My Crystal Ball
DATELINE - Philadelphia, July 7, 2016.
In what has already been the strangest, unpredictable political season, things just got weirder. Much weirder.
How we got to this time and place will be written about for generations to come. One thing is for certain - nothing, absolutely nothing is certain anymore.
Perhaps the weirdness pervading this campaign season first came to be when a pseudo-billionaire blow hard with really bad hair, stated (mainly to laughter and disbelief) that he was going to run as a Republican.
Perhaps it was a few power brokers selecting Hillary as their anointed candidate, as they did everything possible to insure her selection, including skewing DNC resources, denying access to her opponent, and placing Debbie whatshername Schultz in charge of the DNC.
Perhaps it was when a curmudgeonly democratic socialist from the left State of Vermont began to gain attention and traction among the voters, and totally screwed up the plans and schemes of the powers that be.
Or perhaps, it all started with the election of Barack Obama, who took a page out of Abraham Lincoln's playbook, and mistakenly assigned the office of Secretary of State to one of the most corrupt and self-serving individuals in American political history.
No matter how you view it, this campaign has been weird. And it just got weirder.
So, in no particular order, let's do a recap of the last two weeks.
Debbie Whatshername Schultz
In retrospect, her resignation from the DNC should have been a given. The bad blood that she created along all strata of the Democratic Party, her pathetic results in off year senate and house races, and her willingness to allow Wall Street buy tremendous amounts of influence within the Democratic Party, and more specifically, the DNC, should have signaled that her days were numbered.
But Wall Street money is like Heroin. Once you have a taste, you quickly get addicted, and in the process, you lose sight of your party's purpose and original goals. Debbie forgot that lesson, and her addiction eventually led to her resignation. Across the country, hundreds of thousands cheered at the news. One unexpected side effect is the lack of one leader of the DNC, who will have to figure out what the heck to do about the convention.
Donald Trump
The one thing even stranger than his meteoric rise, and apparent victory in his drive for the Republican nomination, is how quickly it all ended as he shocked the world and ended his campaign on June 30th. Much of the world rejoiced, but the whole world must be wondering, "What now?"
In retrospect, so many of his steps and ridiculous pronouncements seemed to reflect his hidden dream of wanting to run, but not wanting to actually win (or have the obligation to serve, if elected.) His attacks on sitting GOP governors, his idiotic and insane immigration policies, his pro-fracking, anti-environment comments, in the face of clear indications of global climate change - all of these paled in comparison to his personal issues, ones that were bound to come out at some point. The GOP must be grateful that they did come out before their convention.
Trump was never a billionaire, unless blowing hot air constitutes a massive source of income. His tax issues were not just complex, they were mind-boggling. Not only was Teh Donald virtually broke, his financial games may yet land him in prison . . . Where he might have some interesting company. More about that below.
The fact that even this blowhard recognized the crayon printing on the wall, and did the right thing by withdrawing, well, it just shows that there is hope for the country.
Hillary Clinton
Funny how things work out. The GOP had ample opportunity to find out dirty details, facts that would have derailed her campaign early on, before the caucuses and primaries even began. But, by staffing the Benghazi Committee with a bunch of village idiots, they blew it.
Luckily, a man of honor, John Kerry, came into possession of some very scary facts, and insisted that the State Department IG investigate them. Between the H Bomb-like impact of the May, 2016 IG report, and the FBI referral for criminal indictment that followed in early June, it was clear to even the most rabid Hillarian that she could not run for president, and if she did, it would have been a disaster for her, for Bill, for the Clinton Foundation, and most of all, for the country.
As more facts and connections become public, it was clear that the Teapot Dome Scandal has nothing on Hillary, in terms of how much corruption existed. Teapot Dome had to do with oil and oil reserves for the Navy. The Clinton tenure at State, and the many filthy, illegal, corrupt, and scary connections with her Foundation, the obvious exchange of arms for donations, the recently discovered disclosure of so much top secret material to the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, Israelis, and probably even to that aspiring fast order cook named Igor Yuri Plebonowski from Kiev, Ukraine, from Sydney Blumenthal's unsecured emails and Hillary's home brewed email server has done serious damage to our Intel apparatus, to our spies and sources abroad, and even to our onetime allies, as even their own secrets were disclosed - solely because Hillary deliberately chose to ignore the rules for her own benefit. Those leaks led to the loss of US lives, as secret missions were blown because of Hillary's hubris.
The question about her future is now limited to whether she will accept a plea bargain, and how long her sentence will be. But as a political family? The Clintons are dead. Lucky for us. What was amusing, but for the swirl of facts and ugly disclosures of her misdeeds, was even in her resignation speech, she failed to face up to how she, and she alone, was the cause of her own demise. She was the one who traded her powers as SexState to enrich her Foundation. She was the one who promised Wall Street complete protection and cooperation in her secret and expensive speeches. She was the one who basically had an open book for our rivals and enemies to read at will by using a private, unsecured email server. She was the one who tried to cover up her crimes and misdemeanors by scrubbing 30,000 private/State/criminal emails most of which the FBI has reconstructed.
One can only wonder how Hillary will look in an orange jumpsuit.
GOP Convention
This one will be strange. Now that Donald Trump withdrew, the scrambling going on by former GOP candidates would cause a Tyson Food egg farm to spontaneously create the largest omelet in the universe.
Here is the race card as of today:
Definitely back in the race:
Rick Sanitorium
Sarah Palin
Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio
None of them seem to be getting any traction.
Possibly running:
George Pataki
Mitt Romney
Tom DeLay
Mike Hucksterbee
Mitt has the support of the money's interests, and that alone might be enough to push out the freak show that would be created in a Santorum-Cruz-Rubio-Palin competition.
Never say never
(This space open for rent)
At least the political pundits are having a field day, trying to figure out who else might run. Each day brings new guesses, many or most clearly wrong, and each night brings cable and news program discussions of a kind that cause the writers at the Onion to become jealous.
"Hysteria" probably best reflects what Prebus and his crew are experiencing. The party elders must be going mad, too. They had just made their peace with Teh Donald, and he up and quits.
Not only do they risk a repeat of the crazy primary season with 17 candidates, all unelectable for one or another reason, the hard, cold fact is that none of those running or possibly considering a run, have any apparatus in place for a national campaign. Certainly, that thief and liar Trump left no organization, because he never tried to build one. There are no pieces to pick up and adopt as one's own. It was as though he knew he would never complete his run.
So, the GOP faces a convention in which the only certainty is uncertainty. Not only as to who can win the votes to gain the GOP nomination, but uncertainty as to who the GOP's opponent will be in November.
Weird does no begin to describe it.
Democratic Convention
This, too, is a mess. Bernie has 48% of the pledged delegates, but the rumors are that the super delegates now blame Bernie for Hillary's mistakes, and are refusing to support him at the convention. Joe Biden, along with John Kerry, Dick Durbin, Milli Vannilli and Donald Duck have also been promoted in advance of July 25th.
Oddsmakers believe that Sanders might prevail, but a hard core of Clintonista loyalists have planned to make his effort miserable. Hillary's resignation did not help matters at all, being both accusatory and petty at the same time.
When Trump and Clinton were the presumptive nominees, the most popular response was, "Stop the world. I want to get off!" Now that both are gone, who the heck knows what will happen?

Crystal ball is cracked :-)
I really think T-Rump is going to try to ride the wave all the way to the White House. He's that big of an egomaniacal asshole.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Tis not all it was quacked up to be.
That's a fact
Not all it was quacked up to be, indeed. I still think Trump was a ringer set by TPTB, facilitated at the suggestion of the Clintons, to make her look that much more sane in the end, thus guaranteeing her win in November. Everything on the Right was so easy to rig at that point--in fact, they may not have had to do much of it, since Trump turned out to be really popular, no matter how much blather came out of his mouth. But it was to be assured he would win on the Right, and the DNC would ensure the "vote" by the left favored Hillary--and then November would be so EASY to control. Except...the Dems couldn't completely do their part after all. They couldn't rig the vote where they really had to and do so credibly, all because of Bernie.
Even putting aside the rigged vote counting, the most recent happenings confirm it, IMO. An attention whore like Donald Trump wouldn't chicken out of debating Bernie Sanders if it wouldn't hurt Hillary in any way. It sure wouldn't hurt him, even if Sanders kicked his ass. Thus, to me, he appears to be less afraid of Sanders than he is of hurting Hlllary (and not as in "in fear for his life", but "in fear of damaging his important friendship", because friends have each others' backs). Hurting Clinton by way of this debate would mean he was no good friend. The fact that he therefore won't debate at all rather lends the consideration a lot of straightforward credence (or Occams Razor, if you prefer).
If Trump wanted to win, he'd go through with that debate. If Trump really felt empathy for Sanders, he'd go through with the debate. But because "Hillary won't let Bernie play", Donald won't debate Sanders? WTF kind of reasoning is that?
Are you also on reddit? Recent thread on just this ringer type topic..
Ha, no
I can only keep up properly with one really good blog (it feels like "home" here now, glad to say). I do skim through the Reddits, though, particularly Makhali & company's Bernie page, it is very informative
I've thought this with only perfunctory variations this for many months now, that Trumpsky and Hill&Bill cooked this up one night over many, many fine cocktails and the RNC actually went along with it cuz they didn't think Trump had a chance. The whole thing was almost a formality, particularly on the GOP side, with hindsight. When the guy named Bush can't get any traction, something weird and/or contrived is going on.
I suspect that T-Rump will withdraw
before the end of the month.
