David Brooks has a good weep and fails to notice that he answered himself
She is, at the moment, just as unpopular as Trump. In the last three major national polls she had unfavorability ratings in the same ballpark as Trump’s. In the Washington Post/ABC News poll, they are both at 57 percent disapproval.
In the New York Times/CBS News poll, 60 percent of respondents said Clinton does not share their values. Sixty-four percent said she is not honest or trustworthy. Clinton has plummeted so completely down to Trump’s level that she is now statistically tied with him in some of the presidential horse race polls.
Oh dear
It’s only since she launched a multimillion-dollar campaign to impress the American people that she has made herself so strongly disliked.
The answer which he himself gives
Clinton’s career appears, from the outside, to be all consuming. Her husband is her co-politician. Her daughter works at the Clinton Foundation. Her friendships appear to have been formed at networking gatherings reserved for the extremely successful.
Forgetting at the same time to notice the vast accumulation of personal wealth obtained from the same people.
Nothing at all to do with being a workaholic as David desperately tries to argue and everything to do with reality.
Just one of those candidates; the more you hear from them, the more they triangulate and "evolve", the less you like them.
Couple her campaign with that soon to be launched by the GOP it's a lose lose situation. How can anyone be as unpopular as Trump? The Republicans must be kicking themselves that they themselves only had remarkably weak candidates, but can't believe their good luck so far, what with the Democratic Party/DNC helping them all the way.

There is almost a Stockholm Syndrome...
Going on here. People point out that Hillary is unpopular. Then Hilbots respond with, 'you just hate her because she is a woman and she is SUCCESSFUL! Why do you hate strong women!' Yeah, accusing people of misogyny and sexism because they don't like her is really gunna bring people around. There is absolutely NO self-reflection here. Maybe we don't like her because of 'how' she became 'successful' (it isn't like she invented Google, or a cure for cancer)? Maybe we don't like her because she is beholden to those who made her 'successful'? Maybe we don't like her because of what she will do to remain 'successful'? Keep insulting people, Clintonstan. That will win over more votes, I'm positive.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
They will have to come up with something better than
1] Misogyny and sexism: the right live and breath that stuff
2] Not as bad as: that has not worked in the past
3] Every evolution will be treated as a flip flop or lie.
I still would like to read her speeches to her corporate partners, probably their real worth would be about $500 each.
Don't forget they also have racism
And I seriously do not understand why the attacks on White working class people??
At this point when I am in the company of PARTY DEAD ENDERS (smile) I feel like I am expected to get on my knees and ask forgiveness for being a (Jew who can pass for) white northern liberal who is extremely privileged and therefore ignore ALLL the other peoples and their problems and I should "know my new place" in the pecking order and stfu and do as I am told or TRUMP will be all my fault... (Smile)
dear privileged party dead Enders.... So sowwy, no can do
Orwell was an optimist
The Dems have spent 4
The Dems have spent 4+ election cycles telling 'us' how demographics are on 'our' side.
The Oligarchs inside the party noticed those demographics as well.
With the crumbling of the GOP, the Oligarchs need a safe haven, a spot high on the hill from which they can continue to pull the strings and ensure their continued success in the never-ending con job that is the U.S. Economy.
They've found it; the Democratic Party.
A party that currently does not need working class white people to retain power, and post-Trump, may never need them again. The DNC and the party establishment are doing what both parties have always done; crunch the numbers until they find a majority.
They found it, and it doesn't include me.
Someone recently asked me if the Dems 'really' wanted to win with a coalition of Southern AA voters, clueless old farts, and limousine liberals.
My response was: they believe that's a coalition that can best all opposition, so yes, that's all they want; to win.
$$Hillary is the wedge the Oligarchs needed to split the Democratic Party in two, because the Oligarchs need older voters to feel both threatened and entitled in order to maintain that strange coalition. Allowing older voters to sympathize with millennials is something that cannot be allowed. Those groups must be encouraged to stare at each other with mistrust, and even more effectively; anger.
$$Hillary is the George S. Patton of the generational war to come. She's the blunt instrument that will roll over and crush this fad of peace and egalitarianism.
Someone recently asked me if the Dems 'really' wanted to win with a coalition of Southern AA voters, clueless old farts, and limousine liberals.
