New USA Epidemic: Fake Liberals
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It is amazing that you can be a War Criminal that is responsible for the slaughter of millions of people, having created failed States across the World, and repeated, serial "Regime Change" terror and War Atrocities across several Continents ... and yet a mere insincere, and belated "it was a mistake" grunt (extracted only under political pressure) is regarded as an adequate response, and enough to completely get you off the hook -- and rehabilitate your reputation as a highly qualified, "Foreign Policy Expert".
If Adolph Hilter had survived, and then said "i guess in hindsight it was a mistake" ...... would that make everything okay? Would we call him the best qualified, "Foreign Policy Expert"?
This is the warped logic of Fake Liberals -- which has become a new epidemic in this Country.
Dismantle FDR's new deal, take bribes from Saudi Arabia, protect and facilitate the Wall Street Bankster Oligarch control over our Country, deIndustrialize the Country with corrupt "trade" deals, commit our Country to preemptive Wars and perpetual War that cost Trillions? ... hey, its all good.... that's still "progressive" ... according to the Fake Liberal, Fake Progressive crowd.
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What the (s)election of Hillary Clinton means......
Clinton is not an option in this Election....

Neoliberals and neoconservative are the terms
we're supposed to use and I guess we are stuck with these awkward sounding terms. They share one thing: A fealty to the corporate takeover of the world and its resources and the impoverishment of the vast majority of people.
Obama with his TPP and the Euro version of it is the chief enabler and Clinton is in position to take his place and continue his policies.
I don't thing the earth can stand it.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Suppressing the Vote ...
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I don't like the term neoliberal. It sounds good, right?
New liberal? Like a liberal for the 21st century? NONliberal would be better.
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Neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism
are two sides to the same coin. They are not in opposition to one another, but actually work together to further the interests of the corporations and the ultra wealthy.
The Clintons have been the chief purveyors of this vicious ideology and Obama is their acolyte.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
How many times has she said that and on what?
In hindsight, it was a mistake to:
Boy what a campaign ad. Hillary saying over and over, "I made a mistake."
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Bernie has an advantage over HRC in this department.
Bernie doesn't have to apologize for terrible but politically expedient votes/positions like Hillary does for a simple reason: he gets it right the first time.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Actually Bernie has voted for many imperialist
bill and HRs, like the one for Kosovo, supporting NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia under Clinton, the one to remove Saddam Hussein under Clinton, the Afghanistan war, the War OF terror, and many defense bills funding imperialism. He voted against the Iraq war but voted to fund those wars, he supported the Israel war on Gaza and he voted for the billion dollar aid package to the coup government in Ukraine. His hands aren't clean in the matter of US imperialism.
Agreed. A lot of people don't realize that Sanders
Is the compromise candidate. If I were worried about "purity", I'd never have been willing to vote for him if he won the nomination.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
Expediency isn't his middle name.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I like your Ad idea if it were possible, but ... actually Hillary has never really been apologetic on anything, and never for example has said Libya was "a mistake", or the TPP was even "a mistake" (notice she never talks about this subject at all).
I don't think she really even believes the Iraq fiasco was "wrong", or a mistake. The real story here is that she never met "regime change" act of terror, a War Escalation, a Preemptive Act of War, or a Corporatist policy that she did not like from the outset (no matter how many lies were needed to fool people into supporting it).
agreed. Hillary is more like "the vote was a mistake"
because it hurt her politically. That's as deep as she'll get. Or her server was a mistake because it's causing her problems now.
She's only just sorry (for herself) that she has to take the trouble to have to occasionally answer questions about it (from the rare person who dares to question her on this subject).
She is not sorry about the millions of Iraqis who were slaughtered in horrible fashion (U.S. chemical weapons like "White Phosphorus", Depleted Uranium, etc.), or about turning a sovereign country into utter wasteland and uncivilized chaos.
And, of course, with Hillary there are no lessons that have been learned at all -- as she has continued to repeat these same tyrannical War policies in Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Honduras, Venezuela, and wants a Military stand-off and conflict with Russia (she actually called Putin "the new Hitler"), more troops back in Iraq, and a "pivot" to the Pacific (China?).
Lord help us all....
With Hillary, there are no mistakes...there is only "enemies", unabated mass murder and violence, and back-door profits.
You are right, FS
Here's a list if the military interventions that Hillary has been in favor of going back to the 80's.
She has so much blood and deaths on her hands as do every member of congress who have voted for these actions and continue to fund them.
And this goes to Warren and Sanders who have also voted for these things.
The US is considered the biggest threat to world peace by most people outside of the US, and it's true. Since the Monroe doctrine was signed that stated that the US should focus on the Latin American countries, many countries have been invaded more than 1-5 times going back to the 1800's.
And now the US and NATO are surrounding Russia with troops in many countries.
After they take out Russia, China and Iran are next.
It's too bad that so many other countries are allied with the US, or they'd band together to take it out just like the world did Hitler and Germany.
The article then lists the military actions that Hillary has been in favor of.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Here's an article about the Fake Left
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Love your photos!
The Autumn Calif. Trail photo just struck me as " Bending to Nature".
Will rec/ share your work.
Thank you.
And please do share the link to it website.
My sales have fallen off big time and money is very scarce.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.