Air Force completes first B61-12 Life Extension Program qualification flight test at Tonopah Test Range

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This announcement came on the same day the United States of Amerika dropped the Mother of all Bombs on Afghanistan, another "non-nuclear" test. You probably didn't hear much about it over the war propaganda against North Korea.

"The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) and the U.S Air Force completed the first qualification flight test of the B61-12 gravity bomb March 14 at Tonopah Test Range in Nevada.

The non-nuclear test assembly was dropped from an F-16 based at Nellis Air Force Base. The test evaluated both the weapon’s non-nuclear functions as well as the aircraft’s capability to deliver the weapon.

This event is the first of a series that will be conducted over the next three years to qualify the B61-12 for service. Three successful development flight tests were conducted in 2015."

Maybe when they "qualify the B61-12 for service", they'll test it in Afghanistan, if Afghanistan is still there.

"Moreover, the West’s (non-existent) anti-war movement remains mum; nobody is challenging (or threatening) Washington for testing the functionality of America’s latest addition to its US nuclear arsenal of more than 7000 nuclear warheads: The new B61-12 (guided) gravity nuclear bomb, heralded as an instrument of peace and global security.

Needless to say, the development of the B61-12 is part of a multibillion dollar nuclear weapons modernization program funded by US tax payers.

The B61-11 and 12 are bunker buster (gravity) bombs with a nuclear warhead, slated to be used on a first strike basis under the doctrine of “pre-emptive” nuclear war against both nuclear and non-nuclear states."

We have three years to live, this proves it.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

It's not quite time to panic just yet, Al.

We have three years to live, this proves it.

The good news: no, it doesn't. It's just "more of the same", and barring any additional real evidence, will result in, well, more of the same. Just more braggadocio from the good ol' MIC. Nth verse, same as the first.

And stuff from globalresearch needs to be taken with 4 or 5 of these:


It's not the kind of evidence that is needed to support a jeremiad. That would require direct evidence from well-reputed sources (forget globalresearch) naming names, dates, times, and other exact details. WikiLeaks and CounterPunch come readily to mind.

So don't give up the ship just yet.....


EDIT: Corrected name of and linked to CounterPunch.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Big Al's picture

@thanatokephaloides I've been reading it for about ten years, it's one of my two or three go to sites that I read every day. It's a clearinghouse of writers. I know others on this site do so as well. Relative to the article from GR I linked to, what is there in it that requires a grain of salt?

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@Big Al I am with you on this, Big Al. I have no fucking incentive to quit smoking.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

thanatokephaloides's picture

@Big Al

Relative to the article from GR I linked to, what is there in it that requires a grain of salt?

The fact that it is on GR at all means that it has the same attached baggage as if it came from Breitbart. (For which my advice would be identical, BTW.) The sanctions against total whack-job writings are essentially non-existent. We here at c99p do a considerably better job at that, and without need for authoritarian structure to boot.

Moreover, it's the same kind of "the sky is falling" panic, based on nothing more than the same-old same-old, that's been used to talk us into wars for 6.022E+23 dozen forevers. The only reason it's got a better case than the others just like it is that the case against war starts out ahead, at least in any rational eyes.

The North Korea -- US/Japan sabre-rattling dance is as old as North Korea itself. I see no directly evidenced facts the article brings up that justifies any new attitudes towards it. Same song, Nth verse, no reason to believe either better OR worse. It's been nuclear as long as NK has been a nuclear-armed power.

I hope I answered your question, Al.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides