kos just said that all you guys and gals
are nothing but enablers of racists getting in power and that Bernies superdelegate coup is motivated by white privileged feelings of entitlement ... or somesuch.
A Sanders superdelegate coup doesn't need to be motivated by racism to be white privilege
I guess someone likes to incite some hot feelings on dailykos and profit from the excitement and the clicks. Unforgivable.
If this were to happen, our party’s voters of color and the woman they back would be nullified in favor of the white male candidate predominantly supported by white men. This doesn’t mean that those pushing for this outcome, or Bernie Sanders himself, are racist. But it does betray a breathtaking amount of white privilege—a willful refusal to see that the policies they are advocating, for the benefit of themselves, would once again disenfranchise communities of color. They’d get the outcome they wanted, so what’s wrong with that?
To be clear, if you are advocating for Bernie’s superdelegate coup, you are not racist. You certainly have an autocratic lack of respect for the will of the voters, but that doesn’t make you racist. But the outcome of that superdelegate coup would absolutely be racist, And sexist.
Nice try, kos.
Try something else tomorrow. May be you read Jonathan Turley and Bruce Fein on Breaking Through Poser ... just for your own benefit. And think about the egg and chicken problem. What came first? Or may be which coup came first? Who violated "due process" first?

A winner!
He wants to portray us as reds and racists.
It matters not.
Bernie gets millions of votes. Kos pisses into the wind and karma will deal with him over time.
Can't take him seriously.
Markos understands nothing of either sexism or racism and the notion of privilege is also a concept that goes right over his head.
He only knows how to use identity issues as a political tactic, which is embarrassing.
The fact that he has no understanding that Bernie is a Jew and what that means is hardly limited to him - the casual anti-Semitism shown there was one of the reasons I couldn't take many of the Hillary supporters seriously either.
Oh well.
Beat in the USA.
Not to mention his
Not to mention his hypocritical total IGNORE of how Honduran woman activist are no admirers of his boss -- HRC -- after how her State Dept enabled a military coup in Honduras that led to the murder of Honduran activists like Berta Caceras.
Talk about privilege -- Markos stinks of money privilege and power privilige of being admitted into the Villager bubble.
There's a very strong overlap of the history of the left and
oppression, coups and murders involving both Honduras and El Salvador.That privileged, light-skinned scion of wealth from there will never acknowledge the evil shit done to maintain his fascist oligarchic family and their controllers (waving at Hills). He simply doesn't give a shit how many people suffered and died so his fam could have an exclusive resort, and tentacles in businesses all over Central and SA.
there is an ugly undercurrent of anti semitism on TOP
Some of it is openly displayed but most of it is clothed in careful dog whistle attacks on BERNIE. and it's coming from Fpers and carried over to the rec list.
I used to think it only existed among those that argued vehemently in the I/P diaries but there is a much larger group that is feeling more emboldened with each FP attack on Bernie....
The ONLY time Kos ever took notice of me and responded to me was when I came to close to calling out a popular FP Sunday Diariests for using veiled antisemitism on the FP.... Whoaaaaaa. I got almost immediate and vicious push back from the man himself. Who probably had his finger on the BOJOD button next to my name... But could not ban me because I was right.
Orwell was an optimist
The vigilante group that monitors suspected anti semitism on TOP
is more than able to take care of themselves. They gravitate so quickly to it in order to give negs, you would swear it was coordinated...
They are big boys.
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
Really, vigilantes? Hmmm
Wonder how they missed all the love for the poster who said "Who knew Jews hate Black people so much". On DU but was a protected anti sanders warrior on the gos (shrug)
Must be because Bernie's got a race problem... (Shrug)
Orwell was an optimist
I'm done with KOS so let them have at it... Their problem.
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
Identity issues
Identity politics is a dead end for the existential issues that confront us and the earth. Instead of promoting solidarity in the face of a corrupt and vile economic system, it divides people.
You make a good point.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
didn't Kos say that climate change was a rich person's problem
and that immigration was more important than that?
I seem to remember that gem. Myopic doesn't begin to describe his brain, attitude.
His comments sound to me like he is on something. No kidding.
Sea Turtle
Yeah, he wrote that a while back
And I wondered if he got drunk and posted when he was on a big toot.
But then I quit caring quite a while back.. before I got bagged when I was "Adelante".
One day I was a trusted member, the next, a "wups we had a problem getting you to this website" person.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
It because Markos is a hopped
It because Markos is a hopped-up coke head!
