News Dump Friday: The Last Pentagon-backed Rebel Edition

How to waste half a billion dollars

Throughout the fiasco of the Pentagon’s $500 million effort to train and equip a force of Syrian rebels to take on the Islamic State, one small group endured.
The New Syrian Army completed the U.S. training course in Jordan, infiltrated into Syria and then, in March, without fanfare or publicity, seized a pinprick of territory from the militants at the remote Tanaf border crossing with Iraq in the far southeast corner of the Syrian province of Deir al-Zour.
There they have remained, holding their ground without deserting, defecting or getting kidnapped, unlike many of the other similarly trained rebels whose mishaps prompted the temporary suspension of the program last year.
Even this modest success is now in jeopardy, however, following an Islamic State suicide attack earlier this month. An armored vehicle barreled into the rebel base shortly before dawn on May 7, killing a number of them and wounding several more, said Lt. Col. Mohammed Tallaa, a Syrian officer who had defected and is the group’s commander.

Hillary didn't use a password

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton never used a password to protect her computer emails, and she was clueless about how regular emails work on a conventional computer, according to a deposition of a foreign service officer at the State Department....
Lukens also said Clinton did not use a password to protect her stand-alone computer from unwanted intruders such as hackers. During the deposition, Lukens volunteered that the stand-alone computer adjacent to her suite did not have a password for protection “She wouldn’t have had a password.”

Bekesha asked, astonished, “So the computer would have just been open and be able to use without going through any security features?”

“Correct,” Lukens replied.

He added that to the best of his knowledge, Clinton never received a waiver to use the Blackberry in the State Department headquarters.

Iraqi protesters not listening

Security forces fired tear gas as thousands of protesters gathered in central Baghdad on Friday and attempted to head to the Green Zone, a fortified area they have breached twice.
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi called on the demonstrators, most of them supporters of cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, to stay home and security forces deployed to block their way to the Green Zone, but the protesters were undeterred.
Demonstrators pushed past security forces at Tahrir Square, breached a barbed wire barrier and attempted to pull down slabs of heavy concrete blast wall blocking Jumhuriyah Bridge, which leads toward the Gree Zone, where Iraq's main government institutions are located.

Destroy Iraq to save it

The problem is that the combat-effective Iraqi security forces are limited in number, amounting to two brigades or 5,000 soldiers by one account in addition to two divisions in the regular army. But many of these units have to be held back in Baghdad or elsewhere in the long front line and cannot be committed to the assault on Fallujah which may therefore take a long time even with Coalition air strikes. The assault force that finally took Ramadi numbered only 750 Iraqi special forces, which acted as a mopping force after Isis fighters had been targeted from the air.
The strategy of using a limited number of highly skilled ground forces – in which US specialists are intermingled – able to call in air attacks against any point of resistance makes sense militarily. It is also noticeable that that there are no international protests as the Sunni cities and population centres of Iraq are systematically destroyed. The notorious remark of a US officer about the town of Ben Tre in Vietnam 50 years ago – that “it became necessary to destroy the town to save it” – could equally be applied to Ramadi.
The US would like to recapture the city this year. Mr Karim believes that President Obama “is desperately trying to get Isis out of Mosul before the end of his term”. This is scarcely surprising since its loss and the rise of Isis was perhaps the greatest miscalculation of his eight years in office. But, even if it does fall, the war will not end because the five million Sunni Arabs in Iraq are being given no alternative to Isis other than submission to Shia and Kurdish rule.

No one was worse than Yemen last year

the International Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) has recently reported, Yemen had more people displaced last year due to conflict than any other country on earth. Thus, 2.2 million people were displaced by the armed conflict in Yemen in 2015, a figure which accounts for over 25% of the 8.6 million people displaced around the globe due to conflict last year. In addition to Yemen’s refugee crisis, the IDMC also notes that over 14 million Yemenis are on the verge of starvation as a result of the current conflict.

potential disaster in Syria

More than 100,000 Syrians are trapped near the Turkish border in Aleppo province, as fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group advance in rebel-held territory.
"We are terribly concerned about the fate of our hospital and our patients, and about the estimated 100,000 people trapped between the Turkish border and active frontlines," Pablo Marco, MSF operations manager for the Middle East, said in a statement.
"For some months, the frontline has been around seven kilometres away from the hospital. Now it is only three kilometres from al-Salamah town. There is nowhere for people to flee to as the fighting gets closer."

Turkey is not amused

Turkey has hit out at the US over images said to show US special forces in Syria wearing insignia of Kurdish militia, during joint operations against so-called Islamic State (IS).
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called the US "two-faced" and said the practice was "unacceptable".
The images appear to show a US special forces soldier wearing the patch of the YPG, a Kurdish militia group.

pension funds in trouble30-yr-Treasury5-16a.png

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OLinda's picture

Hillary Clinton never used a password to protect her computer emails...

Well, gee, gjohnsit, she can't juggle two devices; how can she be expected to handle a password? Why should she waste her beautiful mind on something like that? hmmm?

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Game Over: EmailGate Just Crippled the Clinton Express
This isn't a right-wing conspiracy—the FBI will unravel it all

This is scathing..... omg, if this is a prelude to what Trump is going to do to #CrookedClinton, she's toast in a week.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

snoopydawg's picture

This will show if we have a functioning justice system in this country anymore. If after everything Hillary did it regards to the email server, the pay to play that profited both Bill and their foundation, the outing of under cover CIA agents and especially some counter terrorism operations getting screwed up because some of her emails from clintonemail went into people's spam folders, and she isn't charged with anything, then we know that there isn't.

she was seeking to hide so ardently remains one of the big unanswered questions in EmailGate. Hints may be found in the recent announcement that Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, the former head of the Democratic National Committee and a longtime Clinton intimate, is under FBI investigation for financial misdeeds, specifically dirty money coming from China. In fact, Mr. McAulliffe invited one of his Beijing benefactors over to Ms. Clinton’s house in 2013. Not long after, Chinese investors donated $2 million to the Clinton Foundation.

That an illegal pay-for-play-scheme, with donations to the Clinton Foundation being rewarded by political favors from Hillary Clinton—who when she was secretary of state had an enormous ability to grant favors to foreign bidders—existed at the heart of EmailGate has been widely suspected, and we know the FBI is investigating this case as political corruption, not just for mishandling of classified information. That certainly would be something Ms. Clinton would not have wanted the public to find out about via FOIA.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

than this nation's security. Nice priorities you have there, Hillary. One more example of extremely poor stupid judgment.

Perhaps a few gentle words of the Dalai Lama might soften her rage.

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

Think of it that way, HRC, you can bake cookies for your dear grandchildren while you are in Federal prison, waiting for Chelsea to bring her children to visit you behind bars. And if that gets too boring, I'm pretty sure you and Bill will be able to figure out ways to return favors to all the corporations, people and countries you owe. They might even offer meditation classes for you. A chance to rest and reclaim your soul.

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Sandino's picture

used in an early flail to attempt to claim that the extra server was not implemented solely to skirt FOIA and congressional subpoenas. I guess at the time, they thought a conspiracy to skirt regulations would be more damaging than the appearance of not giving a shit about security.

It is really convenient to have your own extra email server? More like a costly opposite of convenience whose existence alone gives strong evidence of nefarious intent.

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Some were astounded from the first reports that Hillary didn't apparently have the ability to learn to login to a computer. Bullshit.

She "never learned how"...But she can use a blackberry for email just fine.

My 94 year old mother manages email on her computer and iPhone just fine.

Flail and Fail.

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snoopydawg's picture

Huma Abedin. I still think that the reason why Hillary used a private server was so people working in the foundation could also access it.
And there's this about Huma. How is this not unacceptable?

Abedin simultaneously held positions at the State Department, the Clinton Foundation and at an outside consulting firm run by a close confidant of the Clintons. Such arrangements are very rare in the federal government.

Read more:

Department officials were still trying to get Clinton to use a government-issued blackberry. But Huma Abedin, Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, shot it down, saying in an August 30, 2011 email “let’s discuss the State Blackberry, [it] doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.”

Bekesha, asked Lukens if Abedin also used a non-state department email address.

“Do you recall if Ms. Abedin used e-mail accounts to correspond with you,” Bekesha asked.

“Well, the answer is yes,” he replied.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Meteor Man's picture

Nothing to see here Hillbots. Just keep moving along as if nothing happened. Nope. Saint Hillary is above reproach and flawless. Nothing to see, nothing to hear, nothing to say.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

shaharazade's picture

the freaking mess these neocon psycho assholes and the spooks of the west have created. I am amazed that 9/11 worked and the US and most of the people here think this is hunky dory. My not so secret wish is that we get our collective western ass's kicked right out of the ME and SA not to mention the USSR.

The nuke revival is scary because these globally powerful people will take it to the limit. There madmen and women. I'm sure not going to root for the PNAC on steroids that does nothing but empower the worst strongmen of the nation states we decide to muck with. Am I supposed to get riled up about these existential threat that are nothing but blow back to our dominion and the great game that has been going on forever.

Bejeesus it was bad enough without the technological advances 'civilization' has made in weaponry and methods of killing, torture and mass destruction but this is just insane. This is not a computer game this is humans being massively slaughtered and their lives destroyed for nothing.

How about those 'immigrant's' and refugees we and our 'partners of the willing' create? Man I just hope the insurgents globally can manage to stop the double dealing carnage we rein down on humans who do not knuckle under. So tragic for ordinary people every where that the US and it's 'allies' have been given free rein to create this hell on earth. For what? A special place in hell for those of us globally who want to live in a world that isn't hell?

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divineorder's picture

in our tent for the last 4 weeks and no way would have learned this otherwise. Thanks, as always.

In addition, the pension fund link is of interest to Jakkalbessie and I since we live off our teacher pension plus social security.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.