New Excuses: The Bushies Did It So It's OK
Ladies and gentlemen,
As we've seen lately, Her Ladyship (and her shills and bots) has a great excuse for having a private server. Never mind that the way she presents it is as untrue as most of what she says. But her excuse is "Colin Powell did it too".
This has opened up a tremendously exciting new field of excusing and legitimizing actions taken by Hills and other Democrats. I'm very enthused about it!
Previously I thought the Bush Administration was bad. I remembered (probably incorrectly) that the 2000 election was the most important one ever, or maybe it was the 2004 election. In any case, I guess not since the Bushies did things that, while we thought they were bad, evil and all the other things, now we're finding out that if they did whatever then "we" can too and it's hunky-dory.
Of course the first thing that comes to mind is the prospect of Joe Biden shooting his friend in the face. That'd be fine and no one could criticize him because Cheney did it, too, right? And he didn't get in trouble for it. In fact, Cheney's friend apologized for getting in the way. So Joe could shoot a friend and it would be cool!
I came across this recently:
It's got stuff that I thought I didn't like but now realize I can shrug off. Like the first one: He stole the presidency in 2000 Now we think that Hillary and her cronies have rigged the Democratic primaries. Instead of being mad at Hillary we should realize it's ok because...Bush did it! She's merely been traditional this primary season.
Remember when Powell lied to the United Nations? That's actually good because now John Kerry can lie all over the place and so what? Powell did it so it's old news or something.
Here's another item from that list of what we formerly "despised" but now like: Ramped up war on drugs, not terrorists This is good because we can use it to excuse Obama's cracking down on whistleblowers and not ....well...Hillary and other lawbreakers. What a great excuse! Bush did it! Or something similar.
Oh, I see it's actually listed there: He launched a war on CIA whistleblowers That used to be bad. Now it's hot stuff!
You get the idea. Hillary (and other Dems) can now be as right wing as they want and it's ok because, after all, the Bush Administration did it.

I think you're
on to something here. So if clinton is elected prez, she can invade another country because....911. And you damn bet she will. When it turns out bad, as it will, she'll say "well, Bush did it too." And pointing her little greedy fingers and saying "they did it too". What an grade school fucking mentality.
She's a monster. A very dangerous monster.
Obama made it OK.
Looking Forward.
And apparently applying blinders.
And Earmuffs.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Genocide happened.
But Kissinger did it too.
Fallacy of equivocation
. . . they did it too . . . criminal thinking errors.
I wonder if Rumsfeld will be used in any way
Were we to suffer under a Hill administration. Rumsfeld's a neocon isn't he. You go with the neocons you have, not the neocons you want.
Beware the bullshit factories.
The Kagans are already being used
Nuland, his wife was in her state department and helped set up the coup in Ukraine. And Kagan is advising her on foreign policy during her candidacy. Who is Kagan? One of the writers of PNAC,
So if he's already advising her on foreign policy, guess what she is going to continue?
And when she says that her vote for the AUMF was only for the inspectors to finish their job in Iraq, she is lying.
The people who wrote PNAC went to Clinton at the end of his term and wanted him to overthrow Saddam.
But by then, he was in the middle of being charged for perjury.
Now that's going to look good on future history lessons.
" Who were the first husband and wife presidents that one was disbarred because he perjured himself about having sex with that woman and the other one was elected while she was under FBI investigation"?
Answer. Bill and Hillary Clinton.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Future History is more likely going to be...
"The First Emperor of the American Empire was George Bush, who inherited the title from his father with the aid of their loyal retainers. Ostensibly a elected position, the passing of the office between two royal families rapidly became tradition. American heavily relied upon their military forces to maintain this illusion, transforming the loyal enforcers in major cities into a Praetorian guard with full access to the military arsenal."
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
That question is a gimme
Too easy. No beachfront, Antarctic resort worth it's salt in 2090, would use that in their trivia contests.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Almost needs a snark tag. Made me smile though.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
Because Dumbya did something...
... is a good reason to AVOID doing whatever it is $Hillary is thinking of doing.
She and Bill have been spending too much time with Dumbya since Dumbya joined Bill with some kind of "charity" work through the Clinton Foundation (involving money laundering, no doubt). $Hillary made reference to "electing a commander in chief" during the second "debate," and I started spluttering all over my laptop screen. NO, we do NOT "elect a commander in chief!" We elect a president, who, when asked, may be a commander in chief at times (Article II, first paragraph). As far as I know, the only time the CiC definition was used was before we had a standing army in 1791 when President Washington personally went to oversee the militias to quell the Whiskey Rebellion (i.e., Congress, who oversees the military and the military budget, asked Washington to do so since he had overseen the Revolutionary War not too many years before that; Duh!).
While the CiC title used to signify what a president is to the military is too loose a definition for my preferences, I'll give 'em the CiC designation over the military - but NOT the civilian population. If I had my 'druthers, war would be outlawed. I am philosophically opposed to wars of all kinds and I think patriotism should mean living for one's country.
It was that fucking Dumbya who was in love with the image of himself as CiC that the Commander in Chief title became bastardized and the title used improperly..., and, of course the steno pool that is Moronic Media uses the CiC title improperly all the time now. The US is NOT a fucking military junta..., which is why we elect a President!!!
Obama has justified some of his illegal and unconstitutional actions based on what Dumbya did, and now $Hillary is trying to do the same...?!? Shame on her!!!
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
"If I had my 'druthers, war would be outlawed."
Seems treasonable. Meant to type reasonable, the Lord moves in mysterious ways...
War was outlawed
by the Kellogg-Briand treaty (1923?).
It didn't take.
I've seen over at the other place where her Iraq war
vote was okay, not because she was lied to, but because Saddam was a bad guy.
And with the server? Well, Colin Powell did it too,
This is what it's come down to.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
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