"YOU must be the change you wish to see in the world." ~ Mahatma Gandhi
800+ comments
That piece o' crap DK5 can't keep up with them.
Oh, well, I don't really need to comment over there. I'm sure there are plenty who said what I would say.
800+ comments
is what he wants.
He's a thoroughly cynical individual. Chances are he doesn't believe in a single thing he just wrote. Just trying to drive traffic.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Rule #1 when you're in a hole: Stop digging.
"Autocratic" is kind of rich. Did "The Edict" come down from a committee? Was there a referendum? Or did the Little Brute issue The Edict autocratically? Must say, that's not very democratic.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
More hypocritical spewing from Jar Jar
Funny how no one should talk poorly of someone born with traits that can not be helped.
We're all born the color we are.
We're all born with one of two obvious genders at birth.
We're all born with sexual preference(s) and an identity (sexual and otherwise).
Yet, if someone is White and Male, there is automatic criticism and a claim of privilege. There are huge, yuuuuge numbers of white males so far from the power structures of business and politics (and MOST PEOPLE are), this stigma attached time and again as if John Smith down the street caused all racism and sexism, and was also partly responsible for 9/11, the financial collapse, and the Zika virus - just because he happens to be white, and male, and heterosexual.
The scapegoating has gotten old. It's been old a long time.
We're not supposed to blame anyone for how they are born, except for certain people. The hypocrisy is obvious. Certain people are going to get blamed simply because a lot of people will nod their heads and say yeah without thinking.
Jar Jar is playing the race card, but he does so disingenuously creating a racially biased argument where none should be. Jar Jar is also playing the sexism card - the fallacy here that anyone not voting for Clinton does so because she is female, when in actuality, it is because Clinton lacks integrity, is a proven liar, and has now even been shown that she lacks the capability to maintain security for classified material in a lesser position in government. As a result of all those things, she would make a very poor President.
But let Jar Jar keep on blaming people of a certain skin pigmentation, and of a certain sex, and even of a certain sexual orientation - FOR EVERYTHING.
It's jar Jar inciting hatred of a specific group and or demanding that those of that group feel a special kind of shame for how they were born - most of whom do not have the power or privilege for which they are accused, who were also born that way.
And we can all be sure that Jar Jar would tell us there is nothing hypocritical about that!
There are places where white privelege is real
For instance, my sister recently sold a table, the people had paid, and she left it on her back porch for them to pick up. They said they didn't feel comfortable picking up if no one was home because they are black, and its a predominantly white neighborhood.
That is a case where whites are privileged not to have to worry about being harassed for picking up their purchased used furniture, for the most part.
Or getting pulled over - even a poor white man is generally going to fare better than a poor black man.
HOWEVER - Where it completely falls apart is exactly there Kos is trying to use it. Who is more privileged between a multi-millionaire Christian white woman and a 200K earning Jewish white male? It's nonsense.
And that's not even taking into consideration the fact that only one of their policy platforms actually seeks to address the issues and inequality that face women and POC.
Argumentum ad culpa album.
Oh, my.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Anything drivel from
Kos has to be seen for what it is - Paid (negative) advertising.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
But who is paying?
HRC or Trump?
He seems to be helping Trump. It will be hard to win an election without whites, men, Sanders supporters, independent voters, etc., socialists, etc.
I can't stand HRC, but Trump is worse and Kos is only helping him.
Peace out, tmp.
Oh really? Again?
Apparently the act of breathing is racist and sexist if not approved by Hillary.
Just another attempt to play the same losing hand... again. Fling feces around and pretend that you're the mature one because nobody's throwing feces at YOU, right?
I've seen this quality of reporting and factual information before...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The PUMAs must be celebrating their take over of D-Kos
PUMAS Have Nothing To Celebrate
They're at the bottom of a barren crater, smeared with their own feces.
Orwell was an optimist
Irony: TOP demographics & this white male bs
He isn't a dumbass, but he knows those who worship him are. He's a slimy little bastard and knows the bots lap up his koolaid, begging for more.
Not going over there. Fuck his slimy little ass and his warmonger queen, and his shills, and their socks, and the handful of actual idiots who've been assimilated into the Cyborg!
"Won't somebody please think of the minorities!"
"You know, the ones we're gonna stab in the back again after we're elected."
Aint that the truth
when did he start
thinking about minorities? How long ago was the Black Kos purge?
There was a Black Kos purge?
in 2011
--blue jersey mom on 09/09/11.
The solidarity boycott and purge were 2 days after this. In essence, we lost soothsayer and many other voices that were important to many of us, because kos' Civil Rights Crusade started today, evidently. I'll leave it at that because I don't want to dwell on what a cowardly, women-hating, habitual liar and overall bag of dicks kos is.
It takes a certain kind of asshole, and kos is that asshole.
I've seen some e-mails from GOS detailing how they want GOS to be "more like the Democratic Party," which means they want more women and minorities at that place. I don't she how shutting down Black Kos accomplishes that goal, other than to remove any elements that haven't gotten on board w/ the way kos wants his site run.
It really reeks of astroturfing over there. Crash the gates, then get co-opted by the party machine.
That was when I left the first time
in anger and solidarity. I don't remember the date. Couldn't stay away permanently and I gradually came back, though sobered and no longer a fan. This time all the remaining scales have fallen from my eyes so there won't be a reconciliation.
force of habit?
Many of the newer members here had been going over there at least once a day for a number of years, to read news, check in with their friends, etc. It was habit.
Nothing to apologize for at all. This is cathartic. No doubt, we'll lose interest about that every day we stay away.
I'm thankful we have this wonderful space of honesty and peace. Really, it's so good (and so shocking) to just be ourselves,without an enfant terrible telling us how to think or feel or what we can or can't say.
those "shamers" don't realize how bad the strategy is
it's all over the place, too, from the top down. Oh well.
They seem to be worried that "Bernie voters" won't vote for Hills, not understanding that "Bernie voters" are not Party people and haven't been for 40 years.
Thinking about perspective here....from where the shamers are at, they think they're right, Bernie's people are extremists who should realize Her Ladyship is right and vote accordingly. They're not interested in what we think because we're too extreme. (I say "we" even though I wouldn't consider myself a hard-core Bernie voter.) So any ideas we have, or that Bernie has, are not really worth considering. Just vote for Her!
Whereas my perspective, which is also the perspective (I think) of a lot of people who prefer Bernie, is that Hillary is so far to the right that she's NOT better than Trump. Pretty simple.
So getting out of the way, allowing her to focus on Trump, IS giving up on principles. And we're the kind of people who think principles matter....unlike some.
We're not part of the aristocracy.
Neither are Hillbots, for that matter. Don't tell them that, though.
White Privilege?
Or....maybe it's because we don't want a nominee associated with an active FBI investigation, and we know good and damn well said "presumptive nominee" won't quit of her own free will because she doesn't have a shred of integrity, credibility or dignity?
It's a big club...and you ain't in it!
I won't bother reading it.
Or going there today. Already recommended BNR.
Sounds like his Hill article from last week.
Just trying to drive traffic.
Those who comment play his game. But fine with me if they want to.
They are already disenfranchised by a media that limits their
knowledge of candidates to just those who are hostile to them. Sad but true. Kos's family were supporters of death squads in El Salvador. If Pinochet immigrated he would be considered a POC.
linky re the death squad bit? curious?
Sea Turtle
In his mainstream wikipedia article he mentions fleeing from
communists. Admits to having been republican, and to wanting to join the cia. Link Others have researched his family, but it is pretty obvious he was a right wing Salvadoran.
This has been building long before March 15. It surprised me it took so long for people to catch on to what a right winger he is.
I think he was a child then.
His antipathy to the left may derive from memories of leaving while he was young, but it does not explain all.
I always saw Kos as a moderate Dem. Applying to work for the CIA would be consistent with that. He does not have a critique of the CIA some on the left do.
Going back to the 60s, moderate Dems red baiting the left.
The truth is, he just has different views. When he ignored his blog, the left was fine there. But he never was comfortable with the left. He's a businessman. About two versions ago, he moved teh rec list below Community Posts, allowing certain folks to pick the good posts. The rec list always was too left for him.
He's adopting the demographic arguments. And equality for African Americans and Hispanics and others is very important.
But, like Hillary, he uses it to push away class critiques. Both matter, but he wants class struggle to disappear.
He's a centrist Dem. They talk left, but never really threaten power.
His "more and better" Dems only went so far.
I think he'll do fine. He knows how to play the crowd. Insult people and they will write counter diaries and comments. He exaggerates and creates outrage. It's always worked for him.
The biggest progressive blog is how they market it.
The want rid of the left because then they can act like they are the left.
In the end, it is a video game for political nerds and sometimes raises money for candidates, with Dkos usually getting a share.
It was fun playing there, but not much point anymore.
I see from the link that he was born
in the US, went to El Salvador when he was 6 or so and came back at age 10.
He blames leftist guerillas for the violence. But Bernie is far from that and Kos knows it.
Too much analysis.
He's just wrong.
I don't wish him ill.
His blog will do fine without me.
I am lefty but not a partisan dem.
I care about class issues and not just gender and minority issues. Too many lefty forums are controlled by intolerant partisan democrats. I have no use for him and don't want this blog to just be an election refuge that dies when the Sanders fight is over. I do hope Kos's site, and other partisan sites shrink, and I hope this one grows.
I hope it will grow also.
There is a diversity of left opinions here, from Dems to Greenish (or create a third party) and some support Trump (which I think is error because he is a fascist).
A hundred flowers blooming.
It will be interesting to see if it stays fixated on electoral politics or moves to issues also.
This site is growing.
Twenty new members just today!
I find the size of this site more manageable. Also, I can post without rewriting so as not to offend the donut distributors.
For what do I need Kos? To be insulted? No thanks.
Peace out, tmp.
It is growing.
Just looking at the "Who's Online?" link, you can see it.
~edit~ Okay, that was weird. I meant this as a reply to too many people.
A rational read, TomP n/t
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
If someone of the "sick puppy" persuasion, with more ambition
than moi, were to dredge up his hypocritical diaries and post them as new with attribution at the end, "originally posted by [...] on [day/mo/yr]" ...maybe the whole place would implode.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
actually, i like that idea... the heads exploding part anyway
hey there AB
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Naah, won't work
Most are fully-integrated cogs in several levels of identity politics. Markos will be explained as evolving, just like HRC. Morphing might be better, one of those chairs that refolds into a ground-to-air missile launcher and laser beam.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thanks for going over there so I didn't have to.
Wow. He's either clueless or he's fishing for clicks since The Edict killed TOS' page views.
we could become a little insurgent band of internet raiders
and just keep them off their game until Hillary leaves stage left when the FBI gets a little louder about its criminal investigation.
when you think of it that way (in custom of course... maybe like pirates???), it's fun. not investing in anything but keeping the record straight.
although i will admit, sometimes i just want to shout: YOU'RE SUCH AN ASSHOLE but I don't. maybe for my last comment ever there???
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Do what you want cuz a Pirate is free!
Interestingly enough was reading an interesting article about Irish "raider" bands that worshiped "The Morrigan"... Was an interesting article, and I wish I could find it again. (Sourced and interesting article...)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
i'm sure ek will remember
at another great blog, Docuharma, we used to have talk like a pirate open threads... it was fun.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
So assuming your avatar is actually a picture of you...
I've noticed you are not white. So does that mean as a black man by dissing Kos you are now asserting your white privilege? I am so confused...
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
According to #BernieMadeMeWhite the second you declare
your support for Bernie you immediately turn white and privilege and women probably get instantly turned into to men. Bernie is a magician, it's just amazing.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
You mean I get to pee standing up?
This is going to make using public restrooms so much more tolerable except for having to do it in front of everyone, which I find bizarre.
Thanks, magical Bernie!
I've also seen him called a unicorn. I knew there was something special about him!
Hey now that we're bros for sure we should get to pee standing
up. That will come in handy on my MN camping trip this summer.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Yeah, that's my actual photo. Near middle-aged black man who supports Sanders. According to TOP, I'm a unicorn or something.
There's a duality
If you think about it, do you consider him a friend?
Would you confide in him, or trust him? Not me. He uses people to get clicks because it puts money in his pockets and advances his weird little Napoleon agenda.
He'll say "big internet" and ban people. Later on in the same day, he'll post puppy and kitten pics and talk about how everyone has something of value to contribute. (New Users group started with that.)
There's nothing credible or even consistent. Enough to make your head spin, and (in my opinion) he's not worth it. He never was. That people got to know each other there or became friends is what he's counting on to keep you coming back. The cynicism is endless.
The Sense of Community Is Gone From TOP
Kos'd say he had to destroy the village in order to save it. Kinda like what the Clintons are doing to the Democratic Party. More right-wing death squads.
It's the Confuse-a-Cat strategy
A great way to get Demo-cats off the lawn and voting against their own best interests.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
who gives a fuck
what this little weasel writes. When is everyone here and other Bernie sites going to ignore the slimy little fucker. Why give him and his POS site any free advertising. Fuck him and his rats...
Just my $.02
I'm all out
I have no fucks to give.
(Just trying to help Miss Mimi feel less guilt for reading.)
I love seeing that phrase/sentence.
A kindred spirit.
I looked everywhere but man, there ain't even any fuck dust around.
hey, where did the thumbs up in your comment go?
oh... who gives a fuck!
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Looks like it moved up under the date of the message LOL
…near the top.
So the tax man
cometh to my wee farm for my tithe of fucks for the King.
And I sayeth unto him: "Lo, the field where once I grew my fucks lieth fallow and barren. Alas and alack, I have no fucks left to give.
Sorry 'bout that."
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
For a bit I figured Kos was supporting HRC.
Now it seems he wants to destroy any chance she has with the independent voter and hence the election. If Trump isn't paying him, he should. What Independent or Bernie supporter would want to vote for her after reading yet another hit piece? Yuck.
Peace out, tmp.
most original and intriguing theory yet
i'm going to remember this one.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Who givces a FF what MM and his bff's have to say
about anything? He and they just wants people to go over and read the Tang smears for ad clicks. Fuck'em.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
I guess someone likes to incite some hot feelings on dailykos and profit from the excitement and the clicks. Unforgivable.
So why link it and bring trash over here to give him more clicks?
Your essay got lots of thumbs up, so apparently it is liked by many. Personally, if I wanted to know what was being said over there, I'd go there and look. But, I don't.
I think the thumbs-up are a way of saying:
We agree with you; Markos is a little authoritarian bastard and he's spewing. Yeah, it sure does suck what he's doing.
I don't think it's necessarily "we want caucus99 to be primarily a storm sewer that carries off the deluge of our rage against Markos and his bullshit."
I do agree, FWIW, that moving away from this focus is better, and I hope we do so.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Screw kos & his stupid website
Why does anyone still care about his blathering? I don't get the attachment. You might as well tell me what Rush Limbaugh said, it's equally irrelevant. He is merely trying to generate attention and make people froth. I'd suggest don't bite, and don't help him by spreading his bullshit.
It's therapeutic
Kos doesn't profit off of rants that are done over here.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Well, that's an opinion
Personally, I don't think it's "therapeutic" to react to or bother reading kos's obvious trolling and cries for attention and traffic at his website. It's giving him what he wants. I don't do that for abusive people.
I've found it very therapeutic to stop going there and just ignore him entirely. Limbaugh wouldn't profit from us obsessing on his rants here either, but that's not the point. No one here gives a flying fuck what limbaugh says. Kos deserves the same indifference. In my opinion, of course.
Mostly I just skip by these "let's react to kos again" essays, but it's getting tiresome and I just wish people would stop giving him what he's after.
Maybe a week free of Kos diaries is in order.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I wonder if Kos considers Shuan King
among those racist enablers. Or Danny Glover, Chuy Garcia, Harry Belafonte, Spike Lee and everybody knows there's a whole bunch of other anti-racism activists in this list too.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Don't you know?
You get your stamped POC card from the DNC after signing a "I Love Hillary!" oath in triplicate. That certifies that you actually are an Oppressed Minority (tm) and a Social Justice Warrior against racism, white privilege, and anyone who says Clinton is wrong.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
It's too bad he doesn't have
It's too bad he doesn't have a point........or is not an effective enough writer to try to pass off an illogical premise that might snag a few stragglers over to the dark side.
What gets me is Hillary doesn't give a fig about people of color. She's not going to do jack shit. It's all a snow job covering a pile of manure.....and it's melting.
and it is stinky and dangerous.
Peace out, tmp.
Tom P has the right idea. Go
Tom P has the right idea. Go in quickly to rec Sanders' stories and then leap here. This serves three purposes.
A: Keeps pro-Sanders' stories on the rec list
2: It cuts down the average time on the site metric that advertisers look for (currently about 5 minutes on Alexa).
III. Another metric is "Where do dailykos.com's visitors go next?" Be nice if a true progressive blog showed up there.
BTW, yesterday DKOS dropped 5 places in global ranking. Today, it dropped 20 places.
Thanks. Interesting news about the drop.
At some point it will level off.
I expect a drop for about two weeks and then all that are leaving will be gone (or not going by much).
That is very interesting information.
It would make a great primer on "how to visit DailyKos".
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
dropped 20?
It went up 10 or so in U.S. ranking today. Don't know where you are seeing global. Diaries like the one up for discussion are helping his traffic, that's for sure. Don't know why it has to be brought over here.
A couple of months ago it was at #150
A day or so ago it was #268. I suspect in another 6 months it will be in 4 digits.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush