Link to rules for Nevada Democratic Convention

Here's how it ends. Letter 'c' is particularly good:

III. Suspension of the Rules

a. These rule of the 2016 Nevada State Democratic Convention may only be suspended by a vote of three-­‐fourths (3/4) of all convention delegates.

b. These rules shall only be suspended in the instance whre an unforeseen circumstance in thiese rules has prehibbed the convention from conducting its required business.

c. under no circumstances shall these rules be suspended for taking any action contrary to expressed intent or will of these rules.

d. Either the Parlimentarian or the Convention Chair shall rule any motion to suspend the rules out of order based on the above criterion.

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PastorAgnostic's picture

6.2 All ballots shall be treated as votes for the Clinton nomination except under the following circumstances:
a. Independent witnesses are present. In such circumstances, delay, deny, and deride the witnesses until they leave.
b. Media personnel are present. In such cases, use the Gray Noise Static Producer Ver 3.0 by Bose. That should impact their audio quality. If the persist, claim that they are invading your space and demand that they give you room to breath. Never admit flipping ballots with the media present.
c. BernieBros are present and participating in the ballot counting. In such circumstances, demand to see their credentials, then claim that they were forged. Call in the police (State Police have already been instructed in advance to support our team) and demand that the rude, obnoxious BernieBros were disrupting the proceedings.
d. If a combination of independent witlesses, media and BernieBros are present, proceed with the ballot counting accurately, but always be ready to accuse our opponents of cheating.

6.3 Be prepared to flip votes electronically. Classes on how to do so undetected will be offered by Brian Pagliano, who set up her private server. His hacking skills are tremendous. Once flipped, "accidentally" remove all traces of paper records. Shredding should always be considered.

6.4 If the media is present, grab at least two other Hillary campaign staffers, find a BernieBro who is sitting or standing alone. and start yelling how that BernieBro did something wrong. Make sure all of you are consistent on which topic you will accuse them of.

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fakenews's picture

Very creative but sadly those seemed to have been the real rules...


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"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN

GreyWolf's picture

6.4 If the media is present, grab at least two other Hillary campaign staffers, find a BernieBro who is sitting or standing alone. and start yelling how that BernieBro ... broke your arm!


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PastorAgnostic's picture

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edg's picture

Barbara Boxer feared for her life!!! Apparently, being booed is now a potentially fatal condition.

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that apparently she missed all those signs saying "You Are Now Leaving California." Quelle horror.

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You keep using that word...

Based on her actions, she wants to win, and nothing as petty as following rules is going to get her there.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.