Wake Up Democrats! h/t: Kossacks- for- Sanders
Just in case all haven't read this on K for Sanders ( time for a name change?) this is an excellent article.
Think whole article is well worth reading - and this is one of the take-aways for me:
"This is a useful exemplification of a disturbing recurrent Clinton trait: responding to criticisms that she has lied by telling… even more lies, thus causing the whole thing to degenerate further down into disaster."
Still trying to hide as much as they can. Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, David Brock, John Podesta, doing more harm than good. Only interest is in protecting Clintons. Dead end. WAKE UP DEMOCRATS needs to be viral.

Agree. but please don't use the B word. Outsiders see that and
think, "Oh, sexism," and it ends up watering down your point. Of course you don't hate her because she's female.
Also, it can be a trigger for women who have been in abusive relationships.
Some possibilities in this context: Liar. Terrible liar. Nasty person.
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Skunk. Snake. Velociraptor. Crocagator.
There are plenty of mean, mean animals she can be compared to. "Crocagator" is probably the funniest - it has a crocodile head on one end, an alligator head on the other, and nowhere to go to the bathroom in between (which is why it's so mean).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Of course...
and I wouldn't use it anywhere else. I use it here because, frankly, it just comes right out the end of my hand, through my fingers and onto my keyboard before I can stop it, because she tweaks that nerve in me and that's the word that comes out. I do, truly, apologize if that offends you or others here. There have been times I've gone back and self-edited for stuff like that (often to edit it out). But there are also times where I also realize that there are certain other eyeballs reading here. And you know, I kinda like it that they see it here and they can't do a damned thing about it. And since I'm in confessional mode, honestly, it's probably a toss-up right now as to who it benefits more, heheh...
But yes, absolutely, you are correct--beyond that "outside" see that and may consider it as sexism, and that is counterproductive, so I would definitely leave it out, as I would leave anything similar out. Get those letters out there--the point is to get them published and they won't publish if it has four-letter words or other styled of cussing in it. Thanks for the heads-up on that , EC
Heh. Believe me, I know what you mean about stuff just
dripping off the ends of your fingertips sometimes. Beyond the politics, there is something that just rubs me the wrong way about her - arrogance, condescension, etc., the Hillbots worse than their Queen perhaps. Also I understand the impulse for tweaking certain readers, heh heh. They don't control the entire Internet, just their little corner that grows more pathetic by the day. I don't know if offensive is the right description, that brings to mind the prissy little hall monitor policing others' morality, which I certainly don't want to be. More of a triggering word, I would say, as it's been used against many of us when we are under attack. It's not just you, of course; it's a persistent word in our culture, I think because women are still fighting for our power. So thank you for considering ways to do without it, as I hope everyone will. Velociraptor is a good one; Tyrannosaurus maybe even, as she tries to take over! Or perhaps we should save Tyrannosaurus for Trump.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I think that is a genuine, and possibly very effective
Strategy. Get the people here to mount a LTE campaign in CA and NJ and keep reposting and retweeting all of these stories and damning essays that are starting to flow, ( not trickle), out about her crooked ass!
Wow, I just realized Trump and I agree one something
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This woman couldn't win an appointment
given the state department's confirmation that rules were broken.
her attitude over the event
she's a proven security risk and she wants to be President.
This is how low we are now.
How much lower can we go? A lot unfortunately.
If we ever reach a point where these days are the good ole' days as so many try to pretend the nineties were - stick a fork in it - or just let it burn.
Orwellian, to use an over used term
but it sure seems to be her strategy. Lie and then claim it's the truth. Sadly, with the current state of our lousy media this type of tactic seems to work for far too many "liberals" as well as for Tea Bag Repugnants with Faux Noise.
And that one line about Obama's approval ratings due to the monstrosity of Trump and Clinton - now he looks positively stellar. Maybe that's the plan for this then? Let Trump win and take the country to hell very quickly, and then whatever ConservaDem bastard they nominate next will look not only reasonable, but perhaps even be viewed as our savior from Trumpism? But that one will only bring MORE neoliberal economics and probably more wars, and the hell with climate as we'll be far too busy digging out of the Trump hole.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Some great lines in that article
Especially liked:
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Everything y'all said,
and a big sigh!
I came across this video, and this young woman is to be applauded for standing strong about why she is Bernie or Bust! I'm with her! -- and you know she could have listed a litany of lies decades old that have come from Hillary Clinton! The Hillary supporter in this video ended up looking rather vacuous!
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RD2VO1xqY4g ]
I can barely get myself over to the BNR, and today's was taken over by a DKos tool for Hillary.
Yes, it is a suicidal mistake,
and Bernie knows it!
YET Robinson writes as if there will be only a coronation,
not a convention, in Philadelphia.
THEY, not we, are handing the presidency to Dumpster.
thanks for bringing this to everyone's notice, anyway, Caerus
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Finally Left Daily Kos
The site makes me sick...so glad I found this one..
the Pundit class is turning ...
I hope they keep at it.
Unfortunately it's probably too little and too late
They've already done MASSIVE damage and all but handed the primaries to Clinton (and the general to Trump) on a gilded platter.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
And interesting lede in the NYT today:
I think that's the first time I have seen IF.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.