don't know better to handle commenting across the languages, time zones, and subject categories.

6 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@mimi Thank you for your comment and your questions. mimi, you are quite correct in that I write for you personally. I write personally to all who read my work. What use is communication which does not convey ideas, whether correct or fallacious? None.

1. Capital: to Marxists et. al., capital is simply money or the possession of means of production. Hedge fund capitalists, for example, m possess money but not the means of production. In fact, the Hedgers achieve more capital money by precisely eliminating capital productivity.

In the deeper sense, what is the greatest capital any being still alive possesses? Their lives. Hence capital punishment deprives those victims of such remedy as living.

2. Pinnacle, not the monument in Californicate (see Pinnacles national park.)

Pinnacle as in a "highest point". A high point can be said to encompass even such morally evil concepts as the most deadly war or direst threat to some one or something. It is that pinnacle to which I refer.

3. Amerind: I did not neologize this American and "Indian" into a new word. Contrarily, I have a learned cousin well-regarded in sociological circles (or whatever their shapes) who champions this word. Who am I to object to her use of this word? Not I says this gator.

A symbol of the Navajo Nation. Ya ta'hey

5 users have voted.
mimi's picture

@Alligator Ed @Alligator Ed
reminds me of Besoz having been a Hedge Fund manager, before he became 'The biggest book seller of the world with some million titles on the interweb'. In 1994/5 that was.

2 users have voted.
Centaurea's picture

We Are Special!

It says so right there in that song, the song my grade school classmates and I sang after we said the pledge of allegiance each morning. That proves it's true. It wouldn't be in a song if it weren't true.

We are the Exceptional Ones, chosen by the divine being itself (the Judeo-Christian English-speaking one whose name is "God", which is the only one that counts - even our divine being is exceptional!), to the exclusion of everyone else on the planet.

Just like that other song says, "the land of the free and the home of the brave". It's true because it's true. We don't have to do anything to make it be true, and we can't do anything to make it untrue. It's just our status that happens automatically. American: Free: Brave.

Everything we do is good. All good and only good. The USA can only do good things, just by virtue of being the Free and Brave USA upon which God shed his grace.

Blum 3

Narcissistic, much?

14 users have voted.

"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

QMS's picture

right, where is the freedom to challenge or protest?

There are many traces on the Nna Mmoy plane of what people from our plane call civilization, by which people from our plane, these days, usually mean a capitalist economy and an industrial technology based on intense, exhaustive exploitation of natural and human resources.

Ursula Le Guin
Changing Planes

7 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Centaurea's picture

So how dare you protest! How dare you disrespect our veterans by exercising the rights they fought to preserve? You need to sit down and shut up and stop dishonoring their sacrifice!"

I never could understand the logic in that.

6 users have voted.

"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

Alligator Ed's picture

@Centaurea Whatever other "rights" have we been protecting since WW2 ended? I know you don't know why either.

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


mean anything but they're dead? Did they jump in front of a bullet that was going to take away my freedom? Just what did they accomplish when the truck they were in got blown up by an IED? Just how are the soldiers who are helping to steal Syria's oil protecting my freedom? How do they square it in their minds that they watched for years as Isis took Syria's oil to sell to Israel, but now they are doing it themselves?

I'm sorry to be so blunt, but Smedly's book has been out for decades. Besides that haven't people seen how the troops are treated when they are no longer useful? The VA hospitals are underfunded or soldiers have to fight congress for treatment for gawd awful diseases from burn pits or for building bases on ground that was contaminated with depleted uranium and other heinous things? The people who lie to others should be held accountable for it. "Join up and see the world." "It's an adventure don't you know?" "Be more than you can be." What the hell does that even mean?

7 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

CB's picture

Social Darwinism in 20th Century America
Social Darwinism applies the concepts of natural selection and the survival of the fittest to endorse the racial and economic inequalities that existed in early 20th century American society. Social Darwinism was widely used as a means of prohibiting African American and certain European immigrants from seeking out equal opportunities in the political, social and economic establishment. It also justified the ideas of manifest destiny and imperialism to bring civility and democracy to "racially inferior" cultures.
Immigration in the Early 20th Century

As the 20th century began, many in the upper class of the United States began to see immigration as a potential danger to their ideal image of a pure "American race". Having passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882, Congress reinforced the idea of "Yellow Peril" which would affect immigration of Asian ethnicities into the 20th century. The Chinese Exclusion Act was not repealed until 1943. The next attempt to limit Asian immigrants to the United States came as a gentlemen's agreement was reached with Japan to prevent its citizens from obtaining passports to come to America.
Manifest Destiny

Imperialism is based on the idea of American exceptionalism or that America is better because it retains the responsibility to spread "civilization" through democracy and capitalism. The American presence in the Pacific, Panama and the Caribbean showed a disregard for the principles for which they themselves had fought a war of independence. The consent of the governed was not needed in these cases because America was higher on the racial hierarchy and therefore obligated to bring to the "savage" inhabitants of these countries the benefits of Christianity, democracy and free-market capitalism.

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wendy davis's picture


on edit: and i believe you're also referring to 'Manifest Destiny, ordained by God' to subdue, vanquish heathens, and so on.

and i'd just recently been describing US imperialism as a way of pretending to bring democracy™ to some by bombing the daylight out of 'opponents'. and yes, WWII military keyenesianism was reified, and how lovely it was that all the Rosie the Riveters were permitted to build bombs in factories! the first breath of feminism?/s

but your comment has me remembering what may have been the next iteration of amerikan exceptionalism: GHW 'willie horton' Bush and his thousand points of light, shining city on a he prosecuted the first gulf war on iran with 85,000 tons of bombs-for-oil, buried republican guard soldiers alive in the desert via bulldozers, and used a NY ad agency (i used to remember its "stole babies out of incubators, etc. name) to create the campaigns against 'Sod-dam' Hussein.

how few anti-war songs came from that first gulf war, though. this is the one i do remember, though, and bless JT's ♥!


2 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

it's long, but i'll paste in some outtakes:

The real interest of the United States and transnational corporations in Latin America and the Caribbean; What are the real interests of the U.S. and corporations in the region? Freedom, democracy, human rights? No. Their goal is to preserve imperialist domination of our natural resources’, Enrique Moreno Gimeranez,, Dec. 13, 2019-12-29

"“Our America is again suffering escalating aggression by U.S. imperialism and local oligarchies. The region is experiencing a sad reality involving dangerous turmoil and socio-political instability, promoted by Washington. The hemisphere’s most reactionary forces are attacking sovereign governments with coups, methods of unconventional war, brutal police repression, militarization, unilateral coercive measures, rigged judicial persecution of progressive leaders, while proclaiming the validity of the Monroe Doctrine and McCarthyism.”
“"Just like the first Spanish conquistadors, who gave Indians mirrors and trinkets for gold and silver, the United States trades with Latin America. To conserve that torrent of wealth, to seize more and more of America's resources and exploit its suffering peoples: that is what is hidden behind Washington’s military pacts, military missions and diplomatic lobbies," warned the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, in the Second Declaration of Havana, February 4, 1962.

Progressive governments challenged monopoly interests when they nationalized, and recovered for the people, a large portion of their natural resources. These economic emporiums, which see the world as a cake to be divvied up, cannot accept losing the "juicy slice" that is Latin America and the Caribbean.

Suffice it to say that several countries in the region hold a significant portion of the world's mineral deposits: 68% of the world's lithium (Chile, Argentina and Bolivia), 49% of silver (Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Mexico), 44% of copper (Chile, Peru and, to a lesser extent, Mexico), 33% of tin (Peru, Brazil and Bolivia), 26% of bauxite (Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela and Jamaica), 23% of nickel (Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba and Dominican Republic), and 22% of iron (Brazil, Venezuela and Mexico), according to the Natural Resources report: Situation and trends for a regional development agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean, compiled by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

Hence the strategic importance to U.S. interests of this part of the world, also the region closest to its national borders. Any direct or indirect intervention, under any pretext, would be less costly as compared to others carried out in Africa or Asia, although these are not renounced either.”

what the author hadn't known was that on about dec. 12 or 13, a major cache of lithium was discovered in sonora, mexico. what will that mean for mexico under AMLO? time will tell, but by now lithium is a key desire of western hegemonic capitalism.

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wendy davis's picture

a few days ago:


The culture and nation state of the United States of America is founded on the egregious and forceful dispossession of others. You might even call it an earlier version of fascism – institutional dehumanization for private profit. A myth, or grand lie, was created that we are an exceptional people, effectively pre-empting openly experiencing the important feeling of social shame and, in turn, blocking any accountability or genuine inquiry into our genocidal origins built on stolen land and labor, that murdered millions with impunity.

Thus, we live by fantasy of our superiority, which functionally makes us stupid, as if in a stupor. Applying the legal exclusionary rule to the culture at large, the USA is the “fruit of the poisonous tree”, as with most “civilizations”, founded on forcefully stolen land and labor, thereby lacking any moral or legal validity.

He then includes these headings:


1950s: “Positive Thinking/Prosperity Gospel” – Norman Vincent Peale and US Exceptionalism

Viet Nam – Great Awakening of the Grand Lie (he was drafted into the war while he was in law school)

Dishonest Intelligence

Cold War Redux


US Exceptionalism Has Been Fatal – Creates Stupid, Shameful Monsters

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