just cruised thru there OPOL. Ain't much happening. Read TomP's stuff and a couple others. Then I read the so called Labor FP's post about the Chicago teachers strike and got pissed. Pretty much kinda/sorta slams fucking Rahm. And this person came out and endorsed Hillary. I guess they aren't smart enough to see the connection or just don't give a fuck. Then some of the commenters were saying how great it would be if BOTH of "our" candidates would come out and support the teachers. I had to respond to that.
"Well that would be nice wouldn’t it. I can guarantee one of our candidates will stand with the Chicago teachers and by proxy will be standing against Rahm Emanuel. The other? I ain’t holding my breath..."
As an old and still active/elected Union guy, it turns my stomach when I see Unions endorsing Clinton. Hell, even my Union, the UAW, was going to come out an endorse her but got so much push back from the members and local leadership that they've tabled it for now. Wake the fuck up Unions. The Clinton's have NO USE FOR YOU. THEY DON'T LIKE YOU OR WHAT YOU STAND FOR. THEY WILL USE YOU TO GET ELECTED AND THEN WASH THEIR HANDS OF YOU.
Fucking idiots...
30 Days in the Hole
I had a Humble Pie album.
I had a Humble Pie album.
I didn't actual listen to it more than a couple of times, but it stuck in my mind. There you go.
Saw Humble Pie
play at the Charlton Soccer ground, London in 1974 - supporting The Who. Good times.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
just cruised thru there OPOL.
just cruised thru there OPOL. Ain't much happening. Read TomP's stuff and a couple others. Then I read the so called Labor FP's post about the Chicago teachers strike and got pissed. Pretty much kinda/sorta slams fucking Rahm. And this person came out and endorsed Hillary. I guess they aren't smart enough to see the connection or just don't give a fuck. Then some of the commenters were saying how great it would be if BOTH of "our" candidates would come out and support the teachers. I had to respond to that.
"Well that would be nice wouldn’t it. I can guarantee one of our candidates will stand with the Chicago teachers and by proxy will be standing against Rahm Emanuel. The other? I ain’t holding my breath..."
As an old and still active/elected Union guy, it turns my stomach when I see Unions endorsing Clinton. Hell, even my Union, the UAW, was going to come out an endorse her but got so much push back from the members and local leadership that they've tabled it for now. Wake the fuck up Unions. The Clinton's have NO USE FOR YOU. THEY DON'T LIKE YOU OR WHAT YOU STAND FOR. THEY WILL USE YOU TO GET ELECTED AND THEN WASH THEIR HANDS OF YOU.
Fucking idiots...
The best thing
after being in the hole is,
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
The perspective on war crimes does seem to depend on whether you're the loser or winner of the war.