Grotesque, Neo-Liberal Der Spiegel: "Wake up, Hillary!"
Even the propaganda rag of German neo-liberalism, Der Spiegel, sees Secretary Clinton headed for the cliff:
Der Spiegel
Mistakes and Breakdowns in the Campaign
Hillary Clinton has a monumental task: the apparent Democratic candidate is the hope of every American, who wants to preserve the country from Donald Trump in November.
Obviously, the non-partisan editorial staff and owners of Der Spiegel are most concerned about the well-being of the good citizens of the United States.
The main observations are that Secretary Clinton's response to the email-affair is a "a shrug of the shoulders and a short 'sorry'," which voters find unconvincing.
Many Americans wish that she would tackle the matter more decisively. Obama showed how this is done. When he was under heavy criticism for his association with a controversial pastor in the 2008 campaign, he made a big speech, and the debate became more fact-oriented.
Obama was the great savior of the neo-liberal world after the total shambles of the 43rd US administration.
Clinton lets herself be led around by Trump.
Dear Der Spiegel: Trump doesn't really care about Clinton. He knows that if she is the candidate, come November, he has better than even chances of winning. Trump cares about himself. Secretary Clinton is has been sucked by the Bernoulli Effect into Trump's wake, along with the detritus constituting the US and German media.
This is the great part:
Clinton makes herself unnecessarily vulnerable to attack
On top of this, Clinton makes a real mistake. One example is how she deals with Bernie Sanders: her rival has no longer any chance against her. But instead of granting him with aplomb the right to contest the final primaries, on CNN she declares herself the inevitable candidate, thereby further alienating Sanders' supporters from her.
Dear Der Spiegel: the supporters of Bernie Sanders, even blind drunk, are not going to vote for her. Your editorial board is ignorant of or willfully does not report concerning the fact that Senator Sanders and Mr. Trump have fracked the great shale of anger above which the rich draw their drinking water.
You are clueless, further supported by the advice you offer to Hillary. You are aware that USians are asking the question, "What will Bill do in the White House?" Good enough. Your advice:
Instead of just answering the question with a simple "I am campaigning - not Bill" , she announces that she wants to make her husband into a sort of Jobs-Guru in an [sic!] administration. Suddenly all of America is asking itself, why she doesn't concern herself with the important labor market.
Dear Der Spiegel: "What would former President Clinton do in the White House": had you formulated your sentence in your heads in this way, you might have realized how dumb your own advice is. Everyone wants to know what a former President will do if his spouse becomes President, even if out of tabloid interest. Waiving this question off with such a stupid reply would be what I would expect Secretary Clinton to do.
Furthermore, your speaking point is a ridiculous lie. President Clinton is campaigning, violating US election laws in they way he does so; see the Massachusetts Primary, etc. It is the Clinton Foundation which is running for the Presidency.
Do try to keep up, as they say.
Lest the neo-liberals crumple over their half-double-decaf-half-caffs in despair, the last paragraph assures us that all can go well, especially for those downtrodden in the United States whose welfare keeps the German elite awake at night in their 3.5 million-Euro lofts in Hamburg:
Of course, it is clear that there are still five months until the election, and not everything which goes wrong will weigh her down. Her program for America is not so bad. It is just that a fact-based election contest with Trump is no longer possible; his populism fills all the headlines. One thing is correct, above all else: the Clintons should not be underestimated. Both Hillary and Bill have numerous campaigns behind them [wait - I thought you just told Hillary to say that she is campaigning, not Bill?], and both have shown many times that they know how things work. They have a team which is much larger than Trump's and the best-filled campaign coffer. The conditions are not bad, actually.
But it would be good for the country and the world, if her campaign got back on course. Otherwise, everyone will wake up in November to a terrible surprise.
Dear Der Spiegel: The size of their campaign team and their bank account means little. Donald Trump, if he wants to be President, can do something the Clintons would not dream of doing: self-finance. But he doesn't have to do so: he has enough supporters to help him. The size of his team doesn't matter. What matters is who gets to the polls and votes.
The candidate with the biggest team is Bernie Sanders: the king of political crowdsource.
Secretary Clinton's campaign experience is dismal. She has only been elected to one office - Senator from Wall Street. Even taking President Clinton's experience into account, elections have changed radically since the 1990s in the United States. The party system hasn't modernized much in Germany, far and away the most conservative society among the major economies of Western Europe, except that the choices have gotten worse and worse.
The fact is, German elites are paranoid that Trump will dump NATO and start talking with the boogeyman of the German political racket, President Putin.
The comments below the line to this article were highly critical of both Secretary Clinton and Der Spiegel Online (SPON).
Please, do not give Der Spiegel any more clicks. And do not learn German through the material printed in Der Spiegel. Their writing style is miserabel.
Peace and love be with you, reader.

Because a vote for Clinton --
will save America from Trumpism, or so Der Spiegel would like you to believe. Here's what they say:
See how that works?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Wow ...
Help us, Obi-wan Clintobi, you're our only hope!
May The Force Resist You!
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
A concernatorial from Somewhere else
How sweet and drippy it is. I am assuming a rather direct translation to get that smarm sense? NYT has a concernatorial about the email/server snafu, gist of "she's our only hope, just fess up and all will be forgiven, Highness Hill". Nope.
I guess NATO has fear of job losses caused by US withdrawl?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
"Even blind drunk"
Funny advice
about not reading Der Spiegel for one's German instruction. That made me laugh this morning.
On Der Spiegel's Motive
I am willing to cut Der Spiegel a little slack for the experience of the German people following a charismatic lunatic into disaster. That they have been through it before should mean they have some credibility when they express concerns about Hair Drumpf.
Then there is their apparent comfort with Hillary as Chief Executive. Have they not had one for many years now [Angela Merkel]? I seriously doubt that Frau Merkel is anywhere as devious and base as Hillary, and I can't recall anything off the top of my tired brain where she has done anything demanding reproach as has Hillary.
It's true that the staff of Der Spiegel don't know us as well as we Americans think we know ourselves. But they know more about us than we do them. They don't see Bernie as bieng a good choice expressly over his descriptive of Democratic Socialist. Germans murdered each other in the streets over such labels in the years immediately after WWI ended. It thus has a VERY different connotation there than it does here in the US.
Ergo, as there is no one else to stand against Hair Drumpf, they issue their plea to Hillary. They just have forgotten what happens when one prods the Russian Bear - which Hillary and her BFF Victoria Nuland are wont to do..
As a Bernie Sanders supporter, I am aghast at this Der Spiegel effort while I understand the motivation for it. I recommend addressing comments to them. At least disagreeing with them won't get you banned as it would over at the General Orange Soviet.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Your comment is very good and very relevent, except about...
Bernie. You can't tell me they are so naive in Germany that they care more about a label than his actual policies?
The Germans already have all the things he is trying to make happen here: universal healthcare, family paid and maternity leave, almost-free college tuition.
I find it hard to believe they can't see past some label, which is not unique to Bernie and is well-known in Europe.
And Americans would be different?
"You can't tell me they are so naive in Germany that they care more about a label than his actual policies?"
OK, I won't try.
I once had coworkers who were Hitler Youth when young. They were VERY clear that labels mattered to them. I won't go into the specifics, but I managed to inspire the automatic responses such experiences instilled in them under such training. And, their idea of humor often made me cringe.
Working with such people illustrated those years in ways that the history books can't offer. For instance, did you know that Jews were once forced to take Germanic names and abandon their Yiddish names? Such name changes usually involved derogatory connotations (I’m sure you are surprised by this). For an example, Alan Greenspan was used. His Germanic name "gruenspan" is what Germans called the oxide of copper which formed on chimney tubes. Not a name to inspire family pride, is it?
Such casual expressions of anti-Semitism as these people offered in their humor and their cultural revelations tell me much about how Germans tended to see "the Other". They would see Bernie as "the Other" and be very suspicious about him as a result.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I think the author missed to add a snark tag to his diary.
Next time the author translates a couple of paragraphs of an opinion piece that does by no means reflect "Der Spiegel's political "ideological' drift, he/she should offers a professionally translated link. As you offer a "tag sale", how much do I get for adding that tag for you? I love Trump and but like my boss, I just do any sort of political support for a couple of millions.
The authors seems to be a Good American fighting bravely against a propaganda rag for neo-liberalism "Der Spiegel" in Germany. Welcome to the Brave New World. I salute you, you are my hero.
Doesn't reflect the ideology of Der Spiegel?
I must disagree. Plenty of Russia-baiting articles, for example. Most of the reporting of the Greek Debt crisis fell into line with the position of the German banking industry - that it was all the fault of the lazy Greeks. At least that was my reading. Then perhaps the problem with Der Spiegel is that there is no clear line between reporting and opinion.
This would be no different in this sense than The Guardian, for example, which is fully in the tank for New Labor, but seems to show a bit more objectivity in reporting about the Democratic primary elections in the US, perhaps because there is an English-speaking readership there.
Furthermore, this is not exactly an "opinion piece." It is presented as news not as commentary. Even if it were, it reflects a point of view which is not consistent with first-hand journalism.
Finally, if one reads the comment section below the line on this article, many of the comments reflect a clear knowledge of the bias of this publication.
The German press is as biased as any other.
I would not call myself a good American.
I am no one's hero. Merely an observer.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
I am not smart enough and I don't care, I need Der Spiegel
in my attempt to read what is going on in Germany. If the German Press is as biased as any other, then they all probably will equal each other out, right?
Or you let me know which press is not biased in Germany. I gladly will check it out. But to ask people not to read or click on any media/press outlet gets me all cranky. I can't stand it here that people try to tell other people not to read this and that and not click here and there. I mean, if you don't want to support any corporate media outlet anymore, because they are all biased and crooked, just don't do it, but let other people decide for themselves what they are going to read.
Listen. I am not in the mood to discuss media bias. I am a lose cannon today and shoot at any biased or non-biased opinion piece. May be I am having a fever.
And you are wrong. The author of that piece, Veit Medick, is listed under the commentary section. There are other authors under that commentary category that most probably are more to your liking of your own ideological pov. And for heaven's sake, why do you read then a neo-liberal biased publication, if it's that bad?
ok, peace be with you too. I am too cranky today and I need to go.
If I have given you any stress
on account of what I have written, then I wish I had not posted this diary.
No one's nervous system is worth it.
I shall be more careful next time.
Peace and love be with you, mimi.
Der Spiegel
Der Spiegel is likely getting their news from the Main Stream Media coming out of the US and are not aware of the fact that Bernie Sanders may actually beat Clinton in pledged delegates going into the Democratic Primary Convention and if he is not rewarded the nomination, all hell will break loose.
Bernie is a fighter the likes of which few have confronted in this lifetime. He has the force of his own integrity, the blessings of both 'Mother Nature and the Pope' not to mention the support of the American People behind him.
Hillary has her party loyalists, a rigged primary, lies and distortions and dark money behind her. Those who have been supporting her (up to this point) are now questioning who she is, what she actually stands for and have good reason to wonder if she can beat Trump.
Trump has a 'fair win' on his side of the competition giving him more legitimacy than Clinton but is running on non existent and/or failed policies.
It's all very plain to see who will be the next President of the United States... that person is, President Bernie Sanders
yeah right, of course, including all the Snowden files,
they just had to copy those from the US main stream media, just like the Guardian. I get it. Totally dumbshit this "Der Spiegel" racket.
Still possible--yet highly unlikely
More likely that a straight flush in poker, which is more likely than winning the lottery, but Bernie would have to win California by 70/30 or so and at least squeak out a tie in New Jersey.
Possible, yes. Probable? No. Although, if David Brock and company keep tanking their candidate vs. Trump, it becomes a bit more probable, because electability becomes an issue and voters in CA, NJ, and elsewhere may well vote based on it.
Bernie, by all means debate Trump. Look at how the Democratic Establishment has already erupted in a sputtering rage.
A Sanders-Trump debate
would allow the US to make a choice. Those two can lay out the policies clearly [I hope] without the agenda being blurred by personal drama.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Well at least she didn't say she was eating a Milky Way.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
yeah, I guess she rather likes to eat Kinderschokolade /nt
That's got to be killing HER, a Trump/Sanders debate
If I thought prayer would get me anywhere, I'd be praying like hell that both Trump and Sanders go through with it. HER already declined, so of course, how could she possibly weasel herself back in?
I'm sure she'll find a way if it's really going to happen. She has to be there if it does, or she is completely, finally DONE.
What Saves Her
Trump is on record as saying he's fine with debating Bernie PROVIDED someone raises $10-15 million for charity. I believe Bernie could do this, but not before the CA Primary gets held. Ergo, Hillary rides out the clock without any real damage to her coronation in Philadelphia.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
By the way
this is in comparison to the coverage of some papers, for instance, Liberation (France), which is just as popular in its approach, but somewhat more objective.
Their series about the primaries can be viewed here.
To my recollection, I have not read there the same degree of bias there as elsewhere.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
Liberation is a leftist socialist publication
and I like it a lot and it's really necessary to have. If you complain that Germany has nothing leftist enough in that regard, you are probably right. I don't know any German publication that is similar in importance to the left side of things as Liberation is.
I have no confidence HRC will win the general election.
She will most likely just barely beat an old Jewish Socialist that most voters had never even heard of, despite her enormous lead early on. She previously lost to an AA with a Muslim middle name.
How will she do against a well known white Christian? Nobody knows, but I am very worried.
Peace out, tmp.
A White Christian?
Hillary is up against someone other than Bernie (non-practicing Jew) and Trump (Mammonite)?
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.