Now THAT comment is something you would never ever EVER be allowed to post on the the GOS
Orwell was an optimist
Someone recently asked me if the Dems 'really' wanted to win with a coalition of Southern AA voters, clueless old farts, and limousine liberals.
Now THAT comment is something you would never ever EVER be allowed to post on the the GOS
Orwell was an optimist
It's the corruption. It's the complete lack of compassion. It's the desire to be seen as "hard on crime," "hard on terror," "hard on welfare" or what ever "hard on" she needs.
If people don't like her since 2008, imagine my feelings for her since I have been disgusted by her since the 90s.
I've protested this corrupt, cackling elite warmonger as much as I protested Bush/Cheney.
Strong woman my ass... she's nothing but a super secretive, corrupt politician.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I'm sorry, It's juvenile...
But I laughed at 'or what ever "hard on" she needs. '
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Good :)
Laughter is medicinal and as far as I know, it's still legal.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
In my best Beavis and Butthead voice...
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Might be a thought crime soon
Beware the bullshit factories.
Some stockholm syndrome
but also people who really, really like that hawkishness, and vast amounts of election fraud that is being "investigated" by people who support the person benefiting from said fraud.
Yes, I was told the other day that I did not like women when
they were outspoken authority figures and I responded, "Yes I do, I am one." Crickets in response, of course.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I'm sure this won't be the last time I post this. I'm an early Xer, greenbean (Irish/Mexican), female yet somehow I'm a racist, misogynist Millenial Bernie Bro.
I avoid pie fights in general but the thing that's been bugging me most is the cognitive dissonance. An HRC supporter asked what the kids were going to do after this election. The commenter was disparaging the idea that they would help with the mid-terms. I posted a link to Brand New Congress. We then went down this hole where she continued to disparage our Mils. She was from Oz & when I called her on it she went off on me personally. I told her that next time she's presented with positive info in response to her question maybe she shouldn't take a dump on it.
They are so deep in the muck that even something which would HELP their candidate is viewed as negative.
p.s. love the sigline
"Politics is not evil; politics is the human race's most magnificent achievement." Senator Tom Fries, 'Podkayne of Mars,' Robert Heinlein
The myopia
of the entrenched power elites is a thing to behold. It's like watching a blind person trying to navigate a tank out of a car park. All that metal on metal sound.
Pretty much, the visual is a good one
Yep, amazing, excruciating
and revealing. I hear for the first time since perhaps the Vietnam war, that gasp when the curtain parts and truth bared. An opportunity?... An inverse shock doctrine? A moment when the steering wheel is demonstrably in the wrong hands.
They don't realize...
That the world has truly changed, and they cannot use the old tricks to bring things back in line. Youth not only do not trust traditional media - they completely ignore it. In fact, they really do not watch broadcast TV - getting everything commercial free from Netflix. Not only do they refuse to be influenced, the simply cannot be. They have their own way of accessing information and can smell a fake. Insulting them will only make it worse.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
If only they had all voted
It's by design that they don't, of course. The elites have never trusted or wanted the input of the youth, and they make it as hard as possible for people to vote.
In fairness, given the rampant fraud this cycle
it may not have mattered. Actually, given the rampant election fraud, it's likely enough that Bernie actually would be ahead if the playing field was actually even (correctly tabulated votes alone might do it since we don't know how many votes have been stolen at the end of the day).
"traditional media"
Maybe it's time for a new term to describe the corporate propaganda.
Beware the bullshit factories.
"Corporate propaganda" works for me. n/t
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Maybe not Myopia
The Party Elites have there eyes wide open.
Its Dystopia brought to you by Diebold, et al.
it's amazing to me too just how confident they and their...
underlings are that there will be some great unity, so they can afford to keep smacking Bernie and us all down. they ust honestly do not get it.
this has been coming for a long time, the clues have all been there, and they just want to be ostriches...
Blaming hatred and misogyny is what they do now
and they'll blame those things on a loss as well. They'll blame Sanders Supporters. They'll blame everyone and everything while they absolve Clinton of any responsibility or accountability.
It will always be someone else's fault that she loses. It will always be how amazing she is if she wins.
Just like Republicans with Conservatism.