The current stories, especially about Trump U and his attacks on the judge, his being asked to run by Bill, and repeats reports of growing disarray in Donald Dick's campaign will cause him to fold.
I cannot say just how much I enjoyed this daydream.
So I won't.
Not sure about Trump
but a Clinton exit is not all that far-fetched; I'm thinking if it looks really bad there will be some sort of "health crisis" for either herself or Bill that causes her to drop out of the race (while still holding onto the money she bilked from her supporters) and engenders a modicum of sympathy from the MSM. Maybe in conjunction with a plea deal kept under wraps by DoJ (since Obama doesn't want the public to know how his administration was hoodwinked by Clinton) where she doesn't serve jail time but she doesn't run for office again. Unfortunately I think it won't happen till after the convention, so that her hand-picked successor can take the reins and deny Sanders his due.
So she won't be adding an orange jumpsuit to her wardrobe any time soon, but she'll be out of the public sphere -- and that's fine with me.
Way off topic my friend...
OMG our San Jose Sharks are in the freaking Stanley Cup Playoffs!!! OMG!!!! I hope you can drop by the old hockey chat rink and toss in a yippy kai yeah!
But really, can you believe it!?!?! xoxo
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
And our Warriors are 1 game away from the NBA Finals
Beware the bullshit factories.
Mr. S. has been pinching himself
since Game 6. Wish I could afford tickets -- my knees aren't up to climbing to Nosebleed Central but it would be nice to send him and his bro.
I'll try and stop by in the coming days -- maybe my absence brought the Sharks good luck.
Somewhere Ken M. is smiling (though still bitching about Marleau).
((((Ken M)))) I miss him so much nt
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I had been hoping for an indictment before Philadelphia
But it looks like Hillary is holding out to be the first woman nominated from a major political party (as much as it pains me to type that) for President before the shoe falls and she is shunted aside. Too bad. Had she been the pre-Bill Hillary, there was someone there to support. Now, all she knows is how to triangulate and issue implied promises while leaving herself plausible denial should she wish to change her mind, while raking in as much money as she can.
The Democrats -- and the country -- desperately need Bernie, but, they're frantically doing everything they can to make certain they don't get him.
littlevoice, depressed after having read one too many articles in the NYT about how a Trump presidency really wouldn't be that bad...
I still think Trump would be all bluster
and little action, but I worry that his election would give carte blanche to his more racist supporters to start taking target practice on brown people.
We had a chance at the "better" part of the "more and better" -- but got hung up on labels.
Kinda like Pandora's crate.
(It is the low rent district)
Once opened, all those racists saw their chance to let the real them out. And wow, is it ugly.
I also think President Bluster could do a hell of a lot of
damage, for example blustering at Putin. Be the bully one time too many and start WWIII?
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Health may not be far off the mark
There are a number of red flags, from her schedule to Huma's email describing her as confused at times there is speculation that she actually does have health issues.
Look personally I am not one rooting for her to go to jail, although depending on the depths of the Clintons actions being illegal, that could change but I am one who believes that she should withdraw, today.
While I believe that much more harmful info may yet come out about the emails along with an FBI referral for prosecution just based on a comparison between the IG's report and her public statements over the last year disqualify her from representing me
While the black hawks are still licking wounds.
Hopefully, their own.
I'm seeing hockey players doing "kitty yoga" now :D
They are used to working together as a team. Schlurp.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I don't think she will last the coming week
Campaign coverage on CBS this morning focused on Trump and Sanders. Clinton nowhere to be seen. This with a virtual tie in the polls for the California primary. The endgame will be choreographed in every detail.
Really? CBS?
Now THAT is interesting!
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Hillary in an orange jumpsuit? How's this?
Nice dream!
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
H/T to a GOS diary - good article!
OK. To remind us, this is a newspaper which ENDORSED Clinton, and is now asking these questions:
Diary is up at GOS, good, but getting slammed: by racerx
Agree - for the first time, I really think she/they may not make it!!!!!!!
Thanks be to the goddesses, gods, flying spaghetti monster, and all others who believe.
I think Trump wants to win but not to govern, which
imho is worse b/c he'll listen to the sh*theads in the GOP. I don't know what to make of the HRC mess but I doubt they'll let Birdie run
Don't believe everything you think.
If Bernie declared the
If Bernie declared the democratic party as dead (say with democracy slaughtered by an airdropped Biden) .. Could that fit with his integrity & allow him to run with a NewDemocrats Party?
It takes a couple of years
to get a new political party recognized in all the states. Lots of hoops to jump through.
Independent candidates, on the other hand, have a much easier task.
If Bernie were to announce as an indy in June, we could get him on the November ballot in 47 states. If he announced right after the convention, we could get him on the ballot in 36 states.
These 36 states, however, include the entire West Coast, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey, as well as about half of New England. Florida would be out of play at that point.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.