Hillary Clinton does not fail, it is the people who fail Hillary Clinton.
(re: Conservatism never fails, only it is the people who fail Conservatism)
Hillary Clinton - Socializing credit her failures and privatizing credit for her wins. Gee, sounds familiar to something else…what could that be?
I wonder what the howls will be like if my suspicions on
down-ballot voting are confirmed. I think she will be more of a hindrance than a help.
It is more than just 'suspicions'...
There is real evidence that this is the case:
(Sorry for the politico link)
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Something I said was likely on my last diary on here
You are more right than you know.
She is a vortex down which people throw their political capital and reputations.
Some have coattails. She has coattails dipped in the acidic blood of the Alien.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
That's nothing
Just wait until the midterms of a Clinton presidency and watch as the house and senate, as well as state houses and senates across the country turn red, or turn deeper shades of red.
It is so infuriating to see Clinton supporters talk about how we need to elect more Democrats, and that that's why they're voting for Hillary (despite the fact that a Clinton presidency would have the opposite effect while a Sanders presidency would deliver precisely the change they claim to want).
So many Clinton supporters, in their worship of the Clinton cult of personality, are simply deluded or in denial about who Clinton actually is.
Like those Clinton supporters that think Clinton wants to get rid of Citizens United just because she said she did. They actually believe her! She can't get rid of CU because she has no legitimate legal argument against it. The argument that she is currently using to defend herself from receiving those grotesquely exorbitant speaking fees is the very same argument that the GOP used to win the CU decision that prevailed! She has no credible argument now against CU, yet her supporters continue to pretend otherwise.
Just how much farther down the rabbit hole will we go in this election?!
Arrr...the laws of science be a harsh mistress -Bender B. Rodriguez
It's downright Ironic...
For decades, the GOP has been criticized for zero self-reflection. That character flaw is alive and well in the establishment Democratic Party.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
The last time they reflected [Reagan won] the decided that
moving to the right was the way to go. If Hillary is their candidate I expect the same maneuver.
Brooks got all twisted up talking about how he thinks Bernie
needs to tone it down, because even though 'the process may not have been totally honest, not totally fair, ... she won fair and square'. ????????????
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/shields-and-brooks-on-the-nras-endorsemen... they get into Bernie vs Hillary around the 9:36 mark.
Does this guy hear himself talk?
Is Judy Woodruff Rachel Maddow in disguise?
None of them do, once the words are out they are free!
Same goes for their candidate of choice
I made the mistake of watching TRMS last night.
Ugh. Rachel spent a segment of the show beating up on Bernie for endorsing Tim Canova in his primary challenge to Payday Wasserman Schultz. Well, I'm assuming that it was the whole segment because I changed the channel while Rachel was still beating on Bernie.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Defending DWS is like shooting yourself in the foot
I've stopped watching her...
And took her off my Facebook feed. Her pro-Hillary screeds were too much for me.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
What a sellout twit she became. Jesus.
Twain Disciple
she sold out in 09
Solidarity forever
is not a term that applies to me, however the Clinton campaign has decided that since lots of women don't like Hils, they will throw out the insult and see if they can shame women into voting for a corrupt, lying, hypocrite. It looks like they're repelling more people than they're attracting!
You can't be shamed by someone you do not respect.
These people have no way to earn that respect back at this point. They think pretty words and empty promises will make it all better again. It will not.
I've never heard a 'pretty word'
come out of a Clinton's mouth. As for promises she and Big Dog do not promise anything, they wag their finger at you and tell you how it's going to be and that this is 'inevitable'. Hillary does not even bother to 'feel your pain'. You want affordable universal healthcare? No way, it's impossible. No free stuff for you trouble making rebellious peasants. We're at war.
Well, she hands you a nickel
She hands you a dime
She asks you with a grin
If you're havin' a good time
Then she fines you every time you slam the door.
There will be plenty of actual sexism later on, using it now so
often when not warranted will then seem hollow
Get everything up front.
I hope Black leadership did this, b/c if she manages to squelch Bernie, she will shed them like last week's shirt, I mean "pivot" away from them faster than you can blink.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
She'll still find ways to reward the career politicians
who support her. The African American community as a whole? Not so much.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Just remember, it works both ways.
Hillary has no respect for anyone except for those who have paid and enriched her.
The electorate - average people. There is no respect, so she feels no shame, nor any obligation to those people she purports to serve.
She knows who she serves and they do not let her forget it as they've spent a lot of money buying her loyalty.
She is a terrible retail politician
The more people see her, the less they like her. She presents no vision of the future (at least no vision that inspires hope). Her supporters castigate and alienate anyone who does not bow down to her. It is not a surprise that her popularity continues to drop and her negatives rise. Bernie's campaign has hurt her, not because he has criticized her. He has done remarkably little of that. His campaign has hurt her because it has presented a better alternative.
Terms like that should only be used when warrented and proved
otherwise they do more harm than good.
You can't shame someone who doesn't give a damn what you
think. It's beyond my understanding why any Bernie supporter should care what "they" think or say (or vice versa). If voters aren't supporting the candidate of their choice for reasons they consider good ones, the shame is on them directly--not imposable by a bullying asshat.
Ditto why anyone should care if they're blamed for the loss of a weak candidate whose record shows no core principles or beliefs. A candidate whose weaknesses were known long before the Democratic National Convention.
Nominate a candidate who credibly speaks AND fights for what voters want and that candidate will win.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
The Republicans killed themselves
by their appeal to Christian fanatics. The larger voting public is not fundamentalist, does not worship wealth, is not opposed to the government doing things for the common good. The Clintons have whored themselves out to the billionaires and people are starting to notice.
On the technical side how can anyone hear that screeching voice and not be reminded of a hated grade school teacher?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
You just opened up a memory for me! Yes! She is not that domineering school teacher who demands discipline. No, she is that school teacher who thinks she is 'cool', but is surrounded with class favorites and toadies. She is all smiles and nice phrases until you do something to cross her. I had that teacher in 6th grade. We were having a class election for 6th grade president, but there were 2 6th grade classes. I wanted to vote for a kid from the other class. But we had to 'participate' in the campaign of the kid who was running in our class. Including singing the stupid song that she made up for 'her' candidate (a riff on the 'Mickey Mouse Club' theme song). When I refused to sing, she got totally pissed at me. Kind of reminds me of this exact same scenario.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
nail on the head sir.!!!!!!!!
Solidarity forever
I cannot be shamed into voting for Hillary.
I won my liberation with years of hard work and self reliance, because I learned early on that he who pays the piper calls the tune. I rarely blamed someone else for my misfortunes. A few times I have been actively dealt unfairly with, but most of the time it was because I chose to put myself in situations where I could learn lessons. Life can be brutal but it is a good teacher.
So I treasure my freedom to be myself, I treasure my freedom to think what I damn well please, and I enjoy having a choice in the actions that I take.
And I will vote for whom I wish. Period.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Poor David Brooks,
He's always weeping about something. He just wants to be the popular guy!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Crocodile tears
shed by a pampered, well paid, elite NY Times columnist (right or left) do not impress me.
He's just upset Jeb! didn't win.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Without wishing to be unkind
Brooks is just not very bright. He is a pleasant, moderate Republican so he is kept around for convenience. However, when his analyses go beyond superficial (a rare occurrence), they are inevitably wrong.
I expect thats why Obama likes him
Since he's basically a pro-choice moderate republican himself.
Brooks is an idiot of privilege
I am amazed, and I should know better, that Brooks thinks that it's her style we don't like. Oh, and he also argues that Americans hate hard workers. Sheesh.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
What does she do for fun?
I actually liked this part:
This is (possibly unintentionally) a good question! Since she has no life outside of her donors and professional class policy wank sessions, it is very hard for her to have an actual personality. The reason no one trusts her is that they can't figure out who she is. And as Brooks points out, neither can she:
Personally, I think that losing would be the best thing that could happen to her as a human bean. Not to mention for the rest of us...
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
I read the article and thought, I cannot be the only person who has realized that Hillary Clinton has never done anything for the good of others. Everything she has ever done was to boost her resume for when she runs for president. Being the first female president was and remains her only goal. I have nothing against anyone pursuing their ambition, but please be honest. Don't pretend that you are in it for the benefit of others when in fact you are doing it for your own benefit. I have great admiration for those who do things for others without expecting any rewards.
It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan